Reversal Merkaba Causes Densification

From Ascension Glossary
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Since the Luciferian Rebellion, the Fallen Angelic Annunaki factions that are sympathetic to the Nibiruian Agendas implanted alien machinery in the earth to set up reversal current networks that artificially forced the lowest density of the 3rd dimensional plane into misalignment with Nibiru. The Alien Machinery was used to force the planet earth to run reversal currents into the planetary grid networks, which forced an unnatural reversal merkaba spin that greatly increased matter densification. The artificial reversals running in the planetary merkaba field forced the individual inner merkaba spin to run reversals, which resulted in Gender Reversals and extensive DNA mutations in the original human body blueprint. This effectively damaged the process of spiritual Ascension, gender unification and the potential for 12 strand DNA activation, which was required for full ascension and passage through the Stargate system.[1]

Since the Luciferian Rebellion when the planetary merkaba fields were set to run reversals, in each future generation it forced a digression in the human body to descend even deeper into the densest areas of the underworld layers. The area in the human body used to radically increase density are based in the sexual misery issues promoted to fragment the 2D-4D layers. As the Core Manifestation Template of the human body descended further into the lowest dimensional fields, the physical body became 66.66 percent denser than the original natural blueprint. The result of the massive increase in densification in the human Blueprint, damaged the genetic integrity of the life forms on the earth and this is called the Checkerboard Mutation. Assorted implants and Death Seals were placed in the planet and humanity, in order to maintain the densification of the matter forms, to more easily pull them into the phantom areas. The extremely low frequency broadcast is used to rapidly increase or maintain densification through promoting primitive and destructive behaviors. This is a Divide and Conquer warfare strategy to automatically connect the human Bio-Neurology into the global Mind Control broadcast, which enforces the NAA enslavement narrative feeding into the Checkerboard Mutation.

Stonehenge Gateway

The Stonehenge gateway in the United Kingdom is the mandatory chess piece for the Checkerboard Mutation to remain operational throughout all of the global NAA controlled grids. Currently, a grid war over the epicenter of global control is underway through events occurring in the United Kingdom. The Family of Michael are at the center of this conflict, as they are coveted as pets for the Luciferian elite. This conflict highlights aggressive targeting towards the Christ-Michael masculine principle, through the consciousness war to gain total control over the changing horizontal Rod architecture on the earth.[2]


See Also

Fire Letters

Unplugged DNA