Subconscious Programming

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Until a human being awakens into higher states of observation with self-awareness and Self-Responsibility, he is a puppet of his Subconscious Programming, impulses and instinctual reactions, which maintain the most primitive and animalistic behaviors.

The subconscious or Unconscious Mind is not only a repository of instinctual and primitive impulses, it’s a hard drive that organizes all of our experiences and memories into complex mental processes that are arranged on the hidden motivations, perceptions, beliefs and feelings we have. For people that stay focused only upon the external view of the conscious mind that makes up their Ego/Personality, their inner landscape has a hidden world of subconscious judgements, biases and beliefs that remain hidden from conscious view and unknown even to them. We cannot know the subconscious mind and Subconscious Programming without turning inward, without shifting into calm and relaxed states while observing our deepest selves.[1]

First Harmonic Universe

First Harmonic Universe

For human beings, these consciousness bodies exist throughout the densities and are aspects of the higher self and Lightbody.These aspects are called the Stations of Identity.

Pavlovian Classical Conditioning

The NAA do not want the majority of humanity to ascend and achieve consciousness liberation, and thus use Pavlovian Classical Conditioning targeting the subconscious layers to influence people to think and behave in the lowest impulses and frequencies possible. If we look to the Red Wave Spectrum of extremely low frequencies used in the 1D plane for Subconscious Programming, its main negative polarities are for generating victims and victimization, bullying and threats, survival and poverty consciousness, violence and destruction, Sexual Misery and Gender Confusion, all fear-based programming. The disturbing trend in the general population is that there is an increase in dehumanizing behavior through inflicting violence and destruction upon others. This is achieved through nasty words, negative intent or by physical means, which is becoming more common in the typical 3D social setting when disagreements arise. Why do people seem to treat each other so badly? This is by intentional design.

Subconscious Programming is used to produce predators and unstable minds by targeting unseen layers of the unconscious via extremely low frequency, which is an assault on the human senses towards fear and violence. This keeps some people mentally triggered and feeling personally offended by nearly anything that they may find threatening to their egoic sense of self.[2]

Psychological Warfare

The Controllers realized that to exert control over the conscious mind of the masses, the easiest place to start is to exert control over the Subconscious Mind. By directing assorted psychological warfare methods designed for mass Subconscious Programming they shape the negative belief systems that fit into their narrative for the 3D timeline. Be aware that they do not want people to evolve past the 3D timeline, in which they exert control through artificial intelligence technologies and assorted mind control programs targeting the Three Layers of Ego; the subconscious, instinctual and Conscious Mind levels. During the Bifurcation cycle, there is an all-out assault of AI signaling and Subconscious Programming geared to spiritually oppress and obstruct the Ascension of humanity, which is being aimed primarily at the subconscious layers and shadow selves.

War on Consciousness

This spiritual war is designed to attack the human mind through the incredibly sophisticated use of Subconscious Programming methods, which are designed to dehumanize the masses so that they digress into something less than animals, a fallen shadow of a human being that has lost contact with the light of their soul. The anti-soul agenda produces people without their spiritual connection that are lost and confused, are easily exploited through subconscious programs to generate more dark shadows that carry out the enslavement agenda.

Many of the belief systems that form our Ego/Personality are subconsciously programmed during early childhood before our brains have had sufficient time to fully develop into the levels of intelligence that involve logic, language, Critical Thinking and problem solving. The human Brain and nervous system undergo several bio-spiritual developmental phase from childhood throughout adulthood (ages 12-22-33-44) that are related to the level of consciousness expansion that occurs in that individual throughout their lifetime. Thus, humans have been subconsciously programmed to repel and reject this natural stage of consciousness growth, which would evolve the human being into integration stages with their soul consciousness at the early age of 12. Controlled mainstream media keeps entertainment and news at the mental level of a 10-12 year old, to exploit the Subconscious Programming that stops adults from furthering their Soul integration. This leaves people that are effectively hypnotized and mesmerized by mainstream media emotionally stunted in their Lightbody, frozen in time at this developmental stage of being a child.

The NAA rely heavily upon the use of Subconscious Programming Mind Control tactics, through the use of assorted electromagnetic technologies, nanotechnology and chemicals that are designed to interfere with and disrupt the bio-spiritual evolution or planetary Ascension of humanity.

1D Memory Storage Unconscious Mind

First Internal Layer: This is the root layer of our Unconscious Mind and it functions like a hard drive for the ego. In this hard drive is the cellular memory storage from all of one’s lifestreams. This means that cellular memories from past lives, present lives and future lives may all be stored in this memory hard drive. These memories are not given value when they are recorded, whether one may perceive them as good or bad, these many multiple memories are stored on the root hard drive of every human being. Whether one was a fetus, baby, in between lifetimes, or unconscious when the body suffered abuse and experienced Trauma; it was recorded in one’s memory storage whether one currently remembers that event consciously or not. Because the planet was invaded and our individual memory and identity erased from those tragic events, most all human beings have four main areas of cellular memory record in their unconscious mind at varying degrees.

All or Nothing Thinking

Effectively, Subconscious Programming produces closed, rigid and dogmatic minds that think in black or white, all or nothing terms. In order to change brain chemistry and brain wave activity to achieve a healthier balance that instills peaceful wellbeing, one must first learn how to change their negative thoughtforms and subconscious belief systems, to reflect a more positive personal self-image and calm Inner Landscape.

Grooming Child Brains

Subconscious Programming starts in earliest childhood when our brains are not fully developed but are instead highly suggestible to the Social Engineering tactics of the Death Culture that further emphasize the negative conditions that cause Toxic Stress and unhappy people. The NAA are fully aware of the power of Subconscious Programming on young and undeveloped brains, and target children as early as possible to gain control over that individual throughout their lifetime. Thus, they condition the adults that have power in society and media to include the grooming of young children as a primary Archontic Deception Strategy. Children are highly suggestible to subliminal programming contained in cartoons, books, movies and other child-oriented media provided by adults or in educational material.


See Also

Three Layers of Ego

Negative Ego