Holy Mountain

From Ascension Glossary

The Cosmic Mother Dragon appears in her Triple Solar Reisha Merida-Guinevere-Brigid form when encircling the planet with her silvery ouroboros line, emanating silver white flames from her Elaysa Sun consciousness streams, which appears to reconfigure the distortions of artificial holograms and reversal blueprints. As she ignited the Avebury Umbilicus with her massive Bethlehem Star of silvery white flames during the Summer Solstice, the tri-waves of braided silver and gold pulsed through the dragon lines, which intersected with the floating bridge or Blue Rainbow Arc above Mount Kailash. This seems to be the primary focus of building the recent Holy Mountain architecture for seating the Blue Rainbow Bridge. A type of Cosmic Christ Consciousness distribution center in which different star patterns that are connected to the returning Ascended Master Rishi-Reisha identities, can heal their light body and reunite with their spiritual sun-star home and divine counterparts.[1]

Holy Mountains and Mounds

  • Ben Nevis, Scotland
  • Black Hills, South Dakota
  • Glacier Peak, Washington (volcano)
  • Jebel Barkal, Nubia (Sudan) 18.5368 31.8284
  • Lhotse, Tibet/Nepal
  • McKay Peak, Canada 66.7 -95.683333
  • Mount Ararat, Armenia/Turkey (dormant volcano) 39.7024 44.2991
  • Mount Elbert, Colorado
  • Mount Everest, Tibet/Nepal 27.9878 86.925
  • Mount Fuji, Japan 35.3606 138.7278
  • Mount Hermon, Syria/Lebanon 33.4162 35.857
  • Mount Hood, Oregon
  • Mount Jebel al-Aqra ( Syria/Turkey border) 35.9503 35.9694
  • Mount Kailash, Transhimalaya, Tibet 31.0675 81.3119
  • Mount Kenya, Kenya -0.1521 37.3084
  • Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania -3.0674 37.3556
  • Mount Kun-Lun, China 36 84
  • Mount Makalu (“The Great Black”), Tibet/Nepal
  • Mount of Olives, Jerusalem 31.7779 35.2457
  • Mount Olympus, Greece 40.0884 22.3586
  • Mound of Xian, China 34.477861 110.084789
  • Quarrendon Leas, Aylesbury, England (‘Scheduled Ancient Monument)
  • * Table Mountain, South Africa -33.9628 18.4098
  • Whistler Blackcomb, BC, Canada 50.10833 -122.9425


Mountains on the Moon

  • Mare Tranquillitatis Sea of Tranquility 8.5° N 31.4° E 873 km
  • Mare Fecunditatis Sea of Fecundity 7.8° S 51.3° E 909 km
  • Sinus Medii Bay of the center 2.4° N 1.7° E 335 km
  • Lunar Lacus
  • Lacus Somniorum Lake of Dreams 38.0° N 29.2° E 384 km


  1. Blue Rainbow Bridge
  2. LR, MP, JU and Ish PEG Compilation]

See Also

Mount Kailash

Cosmic Dragon Awakening


Solar Dragon

Solar Anointing of Michael

Amethyst Dragon Kings