During the move into Aries Solar Alchemy, it is positive to review the Natural Laws and alchemical properties for this current stage in order to reflect upon the most potent and effective ways we can participate with and meditate upon the natural elements of the solar zodiacal influences to catalyze our highest spiritual potentials.
- Stage 1 – Aries – April 19 to May 13[1]
- Alchemical Theme: Purification, Calcination
- Element: Fire, Malleable
- Elemental Form: Tetrahedron, 4 faces, 4 points, 6 edges & 720 degrees
- Tone:C
- Alchemical Metal: Iron
- Primary Planetary Correlation: Mars
- Stargate: Inner Gate of Cyprus (Stargate 1) and its linkup into Arizona, North of Sedona.
- Galactic and Universal Gates: Mercury (GSG) and Orion Theta (USG).
- Primary Embodied Correlations: Incarnate Identity Matrix, Chakra 1 Muladhara, pertains to the silver seed center & first 8 cells of the coccyx as well as birth canal programming.
Harmonization and Healing Themes
Clearing Blood Sacrifice, blood ritual, Egyptian timelines, distortion of the sun and planetary grid systems, clearing the Egyptian death cloud reincarnation Consciousness Traps, clearing survival fears, clearing Mars hybridization, Mars Timelines and war Trauma, clearing the instinctual mind, clearing the 666 code, the Reptilian Tail genetic distortion, the Thothian Shield, the elemental harness, clearing the caduceus veil & fourth ray memories and distorted instruction sets of ArchAngel Gabriel and ArchAngel Hope, Clearing all karmic attachment to the false 4th ray and to false ascended master Serapis Bey.
Aries has four stars designated Alpha, Beta, and Gamma Arietis as well as α Arietis, called Hamal, which is the brightest star in Aries. Its traditional name is derived from the Arabic word for "lamb" or "head of the ram." In ancient Egypt Aries was connected to the title “Lord of the Head” and to Amon-Ra. In Hebrew astronomy Aries symbolizes the "Lamb of the World".
The introduction stage of spiritual initiation is represented in the constellation of Aries. This is the beginning of the alchemical purification of one's consciousness through the process of exposure to fire elements and/or applying intense heat. The process of heating the body and aura to a high temperature, causing loss of moisture, reduction or oxidation, and breaking down into simpler substances to prepare to move blockages and debris. This is the activation process of the kundalini fire purification of the flesh, bone and blood. The kundalini is activated in the tailbone and begins to travel upward in the central vertical channel and chakras. This reoccurs many times during the spiritual initiation stages towards enlightenment, but always follows the alchemical principles to conclusion.[2]
- Aries - brain, cerebral hemispheres, cranium, eyes, face, upper jaw, internal carotid arteries, thalamus, adrenals.
Law of Mentalism
- Astrological Correspondence - Aries – Mars – Fire
- Chakra and Sphere 1, Subconscious Mind of Ego/Personality
The Universal Law of Mentalism correlates to the Cosmic Sovereign Law of Unity above it, in that all things share a connection with the Universal Mind, and therefore are subjected to the Law of Structure that creates all things. Whether it is referred to as the mind of God, or the mind of All One, this is the pure consciousness of infinite intelligence that expresses its principle through natural laws, spiritual laws that govern our creation. All things are made of intelligent energy that are expressed through the energetic substance, frequency-vibration, Blueprint, and an active power of motion, which takes direction from the instruction sets set forth and created from the mind. All things are created from a state of mind, a quality of thought and that which has been co-created within a system of energy, such as a planetary consciousness. Everything that we observe in the manifested worlds are the result of a mental state, a belief system that has preceded it.
When an individual observes the interaction of thoughts within thoughts, and neutrally observes all thoughts and actions, this law begins to be understood and applied to personal wellbeing and spiritual growth. It is critical to master this law first, in order to influence all other Natural Laws, as the mental plane has the ability to influence what happens in multiple dimensional planes all simultaneously. Our thoughts influence multiple planes, within our own lightbody and in the outer realities. They have an energetic effect, as well as a spiritual effect which we may not see with our visible eyes, but takes place in the subtle forces around us, permeating into multiple stations of identities and realities.
Comprehending this principle allows the spiritual seeker to apply their mental body functions to serve their highest expression, which influences all other Natural Laws and allows us to interact and interconnect with many other layers of intelligent energy. These are the consciousness aspects of other selves that exist in other dimensions, such as Soul, Monad and Avatar, as well as the intelligence aspects that exist within our physical body, heart and emotional layers. It is wise to remember thoughts are things, they are the seeds from which our garden grows and in order to change the harvest, we must first plant new seeds.[3]
Sidereal System-IAU
IAU (International Astronomical Union) uses the uneven size of the constellations. It adjusts the sign boundaries to match their actual sizes in the sky. The majority of sidereal systems use thirty-degree zodiac signs. But, the zodiac signs are different sizes in the sky. The IAU takes this into account.[4]
- ↑ Sidereal System: IAU (International Astronomical Union)
- ↑ [ES Forum, Compiled by Sequoia]
- ↑ Alignment to Natural Law
- ↑ Masteringthezodiac