
From Ascension Glossary
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Virgo (Artwork by Sequoia)
  • Stage 6 – VIRGO - September 16 to October 30
  • Alchemical Theme: Distillation, Purity
  • Element: Earth, Mutable
  • Geometric Form: Cube, 6 faces, 8 points, 12 edges, 2160 degrees
  • Planetary Correlations: Mercury, Jupiter
  • Alchemical Metals: Quicksilver, Tin
  • Embodied Correlations: The Celestial Mind. The 6D Indigo wave of the third layer of the Soul Matrix that is connected to the Pituitary Gland and Indigo Hara Center.
  • Virgo rules: abdominal region, large and small intestines, lower lobe of liver, spleen, duodenum, thymus secretions, peristalsis of the bowels, pancreas.


Cleansing tightening and repair of Axiatonal lines, establishing and refining planetary grid system relationships, process and repattern karmic geometries, amplify energy transmission for healing and nadial body electrical system recalibration, integrate polarity in the grace of your unity vow, synthesize spiritual energy into biology.

Clear the false program of the 5th ray, terminate any cording, links, or impact from Arc Angel Raphael and false Mother Mary. Clear the etheric and all layers of bodies of the false ascension matrix programs and ascended master programs cleanse and recalibrate your third eye and fifth ray connection.


Lying between Leo to the west and Libra to the east, it is the second largest constellation in the sky. It can be easily found through its brightest star, Spica. Besides Spica, other bright stars in Virgo include Zavijava, Porrima, Auva and Vindemiatrix. Due to the effects of precession, the First Point of Libra, also known as the autumn equinox point lies within the boundaries of Virgo.


This is the continual process of purification of the internal energies which separate the unnecessary dross and is designed to remove the contaminants. The goal is to acquire a concentration of the wholly natural essential substance, which is how the pure energetic consciousness is distilled. This is the process of accessing and obtaining that pure essence (via the inner spirit), and distilling its spirit substance into our body and earth. This is a phase of refinement of our internal energies and spirit in relationship to our body.[1]

Law of Response, Golden Rule

God-Sovereign-Free (GSF)
  • Astrological Correspondence - Virgo – Mercury, Jupiter - Earth
  • Chakra and Sphere 6, Celestial Mind of Solar Body

This law means that when we genuinely seek guidance and help from the spiritual-energetic realms, and we pray or ask directly for that guidance and support, that we will always receive a response. It is our responsibility to learn how to listen to the whisper in the stillness of our heart for that direct response to our question, or allow ourselves to be in beginner’s mind to receive the answer to our request. We must ask directly and state our request for help as clearly as possible, with loving Vibrations. We must be careful to not let fear and anger overtake us, as we may be sent an Imposter Spirit or hostile entity. When we do not feel an immediate answer, it is because our spiritual connection is weak or it is related to timing and location, in which to properly receive the message. Keep asking, intending to connect with God Source. Spirit and the consciousness realm communicate in feelings, emotions and animations, it guides us through our sensory feelings. When we feel lost in the darkness and chaos of this world, blinded by the fear or confusion of the Negative Ego, we can always ask for help and get a response. When we feel isolated and alone, or need to discern a situation more clearly with more information, ask and stay open minded. The light within us will ignite a spark allowing the ego to dissolve in the light, so we begin to hear the inner message within the light. Christ said, “Knock, and it shall be opened unto you.”, essentially this is the Law of Response. [2]

Physiology Correlated to the Galactic Zodiac

Physiology Correlated to Galactic Zodiac
  • Virgo -abdominal region, large and small intestines, lower lobe of liver, spleen, duodenum, thymus secretions, peristalsis of the bowels, pancreas.

Triple Solar Goddess Alchemy

For those Starseeds working on the embodiment pieces for the Triple Solar Goddess sacred sophianic awakening on the Earth, as the authentic Cosmic Mother is anointing her Maji Grail Queen daughters, the month of October tends to deliver the maximum intensity with surreal physical ascension symptoms and abruptly jarring bifurcation events. Returning the true sophianic expression of the Triple Solar Female Christ in her Solar Dragon Queen emanation requires nerves of steel while her consciousness is going into the darkest hell realms and back, as the reclamations required for the embodiment process are inexpressible to those who do not know this experience and thus will not understand. The misogynistic spiritual confrontations we face from nonhumans in the interdimensional spaces during fieldwork and the relentless derision spewed from mind controlled and asleep humans on the ground, is highly emotional and painfully disturbing in its dark Satanic content. The purposeful defilement, perversion and vitriolic hatred generated by the imposters towards the utter destruction of the authentic sacred divine feminine, has no adequate words.[3]


  1. [13 Laws of Alchemy Galactic Zodiac Forum, by Sequoia]
  2. Alignment to Natural Law
  3. Starry Night

See Also

Virgo’s Magnum Opus

Galactic Zodiac