Scotland’s Hyperborean Portal: Difference between revisions

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Guardian projects have identified NAA Black Hole Technology for dismantling and eviction that have been used to damage the natural Planetary Grid Network and the masculine Rod functions, these are alien machines that have been operating the Anti-Christ Pillars in Norway. These are smaller pillars that form a ley line network that plugs into one massive pillar intended to hijack the Planetary Rod system, with extensive layers of embedded alien machinery that extend into the northern tip of Scotland’s Hyperborean Portal, and then sprawl further into the Scandinavian countries that further plug into the Black Cube matrix in Mecca. These run AI Reversal Networks that are used by the NAA Black Sun forces to siphon life force from the planet and use it as a tool for maintaining global consciousness enslavement. [1]

Cosmic Christos Dragon Teachngs

Law of One, Books of the Law

Cosmic Christos Dragon Teachings are the esoteric Mystery School teachings originally sourcing from the Emerald Founder Records that were being protected by the ancient Celtic Church that was first formed upon the Earth many thousands of years ago, by the remaining Azurite survivors of the Hyperborean Electric Wars on Gaia. These earlier first waves of the Christos Mission teams were time travelers into this density via the operational portions of the stargate system near the Irish Sea and North Sea. The Christos Mission teams brought their knowledge of the Cosmic Christos Dragon Teachings and entered the island chains in the North Atlantic Sea located between Scotland and Norway and many settled throughout the northern most tip of Alba, or Scotland and Hibernia. This Azurite line of Ascended Masters on the Christos Mission came to teach and guide the angelic human tribes in order to help them rebuild their civilizations after the Ice Age floods that caused global catastrophe and to take an inventory of planetary grid damage, to assess the ground conditions for future rehabilitation missions.

Although they organized themselves through the Christos Mission directives in order to teach and guide humanity in alignment to Cosmic Christos Dragon Teachings which were later known as the Celtic Church, in earlier times there were no actual buildings or temples designated for the purpose of instructing the teachings due to the fact they were migratory.[2]


See Also


Rise of Arthur

Albion Lightbody
