Setting LOO Law of Structure for Organization: Difference between revisions

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2. '''Identify Relationships and Group Members'''. Put all relationships with people or organizations made in task of building the group entity, or collaboration with entity in writing or have verbal clear compassionate exchanges about duties, reporting on progress, use of proceeds etc. Maintain clarity in all discussions with the group, such as value exchanges, reimbursements and immediately air out grievances or conflicts to find immediate resolution to any types of conflict. Do not allow anything that has tension to remain hidden or unsaid for a length of time. Do not gossip or hide discussions from others in the leadership group. Intend to build trust in the group in all communications, emphasize the direction of energy focus and attention with fair mindedness and coherent group interactions based in genuine good will and heart-based feelings.  
2. '''Identify Relationships and Group Members'''. Put all relationships with people or organizations made in task of building the group entity, or collaboration with entity in writing or have verbal clear compassionate exchanges about duties, reporting on progress, use of proceeds etc. Maintain clarity in all discussions with the group, such as value exchanges, reimbursements and immediately air out grievances or conflicts to find immediate resolution to any types of conflict. Do not allow anything that has tension to remain hidden or unsaid for a length of time. Do not gossip or hide discussions from others in the leadership group. Intend to build trust in the group in all communications, emphasize the direction of energy focus and attention with fair mindedness and coherent group interactions based in genuine good will and heart-based feelings.  

3. '''Integrate Prayer'''. Open spiritual links or dial up conditions for how spirit-consciousness enters or interacts with the technology and group entity through its structure. This is the internal ethical guidance system, and this needs to be clarified in all management levels and administration levels. For us in ES this is the [[12D Shield]], [[GSF]] and [[Unity Vow]]. All leadership involved must act in accordance to these principles (they have been set forth in the mission and law of structure) or be at risk for more open energy leakages and parasitism in which then dark portals and implants will ensue.
3. '''Integrate Prayer and Setting Intention'''. Open spiritual links or dial up conditions for how spirit-consciousness enters or interacts with the technology and group entity through its structure. This is the internal ethical guidance system, and this needs to be clarified in all management levels and administration levels. For us in ES this is the [[12D Shield]], [[GSF]] and [[Unity Vow]]. All leadership involved must act in accordance to these principles (they have been set forth in the mission and law of structure) or be at risk for more open energy leakages and parasitism in which then dark portals and implants will ensue.

4. Be honest and use [[Discernment]] to evaluate proficiency, [[Personal Competency|competence]] and [[Personal Integrity|integrity]] of those involved with the group structure/entity. Build trust and ask to earn trust, do not misplace trust. People can be good hearted people, but not competent to carry out certain skillsets. Do not allow any one person to freely enter or access the administration of the group structure that is not known personally to the leadership, without being properly assessed for [[Trustworthy Behaviors|trustworthiness and motivations. Ask the questions of self in meditation and ask others to be clear of the motivations behind their actions or the tasks taken on. The less stable the person/people/group involved, the more clouded and confused the structure can potentially become, which opens vulnerability to low moral-ethical standards, interference, hacking, hijacking, confusion, etc.
4. '''Be [[Honesty|Honest]] and use [[Discernment]].''' In which to evaluate proficiency, [[Personal Competency|competence]] and [[Personal Integrity|integrity]] of those involved with the group structure/entity. Build trust and ask to earn trust, do not misplace trust. People can be good hearted people, but not competent to carry out certain skillsets. Do not allow any one person to freely enter or access the administration of the group structure that is not known personally to the leadership, without being properly assessed for [[Trustworthy Behaviors|trustworthiness and motivations. Ask the questions of self in meditation and ask others to be clear of the motivations behind their actions or the tasks taken on. The less stable the person/people/group involved, the more clouded and confused the structure can potentially become, which opens vulnerability to low moral-ethical standards, interference, hacking, hijacking, confusion, etc.

5. Avoid 3rd party interactions having any kind of authority over the architecture of the structure or group entity, unless it is absolutely necessary. Pay attention to these relationships because they can be laden with triggers that open dark portals. Such as, one may need to hire and have an account for hosting internet or servers for entity. Choose wisely and check for energetic alignments. The more involved the owner/founders are with the entity as the host, the more the mission statement and ethical principles will be held in place to deflect unsavory characters, and people of low ethical behaviors and dark spirits that manipulate. Be mindful of hosting privileges in the group field and determine who has authority in the group field, someone will need to be in a faciliatory position of the energy field dynamics. One must limit the authority that others have that are outside ethical guidelines of the internal spiritual guidance system that has been set as the navigator of the group. This is not a judgment; it is discerning the [[Clarity]] required for higher frequency that is [[Krystal Star]] and Krystic architecture. If one calls upon these Christos spirits, the highest ethics will be attempted to be present in the group entity, and one must be aware that very few people on Earth now understand these levels of ethics to maintain the connection and field harmonization.
5. '''Avoid 3rd party interactions having any kind of authority in your organization'''. For successful alignment to the mission statement it will require that you have full overview awareness of all facets of your organization, to become aware of energetic interactions with the architecture of the structure or group entity, and to not allow 3rd Party interactions into your organization's activities unless it is absolutely necessary. Pay attention to these relationships because they can be laden with triggers that open dark portals. Such as, one may need to hire and have an account for hosting internet or servers for entity. Choose wisely and check for energetic alignments. The more involved the owner/founders are with the entity as the host, the more the mission statement and ethical principles will be held in place to deflect unsavory characters, and people of low ethical behaviors and dark spirits that manipulate. Be mindful of hosting privileges in the group field and determine who has authority in the group field, someone will need to be in a faciliatory position of the energy field dynamics. One must limit the authority that others have that are outside ethical guidelines of the internal spiritual guidance system that has been set as the navigator of the group. This is not a judgment; it is discerning the [[Clarity]] required for higher frequency that is [[Krystal Star]] and Krystic architecture. If one calls upon these Christos spirits, the highest ethics will be attempted to be present in the group entity, and one must be aware that very few people on Earth now understand these levels of ethics to maintain the connection and field harmonization.

6. Learn the difference between [[Consumptive Modeling]] and inner sustainability and have a basic knowledge of the [[Universal Laws]] to obey these laws in the management of the structure. Attempt to integrate those clear ethical and trustworthy behaviors within all responsibilities of the organization. [[GSF Behaviors]], [[Virtue-Ethics|Virtues]], Trustworthiness learning about [[Group Consciousness]], [[Relationship Mastery Guidelines]] are great places to start expanding awareness in this regard.
6. '''Learn the difference between [[Consumptive Modeling]] and [[Inner Sustainability]]'''.  and have a basic knowledge of the [[Universal Laws]] to obey these laws in the management of the structure. Attempt to integrate those clear ethical and trustworthy behaviors within all responsibilities of the organization. [[GSF Behavior]]s, [[Virtues]], Trustworthiness learning about [[Group Consciousness]], [[Relationship Mastery Guidelines]] are great places to start expanding awareness in this regard.

7. Become aware of [[Astral Plane|Astral]] and New Age manipulation tactics, [[Spiritual Bypassing|astral complacency]] and the variety of astral implants and AI overlays and clones that manifest clouded, confused, ambiguous and magical thinking which obstruct clarity in one’s organization and group. If this is not corrected the group becomes a feeding frenzy of energy parasites, and vampiric behaviors which destroy the group integrity and suck the leadership dry, as well as others. <ref>[Foundation Q&A - LR]</ref>
7. '''Be Wary of [[New Age Groupthink]].''' Become aware of [[Astral Plane|Astral]] and New Age manipulation tactics, [[Spiritual Bypassing|astral complacency]] and the variety of astral implants and AI overlays and clones that manifest clouded, confused, ambiguous and magical thinking which obstruct clarity in one’s organization and group. If this is not corrected the group becomes a feeding frenzy of energy parasites, and vampiric behaviors which destroy the group integrity and suck the leadership dry, as well as others. <ref>[Foundation Q&A - LR]</ref>

==Related Topics to Research==
==Related Topics to Research==
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[[Service to Others]]
[[Service to Others]]


Latest revision as of 00:54, 7 September 2023

Setting up Law of Structure for a Business/Group/Organization

Law of One, Books of the Law

Awakened Starseeds and Indigo persons tend to have intensified lifetime patterns that may be filled with great difficulties arising with Dark Force Manipulation, especially when setting up groups, organizations and businesses. What is important for those of us awakening and emerging into more public roles or service offerings, is that we must know how to command our personal space and operate from a strong spiritual foundation, in which we act as the steward and leader of resources that are organized within a Law of Structure which is being applied to our personal business or organization, in which our good works are offered with the intention to be in Service to Others.


D is mentioning something that could be a 100-hour series. This is a major, major question, but let's try to get to some key points. D is saying the foundation of his previous organization fell apart because of the constant interference and Gang Stalking and the Negative Ego type of attacking from within the organization. So he is asking: How can I best lay a strong energetic foundation that is resilient and incorruptible? Are there ES strategies I can use to support and protect my organization? My platform may be reaching millions of people and I'm trying to create an energetic architecture to support this. I'm preparing for every attack in the book to be thrown my way.


Transcript: This is very good D. I think some of the best advice I am going to give you is to never give up. And in those moments where it's tough just remember that it's temporary, that you're going to get through this. I think that tenacity, diligence, and never giving up, knowing what your mission is, even if you don't know all the details, just taking one small step at a time every day. Don't give up. There are going to be moments where it's going to be really, really difficult. Because taking on group consciousness in stewardship position is very isolating and there is a burden of leadership. Any time you step into leadership there is a massive energy burden that comes with it in order to set the space for creation. It is what it is. And the issue is that for those of us that know this is our role we take it on because it happened naturally, it happened organically. And this is generally a part of our Starseed mission.

Now in creating discernment with things you interact with; first of all is knowing that it is going to be very difficult because right now we do not have Christos structures and people that even understand half the work we’re doing in ES. The biggest challenge we have is interacting with other people that do not have the understanding and the consciousness awareness that we do, and also interacting with other services that are generally completely hijacked by Negative Ego or even full-on embedded with Satanic forces. And so, it becomes more and more difficult to navigate that, such as with technology, videos, hosting platforms, and the like.

Something that is critical going forward is with every piece that you set forth, must contain a law of structure which holds the intent, consent and authority in a pristine format. First of all, to emerge in a Group Consciousness that includes unity in diversity as the model, there will need to be effort towards defining and writing out the setting of a mission statement designed for your group’s objectives and activities, along with the setting of your personal values, and that is what is meaningful to you as the leader, in which the balance of the structure will function within.

As you create this mission statement for your organization this is what we call the Law of Structure. You want to know and define the intent, consent and authority of group purpose, and where those sharing this space agree with your setting the terms of the field and energy exchanges. Then you want to be clear about where you're directing your personal attention and define your focus and for what purpose while working in the group energy field. As a moral character, you are going to stay true to that in your behavior and actions, until what was defined in the mission statement doesn't fit your personal value system anymore, because you have gained experience or grown beyond that. It doesn't matter in terms of how much detail, but you need to write this down in order to define it to yourself, and the group which you lead or take part in its formation. In the beginning you just put down on paper what you know to be true in this moment and then maybe in a couple years you'll need to revise this mission statement to be updated with what you have learned. At that time, you may need to review this again.

Pray to God, and go into Meditation to ask questions, and then you need to ask what is the direction forward and pay attention to impressions and messages. Because what generally happens is that when you allow yourself, you pray, Beloved God, I'm showing up to be of service, please guide me in right alignment to serve our group objectives {name}. Please guide me in right action and to embody the highest expression of my divine integrity. [in alignment to the Natural Laws.]

Most of the time where you’re guided is not going to be what your ego-personality thinks or what your personality wants to do or hear, and that's the discipline needed to address uncomfortable issues. Because you may be asked to do things that do not feel aligned or right, you may come to a point in group or stewardship when you need to do things that are very confrontational, but always with Compassionate Communication and willingness to harmonize conflicts. And with confrontations, I'm not talking about in an aggressive, violent, or egotistical way, I'm talking about having Empathy while having uncomfortable conversations with people around you that are very difficult to carry out, but that you know that you have to bring out to the surface. We live in a culture where nobody wants to talk about uncomfortable and pressing issues going on around us. And as a leader of any organization, you're going to need to do that. You're going to be forced to do that. And you're going find out that 99% of your role is resolving conflicts, putting fires out, harmonizing relationships, and harmonizing the field of the group.

And sometimes it can be very frustrating because it feels like you can't get past continual conflicts in order to actually get any real work done. But it really is a part of the virtue ethics of patience and the diligence in developing the Spirits of Christ, these are powerful virtues that you have to put in place so that you can handle the immense stress of what comes to derail and confuse the group, and so that you're not out of centre or completely stressed out or go into an escapist type mode to avoid needed confrontation. Because once you start this path in service to higher spiritual alignment with Christ, the path is narrow and it is very difficult. I know that you have shared with our community… and in your peer group it is very common to be partaking of recreational drugs, to go party, or whatever that is hip, cool, trendy, in the twentysomething group. None of that is going to be compatible or congruent to the law of structure in service to God’s plan, if it is truly in alignment to your highest expression as a leader in service.

So, you're going to find leadership and stewardship of group resources can be very difficult, and very isolating. That is going to be challenging in the beginning because the isolation factor will happen for a while until you get some momentum, until you get some strength, until a partner or like-minded people are able to come and help and be a part of that mission as a group objective. Even so we still have to be on top of it because most people don't clear their Negative Ego and have serious blind spots. So, what we deal with in a leadership position is we’re constantly battling ignorance and negative ego and victim victimizer and very basic fundamental things that you think people should be more advanced with common sense and be beyond this behavior, but it is not so and evident in behaviors. When push comes to shove in a high stress environment that is based in these highest frequencies it brings out everybody’s hidden shadow. And those shadow bodies are bumping up against each other’s woundedness and then things can get very difficult if people do not have compassionate communication skillsets and a commitment to serve the group objectives over the personal preferences.

One of the things I've been honest with on my path is pretty much anyone that offered to help me when I was absolutely desperate, you know whether I am a nomad and I’m living out of my car and I have somebody who is going to help me with appointment setting, or you know somebody that says I really love what you're doing and I want to help you, 99% of those people were plants by dark entities. And what they really wanted to do was destroy everything I was working towards in the group setting. And so this can be very demoralizing at times because constantly you're getting people with smiling faces that say they want to help, but that really have a knife behind their back or their motives are not clear and they are easily manipulated by forces they don’t understand. Most of them don't even know they are doing it, because it comes in subconscious impulses and mind control influences, they have not seen inside themselves yet. Some people are lost and thus easily manipulated and they're there to actually tear you down and rip you apart. So you have to be tough, because sometimes you may trust someone and they seem very genuine and very nice and they appear to really want to come and help you or say that they do, and it turns out that's not at all what they wanted to do subconsciously or that it was a power game for them. They are being led by their shadow parts and you have to see those ugly moments and it's not fun. It's not fun at all, and this is just how it is at this time.

Thus, the first step in a group is that you set your mission statement so you are living true to yourself and the words you say. Mean what you say, and say what you mean. You know yourself well enough to know what your personal value system is in serving God and then as you build your platform and group, as you build your business, any single person that you create an agreement with, that you create, you consciously acknowledge that this person is included in the group as a team member or will be working for you. In the group function, identify what the group’s purpose is and that each person has a function that should be expressed or defined in some way. Such as this person will be doing XYZ for you/group, all of this needs to be detailed in mutual conversation and you need to not shy away and base ideas on assumptions. Everything that you have within your platform/group and you are calling upon another person to help at whatever capacity, a conversation needs to be had to discuss intent, consent and authority. And that conversation needs to be very clear about what you're setting forth, what your intentions are, and what your expectations are in that person that is in the group as a team member.

As an example in ES foundations, one of the first things I say and not everybody reads, a lot of people don't read, but they come into ES foundation. But what I try to say over and over again is to understand within the community the negative ego is not welcome, and I do expect when you come into this community and communicate with other members, that the negative ego is not welcome. That means that Compassionate Communication skills need to be built and shared in the group, and using a polite, courteous language and treating people with respect and, if possible, unconditional love for the divinity that exists within them. So, it is about creating that consciousness awareness that when we interact with other people there are things that are not acceptable in the group and it is agreed upon in the group. Such as negative ego displays and Victim-Victimizer blaming styles of others is not acceptable. Taking over the group spaces or not understanding Healthy Boundaries or creating time sucks with endless Circular Debates. This is not welcome because what that person is doing is sucking energy from the organization and its efforts to accomplish its objectives.

So you are going to have to figure out when you have people in the organization/group; who is sucking energy from it? Because that one person can destroy your organization if you don't do something about it. And this is the uncomfortable confrontation. It's very unfortunate and the person is going to think you're a jerk and you're just judgmental and blah blah blah. But the issue is that these are neutral decisions you have to make in understanding the overall health of the organization. Think of it and connect to it as a consciousness, that your consciousness is within this organization. So you will be the leader of that organization who will set all of the intention within the field, so you need to have clarity about what that is. And also understand when a person that you have brought on is not acting in integrity or is not acting in alignment to the structure you need to try to correct that. You are going to state in words in a very uncomfortable socially awkward situation: “Look, this is not appropriate behavior, what I suggest is this”. And then there has to be consequences if this is not adhered to, then that person has to face consequences and that may mean dismissal or disbanding from the person, place or thing, like: you're not in this community anymore, you're not in this platform anymore, or whatever it is that you're co-creating as a group consciousness. And these are uncomfortable things that you will have to do in the course of the lifetime of building the health of your organization, because you're going to want to think of the energetic health of your organization. What is it that nourishes the group field and objectives, what behaviors help to build and support it, that grows the field strength versus what is it that is entropic, what is sucking energy, what is parasitic? And you will need to feel that within the dynamics of your community field energy and go and plug those holes or try to harmonize those areas through compassionate communication and conflict resolution for a better outcome to the best of your known ability.

So, some critical questions as always are going to be, who is your authority? And, who do you serve? Whatever you are engaged with it is going to be the same, meaning your platform, your mission, your work in this world. If you do not know this, then you have to find out, right? This is a part of the mission statement so that you have a better idea of those things that you are growing towards. Once you have determined your authority then you have to make a declaration to self, to the higher power gestalt of consciousness you are interacting with to integrate a universal law of structure. And again, so that law structure will be whenever you, let’s say you have a service, an Internet service, technology equipment, anything that you bring into your sphere of the group consciousness and purposefully think of what you are co-creating. When you think of your platform-group think of it as an energetic project, a sphere of energy that holds a structure. Then when you bring certain things like a computer, a phone, technology, people, take that particular technology and then put it in your Christos shield light bubble that you have encompassed to represent the symbol of your work, your organization, your platform, whatever it is and then feel that in your heart and intend to align it to the Christos purpose or whatever purpose you have set out for it to serve in terms of the divine purpose of which it serves.

For example, that means everything I use, everything in my house, I’ve got lights here, I’ve got a microphone, I’ve got a mouse, I’ve got technology. Tomas and I bless everything. It is intended to be in alignment to my service to the Christos Mission. Period. Now we still get interference because as we know we have all kinds of Ai and weird transmissions, but the thing is that every single thing you interact with you are intending that congruent harmony to be in alignment with that person, place or thing. And you can also do this if you are bringing someone into, let's say your platform, a friend or someone that's helping the group field. Bring out in language everything that you can say in detail in terms of setting terms for exchanges and expectations needed to uphold in the group so it’s not destroyed by parasitic energy. It's kind of like looking at: with this resource, how are these resources going to be used, what is most effective and efficient in that process? Those discussions need to be had as the steward of any group field and the participants involved.

And if you can't really get into the spiritual components because most people can’t have that conversation about Consciousness or God, then talk to their higher self and intend to create that congruency, that heart to heart alignment in terms of divine purpose of what this group serves. Or find the commonality of language that you can all agree on in the group field, whether it's coming together to be of service, to create a platform for disclosure, or for whatever it is. That this is all agreed upon with all parties that are there in the group working together, as you want to create unified cooperation to the best of your known ability.

By working with a law of structure, and you'll see I do this every time I open up the field and we talk about our ascension broadcast, you'll hear me set the intention of what we’re doing. I do the Unity Vow which is our handshake, and people may say why do you keep saying this over and over again? because the more that you set this, you're setting this intention of the Unity consciousness within the law structure that governs the group field. This is my intent, consent and authority, and the stronger it is the harder it is to fall, meaning that outside forces will try to come in and try to take it down, which they do all the time. So a lot of the times you have some entities knocking at the door but they can't get in because the law structure is very tight because your field setting is clear, coherent and aligned with Natural Laws of God.

The issue is that all of our technology on planet is compromised, at this stage. Until we have Disclosure and we get through this period of time of this intense Spiritual Warfare it's very challenging to integrate into a world that is completely possessed by deep state and Luciferian bloodlines and everything else that they're doing out there to interfere and confuse people, to divide and conquer groups. It is all just a deception, a lie, an Alice in Wonderland inversion out there. So when we start to speak truth in a group setting and we start to live in truth, you are going to get attacked from every direction. Again, it's just the way it is and we must recognize spiritual warfare is everywhere around us.

I would suggest the newsletter March 2019 that was Individualism, Autonomy and Self-Leadership, because for someone in your 20s really coming into a leadership role, this is tough, because you've been through a lot to bring you here to this point. But the self-leadership skill has to really be in place in your discipline within your life so that discipline shows up in your organization. If you are not disciplined your organization is going to have problems, meaning the structure behind your own leadership and self-awareness will carry over into the organization. You have to be committed to your own Self-Sovereignty and self-leadership before you can actually be a good leader in a platform. So just recognize those skills and seek to improve them in yourself and you'll get the trial by fire in your organization because it will just put you through all of the punches that you go through, all the things that you learn by bringing in a platform that becomes more public or puts you in a leadership position, as it’s going to happen by default. In those moments when it gets really tough, it's just incredibly tough, do not give up and take a breath. Know how to take care of yourself, know how to give yourself pep talks. As you get on the path of truth your true friends will become smaller and smaller so hopefully have a couple of good strong moral people that you can trust when you ask for advice.

Know that right now because we are in spiritual warfare it's going to be tough. I'm hoping that as we get through this period of time and through disclosure it is going to get easier. But again, it sounds like things are setting, you believe they’re setting into motion, and it's happening now. So, sending you all my love and prayers for a supportive and productive platform in whatever project you're working on and thank you so much for your question.

Basic Guidelines for Setting up field Architecture for an LOO Entity

1. Prepare a Mission Statement, Include the purpose, intents and consent to authority, identify, describe or have clarity on the group objectives and the people giving roles or positions to complete tasks for the group entity, such as who is in leadership of the management of that task/team. A form of mission/purpose/intent should be imprinted (written) on the entity/structure, such as written out on the website or wherever the group holds its meetings for some purpose. The structure should be made with this intention and agreements with services or exchanges to be carried out in the objectives that serve the name/purpose/business entity – this is thinking of this mission as a consecration of the entity purpose which needs a body to represent it. Clarify all items involved with the group entity as much as possible and remove any ambiguous relationships/cords/entanglements. Value exchanges and energy exchanges should be clarified as much as possible in a mutual agreement of win-win for all involved. The leader-owner should reiterate guidelines for the group and its governing behaviors, and emphasize higher qualities such as Spirits of Christ (Purity, Kindness, generosity, etc.) which are intended to be upheld, personally and professionally and within the container that is the group consciousness. It is the Law of Governance of the structures being cocreated for a group purpose, and that all people involved agree to honor and act in the parameters of those guidelines that have been set forth by the owners/partners/founders. A unified front of clear understanding is critical to successful entity architecture to deflect and stop interference that will be generated from a variety of sources.

2. Identify Relationships and Group Members. Put all relationships with people or organizations made in task of building the group entity, or collaboration with entity in writing or have verbal clear compassionate exchanges about duties, reporting on progress, use of proceeds etc. Maintain clarity in all discussions with the group, such as value exchanges, reimbursements and immediately air out grievances or conflicts to find immediate resolution to any types of conflict. Do not allow anything that has tension to remain hidden or unsaid for a length of time. Do not gossip or hide discussions from others in the leadership group. Intend to build trust in the group in all communications, emphasize the direction of energy focus and attention with fair mindedness and coherent group interactions based in genuine good will and heart-based feelings.

3. Integrate Prayer and Setting Intention. Open spiritual links or dial up conditions for how spirit-consciousness enters or interacts with the technology and group entity through its structure. This is the internal ethical guidance system, and this needs to be clarified in all management levels and administration levels. For us in ES this is the 12D Shield, GSF and Unity Vow. All leadership involved must act in accordance to these principles (they have been set forth in the mission and law of structure) or be at risk for more open energy leakages and parasitism in which then dark portals and implants will ensue.

4. Be Honest and use Discernment. In which to evaluate proficiency, competence and integrity of those involved with the group structure/entity. Build trust and ask to earn trust, do not misplace trust. People can be good hearted people, but not competent to carry out certain skillsets. Do not allow any one person to freely enter or access the administration of the group structure that is not known personally to the leadership, without being properly assessed for [[Trustworthy Behaviors|trustworthiness and motivations. Ask the questions of self in meditation and ask others to be clear of the motivations behind their actions or the tasks taken on. The less stable the person/people/group involved, the more clouded and confused the structure can potentially become, which opens vulnerability to low moral-ethical standards, interference, hacking, hijacking, confusion, etc.

5. Avoid 3rd party interactions having any kind of authority in your organization. For successful alignment to the mission statement it will require that you have full overview awareness of all facets of your organization, to become aware of energetic interactions with the architecture of the structure or group entity, and to not allow 3rd Party interactions into your organization's activities unless it is absolutely necessary. Pay attention to these relationships because they can be laden with triggers that open dark portals. Such as, one may need to hire and have an account for hosting internet or servers for entity. Choose wisely and check for energetic alignments. The more involved the owner/founders are with the entity as the host, the more the mission statement and ethical principles will be held in place to deflect unsavory characters, and people of low ethical behaviors and dark spirits that manipulate. Be mindful of hosting privileges in the group field and determine who has authority in the group field, someone will need to be in a faciliatory position of the energy field dynamics. One must limit the authority that others have that are outside ethical guidelines of the internal spiritual guidance system that has been set as the navigator of the group. This is not a judgment; it is discerning the Clarity required for higher frequency that is Krystal Star and Krystic architecture. If one calls upon these Christos spirits, the highest ethics will be attempted to be present in the group entity, and one must be aware that very few people on Earth now understand these levels of ethics to maintain the connection and field harmonization.

6. Learn the difference between Consumptive Modeling and Inner Sustainability. and have a basic knowledge of the Universal Laws to obey these laws in the management of the structure. Attempt to integrate those clear ethical and trustworthy behaviors within all responsibilities of the organization. GSF Behaviors, Virtues, Trustworthiness learning about Group Consciousness, Relationship Mastery Guidelines are great places to start expanding awareness in this regard.

7. Be Wary of New Age Groupthink. Become aware of Astral and New Age manipulation tactics, astral complacency and the variety of astral implants and AI overlays and clones that manifest clouded, confused, ambiguous and magical thinking which obstruct clarity in one’s organization and group. If this is not corrected the group becomes a feeding frenzy of energy parasites, and vampiric behaviors which destroy the group integrity and suck the leadership dry, as well as others. [1]

Related Topics to Research


  1. [Foundation Q&A - LR]

See Also

Law of One

Service to Others
