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The female vertical Staff is called the 13:13 Electrical Christ Female and built from the 13th Bio-circuitry known as the Mother Arc Aquamarine Ray Frequency. To speak the word as Universal Logos, Christos-Sophia as the Holy Son and Daughter, are bonded in eternal core currents of Love from the Eye of God. Together, they bond in hierogamic union which produce the inner Rod and inner Staff. To hold the Staff of Life, Mother Arc has anointed one's loving and pure heart with Mothers Code through the Sophianic Body to embody her Staff of Life. [1]

Spiritual Marriage or Hieros Gamos

The Spiritual Marriage mathematical pattern of 13:13 Female Spin and 12:12 Male Spin: On top of all of the exciting developments of God's Consciousness Technology returning back to our planet through our Mother Arc herself, we are getting ready to understand the Unity architecture in its Trinity Wave pattern and its direct relationship to manifesting true spiritual marriage on the planet. As Mother brings back the Krystal Star Frequencies, the Seven Sacred Suns, it is bringing the template of Sacred Spiritual Union between the Rod and Staff functions of our Lightbody's Merkabic Field.

It is the spiritual mission of recently assigned Rod and Staff couplings to template the prototype blueprint to achieve spiritual marriage or Hieros Gamos, and work to bring this into a physically manifested accomplishment. This is happening at various octave levels (relationship assignments, Soul, Monad and Avatar Christos-Sophia dimensional levels) to eventually achieve a complete re-encryption of the masculine rod function to the spinning 12:12 electron pattern, that merges perfectly into the female monadic core, a 13:13 field. This is a template prototype that is called the KRYST HALA or the Krystallah Pattern, which is the Krystal Gene Gender Merge between genetic equals.

This new pattern is being manifested in the planetary body and Planetary Logos in March 2011 at the time the links are made into the higher dimensional Unity Field activation. This means that the Unity Field pattern is being built into the planetary architecture that allows our gender merkaba spirals to spin and merge into a balanced perfect unity expression or the oneness pattern. When we have the correct ratios of spinning merkaba fields from corrected Blueprint in our Lightbody, we are able to experience unity and At-One-Ment with God. The next step is to physically experience this Unity Field with our genetic equal while in human bodies, to create a physical template for Spiritual Marriage in No Time or Hieros Gamos. We are moving to another level of experience within these Rod and Staff Sacred Unions, and many males are also feeling reconnected through these new patterns of heart-brain integration, as they are becoming available in the planetary architecture, to those who have harmonic resonance to the unity frequency and the Christos-Sophia. This is a wonderful development. [2]

Planetary Rod and Staff

The planetary staff holds the 13:13 vertical spin for the 13th Gateway Vertical Staff Pillars that spin in the rotation necessary to run the frequency sets for its corresponding horizontal spin sets that build the intersection for the Rod Pillar. The Vertical Staff Pillar runs incoming frequency from the Cosmic Rays and Godhead from the top of the pillar spinning it from north to south, with the outgoing frequency spinning up the pillar is running south to north. The female principle heart holds the placement for the male principle heart to anchor the Horizontal Rod Pillar into the Vertical Staff Pillar central core inside the heart complex, which evolves into a male-female heart twinning function when they unite.

The Horizontal Rod Pillar is built from the incoming frequency of the 7D Violet Wave, and the outgoing frequency of the 6D Indigo Wave, and when these two frequency sets merge in an east to west, left to right complete circuit, this is the hierogamic process of Michael-Mary Heart Twinning and Building Wings. The Staff Pillar and Rod Pillar intersect in the center of the Permanent Seed Atom, the heart complex ignites into a crystal lotus or crystal rose diamond pattern, projecting massive energy petals from out of the center heart complex.

As another stage for the planetary hierogamic union of the sacred male and female progresses, the anti-hierogamic technology used in false ascension teachings, as Consciousness Traps that feed sexual misery, Gender Reversals and mind control implants become much more visible in the field. This supports the dissolution of these false systems, inorganic technology or gender reversals that were a result of the anti-hierogamic technology used in many ascension modalities over the last 25 years. As we return to the Diamond Sun Body architecture that is 12 Based Math, our lightbody adds another male and female side etheric finger and toe, as the original eternal body has six fingers and six toes on each side, equaling twelve-twelve. [3]


See Also

CCW Female


Hieros Gamos

Aurora Body

Term first found: Page 69, HGS Manual