Planetary Staff

From Ascension Glossary
(Redirected from Vertical Staff Pillar)

The inorganic axial tilt of the earth was set up through the NET field for Gravitational Corruption, soul capture and transmission of Mind Control broadcasts. This Beast Machine was designed to destroy the architecture of the vertical pillar that is the Planetary Staff and to eliminate the Mother of God sophianic principle in this reality entirely. Destroying the Mother principle meant that all organic living creations would also eventually digress to become like the Black Hole Entities, parasitic creations addicted to Dead Light in the matter world, hence they would exist in the AI worlds as the living dead.

During this phase, the Planetary Staff is being rehabilitated by Krystal Star Guardian Host, which means that our own inner Vertical Channel and relationship to the planet and the stars, is also being radically transformed in this cycle. [1]

Through the current cycle of the Paliadorian Activation, the next stage for the Paliadorian groups are being highlighted, namely the Aquaferion and Krystic Blue Dragon races to support the rehabilitation of the Blue Ray lineages. The Blue Rays restore the Mother Arc 13th Transharmonic gateways throughout multiple harmonic universes and are rebuilding the vertical Planetary Staff to naturally align into the heart of Andromeda. The rebuilding of the Planetary Staff is gradually shifting the unnatural rotational axis of the earth body to become more of a straight line or perpendicular which allows easier access in and out of this Universe, particularly for Diamond Sun beings.

Axial Tilt

If we view the planetary body from above, from Polaris or the North Star, the earth is turning counter clockwise on its axis. An axis is considered an invisible line around which an object rotates, or spins. Each planet in our solar system rotates on its axis, and some planets have a rotational axis that is almost perpendicular. Each planet has two points where an axis meets the planet's surface, which are considered its North and South poles. The earth rotates on an axis and the axis is tilted at an angle of approximately 23.5 degrees. Variations in earth's axial tilt greatly influence the hemispheric seasons, and this combined with the geomagnetic shifting are also key factors in earth’s current climate changes. The earth’s axis of rotation completes its full cycle every 26,000 years and the axial precession, also called a wobble, will gradually change its north pointing position at the end of each precession.

The axis line is the vertical central channel or Planetary Staff, which functions as the main energy channel or Hara Line within the center of earth’s consciousness body, interfacing with many dimensions of subtle forces leading up the frequency scale into the Galactic Core. The Galactic Core alignment with the planet’s axial tilt at 23.5 degrees has been positioned so that the Planetary Staff points towards the 8D Galactic Core, which leads into a Black Hole System that controls the Cosmic Ray transmissions into the planetary body. From the Guardian perspective, alien black hole technology was brought through the 8th Galactic Stargate from the Black Hole System. The Black Hole Technology holds the tilt of the planet at an unnatural and artificially sustained 23.5 degrees, in order to control the rotational axis and vertical Planetary Staff alignment, as well as dominate the electromagnetic field of earth. As long as this Alien Machinery hijacked the correct Planetary Staff position, no one could get in or out of this fallen system and were subjected to repeated Consciousness Traps.[2]

Feminine Principle Vertical Staff

The female vertical Staff is called the 13:13 Electrical Christ Female and built from the 13th Bio-circuitry known as the Mother Arc Aquamarine Ray Frequency. To speak the word as Universal Logos, Christos-Sophia as the Holy Son and Daughter, are bonded in eternal core currents of Love from the Eye of God. Together, they bond in hierogamic union which produce the inner Rod and inner Staff. To hold the Staff of Life, Mother Arc has anointed one's loving and pure heart with Mothers Code through the Sophianic Body to embody her Staff of Life. [3]

Rod and Staff Planetary Architecture

The Planetary Staff holds the 13:13 vertical spin for the 13th Gateway Vertical Staff Pillars that spin in the rotation necessary to run the frequency sets for its corresponding horizontal spin sets that build the intersection for the Rod Pillar. The Vertical Staff Pillar runs incoming frequency from the Cosmic Rays and Godhead from the top of the pillar spinning it from north to south, with the outgoing frequency spinning up the pillar is running south to north. The female principle heart holds the placement for the male principle heart to anchor the Horizontal Rod Pillar into the Vertical Staff Pillar central core inside the heart complex, which evolves into a male-female heart twinning function when they unite.

The Horizontal Rod Pillar is built from the incoming frequency of the 7D Violet Wave, and the outgoing frequency of the 6D Indigo Wave, and when these two frequency sets merge in an east to west, left to right complete circuit, this is the hierogamic process of Michael-Mary Heart Twinning and Building Wings. The Staff Pillar and Rod Pillar intersect in the center of the Permanent Seed Atom, the heart complex ignites into a crystal lotus or crystal rose diamond pattern, projecting massive energy petals from out of the center heart complex. [4]


See Also

Planetary Rod

Yahweh Matrix