Seven Spirit Suns of Eire-Adonis

Revision as of 02:34, 2 March 2023 by Lisa (talk | contribs)

The fruits of the many labors of the Christos Guardian groups have been demonstrated through the ultimate dedication and herculean efforts that finally freed the Melchizedek Logos from the Nibiruian NET and resulted in the sacred union merge with Elaysa, which opened the creation door into the Mahara Reisha, where the Seven Spirit Suns of Eire-Adonis are located.

Seven Spirit Suns (art by Elizabeth)

Then the center core of the Cosmic Spirit Body layers open into the spirit cell clusters, which further open the doorway into the Universal Mother’s Dark Matter Matrix which holds many Solar Reisha Worlds filled with assorted mother lineages of Yanas ascended masters. This Universal hierogamic event appears to have completed the tri-matrix merge in the Cosmic Hall of Records, formed when the Ecoushsa, Akasha and the Reisha worlds linked together and united in the central core of the Cosmic Spirit Body, as the result of Staff of Elaysa flame activation.

Thus, the Triple Solar Reisha from the Mahara Reisha worlds are Spirit Suns that are from the dark matter layers and function as the spirit cell clusters that make up the massive eternal Cosmic Spirit body of God source. The Cosmic Spirit Body is describing the function of a massive macrocosmic grouping of interlinked spiritual suns embodied into the smaller groupings of individual spirit suns embodying the Solar Reisha staff principle, in which the Elaysa staff is required to gain access into the domains of the Cosmic Records. The Cosmic Spirit Body holds its own tri-matrix of Cosmic Hall of Records which then begin to rejoin with the matter worlds throughout creation in order to correct the instruction sets back into the Diamond Sun DNA pattern by restoring the Universal Laws. The complete Cosmic Records are being accessed as a result of the hierogamic union of the Melchizedek Universal Logos which opened the gateway for the Triple Solar Reisha Suns from the Mother’s Universal Dark Matter matrices in HU6, so they could also enter into our matter realms through the creation doorway and embody their correct cosmological position in the time matrix. At this time, we are discovering more of these Reisha worlds which hold many unique spirit suns, that appear to related to the source fields of many emanations of the Holy Mother, when in her specific embodiment principles throughout the creation.[1]

Magnetic Distortions

As has been mentioned many times before, the magnetic field and gravitational waves on the planet have been highly controlled and manipulated to suppress human consciousness in a variety of ways. The magnetic control of the consciousness units of the planetary logos mind was primarily designed to conquer the Holy Mother Sophia presence and damage her Triple Solar Feminine Christ emanations from merging with the Rasha Body dark matter connections leading into the Reisha Worlds, which is the location of the Seven Spirit Suns of Eire-Adonis.[2]


See Also

Rasha Body

Universal Ankh Body

Failsafe Plan

Mother of Dragons

Mary Magdalene Sophia


Return of Solar Rishi