The Hieros Gamos is the Wedded Garment of God, wearing the White Robes of the One. Hieros Gamos refers to the “Risen Christos”, as the embodiment of the inner hiero-gamic union between the human being and the divine. The Hieros Gamos is the full resurrection of the body to the eternal light of Christos. In the bodies return to energetic balance (neutral in the Unity Field or Zero Point), the being is One with God, and the Christos body is glorified in its perfection as representative of God’s image. In Hieros Gamos Couplings, the genetic equal of the Monad unites with its counterpart to embody the sacred marriage of Krystic equals, to merge into One spiritual body to hold the Spirits of Christ. A Krystic male and a Krystic Female unite in a Hieros Gamos or Rod and Staff Union as the Christos-Sophia, to be of service within God’s Eternal Light divine plan to correct the Sophianic Body and to restore liberation of Ascension upon the earth. Hieros Gamos is the embodiment of the new Cosmic Ray Frequencies of Aquamarine and Green hues and their DNA Lens being introduced to this Universe. These frequency colors represent the Aurora Body Guardian consciousness of the United Krystic Forms embodied in the future sovereignty timeline of GSF. (Inter-dimensional Resonator, plus Base Tone, Overtone and Resonant Tone Amplifier).

Sacred Marriage

Aurora Amplifier Talisman

Also, as an Amplifier (Talisman) for HGS session it is defined as: Wedded Garment Robes of God.

Three Levels of Sacred Marriage

Three Levels of Sacred Marriage

Level One of Sacred Marriage is "Building Wings".

Level Two of Sacred Marriage is the building of the blue "Crystal Lotus Heart"

Level Three of Sacred Marriage is "Hieros Gamos", the hydroplasmic liquid light of the Risen and Embodied Christos Principle.

Stages of Spiritual Development in Three Levels

These are briefly described as a guideline for the following spiritual stages of development in the Ascension process of building the Lightbody:

Level One Triad: Building Wings

Level One of Sacred Marriage is "Building Wings".

  • Stage 1 - Alchemical Union (2D-4D Astral Relationship, Ancestral miasma, Sexual amplification, Karmic issues, Past timeline memories, Phantom matrices, False Ascension Matrix, Black Magician trauma or Astral Dark Arts Training, Negative Forms or Clones, Egyptian Trauma, Lemurian Trauma, Inner Child trauma, Telepathic, Victim/Victimizer for healing, High Risk dark manipulation and Trickster, acts as the Catalyzer for Spiritual Ascension and Awakening).
  • Stage 2 - Soul Mate (5D, Future Earth lines, Pleiadian influence, 5D Ascension memories, Mayan Calendar influence, Shamanic studies, False Umbilicus reset, Soul Extension shared identity, Resolving Ego Archetypes in identity, Study of Archetypes and patterns (Tarot, Numerology, Astrology) and all of the Alchemical Union influencers).
  • Stage 3 - Twin Soul (6D, Sirian and Indigo Blue Ray Influence, Jesus/Magdalene influence, Other planet or future memories, Soul Extension shared identity, Geometric shapes or Crystal modalities, all of the Alchemical Union influencers, when Level One Triad is integrated the whole triad 4D-5D-6D merges to evolve to Rod and Staff Union)Level Two Triad: Sacred Union or Rod and Staff Union.

Level Two Triad: Crystal Lotus Heart

Level Two of Sacred Marriage is the building of the blue "Crystal Lotus Heart".

  • Stage 1 - Karmic Monad (7D, Arcturian influence, Inner Christ Crucifixion Memories, Monadic extension, Ascended Masters, ET histories, Monad Dark Arts Training, Cathars, Human Family of Origin genetic clearing, Planet Gridwork and Stargates, Planetary Miasma).
  • Stage 2 - Reversal Monad (8D, Orion and Lyran influence, Nephilim and Atlantean Overlays, Lord Michael Overlays, Patriarchal-King Reversal or Matriarchal-Queen Reversal healing, Reverse Electrons (Metatronic Reversal), Genetic Hybrid healing, Etheric Surgery, NRG architecture dismantling, Black Heart re-encryption, Orion wars, Solar Cross, Alien Implants, Galactic Miasma, all of the previous influencers).
  • Stage 3 - Monadic Twin (9D, Andromedan Influence, Aquarion influence, Genetic Equal, Rod and Staff, Galactic Stargates, all of the previous influencers, when Level Two Triad is integrated the whole triad 7D-8D-9D merges to evolve to Hieros Gamos).

Level Three Triad: Hieros Gamos

Level Three of Sacred Marriage is "Hieros Gamos", the hydroplasmic liquid light of the Risen and Embodied Christos Principle. Level Three Triad: Hieros Gamos Union or the Risen Christos-Sophia.

  • Stage 1 – Solar Egg (10D, Monad Twin or Genetic Equals integrate Solar Illuminated Light).
  • Stage 2 – Buddhic Egg (11D, Monad Twin or Genetic Equals integrate Lunar Reflected Light).
  • Stage 3 – Cosmic Egg - Christos Embodied (12D, Monad Twin or Genetic Equal synthesizes the Solar and Lunar Light which when integrated Embodies the Cosmic Christos Avatar of Liquid Aurora Light. Together they share One merged Double Diamond Sun Body and One HG Crown.[1]

See Also


Zero Point Field


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