Double Diamond Sun Body
Mother and Father’s Sun, a Diamond Krystal Sphere of Liquid Plasma Eternal Light. The Double Diamond Sun Body is the 24D Oraphim Krystal Star template from the Seven Higher Heavens, Andromeda, the next Universe. Mother and Father have returned their 24D Double Diamond Sun Oraphim to this Universe, through their Heavenly House, with the return of the liquid Christos light seeded into this planet.
Starseeds and Indigos have come to this earth at the Ascension cycle, to help build this “house” in order to embody this eternal Christos plasma light, as the first ascending waves, for this planet and for all human beings. One may request that your body be constructed to be built in the mirror image of this rainbow eternal vehicle, which is the house of God, the embodied light and Spirits of Christos. This is a powerful physical body healer, and when in use with the 12D Shield, will start to automatically build in your Lightbody aura, as it is the organic matrix of light body. This is the amplifier for physical pain, sickness or rehabilitation of the “vehicles”. Charging objects for children or pets with this frequency, is suggested, when feeling ill or during sleep time. Christos embodies his parents, loving compassion, and lives in perfect peace and harmony with all things. When desiring to feel any of those qualities or to feel more “unity” with any parts that feel separate, this is the amplifier to bring the sensation of unity with life. This Tetramorphic Symbol is a Perfected Eternal Human Being, that is both male and female, wearing a haloed Aurora Crown, emanating a rainbow Aurora Krystal Shield, holding the Earth Globe in both outstretched palms (Resonant Tone).
Krystallah Merkaba Fields
The base twelve Universal Androgynous Merkaba fields of Christos-Sophia are called Krystallah and they make up the instruction set for all merkaba fields within all the timelines and densities throughout the Universes. The twelfth dimensional merkaba field spiral is the Krystallah male principle that is generated on the outer fields by the internal Krystallah female principle spiral that is generated from the Aquamarine Holy Mother Arc principle in the 13th Gateway. The 13th Gateway is the Aqua Portal which opens the neutron window that leads into the Seven Higher Heavens through Andromeda. The Krystallah merkaba fields have a gender fin alignment that instructs the direction of the starting position for the rotational spin of the top and bottom merkaba spirals, for the male and female that build the Ascension Vehicle.
The twelve dimensional Avatar Christos intelligence sets the gender fin orientation of the Krystallah merkaba spiral and determines the alignment for the gender polarity spirals in every dimension. Think of the gender fin as the bottom and top tetrahedron that make up the six pointed merkaba star. There is a male principle Gender Fin (Tetrahedron) and female principle gender fin (Tetrahedron) that regulates the starting spin points of our merkaba spirals, and then starts to merge and unify them into sacred union or Hieros Gamos. When we communicate with our Avatar Christos-Sophia intelligence and build our 12D Shield, eventually we rebuild the mini merkaba spirals which start to align how our male and female internal energies will start to spin to help unify and build our merkaba vehicle. By uniting our inner male and female, undergoing the process of sacred marriage or hierogamic union and obeying the Law of Gender, the natural process of communication links with Christ Consciousness begin to build the merkaba fields.[1]
Mathematical Expansion for Inner Sustainability
The Krystal architecture is self perpetuating and inner sustaining, its math is represented by including Zero Point or Zero in its numerical sequence: 0, 1, 1 , 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, etc., through doubling each numerical value. Each of the numerical values is derived though returning to Zero and adding all of the numbers together to get to the next highest value in its sequence. The value of Zero represents the central point of union, or Zero Point God Source, while increasing the values of the Krystal Spiral the Consciousness remains connected to the original Source field while progressively expanding.[2]
Aton Solar Disk
The Aton Solar Disk becomes an embodied shield in the ascending Starseeded and human Lightbody, into the solar sacrum and RA Center of the Krystallah Double Diamond Sun DNA Template during the Ascension Cycle as part of the restoration of the Solar Sacrum in the gender center. This disk when activated into the 10-11-12D Solar Logos base shield, underneath the feet on the horizontals, aligns with the 10D Solar Star above the head, which continues to repattern into the higher crown center. As this is restored through the personal Lightbody of an ascending male or female, the crown is shifted into the organic North star, which is leading home back into the God Worlds.
Also, as an Amplifier (Talisman) for HGS session it is defined as: Krystal Rainbow Body – Diamond Ball Krysthala.
Page 161, HGS Manual
See Also:
Term first found: Page 30, HGS Manual