
The consciousness units of the next Universe, the Rays of the next Universe, the beings that live there in alignment with Krystal Star and Unity Intelligence, are called Aurora. Krystal Star works with the Aurora to build Aurora Platforms that are safe zones that step over the reversal fields running on the earth from the Frequency Fence and NET. The Aurora Platforms allow access into the passageway that leads to the area of the Ascension Earth in Andromeda, this is the Aquaelle matrix that transmits the Mother's Aqua Ray Daughter Codes into the earth crystal caverns. The masculine counterpart to Aquaelle is called Aquafey which transmits the Father's Emerald Ray through Father-Son Codes. Both are to restore the architecture towards unification between the masculine and feminine counterparts, to build the hierogamic template, to reunite the Christos-Sophia throughout the Universal Time Matrix.

In field research and gridwork, Aquafey is observed as bright whitish pale pastel jade green color ray, that transmits in companion with Aquaelle. This aspect that is available to us through Guardian Host is called Aquafey, the Father-Son coding from the Andromeda gate.

Guardian Yeshua and Mary Magdalene Sophia

Cosmic Christos Sophia Celtic Maji Grail Lines (art by Sequoia)

Within the correct Khemalohatea tones ignited in this location, it was possible to retrieve the correct Gender Twin Flame pair alignments in the timelines with the Emerald Star Templar of Yeshua and the Blue Star Templar of Mary Magdalene, throughout all twelve timelines and parallel matrices building out the Blue Rainbow Arc into their spiritual home in Andromeda. (Kee SA). This hierogamic integration included another stage of Aquaelle-Aquafey solar integration between the 13:13 Emerald Father Arc in parallel matrix timelines and 13:13 Aqua Blue Mother Arc in their Cosmic Dragon Starhuman Templar, which revived assorted frozen stasis body parts in the Michael-Mary ley lines, completing the Yeshua-Mary Magdalene historical rounds through 8D Rod and Staff sun star networks in the Gaian metagalactic core. This event began retrieving and returning to rightful owner the massive amounts of spiritual body parts embodied in this Christos-Sophia family lineage, connected to 8D Galactic War histories in the Gaian Matrix that had been hijacked for running in these Reversal Networks for powering up the Red Shield Temple of Khemalohatea. The point is to know there has been a major completion in the timelines for Genetic Equal Twin Flames Guardian Yeshua and his beloved Solar Christ Mary in their Magdalene lineages, which seems to infer a collapse of Yeshua’s false records and cloned identities used by the NAA to manipulate the human population. See Guardian Yeshua and Mary Magdalene Sophia. [1]


Aquafey revealed as an amplifier for HGS Gridworker session dedicated to purposes of Krystal Star Host and their communication networks in clearing of trauma and blockages related to Genocide and Satanic Ritual. Connections: Moon and constellations Aquila, Aries, Perseus, Bootes. [2]


  1. Tri-Flame of Khemalohatea
  2. Forum - HGS Session 5/21/2017

See Also:

Mother Arc Hubs