Sapphire Azothian Crown

Revision as of 00:45, 20 November 2021 by Lisa (talk | contribs)

The Sapphire Azothian Crown comprises the krystic architecture brought forth through the hidden identities of the Solar Feminine Christ family, we recognize the Triple Solar Goddess formation through Hatshepsut's Christos Mission to protect the 10th Stargate and reclaim what was hidden in the Pluto matrix by the invaders.

Sapphire Crown Sophianic Coding

King Arthur Embodiment

King Arthur was embodied in a 10 strand Ruby Sun DNA body which was designed to help restore the female Sophianic sapphire codes in the Solar Star chakra, which exists about six inches above the crown. This Diamond Sun lightbody part was damaged on the planet during Nephilim hybridization and when Draconian essences are incarnated into the human body. The Solar Star is held by the female crystal heart rose Staff Codes and are responsible for receiving communication directly from our Christos Avatar self. King Arthur’s embodiment returned the sophianic Sapphire Solar Star communication with our Avatar.[1]


On 10:10 a phase began with the Azothian Sapphire Crown of Hatshepsut that has been activated and is being integrated in those that are in the direct lineage to embody the Sophianic aspects of the Solar Female Christ family. And we understand that Lucifer has inverted and stolen Sophianic wisdom. Recently there was a member talking about people coming to her and saying the Ascension Glossary is Luciferian. This is the brainwashing of those that are unfortunately believing the lies, that the wisdom of the Law of One and the Founder Records belongs to Lucifer. No!! We're reclaiming it back. This is Sophia's. This is her wisdom. This is the Mother's wisdom that we are reclaiming back. Sophia is not Lucifer. Sophia is not the many things that she has been called. This aspect of Holy Mother is a part of what ES is really about in the reclamation of the Solar Christ Feminine. [2]


  1. Rise of Arthur
  2. [LR session transcript October 2021]

See Also

Universal Ankh Body

Dark Matter Template

Eukachristic Body

Universal Mother Dark Matter Matrix