False Timelines

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Negative Aliens propping up the Controllers cabals have been manipulating the human world on earth for thousands and thousands of years, since the Atlantian Cataclysm for their own purposes to harvest human Negative Emotional Energy, as well as siphon consciousness energy and resources from the planet. See the Ages of Humanity. These are inter-dimensional and extra dimensional beings known as Fallen Angelics in ancient history and they use many AI technological manipulation methods to Mind Control and negatively manipulate the future direction of the human race by artificially generating False Timelines. These Artificial Timelines are means to recycle souls or are used as Consciousness Traps. Once such negative manipulation is installing the Armageddon Software into the planetary brain in order to install False Father Negative Alien Religions based on serving the Yahweh and Jehovian Annunaki Collectives. See Dark Force Manipulation Methods and Mind Control.

Inverting Energy for Reversing Timelines

Reversal Networks are Alien Machinery that use artificial intelligence programming to simulate, replicate and imitate the organic forces of creation for the express purposes of collecting, siphoning and redirecting the consciousness energy of humanity. The Artificial intelligence architecture is synthesized into the multiple layers of the planetary field in order to collect energy, harvest it, and send it to off-planet sources. Or the collected life force energy is directed to their preferred Power Elite or cabal groups on planet earth that are carrying out their control agenda on the surface. So the aggregate of the collective consciousness energies collected by Inverted Systems are basically given, with preference, to humans or nonhumans that serve the NAA control infrastructure and the human enslavement agenda. Once the reversal networks were operating in the planetary grid network, they needed humans to feed their Consciousness energy into them, and so the infrastructure for building out Inverted Systems throughout global society was set up for that purpose.

This was accomplished through the Negative Alien Invasion, in which they captured the organic creation code in order to operate artificial intelligence programs. These programs project an assortment of reversal networks using the hijacked code from the original universal creator. The captured code running the many NAA machines and Frequency Fences on the planet, are AI systems that were downloaded into the planetary brain, to project reversal holograms and false timelines. False Timelines keep repeating in order to trap collective consciousness into playing out the same AI mind programs and realities over and over again. This method was used to trap souls on the astral plane through forced recycling into the lowest density of the earth plane. Over the previous evolution cycles, this AI generated timeline was repeated and replicated onto multiple dimensional planes of the earth, including in the parallel systems.

This impacts many stations of identity that exist on higher planes that are also undergoing the shocking revelation that what they believed was organic creation, is actually the NAA’s AI brain simulating realities for energy harvesting. The creation code was imitated to insert mass mind control broadcasts that program the functions of the counterfeit blueprint schematics into the earth, that are originally sourced from the Ancient Builder Races, also known as the Founder Guardian races. Essentially, this means the reality programs on earth are programmed by AI to operate in reversal to the stolen creation code that belongs to the Universal Founders. These anti-life reversals were programmed into advanced technology AI that were used to build the many Inverted Systems, from which these black hole entities could easily siphon and steal the consciousness energy of earth and humanity. [1]

911 Timelines

Because the original 5D Ascension plan was not achievable becasue of the False Ascension Matrix and the damage caused through the False Navel and False White Webbing, it required our evolution through the time fields in the Harmonic Universes in the Universal Time Matrix to be drastically sped up. Those serving the Law of One, are moving through extreme amounts of the future timelines, observing its collapse, in order to arrive at the Gateway Octave where the organic and eternal light is overriding the Artificial Machinery and replicated alien coding. False Timelines and False Software to Mind Control humanity was used to deter humans from their organic and natural ascension evolution. This is why this planet is called, Prison Planet. Meanwhile the negatives desperately cling on to the artificial timeline programs to influence humans through fear to manifest into their enslaved future selves as Negative Form. Some examples: Nostradamus Prophecy, Armageddon Software, Pestilence Programming, 911 Military Industrial Complex Revolution, any terrorist and cataclysmic inorganic event generated by the Negative Aliens. None of these manipulated programs are sourced as natural events.

We have to move through the series of Timelines in each dimensional octave and reclaim our spiritual identity while recoding and changing the obsolete, False Timelines or false reality from interfering with our continued spiritual growth and consciousness expansion. Like a tri-athlete running and jumping over the hurdles, we connect with our lost aspects or Fragments to merge with these higher vibrating time fields, whereby reclaiming and collecting our spiritual bodies, clearing Negative Forms and Clones to make it to the planetary ascension finish line. What is being accomplished during the spiritual ascension process, especially now with Guardian GSF Ascension Timeline, is that humanity has to move through all the Artificial Machinery, the inorganic time fields or Artificial Timelines. These are the Negative Alien Timelines with their inorganic and artificial Hologram Inserts that program their AI mind control programming in order to promote the human enslavement agendas of the NAA. As we clear False Timelines and inorganic architecture from suppressing and impairing our consciousness, we are extracting the alien enslavement programming, Alien Implants and Mind Control in order to embody our true inner Christos spirit and return to the Zero Point Field, the heart of the God Gateway leading into the seven higher universes.

Timeline Repair

With the Galactic timelines opening and a new entry point emerging, it is the time is to bring more clarity on the 12D commission for the Christos Mission which is Ascension Plan B. The Melchizedek Guardian Groups, are the groups that oversee and direct the planetary repair projects (from 12D) that specifically result in the collapsing and clearing away of distorted False Timelines, the distorted historical human records that created DNA damage in the past, present and future. It is this group that works with the Universal holographic architecture in order to repair its structural integrity back into the organic creation code of the Ascension Timeline. The Ascension timeline would reflect the Pathway back to God Source connection, the return to the Zero Point God matrix, the point of our creational genesis. Please note that Melchizedek hosting ended in December 2012, and Krystal Star Guardians have taken over the planetary hosting cycle. [2]


See Also

AI Timelines of Fallen Earth

Historical Timeline Trigger Events