During the move into Aquarius Solar Alchemy, it is positive to review the Natural Laws and alchemical properties for this current stage in order to reflect upon the most potent and effective ways we can participate with and meditate upon the natural elements of the solar zodiacal influences to catalyze our highest spiritual potentials.
- Stage 12 – AQUARIUS – February 16 to March 11[1]
- Alchemical Theme: Multiplication, Virtues
- Element: Air, Fixed, Positive
- Geometric Form: Upward-pointing triangle bisected by a horizontal line
- Planetary Correlations: Uranus and Solar Logos
- Alchemical Metal: Uranium
- Stargates: Inner Gate and Island of Kauai, Hawaii and its underground linkup into the South of France, Montsegur.
- Galactic and Universal Gates: Sun (GSG) and Lyra: Aramatena.
- Embodied Correlations: The Avatar or Nirvanic Mind of Solar Logos Body. The 12D White Body of the Christos Avatar. The 12D White wave of the third layer of the Solar Logos Avatar Body that is connected to the 12th Chakra. The Avatar Body function is to connect the Earth Star Chakra in the base shield that transmits the platinum liquid light blueprint for the Diamond Sun body of the Avatar Christ. The Earth Star, when it has been activated to run 12D Ray current, is located approximately six inches below the feet and connects into the base of the 12D Christos Shield. It connects into the 12th dimension in the future timelines and is the 12D Ray of the Christ Mind. Once the 12D Ray has been activated, the God-Sovereign-Free triad or Threefold Founder Flame is ignited within the center of the horizontal base of the 12D Shield, which supports the continuation of safe progression through the Ascension Cycle during the planetary liberation of the Earth. Service to the One is its own Reward.
- Aquarius Rules: ankles, lower limbs, shins, spiritualization of blood, circulatory system.[2]
Harmonization and Healing Themes
Cleansing and Renewal, Rebirth. Presence. Embodiment. Direct experience of the Divine. Opening the inner hallways for silent realization. Balancing the relationship between the Lungs & Kidneys. Letting go of grief and fear. Joining the divine mind and mother consciousness to heal the astral splitting of the energy body systems. Disengaging from negative forms. Beginning the preparations for transformation.12th dimensional Ray. Collective Christ Consciousness or Avatar of Ascension. Repairing the Planetary templar. Running Rainbow Diamond currents. DNA and teliomere repair. Identity merge.
Aquarius the water-bearer or carrier is found in a region often called the Sea due to its profusion of constellations with watery associations such as Cetus the whale, Pisces the fish, and Eridanus the river. Despite both its prominent position on the zodiac and its large size, Aquarius has no particularly bright stars, its four brightest stars being less than magnitude 2. However, recent research has shown that there are several stars lying within its borders that possess planetary systems. The two brightest stars, Alpha and Beta Aquarii, are luminous yellow supergiants.[3]
Spiritual Alchemy
The process of Multiplication involves the concentrated absorption of the inner Christos solar light that activates spiritual powers of higher virtues and ethics that emanate blessings onto others and into the environment, which is associated with Aquarius Solar Alchemy. It involves the alchemical process that greatly increases the focused refinement and energetic effectiveness of the individual’s solar consciousness as an energetic sphere of influence that manifests through the embodied biological spiritual light source. Christ is often used to demonstrate the Aquarian alchemical concept that God is the master of multiplication, which could be performed infinitely through the spiritual potency of one’s inner light source being multiplied to perform service to others or offer divine blessings.
To multiply something, it first must be blessed in the Natural Laws of God, with the sincere intention of generously giving something to another. Such as offering a divine service of spontaneous spiritual healing or contributing to the greater good of all involved, to multiply something in order to freely offer it as a holy blessing and gift for others. Yet, with God’s gift of multiplication of holy blessings when demonstrated through the inner Christ light, the greater the responsibility becomes in order to maintain divine alignment and Personal Integrity. As with the embodiment themes of Aquarian solar alchemy, the divine blessings greatly multiply spiritual power in this material world which simultaneously multiplies assorted difficulties along with an increase of critics and detractors. Therefore, the gifts of multiplication come with many hard Spiritual Lessons to master in the world, as when under dark spiritual attack, we must always act in right alignment, right action and with integrity, regardless of what others may say or think.
During this ascension stage, the previous life stream’s records in the Blood are being purified from accumulated karmic ancestral records; thus, the blood becomes spiritualized within its chemistry, spontaneously generating abundant blessings of holy spiritual Virtues and divine gifts. This is why the Guardians refer to the Spirits of Christ as Krystic attributes of powerful spiritual virtues that act to multiply blessings and abundance for all of those who come in contact with it.
The process of multiplication occurs near the end of the annual Magnum Opus cycle of spiritual ascension alchemy, moving through all of the constellations and their alchemical laws. This is the symbolic state in which Christ is able to take any base substance and multiply it into many fish and bread loaves to feed the hungry and offer them blessings. Through the access of pure embodied spiritual essence, the abundance of the spiritual light flows in and blesses the environment from the Sacred Crystal Heart which functions as a liquid light beacon within a diamond sun body. Thus, the divine destiny for angelic humans is to activate their inner Christ and multiply abundance and blessings for all those who come in contact with it, as well as for the individual who embodies its organic solar light. This principle is about serving the Group Consciousness of the world soul in the highest expression of spiritual ascension that is made available for all human beings at any time or space that is their personal divine timing to reunite with God. In traditional alchemy, this is used to increase the spiritual potency of the philosopher stone, the turning of base metals into pure gold and silver. This alchemical process of multiplication is a significant milestone in the spiritual ascension journey, as it symbolizes activation and unity of the Inner Christ and holy spirit, along with the consciousness expansion that reunites us with the Godhead, as the inherent transformation of the human Lightbody emerges into a sovereign Diamond Sun.[4]
Law of Vibration
- Astrological Correspondence – Aquarius, Piscis Austrinus – Uranus, Solar Logos - Air
- Chakra 12 and Sphere 12, Nirvanic Mind or Avatar Mind of Avatar Body
- Royal Star - Fomalhaut
This Natural Law describes the principle that everything is in constant motion and that nothing rests, and everything vibrates at a rate that is either faster or slower, and also rotates which forms a rate of frequency-vibration. In and beyond the material realm and into realms in which everything is conscious living energy, is the Law of Vibration. Everything in our Universe consists of layers of vibrational frequency stacked throughout the dimensional scales into timelines. Energy is Consciousness and it either contracts or expands to maintain or increase its rate of frequency. The process of how fast or slow that energy contracts back towards its center point of the source field, is the vibrational rate. The combination of both the pattern of vibration in its contraction and the oscillation speed through which it expands, is what determines the frequency rate of all energy and things. See Law of Vibration.
- Aquarius – ankles, lower limbs, circulatory system.
Sidereal System-IAU
IAU (International Astronomical Union) uses the uneven size of the constellations. It adjusts the sign boundaries to match their actual sizes in the sky. The majority of sidereal systems use thirty-degree zodiac signs. But, the zodiac signs are different sizes in the sky. The IAU takes this into account.[5]
See Also
- ↑ Sidereal System: IAU (International Astronomical Union)
- ↑ Aquarius Solar Alchemy
- ↑ [ES Forum, Compiled by Sequoia]
- ↑ Aquarius Solar Alchemy
- ↑ Masteringthezodiac