Out of the one comes the many. This statement is to contemplate the profound meaning of the 12th alchemical stage of Multiplication that begins transmitting this month. Multiplication is the alchemical process which greatly increases the concentrated refinement, energetic effectiveness and sphere of influence of the embodied biological Christos-Sophia light source. The blood is purified of karmic record and spiritualized in chemistry creating living forces of spiritual virtues. Virtues are qualities of goodness which inhabit in the world of forces, as a truth and light spiritual force. The multiplication of virtues occurs near the end of the Magnum Opus stages of spiritual ascension alchemy to increase the gains in the subsequent projection of Christ Consciousness. This will help to multiply our energetic influence and Consciousness when we are called to perform gridwork on the planetary body, and ongoing. This is the symbolic state in which the Christ is able to take any base substance and bless it, thus multiplying it into many fish and bread loaves to feed the hungry. Through the access of pure embodied spiritual essence, the abundance of the spiritual light flows in and multiplies itself into God forces that bless the environment from the beacon of a Krystal body. It multiplies abundance and blessing for those who come into contact with it, as well as for the being who embodies its source. The spiritual alchemist at the multiplication stage has the ability to replenish themselves, as they drink from the well of the limitless chalice of light. The Christ Consciousness multiplies and imparts its golden seed to assist others to realize their own inner light. As the Solar Light multiplies it increases in potency from its original source and through its light projection. This is striving for continued multiplication of Gods inner light to activate inside others.[1]
Stage 12- Aquarius
- Stage 12 – Aquarius – February 16 to March 11
- Alchemical Theme: Multiplication, Virtues
- Element: Air
The process of Multiplication involves the concentrated absorption of the inner Christos solar light that activates spiritual powers of higher virtues and ethics that emanate blessings onto others and into the environment, which is associated with Aquarius Solar Alchemy. It involves the alchemical process that greatly increases the focused refinement and energetic effectiveness of the individual’s solar consciousness as an energetic sphere of influence that manifests through the embodied biological spiritual light source. Christ is often used to demonstrate the Aquarian alchemical concept that God is the master of multiplication, which could be performed infinitely through the spiritual potency of one’s inner light source being multiplied to perform service to others or offer divine blessings.
To multiply something, it first must be blessed in the Natural Laws of God, with the sincere intention of generously giving something to another. Such as offering a divine service of spontaneous spiritual healing or contributing to the greater good of all involved, to multiply something in order to freely offer it as a holy blessing and gift for others. Yet, with God’s gift of multiplication of holy blessings when demonstrated through the inner Christ light, the greater the responsibility becomes in order to maintain divine alignment and Personal Integrity. As with the embodiment themes of Aquarian solar alchemy, the divine blessings greatly multiply spiritual power in this material world which simultaneously multiplies assorted difficulties along with an increase of critics and detractors. Therefore, the gifts of multiplication come with many hard Spiritual Lessons to master in the world, as when under dark spiritual attack, we must always act in right alignment, right action and with integrity, regardless of what others may say or think.
During this ascension stage, the previous life stream’s records in the Blood are being purified from accumulated karmic ancestral records; thus, the blood becomes spiritualized within its chemistry, spontaneously generating abundant blessings of holy spiritual Virtues and divine gifts. This is why the Guardians refer to the Spirits of Christ as Krystic attributes of powerful spiritual virtues that act to multiply blessings and abundance for all of those who come in contact with it.
The process of multiplication occurs near the end of the annual Magnum Opus cycle of spiritual ascension alchemy, moving through all of the constellations and their alchemical laws. This is the symbolic state in which Christ is able to take any base substance and multiply it into many fish and bread loaves to feed the hungry and offer them blessings. Through the access of pure embodied spiritual essence, the abundance of the spiritual light flows in and blesses the environment from the Sacred Crystal Heart which functions as a liquid light beacon within a diamond sun body. Thus, the divine destiny for angelic humans is to activate their inner Christ and multiply abundance and blessings for all those who come in contact with it, as well as for the individual who embodies its organic solar light. This principle is about serving the Group Consciousness of the world soul in the highest expression of spiritual ascension that is made available for all human beings at any time or space that is their personal divine timing to reunite with God. In traditional alchemy, this is used to increase the spiritual potency of the philosopher stone, the turning of base metals into pure gold and silver. This alchemical process of multiplication is a significant milestone in the spiritual ascension journey, as it symbolizes activation and unity of the Inner Christ and holy spirit, along with the consciousness expansion that reunites us with the Godhead, as the inherent transformation of the human Lightbody emerges into a sovereign Diamond Sun.[2].See Laws of the Galactic Zodiac Cycle.