Sea of Azov, Shallowest Sea: Difference between revisions

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Override Dark Mother Transmission connected to Old Zodiac Transmission Time Stamp;
[[File:SeaofAzov.png|thumb|Sea of Azov]]
Dismantle Alien Technology Receiver in the Sea of Azov *Latitude: 45.663966415824056.  
Override Dark Mother Transmission connected to Old Zodiac Transmission Time Stamp; Dismantle Alien Technology Receiver in the Sea of Azov  
*Latitude: 45.663966415824056.  
*Longitude: 35.738525390625
*Longitude: 35.738525390625
*Dimensional Splitter of Fetal Cloned Bodies I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
*'''Dimensional Splitter of Fetal Cloned Bodies I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12'''

* Continuation from [[Dark Mother Transmission from Cassiopeia]] - 4/11/2015 HGS session
==Old Zodiac Transmission Time Stamp==
• Waxing Moon
• Moon in Aries
• Moon enters Taurus: 5:32pm
• Moon Void of Course: 2:57pm – 5:32pm
• NEW MOON (Moon conjunct Sun): 2:57pm
• 28 Aries 25 – END OF WORM HOLE
• Hidden 4:4 Star Gate
• Hidden 8:8 Star Gate

Sea of Azov - Shallowest Sea in the world.
The Sea of Azov is a sea in south-eastern Europe. It is linked by the narrow (about 4 km or 2.5 mi) Strait of Kerch to the Black Sea to the south and is bounded in the north by mainland Ukraine, in the east by Russia, and in the west by the Crimean Peninsula. The Don and Kuban are the major rivers that flow into it. The Sea of Azov is the shallowest sea in the world, with the depth varying between 0.9 meters (2 ft 11 in) and 14 meters (46 ft). There is a constant outflow of water from the Sea of Azov to the Black Sea.The sea is largely affected by the inflow of numerous rivers, which bring sand, silt, and shells, which in turn form numerous bays, limans, and narrow spits. Because of these deposits, the sea bottom is relatively smooth and flat with the depth gradually increasing toward the middle. Also, due to the river inflow, water in the sea has low salinity and a high amount of biomass (such as green algae) that affects the water colour. Abundant plankton results in unusually high fish productivity. The sea shores and spits are low; they are rich in vegetation and bird colonies.
Antiquity -The Maeotian marshes around the mouth of the Tanais River (the present-day Don) were famous in antiquity, as they served as an important check on the migration of nomadic people from the Eurasian steppelands. The Maeotians themselves lived by fishing and farming, but were avid warriors able to defend themselves against invaders. Misled by its strong currents,[8] ancient geographers had only a vague idea of the extent of the sea, whose fresh water caused them to typically label a "swamp" or "lake". The 5th-century BC Herodotus thought it was as large as the Black Sea, while the 4th-century BC Pseudo-Scylax thought it about half as large. It was long thought to provide direct communication with the Arctic Ocean. The 2nd-century BC Polybius confidently stated that the strait to the Sea of Azov would close in the near future, presumably due to falling sea levels. The 1st-century Strabo reckoned the distance from the Cimmerian Bosporus (the Strait of Kerch) to the mouth of the Tanais at 2200 stadia, a roughly correct figure,[but did not know that its width continuously narrows. Milesian colonization began in the 7th century BC. The Bosporan Kingdom was named for the Cimmerian Bosporus rather than the more famous Bosporus at the other end of the Black Sea. Briefly annexed by Pontus, it stretched along both southern shores of the Sea of Azov from the time of Greek colonization to the end of the Roman Empire, serving as a client kingdom which exported Russian wheat, fish, and slaves in exchange for Greek and Roman manufactures and luxuries. Its later history is uncertain, but it was probably overrun by the Huns in the late 4th century. Source Wikipedia<ref>[]</ref>
==Alien Implant Extraction, Recoding==
* AIM Level 1 - Alien Implants: Memory Removal Module
* 1.1 General Alien Implants
* 1.1.4 Alien Chi Siphons I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
* 1.1.5 Alien Consciousness Sweeper I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
* 1.1.6 Alien Coordinate Locator I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
* 1.1.7 Alien Death Ray Technology I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
* 1.1.8 Alien Etheric Weaponry I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
* 1.1.10 Alien Harmful Artifacts I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
* 1.1.11 Alien Harmful Portals I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
* 1.1.12 Alien Implants I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
* 1.1.15 Alien Mind & Body Slavery I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
* 1.1.16 Alien Mind Control I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
* 1.1.18 Alien Reversal Frequencies I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
* 1.1.19 Alien Scalar Devices I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
* 1.1.20 Alien Sexual Siphons I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
* 1.1.21 Alien Tracker Devices I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
* AIM Level 1 - Alien Implants: Mind Control
* 1.2 Polarity Archetype Thought Forms
* 1.2.1 Victimizer -Victim I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
* 1.2.3 Master- Slave I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
* 1.2.7 Greater Than - Lesser Than I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
* 1.2.8 Beautiful - Ugly I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
* AIM Level 1 - Alien Implants: Mind Control
* 1.4 Fear or Hate Thought-Forms
* 1.4.12 Genetic Discrimination I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
* 1.4.13 Genocide I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
* 1.4.14 Holocaust I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
* 1.4.19 Male Archetype I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
* 1.4.20 Massacre I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
* 1.4.21 Mother Archetype I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
* 1.4.22 Purgatory I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
* 1.4.25 Seeing the Darkness (Denial) I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
* 1.4.26 Spiritual Betrayal I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
* 1.4.30 War and Killing I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
* AIM Level 2 - Alien Implants: Mind Control
* 2.1 Fear or Phobia Trauma Memories / Genetic or Galactic Race Memory
* 2.1.1 (Partial) Ascended Master Lineages I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
* 2.1.2 Andromedan I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
* 2.1.4 Arcturian I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
* 2.1.5 Avalon/Aveyon I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
* 2.1.18 Lyran Royal Houses I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
* 2.1.19 Annunaki I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
* 2.1.20 Mars, phobos I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
* 2.1.21 Medusozoa I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
* 2.1.22 Melchizedek Priesthood I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
* 2.1.23 Moon Lineages I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
* 2.1.25 Necromiton I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
* 2.1.26 Nephilim I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
* 2.1.27 Ur Priesthood I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
* 2.1.28 Orion Wars I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
* 2.1.33 Sons of Belial I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
* 2.1.36 Jehovah/Armageddon I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
* 2.1.37 Eye of Yahweh I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
* 2.1.38 Tiamat/Apsu I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
* 2.1.39 Marduk I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
* 2.1.40 Enki/Enlil I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
* 2.1.41 Thothian/Thelema/Ulema I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
* 2.1.44 Phantom Matrix I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
* 2.1.45 Reptilian Invasion I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
* 2.1.46 Metatronic Bodies I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
* 2.1.47 Luciferian Conquest I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
* 2.1.48 Massacre or Holocaust Trauma I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
* 2.1.49 Alpha Omega (911) Agenda I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
* 2.1.50 Black Magician Grids I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
* 2.1.51 NET Static Fields I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
* AIM Level 2 - Alien Implants: Stolen, Replicated or Damaged Genetics
* 2.2 Replication or Hybridization Trauma
* 2.2.22 Black Magician/sorcery I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
* 2.2.24 Cellular Disease (DNA reversal) I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
* 2.2.25 Fallen Angelic Schism Trauma I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12

'''*Activate Eviction'''

Sea of Azov - Shallowest Sea in the world.
==Messier Objects==
* [[Messier 15]]
*  [[Messier 18]]
*  [[Messier 27]]
*  [[Messier 39]]
*  [[Messier 45]]
*  [[Messier 46]]
* [[Messier 67]]
*  [[Messier 68]]
*  [[Messier 69]]
*  [[Messier 70]]
*  [[Messier 71]]
*  [[Messier 75]]
*  [[Messier 76]]
*  [[Messier 79]]
*  [[Messier 80]]
*  [[Messier 81]]
*  [[Messier 82]]
*  [[Messier 89]]
*  [[Messier 95]]
*  [[Messier 96]]
* [[Messier 99]]
*  [[Messier 108]]
*  [[Messier 109]]
*  [[Messier 110]]
* [[Messier 118]]  Hidden
* [[Messier 120]]  Hidden
==Zodiac and Planets==
*  [[Capricornus]] : Saturn ( I Use )
*  [[Taurus]] : Venus ( I Have )
*  [[Gemini (Constellation)]] : Mercury ( I Think )
* [[Cancer (Constellation)]] : Moon ( I Feel )
*  [[Virgo]] : Ceres/Earth ( I Analyze )
* [[Libra]]: Chiron ( I Balance )
*  [[Scorpius]] : Pluto ( I Create )
*  [[Ophiuchus]] : Azoth ( I Become )
*  Seven Sacred Planets
*  Hidden Planets :[[Niburu]]
==Abuser Patterns==
* Abuser Patterns
* Physical Abuse
*  Emotional Abuse
* Mental Abuse
*  Spiritual Abuse
*  Bio-Family Abuse
*  Alien Abuse
*  Partner Abuse
*  Sibling Abuse
* False Friend Abuse
*  Child Abuse
*  Sexual Abuse
*  Power Abuse
* Domination Abuse
*  Passive Abuse
*  Abuse Weaponry
* Abuse Etheric Holes
*  Female/Mother Abuser
*  Male/Father Abuser
*  Trusted Abuser
*  Abuse Aura Damage
*  Addiction Abuser
* Drug Abuser
*  Pain Abuser
*  Pleasure Abuser
* Religious Abuse
* Leader Abuse
*  Authority Abuse
*  Discrimination Abuse
* Reclaim Center of Will
*  Collapse Abuse Timeline
*  Clear Abuser/Abuse
*  RRO
==HGS Session References==
HGS Sessions - Clearing [[Sea of Azov, Shallowest Sea]] - 4/18/2015 <ref> HGS Session</ref>
HGS Sessions - Clearing [[Dark Mother Transmission from Cassiopeia]] - 4/11/2015 <ref> HGS Session</ref>

The Sea of Azov is a sea in south-eastern Europe. It is linked by the narrow (about 4 km or 2.5 mi) Strait of Kerch to the Black Sea to the south and is bounded in the north by mainland Ukraine, in the east by Russia, and in the west by the Crimean Peninsula. The Don and Kuban are the major rivers that flow into it. The Sea of Azov is the shallowest sea in the world, with the depth varying between 0.9 meters (2 ft 11 in) and 14 meters (46 ft).[1][2][3][4][5] There is a constant outflow of water from the Sea of Azov to the Black Sea.
The sea is largely affected by the inflow of numerous rivers, which bring sand, silt, and shells, which in turn form numerous bays, limans, and narrow spits. Because of these deposits, the sea bottom is relatively smooth and flat with the depth gradually increasing toward the middle. Also, due to the river inflow, water in the sea has low salinity and a high amount of biomass (such as green algae) that affects the water colour. Abundant plankton results in unusually high fish productivity. The sea shores and spits are low; they are rich in vegetation and bird colonies.

Antiquity -

The Maeotian marshes around the mouth of the Tanais River (the present-day Don) were famous in antiquity, as they served as an important check on the migration of nomadic people from the Eurasian steppelands. The Maeotians themselves lived by fishing and farming, but were avid warriors able to defend themselves against invaders.[19] Misled by its strong currents,[8] ancient geographers had only a vague idea of the extent of the sea, whose fresh water caused them to typically label a "swamp" or "lake". The 5th-century BC Herodotus thought it was as large as the Black Sea, while the 4th-century BC Pseudo-Scylax thought it about half as large.[9] It was long thought to provide direct communication with the Arctic Ocean.[8] The 2nd-century BC Polybius confidently stated that the strait to the Sea of Azov would close in the near future, presumably due to falling sea levels.[20] The 1st-century Strabo reckoned the distance from the Cimmerian Bosporus (the Strait of Kerch) to the mouth of the Tanais at 2200 stadia, a roughly correct figure,[but did not know that its width continuously narrows.
==See Also==
Milesian colonization began in the 7th century BC. The Bosporan Kingdom was named for the Cimmerian Bosporus rather than the more famous Bosporus at the other end of the Black Sea. Briefly annexed by Pontus, it stretched along both southern shores of the Sea of Azov from the time of Greek colonization to the end of the Roman Empire, serving as a client kingdom which exported Russian wheat, fish, and slaves in exchange for Greek and Roman manufactures and luxuries. Its later history is uncertain, but it was probably overrun by the Huns in the late 4th century. Source Wikipedia

[[Fallen Angelics]]

[[Miasma, Planetary]]

==Messier Objects==

* M15
[[Category:PEG Gridwork]]
*  M18
*  M27
*  M39
*  M45
*  M46
* M67
*  M68
*  M69
*  M70
*  M71
*  M75
*  M76
*  M79
*  M80
*  M81
*  M82
*  M89
*  M95
*  M96
* M99
*  M108
*  M109
*  M110
* [[Messier 118]] Hidden
* [[Messier 120]]  Hidden

Latest revision as of 22:58, 20 April 2015

Override Dark Mother Transmission connected to Old Zodiac Transmission Time Stamp; Dismantle Alien Technology Receiver in the Sea of Azov

  • Latitude: 45.663966415824056.
  • Longitude: 35.738525390625
  • Dimensional Splitter of Fetal Cloned Bodies I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
Sea of Azov

Old Zodiac Transmission Time Stamp

• Waxing Moon • Moon in Aries • Moon enters Taurus: 5:32pm • Moon Void of Course: 2:57pm – 5:32pm • PLUTO IS RETROGRADE: • SATURN IS RETROGRADE • NEW MOON (Moon conjunct Sun): 2:57pm • 28 Aries 25 – END OF WORM HOLE • Hidden 4:4 Star Gate • Hidden 8:8 Star Gate


Sea of Azov - Shallowest Sea in the world.

The Sea of Azov is a sea in south-eastern Europe. It is linked by the narrow (about 4 km or 2.5 mi) Strait of Kerch to the Black Sea to the south and is bounded in the north by mainland Ukraine, in the east by Russia, and in the west by the Crimean Peninsula. The Don and Kuban are the major rivers that flow into it. The Sea of Azov is the shallowest sea in the world, with the depth varying between 0.9 meters (2 ft 11 in) and 14 meters (46 ft). There is a constant outflow of water from the Sea of Azov to the Black Sea.The sea is largely affected by the inflow of numerous rivers, which bring sand, silt, and shells, which in turn form numerous bays, limans, and narrow spits. Because of these deposits, the sea bottom is relatively smooth and flat with the depth gradually increasing toward the middle. Also, due to the river inflow, water in the sea has low salinity and a high amount of biomass (such as green algae) that affects the water colour. Abundant plankton results in unusually high fish productivity. The sea shores and spits are low; they are rich in vegetation and bird colonies. Antiquity -The Maeotian marshes around the mouth of the Tanais River (the present-day Don) were famous in antiquity, as they served as an important check on the migration of nomadic people from the Eurasian steppelands. The Maeotians themselves lived by fishing and farming, but were avid warriors able to defend themselves against invaders. Misled by its strong currents,[8] ancient geographers had only a vague idea of the extent of the sea, whose fresh water caused them to typically label a "swamp" or "lake". The 5th-century BC Herodotus thought it was as large as the Black Sea, while the 4th-century BC Pseudo-Scylax thought it about half as large. It was long thought to provide direct communication with the Arctic Ocean. The 2nd-century BC Polybius confidently stated that the strait to the Sea of Azov would close in the near future, presumably due to falling sea levels. The 1st-century Strabo reckoned the distance from the Cimmerian Bosporus (the Strait of Kerch) to the mouth of the Tanais at 2200 stadia, a roughly correct figure,[but did not know that its width continuously narrows. Milesian colonization began in the 7th century BC. The Bosporan Kingdom was named for the Cimmerian Bosporus rather than the more famous Bosporus at the other end of the Black Sea. Briefly annexed by Pontus, it stretched along both southern shores of the Sea of Azov from the time of Greek colonization to the end of the Roman Empire, serving as a client kingdom which exported Russian wheat, fish, and slaves in exchange for Greek and Roman manufactures and luxuries. Its later history is uncertain, but it was probably overrun by the Huns in the late 4th century. Source Wikipedia[1]

Alien Implant Extraction, Recoding

  • AIM Level 1 - Alien Implants: Memory Removal Module
  • 1.1 General Alien Implants
  • 1.1.4 Alien Chi Siphons I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
  • 1.1.5 Alien Consciousness Sweeper I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
  • 1.1.6 Alien Coordinate Locator I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
  • 1.1.7 Alien Death Ray Technology I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
  • 1.1.8 Alien Etheric Weaponry I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
  • 1.1.10 Alien Harmful Artifacts I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
  • 1.1.11 Alien Harmful Portals I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
  • 1.1.12 Alien Implants I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
  • 1.1.15 Alien Mind & Body Slavery I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
  • 1.1.16 Alien Mind Control I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
  • 1.1.18 Alien Reversal Frequencies I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
  • 1.1.19 Alien Scalar Devices I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
  • 1.1.20 Alien Sexual Siphons I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
  • 1.1.21 Alien Tracker Devices I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
  • AIM Level 1 - Alien Implants: Mind Control
  • 1.2 Polarity Archetype Thought Forms
  • 1.2.1 Victimizer -Victim I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
  • 1.2.3 Master- Slave I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
  • 1.2.7 Greater Than - Lesser Than I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
  • 1.2.8 Beautiful - Ugly I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
  • AIM Level 1 - Alien Implants: Mind Control
  • 1.4 Fear or Hate Thought-Forms
  • 1.4.12 Genetic Discrimination I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
  • 1.4.13 Genocide I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
  • 1.4.14 Holocaust I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
  • 1.4.19 Male Archetype I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
  • 1.4.20 Massacre I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
  • 1.4.21 Mother Archetype I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
  • 1.4.22 Purgatory I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
  • 1.4.25 Seeing the Darkness (Denial) I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
  • 1.4.26 Spiritual Betrayal I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
  • 1.4.30 War and Killing I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
  • AIM Level 2 - Alien Implants: Mind Control
  • 2.1 Fear or Phobia Trauma Memories / Genetic or Galactic Race Memory
  • 2.1.1 (Partial) Ascended Master Lineages I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
  • 2.1.2 Andromedan I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
  • 2.1.4 Arcturian I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
  • 2.1.5 Avalon/Aveyon I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
  • 2.1.18 Lyran Royal Houses I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
  • 2.1.19 Annunaki I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
  • 2.1.20 Mars, phobos I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
  • 2.1.21 Medusozoa I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
  • 2.1.22 Melchizedek Priesthood I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
  • 2.1.23 Moon Lineages I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
  • 2.1.25 Necromiton I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
  • 2.1.26 Nephilim I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
  • 2.1.27 Ur Priesthood I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
  • 2.1.28 Orion Wars I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
  • 2.1.33 Sons of Belial I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
  • 2.1.36 Jehovah/Armageddon I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
  • 2.1.37 Eye of Yahweh I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
  • 2.1.38 Tiamat/Apsu I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
  • 2.1.39 Marduk I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
  • 2.1.40 Enki/Enlil I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
  • 2.1.41 Thothian/Thelema/Ulema I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
  • 2.1.44 Phantom Matrix I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
  • 2.1.45 Reptilian Invasion I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
  • 2.1.46 Metatronic Bodies I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
  • 2.1.47 Luciferian Conquest I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
  • 2.1.48 Massacre or Holocaust Trauma I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
  • 2.1.49 Alpha Omega (911) Agenda I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
  • 2.1.50 Black Magician Grids I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
  • 2.1.51 NET Static Fields I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
  • AIM Level 2 - Alien Implants: Stolen, Replicated or Damaged Genetics
  • 2.2 Replication or Hybridization Trauma
  • 2.2.22 Black Magician/sorcery I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
  • 2.2.24 Cellular Disease (DNA reversal) I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12
  • 2.2.25 Fallen Angelic Schism Trauma I-L-R-R H1,2,3,4, B 1-12

*Activate Eviction

Messier Objects

Zodiac and Planets

Abuser Patterns

  • Abuser Patterns
  • Physical Abuse
  • Emotional Abuse
  • Mental Abuse
  • Spiritual Abuse
  • Bio-Family Abuse
  • Alien Abuse
  • Partner Abuse
  • Sibling Abuse
  • False Friend Abuse
  • Child Abuse
  • Sexual Abuse
  • Power Abuse
  • Domination Abuse
  • Passive Abuse
  • Abuse Weaponry
  • Abuse Etheric Holes
  • Female/Mother Abuser
  • Male/Father Abuser
  • Trusted Abuser
  • Abuse Aura Damage
  • Addiction Abuser
  • Drug Abuser
  • Pain Abuser
  • Pleasure Abuser
  • Religious Abuse
  • Leader Abuse
  • Authority Abuse
  • Discrimination Abuse
  • Reclaim Center of Will
  • Collapse Abuse Timeline
  • Clear Abuser/Abuse
  • RRO

HGS Session References

HGS Sessions - Clearing Sea of Azov, Shallowest Sea - 4/18/2015 [2]

HGS Sessions - Clearing Dark Mother Transmission from Cassiopeia - 4/11/2015 [3]


  1. [1]
  2. HGS Session
  3. HGS Session

See Also

Fallen Angelics

Miasma, Planetary
