Inner Violence

Revision as of 21:29, 10 March 2016 by Lisa (talk | contribs)

Inner Violence is composed of thought forms and belief systems promoted in the Predator Mind, many which are sourced from the unresolved emotional conflicts and trauma memories recorded in the Three Layers of Ego, which promote all forms of violent actions or aggressive behaviors on the external. All thoughts are things, with a specific rage of Frequency. People who demonstrate outer violence, have excessive accumulative Inner Violence, which manifests in the Predator Mind profile. Inner Violence is a form of self hatred, absence of love, generated through trauma, abuse or other spiritually destructive behaviors that cause Soul Fragmentation.

Inner Violence towards the self and others, promotes external methods of violence, there is no possibility of knowing God through intentional and premeditated violence, such as the Blood Sacrifice of a human being. There is no such thing as a Holy War or Just War. For the last two thousand years the NAA agenda has been to spread violent religions across the earth with the primary use of Christianity and Islam worshippers who are numbered in the billions.

May we consider the long range impacts of Religious Violence and its implication to the collective mind of humanity, in so that we may commit to remove all inner violence against our own person, to remove all violent thoughts, actions and deeds from our personal behavior. The mass consciousness programming toward committing violent actions, whether inner violence or outer violence, is an agenda promoted aggressively on the earth. Recently with increasing collective confusion, we may notice the young male population under 30 is a high risk factor. This age group is undergoing a severe identity crisis, easily possessed and acting out horrific mass killings, for no apparent reason. As we remember the Cross Theology and what it has done to humankind, we can learn how to terminate its collective influence made upon our bodies, hearts, mind and spirit.

May we lead by example and may we hold a moment of prayer to strengthen our Lightworker communities with spiritual purpose in solidarity, brotherhood and sisterhood in the Christos-Sophia, in so that we all share the goal of the highest spiritual expression for us individually and collectively. May we unify as one peaceful heart in service to reclaim spiritual freedom for the planet and humanity.[1]

Evolving Beyond Blood Sacrifice

Thus, we enter the phase of which the laws governing the energy architecture on our earth undergo evolutionary change to evolve beyond the continual feeding of Consumptive Modeling, Blood Sacrifice and energy vampirism. If we do not awaken to remember that we were ALL crucified on this planet to spiritually oppress our race, we cannot escape the Mind Control of the Cross salvation model of human blood sacrifice to the Alien False Gods. The human genocide and blood sacrifice model was installed in the planetary architecture as software and therefore embedded in collective consciousness through Holographic Inserts. The Cross Emanations are machinery, Alien Implants with technological mind control which are designed to promote violent religions and all cultural belief systems that promote war, Martyrdom and killing. This influence extends beyond the death of the physical body and impacts the soul body, many times forcing the being to submit to bindings of servitude or repeated reincarnation.

This machinery has influenced the collective consciousness of the planet, way beyond any type of belief system of Religion, whether Orthodox, Reformed, Atheism, or Agnostic. It crosses all barriers of genetics, race or culture, and penetrates into the subconscious mind control that is beamed out through biological warfare technology which shapes our belief systems on the planet to submit to warring consciousness within Patriarchal Domination.[2]


See Also

Law of One


Crucifixion Implants