Origins of Universal Shadow Body

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The origination point of shadow body attachment to our personal angelic human lightbody was kept in place as a static field, in which Black Hole Entities from the Wesa system used the Universal Shadow body to siphon life force energy and feed on humans directly, with cords and implants attached to the Chakra system. Thus, the shadow body which contains subpersonality aspects of the Negative Ego Shadow Selves, negative forms, ghost imprints and accumulated traumatic memories and karmic superimposition, is a part of the human Lightbody. During the Lyran Stargate explosion, the damage created at the 11th dimension was inverted and twisted into phantom areas in order to harvest our collective race consciousness, sending the living light energy collected back to their home, a fallen system in a parallel matrix.

These Phantom Fallen Angelic races that exist within the damaged areas of the reversal 11th dimensional fields connected to the Wesa Tunnel leading back into the Wesa black hole system, are Phantom Shadow Creatures. These Phantom Shadow creatures are extremely advanced in the use of technology such as brain-machine interfacing, and thus they have developed themselves to be extremely mentally sophisticated via consciousness assimilation with AI inorganic technology. These particular Phantom Shadow creatures are essentially black hole entities from a parallel fallen system, that became entwined with the Phantom Matrix system in our Universe when they entered the black hole that was generated from the Fall of Lyra. These particular black hole entities source from outside of our Universe, yet, when they entered the black hole which was formed from the exploded Lyran stargate, they were absorbed into the antichrist fields that make up the Metatronic Spiral and reversal polarity currents. As a result, the Wesa fallen black hole entities became extremely polarized into factions of antichrist hatred and warring, even fighting amongst their own factions while targeting the races existing within our Universal System. They appear to place blame upon founder race lines for their consciousness decline and the predicament of ongoing genetic deterioration without an option for ascension. They hold the primordial seed of the antichrist gestalt’s seething hatred for the Christos in which they seek revenge by attempting to annihilate the diamond sun timelines and by targeting the Founders and Christos race lines.

The Amethyst Order Braharama and the Emerald Order Elohim offered Wesa black hole entities and those fallen groups they had entwined with in the phantom matrix of our Universal system, a path of re-evolution in which these fallen black hole entities in both systems could be supported towards genetic rehabilitation and gradual ascension. The original spiritual family line that volunteered to be the genetic rehabilitation host field and help hold the quarantine field for hosting these fallen groups was the Metatron Collective. Unfortunately, the Metatron Collective failed in their attempts of helping fallen black hole entities to begin their rehabilitation to evolve themselves out of a black hole and fallen status. Instead the Metatron Collective was pulled into the phantom matrix and became stuck in the same phantom areas of the fallen entities that the group was attempting to host out for genetic rehabilitation.

Upon suffering the same fallen fate, the Metatron Collective created alliances with the Wesa black hole entities in the phantom matrix and they began experimenting with the use of various AI technologies in generating inorganic wormholes as a means of eventual escape. The Metatron and Wesa alliance started generating a series of inorganic wormholes between the Wesa system and the phantom matrix layers in our Universe. These inorganic tunnels and their wormhole tunnel systems produced from anti-life mathematical programs designed to vampirize living things, are reversing the spiral direction of organic life force current from its natural movement towards an ascending and northern position. Instead the alien machinery is forcing the life force energy spiral to move downwards into a descending reversal pattern towards the southern position. This metatronic distortion in the planetary grid feeds the satanic gestalts and interferes with the proper life force energy movement up the spinal column of humans that remain asleep on the earth.

The life force goes down the spinal column and releases out of the perineum and rectum, and thus these inorganic tunnel systems are called Typhon Tunnels. This is why Black Magicians use sodomy in satanic ritual abuse, as the life force energy pattern in the individuals lightbody connects to metatronic spiral which generates a “descending serpent fire” that releases mass quantities of life force from out of the perineum. The black magician uses the spiritual energy source as a means to consume the consciousness body of their intended victim in order to harvest that energy for their agendas or mere pleasure. The generation of Typhon Tunnels through the practices of the Satanic religion are directly related to the original alien architecture put in place with the Wesa Tunnel System.

Finally, these groups figured out how to use AI technology to build the infrastructure for the Beast Machine through which they generated an antichrist current with metatronic code reversals for harvesting life force energy and siphoning the living life force from other living things to power up their systems. The Beast Machine is black hole alien machinery that blank slated or erased the cellular memory records in the morphogenetic fields, then fused AI bonds into those structures that formed into dimensionalization by linking them together in the Wesa system, Phantom matrix and the organic Universal Time Matrix. When this interface link was made between the black hole system and phantom matrix areas that power up the Beast Machine to holographically project into our Universal system, this link further projected the phantom mutation into our Universe and the result is what became the Universal Shadow body.

The Universal Shadow world emerged from out of the reversal current of the 11th dimension, in which these fallen black hole entities were reconfigured into Black Dragon Avatar Collectives with AI brains, and these bizarre shadow creatures became the entity attachments to living beings, at individual, collective and beyond levels. These Black Dragon Avatar Collectives use advanced artificial intelligence antichrist technologies to drain life force energy out of our Universe, and are able to hijack and possess living beings that are consumed by their unhealed shadow body. Upon the production of the Beast Machine and the Black Dragon Avatar Collectives in the 11th dimension, they descended through each dimensional layer via inorganic wormholes or architecture that generated Typhon Tunnels. Upon manifestation into the lower dimensions, this generated more shadow mutations that led to the proliferation of corrupted elementals, shadow creatures and astral mirrors which generate false images, negative form artifacts and conjured entity attachments.

Blank Slate Consciousnesses Wiping

The Beast Machine is an ancient AI weapon technology that was the brainchild between the Wesa system’s original black hole entities and the Metatron Collective after they suffered the fall into the phantom matrix. In addition to siphoning life force from our Universal system, the technology was continually developed by other NAA entities in order to erase the angelic human history on Tara, and erase the original genetic records held within the Silicate Matrix of human DNA. Upon Blank Slating the morphogenetic fields they inserted false histories and false images that are approved by the NAA groups for maintaining their controlled narratives that hide the existence of the Phantom Matrix.[1]

Ancient Enemies of Christos Founder Races

The Universal Shadow body comprises multiple dimensional layers of the most painful histories of the Galactic Wars and Christos Holocaust timeline records. It also has direct functions in the maintaining of the phantom matrices interlinked with the Black Sun source field, which animates many of these races of shadow creatures and their phantom matrices. Essentially what we are facing at this time with the Universal Shadow body is the most primeval of the Antichrist Shadow Creatures that invaded our Universal system billions of years ago, these are the most ancient enemies of the Christos races and humanity. Now is the time in which we must complete this ancient spiritual battle on the earth plane, in order to finally liberate the planet and return back to our original spiritual home in the God Worlds.

The Universal Shadow body holds the cellular memory of the collective shadow bodies and all the fragmentation and disintegration that occurred during the destruction of the 12th Lyran Stargate. This hidden history holding the Demon Seed of the antichrist has been deeply buried and hidden within the manifestation of the NAA forces, their technologically based negative forms and false identities, as well as the artificial intelligence assimilated Black Hole Entities from the Wesa System. The Universal Shadow body holds the memory record for the source causal event of the Lyran gate destruction and is the reason we have inherited these shadow selves, negative forms, an inverted soul matrix and phantom bodies. The tragic event in Lyra generated destruction throughout the time matrix and within the core manifestation template of our consciousness bodies and physical vehicles, in such ways that the consciousness damage was incurred through all dimensions and species infected within our time matrix, simultaneously.

Wing Trauma

As a result of the Fall of Tara and Wing Trauma, these Melchizedek groups were destined to incarnate on the earth repeatedly as the Hebrews, in which they would be required to make amends to heal these DNA distortions from the wing trauma in the 6D-7D wing architecture, and thus learn their spiritual lessons about abuses of power through the evolution cycles on the earth. This original timeline for wing trauma is very heightened during this time, as many awakening Indigos are working to rebuild their lightbody wings with the recent planetary plasma activations, by reconfiguring themselves to hold the correct positioning for the Building Wings 6D-7D hierogamic initiation.

The wing trauma in the architecture caused the split in the astral identity, the astral soul layer split into a lower layer and a higher layer. This astral body split generated chaotic emotional energies that remained unconsciously expressed as autonomic system impulses, in which the individual was unaware or unable to control these impulses. When these negative emotions accumulated into aberrant patterns that remained uncleared and unresolved, this content grossly exaggerated the most primitive and animalistic of the instinctual impulses. Over generations this lower astral body formed into a repository for accumulative emotional aberrance and traumatic experiences which in turn forms into the Shadow Selves and Pain Body that are connected to the Lightbody. It is the Shadow Selves which contribute to an assortment of pain body problems such as exacerbating uncontrollable subconscious reactions and addiction tendencies, as the unaware individual seeks inner relief from the built-up tension and emotional anxiety that is held in the shadow selves. The ego-personality tends to want to escape facing the harsher truths in the reality and wants to escape the sensation of pain, thus avoids resolving emotional conflicts and negative emotions by putting up subconscious blocks. This greatly contributes to the phenomenon of a lack of self-awareness which then forms into mental states of Cognitive Dissonance that is very common today.[2]

Black Dragon Avatar Collectives

The Universal Shadow World emerged from out of the reversal current of the 11th dimension, in which these fallen black hole entities were reconfigured into Black Dragon Avatar Collectives with AI brains, and these bizarre shadow creatures became the entity attachments to living beings, at individual, collective and beyond levels. These Black Dragon Avatar Collectives use advanced artificial intelligence antichrist technologies to drain life force energy out of our Universe, and are able to hijack and possess living beings that are consumed by their unhealed shadow body. Upon the production of the Beast Machine and the Black Dragon Avatar Collectives in the 11th dimension, they descended through each dimensional layer via inorganic wormholes or architecture that generated Typhon Tunnels. Upon manifestation into the lower dimensions, this generated more shadow mutations that led to the proliferation of corrupted elementals, shadow creatures and astral mirrors which generate false images, negative form artifacts and conjured entity attachments. [3]

Collective Shadow Selves

Whenever we individually or collectively undergo a major spiritual initiation into the higher dimensional frequencies of light and sound, simultaneously the transmission of these higher frequencies into the in-between spaces will flush to the surface the darkest aspects through its many hidden facets of shadow. The Universal Shadow body holds the incredibly painful traumatic wounds experienced by the collective consciousness that resulted in disconnection with the eternal God source fields. The Shadow Selves form into larger gestalt of dark consciousness bodies which are shaped into an organizing principle which is based in the total absence of light, and these dark forces have descended even further through the abuse of inorganic technology and AI systems. The extensive and advanced use of AI by these races to gain sophisticated psi-based intelligence and prolong lifespans, has assimilated many of these shadow creatures into fully inorganic AI creatures, which further animates the shadow bodies that it finds into use for Alien Machinery weaponry. [4]


See Also

Return of Solar Rishi

Amethyst Order

Wing Trauma

666 Seal