Public Vaccination Campaigns

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We have been told by the current public faces trotted out by the Controllers, the unelected and elected representatives, that personal freedom and normalcy will not return to our daily lives unless we submit to their authority and participate in a Mandated Global Vaccination plan. This month we will look at how the vaccination campaigns of the 20th century led by the Bloodline families and headed by the Rockefellers, were actually designed as chemical and Social Engineering programs for the Genetic Modification of Human DNA. These campaigns were engineered to interface with an assortment of other Soft Kill Methods to implement a slow and invisible Eugenics program that would eventually lead to cybernetic control and transhumanist goals.

Black Sun Agenda (Satanic) 1/2

The following information is not to be construed as medical advice, but is intended for your empowerment and to aid in your own due diligence research. Despite the urban legends, the Public Vaccination Campaigns since the early 20th century were designed by the Controllers for genetic modification purposes and as controlled medical experiments. Public health and eradication of diseases were not the actual goal of these mass marketing campaigns. Behind the public façade, they were supporting the agendas of directed evolution and Eugenics via the administering of synthetic compounds and Chemical Based Genetic Engineering, then marketing it to the masses as progressive science and medicine. Today, most medical authorities and patients actually have no idea what ingredients are being injected directly into their bloodstream through Vaccinations. A payload of neurological toxins designed to Genetically Modify Human DNA and bypass all of the human body’s natural and true immunity is being delivered, forfeiting protection from pathogenic foreign invaders.

The use of Vaccinations for chemical based genetic engineering, Mind Control and eventual surveillance, as well as generating illness and disability in the most vulnerable population, has been a well-funded and incredibly organized campaign since 1955 when Jonas Salk headed the polio vaccination crusade. Hailed as a medical research genius and hero of the American public, he was one of the first architects of instituting the plandemic, along with the “flood the zone” public relations campaigns to shift perception that vaccinations were absolutely necessary for guaranteeing healthy immunity.

Even back then, the Controllers knew that in order for the population to gain trust in the medical, pharmaceutical and vaccine industry over many decades, these industries had to be vigorously marketed and portrayed as trustworthy and absolutely necessary for ensuring public health in order to eradicate the spread of infectious diseases. It’s perfectly safe and tested they told us, as they injected neuro-poisons into our children. This Controlled Narrative from seventy years ago is still incredibly relevant today in shaping minds and controlling perception and optics surrounding pharmaceutical companies and their never-ending array of consumer products, some mandated in childhood vaccine schedules, that supposedly have the backing of an ethical and well researched mainstream science. This is and was always false, the primary objective of Big Pharma and bio-technology industries backed by the Controllers was for the ultimate goal of directed evolution; chemical genetic engineering and fusing organic human biology with injections of artificial or foreign energy bodies for achieving their cybernetic dream, the eugenicist and transhumanist goals.

Until we can access truthful information beyond the Propaganda and payola in order to know our actual history, then study and learn from the events in the past, we are destined to keep repeating the same mistakes that generate catastrophic harm to humanity.


Vaccinations are a medical treatment in the form of an injection said to be for the purpose of increasing immunity that is to be administered to an otherwise healthy individual. Many people are waking up to the unethical actions of the medical-pharma-CDC corporatocracy corruption ring, that are forcing way too many vaccination doses in untested combinations to be administered to healthy babies and children. Many of these controversial legislations that are attempting to legalize forced vaccinations, violate the very clear language in the Informed Consent section of the AMA Code of Medical Ethics. Informed Consent is directly related to preserving a human being’s right to Self-Ownership, autonomy and the prevention of abusive conduct.

Forced vaccination is designed to destroy the laws that protect informed consent and medical freedom, and all people should be mindful of this attack made against our human rights and our bodily health.[1]

Hidden Operations as Unethical Human Experiments

The agenda to alter the organic human energy field and human DNA would occur through the introduction of cybernetic theories and bio-engineering, which included the genetic modification of the food supply. By tampering with and modifying the foods that people consume, this not only impacted the health and wellbeing, but altered how the Brain could process information. Now this timeline becomes the entry point for the dispersion of many hidden intelligence operations made as genetic and Mind Control experiments against the public without their awareness or consent, like Project Mockingbird and MKUltra. These unethical experiments are essentially the legitimation of satanic ritual abuse being carried out in secret on the unaware public. Sadly, there are many documented covert intelligence projects that were declassified in later years that fully demonstrate a range of unethical human experimentation happening in the United States agencies, which with some common sense informs us that this experimentation never stopped and only progressed with advancements of hidden and invisible technology.[2]


  1. [Genetic Modification of Human DNA]
  2. Genetic Modification of Human DNA

See Also

Genetic Modification of Human DNA