Elaysa Sun

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The emergence of the Cosmic Mother Elaysa Sun as the Triple Solar Reisha network of the Universal Melchizedek Logos has catalyzed the next stage of planetary liberation, which surfaces awareness of the organic consciousness sequences that have merged particle and anti-particle systems to form into the creation doorway that links directly with the Cosmic Eye of God.[1]

In order to host their triple solar female rishic consciousness (Solar Reisha) and Elaysa-Melchizedek Mother on the planet it required the opening of 19D-20D-21D. This expansion also functions as the triple hosting shield of Rishi-Reisha anchored inside of the Gaian Matrix, and lays the correct foundation for the Universal Emerald Rod and restoration of the related 48D Azurite architecture. It appears much of the organic Emerald Order 48D Azurite-Ascended Master architecture is available from the Elaysa Mother matrix through the 19D access to the Elaysa Sun.

Elaysian Matrix Opens

The sixth-dimension merges with 16D and recently has been merged into 19D. This appears to be the dimension where Elaysa-Melchizedek and many other Azurite Ascended Masters that source from the Elaysa Sun became trapped and unable to enter our time matrix. The Cosmic Mother Elaysian matrix of Ascended Masters in 19D appear in their Maharaji Asian forms as the Triple Female Tara’s, and Triple Male Buddha’s that travel in their eternal Solar Dragon body and ouroboros rings. See 19D, 20D and 21D. [2]


See Also

Cosmic Spirit Body

Rasha Body

Universal Ankh Body

Failsafe Plan

Mother of Dragons

Mary Magdalene Sophia


Return of Solar Rishi