12th Chakra

Revision as of 21:02, 11 January 2015 by Lisa (talk | contribs)

The Earth Star Chakra is white and holds the platinum liquid light blueprint for the Avatar Christ (when it has been activated to run 12D Ray current) and located approximately 6 inches below the feet and connects into the base of the 12D Shield. It connects into the 12th dimension in the future timelines and is the 12D Ray of the Christ Mind. Once the 12D Ray has been activated, the GSF triad or Threefold Founder Flame is ignited within the center of the built 12D Shield which supports the continuation of safe Ascension Cycle progression on earth.

It is our interface into the planetary body grid system and neural network. It remains our Lightbody connector into the planetary realm as we progress through the spiritual Ascension process and embody progressively higher frequencies. This allows us to run these frequencies into the earth grid to help the planet run higher frequencies that support the collective consciousness and morphogenetic race field of DNA patterns, supporting an evolutionary progression for all inhabitants of earth.

12D Hubs

Avatar Universe

Once the 12D Shield is activated in the human Lightbody, 12D Frequency Hubs and Hub Handshake can be connected into the planetary body which supports the harmonization of the planet, environment and spiritual connection links to the Krystal Star for humanity.

Morphogenetic Chakras

In higher spiritual development (begins at Monadic Integration), the particle and antiparticle (Morphogenetic Chakras 8-15) merge together into one Unified Column. This is another example of gender unification between the male and female principle chakras in order to create unity or a unified consciousness column.

Level Three Triad: Hieros Gamos

Level Three of Sacred Marriage is "Hieros Gamos", the hydroplasmic liquid light of the Risen and Embodied Christos Principle. Level Three Triad: Hieros Gamos Union or the Risen Christos-Sophia.

  • Stage 1 – Solar Egg (10D, Monad Twin or Genetic Equals integrate Solar Illuminated Light).
  • Stage 2 – Buddhic Egg (11D, Monad Twin or Genetic Equals integrate Lunar Reflected Light).
  • Stage 3 – Cosmic Egg - Christos Embodied (12D, Monad Twin or Genetic Equal synthesizes the Solar and Lunar Light which when integrated Embodies the Cosmic Christos Avatar of Liquid Aurora Light. Together they share One merged Double Diamond Sun Body and One HG Crown.[1]


See Also


Zero Point Field

Law of Polarity

Gender Principle