Transduction Sequence

(Redirected from Birth Transduct)

The Transduction Sequence is the definition of when the “God Spark” connects to the core manifestation body (12 Tree Grid) which is our Lightbody that is the Blueprint record that projects our Consciousness identity out into the elemental physical manifest body.

All nine dimensions of the Spectrum of Frequency or the triad of three sets of Kundalini energies are coiled up within eight fetal cells located on the tailbone or coccyx. These eight fetal cells are created at the time of conception. The incarnating consciousness identities are connected in these intelligent layers of Spectrum of Frequency which are linked into the Silver Cord of the Soul and hold the Birth Transduction Sequence which includes the Morphogenetic Field imprint of the entire Consciousness.

Once freed of the False Umbilicus structure, the power management in the Monadic atomic body that connects at the 1D level is changing (at what is known as) the transduction sequence record. The transduction sequence is the exact moment of cellular record of incarnational birth of the Consciousness into this physical body.[1]

Consciousness Identity

The transduction sequence is the definition of when the “God Spark” connects to the core manifestation body (12 Tree Grid) which is our Lightbody that is the Blueprint record that projects our Consciousness identity out into the elemental physical manifest body.

Session Excerpt: in order to shift what's known as the birth Transduction Sequence, which is the core patterns that get imprinted in the birth process. When we come through the birth canal we are actually imprinted with what is known as astrological and magnetic imprints that influence our soul, our light and arcing of that light. The transduction sequences is that exact moment where our consciousness light comes into a filter, which would be our Soul blueprint, and that soul blueprint is called our core manifestation body or core manifestation 12 Tree Grid. The Core Soul Protection is working with that particular core manifestation tree which is at that exact moment the transduction of consciousness light comes into the projection through this filter into form.

We are learning and also having clarify that the shifting of the transduction is a part of our ongoing spiritual development, initiation and Ascension process because our third dimensional imprints are held in place by that Transduction Sequence at the moment of birth in these bodies we inhabit. So it's an imprint in the genetic material. It is an imprint in the physical being and because of the challenges we have with reptilian consciousness takeover and the polarity games that are still being played at that level, it is something that in most cases on our planet human beings are manipulated and influenced a lot by dark forces. So let say the interception of one's self-determination and free will. [2] Transcript by Kim.

Transduction Sequence Link

Please clear the miasmic imprint from these cording damages, through the layers of Transduction Sequence. Please take this through the consciousness units, and then clear it through the manifestation templates – through layers one (Quantum Level), two (Unmanifest to Manifest Reality) and three (External Impacts). Then please clear it through the morphogenetic field instruction, and through the merkaba field pattern. Then clear through the DNA and RNA imprint, all the way through the auric field, and into the Chakras. Then clear it through the layers of the nadial capsules in the 3rd dimension; and through the layers of the etheric nadis. Please continue clearing to the nuclear core at the sub atomic and molecular level, clearing to the central nervous system, metabolic system, blood, brain, neuro-hormonal structure, and through all organs and tissues. [3]

Birth Transduction Sequence

The Birth Transduction Sequence is the exact moment that the cellular record of the consciousness identity imprinted during incarnational birth into this physical body on the earth. When we come through the birth canal we are actually imprinted with ancestral-genetic, astrological, celestial and magnetic imprints that influence the pathway of our soul-spirit, our consciousness identity and the arcing spiral of that light through time. The transduction sequence is that exact moment when our consciousness light comes into a filter for physical expression, and therefore acts as the fundamental construct of our lightbody Grounding Mechanism that exists in the first dimension. It is this interface that connects us to the earth body transduction sequence record for connecting to the system of collective earth consciousness. This record reflects in our lightbody that we are earthlings, consciousness identities from the earth plane, located in this lower creation realm section of the Universe.

This also could be referred to as our soul-spirit blueprint for achieving our highest expression in divine purpose and alignment with Universal Laws. The transduction sequence is the definition of when the “God Spark” connects to the core manifestation body (12 Tree Grid), which is our Lightbody and that is the blueprint record that projects our consciousness identity out into the elemental physical manifest body.

There are nine dimensions of the Spectrum of Frequency or the triad of three sets of Kundalini energies that are coiled up within eight fetal cells located on the tailbone or coccyx. These eight fetal cells are created at the time of conception, and are usually impacted by the reptilian tail implant that stops kundalini activation in the general population. The incarnating consciousness identities are connected in these intelligent layers of frequency that are linked into the silver cord of the soul-spirit and hold the birth transduction sequence that is the instruction set for the entire consciousness. During spiritual initiation, once freed of the false umbilicus structure in the astral plane as a result of proper Soul body integration, the power management in the monadic-spiritual layer of the atomic body that connects at the 1D level changes the birth transduction sequence record and grounding mechanism. The spiritual initiate or energetically sensitive will feel their grounding to the earth body wired differently. The larger importance of this current reconfiguration is that this same process is transpiring in the planetary body during the shift to the next harmonic universe, as the natural result of the planetary Ascension. This shifts everyone’s grounding, whether they are aware of that fact or not.

As the Collective Consciousness of planet earth shifts out of the 3D transduction sequence record, it fundamentally changes everything that we were as an earthling. The core of our identity is being challenged and tested to match with the higher version of our spiritual selves, making this a very confusing time for many people on the earth who are grappling with their personality identity as well as the dismantling of their 3D version of reality. All of us on earth are shifting transduction sequence and that means we are no longer the same identity we were originally when we were born onto the earth, our incarnational record will reflect entirely different coordinates in time. This massive consciousness shift in the transduction record is one of the major reasons many Starseeds clamored to come to the earth during the Ascension Cycle, to take part as a forerunner in this quantum leap made through the timelines.

The birth transduction shift can be very hard on the physical body when a human being has not been given a bio-spiritual context, or reasons why the body must physically adapt to these changes occurring with the electromagnetic fields. It is crucial to remain as relaxed, fluid, transparent and loving as possible to these shifting electromagnetic fields, to help the body remain open to align to its new lightbody Grounding Mechanism and transduction record. We must recognize when to retreat in order to protect ourselves from the chaotic onslaught and artificial technologies, and know that we must surrender everything to our higher power in order to remain as relaxed as possible.[4]

Consciousness Descension into Manifest Biology

The Transduction Sequence describes the process by which consciousness undergoes several stages of descension, passing through multiple layers of dimensionalization in order to manifest into a matter form. Consciousness uses a Blueprint, architecture to express itself in matter. A Core Manifestation Template is designed for consciousness to express itself into the biological form that is located within a specific dimension of time and space. As an example, the original angelic human 12 Strand DNA template is expressed through the holographic template of the 12 Tree Grid, or Kathara manifestation grid. Consciousness units arrange themselves into dimensional grids which form into layers of morphogenetic fields, containing specific instruction sets that build into energy spirals that make up the merkaba fields.

The Merkaba fields are what help to sustain the energy that builds the entire Lightbody construct, in which there are male-female sets of counter-rotating electromagnetic spirals of the consciousness energy. The male-female sets of consciousness energy spirals generate a DNA and RNA imprint. The DNA architecture is the masculine principle, while the RNA is the feminine principle. The DNA-RNA messaging circuitry must communicate together in balance. The DNA and RNA imprint project the entire lightbody hologram which organizes the light of the consciousness into a bio-energetic field, or auric field.

The auric field organizes into multiple layers of energy matrices that act as small computers, and these are the Chakras, the lower exist in the particle layers and the higher dimensional chakras exists in the anti-particle layers. The anti-particle chakras are Morphogenetic Chakras and they inform the instruction sets absorbed into the lower dimensional chakras, who can open the higher contents when they are able to hold the higher frequencies. Over time the chakras dissolve into each other when absorbing the higher dimensional frequencies.

The chakras send their processed energy as intelligent spirals into the nadial capsule which forms around the manifest biological form. The nadial capsule is comprised of the three-dimensional layers of the harmonic universe, in which the consciousness is stationed as an identity. The nadial capsule instructs how the consciousness must organize itself into the manifested DNA and RNA cellular biology. The DNA-RNA in matter sends its intelligent design to the Nadial Structure, which acts as the blueprint for energetic transmission and energetic receivers that form into the blueprint for the physical Brain and nervous system. The central nervous system transmits into the molecular structure and then into the nuclear core in the 1D Atomic Body, which informs the Dark Matter Template.

This nuclear core sends intelligent consciousness energy from all combined blueprint layers into the central nervous system, which sets the metabolic and biological base rhythms. These biological base rhythms are imprinted from the Soul and spiritual intelligence into the blood, which form into the historical spiritual records. This blood record forms an imprint that is recorded in the brain to produce and distribute Hormones, and the natural chemical reactions that are recorded in each organ and gland, and into all cellular tissues.

When we understand the interaction of the consciousness imprints from our Soul and spiritual intelligence recorded into our biological form, then it becomes obvious that the human body is filled with the personalized spiritual records of that unique consciousness being.[5]

Shedding Enki DNA Skins

Apparently, current events of shedding Enki DNA Overlays and lunar Transfiguration combined with cosmic cycle spiritual activations with the Elaysa Mother of Life principle, allows for the chemicals required for the Diamond Sun template to braid into the correct genetic pairing sequences for building the 12 double helix strand DNA template, which prepares the ascending physical body to become trans-dimensional through atomic transmutation changes that are occurring with the Transduction Sequence birth imprint. [6]


Term first found in HGS Manual: Page 195

See Also

Aurora Krystal Matrix Re-Encryption of Elemental Body