
Canaan is considered to be the coast and interior of the eastern Mediterranean, the Canaanites were a people lived in what is now Lebanon and Israel, and parts of Syria and Jordan. According to the Bible, the ancient Canaanites, were idol worshipers who practiced human sacrifice and engaged in deviant sexual activity. They reportedly conducted human sacrifices in which children were immolated in front of their parents on stone altars, known as Tophets, dedicated to the mysterious dark god Moloch.
Canaan was a Semitic-speaking civilization and region in the Ancient Near East during the late 2nd millennium BC. Canaan had significant geopolitical importance in the Late Bronze Age Amarna Period (14th century BC) as the area where the spheres of interest of the Egyptian, Hittite, Mitanni and Assyrian Empires converged or overlapped. Much of present-day knowledge about Canaan stems from archaeological excavation in this area at sites such as Tel Hazor, Tel Megiddo, En Esur, and Gezer.
The name "Canaan" appears throughout the Bible, where it corresponds to "the Levant", in particular to the areas of the Southern Levant that provide the main settings of the narratives of the Bible: the Land of Israel, Philistia, and Phoenicia, among others.
The word Canaanites serves as an ethnic catch-all term covering various indigenous populations—both settled and nomadic-pastoral groups—throughout the regions of the southern Levant or Canaan. It is by far the most frequently used ethnic term in the Bible. The Book of Joshua includes Canaanites in a list of nations to exterminate, and scripture elsewhere portrays them as a group which the Israelites had annihilated. Biblical scholar Mark Smith notes that archaeological data suggests "that the Israelite culture largely overlapped with and derived from Canaanite culture... In short, Israelite culture was largely Canaanite in nature. The name Canaanites is attested, many centuries later, as the endonym of the people later known to the Ancient Greeks from c. 500 BC as Phoenicians, and after the emigration of some Canaanite-speakers to Carthage (founded in the 9th century BC), was also used as a self-designation by the Punics (as "Chanani") of North Africa during Late Antiquity.[2]
Carthage Influence on Malta
There are impactful historical events in the timelines that connect the blood sacrifice teachings of the Canaanites from Carthage as infiltrating the Maltese island culture, which later formed into the legacies which include the Knights of Malta. The Canaanites left their indelible imprint when a group of ancient satanic priests from Carthage, who worshipped Baal and Moloch through child blood sacrifices, came to the island and began to use the many catacombs, tunnels and underground structures for inverting goddess worship by carrying out their covert satanic blood rituals. The subterranean passages and caverns span the entire island and were intersecting with the catacombs beneath Rome which were siphoning the spiritual power of the Mother Goddess principle. Malta’s temples, catacombs, caves and tunnels were specifically built upon powerful intersecting Dragon nodes and portal systems that also have connections into the Albion controls in the United Kingdom, and these intelligent systems were genetically coded into the Dragon Templar originally built and placed there by the Emerald Order Founders.[3]
Destruction of Solomon Temple
Nebuchadnezzar II invaded and destroyed the Kingdom of Judah in which its capital was Jerusalem, pillaging and destroying the Solomon Temple as the location of the grail 2D Stargate, while capturing its local population and forcing the elites and rulers of the region to be deported to Babylonia. Many of the local population in Judah were not necessarily Jewish or Canaanites that used blood sacrifices as worship, but were covertly practicing Essenes. Thus, several of their leaders, wise men and priests were also taken to Babylon, and as previously noted, one of those holy wise men was Ezekiel.[4]
Mount Hermon
In the Book of Enoch, Mount Hermon is the place where the 200 of the Watchers class of fallen angels descended to Earth. They swear upon the mountain that they would take wives among the daughters of men and take mutual imprecation for their sin of interbreeding with earth women (Enoch 6). The mountain or summit is referred to as Saphon in Ugaritic texts, where the palace of Baal is located in a myth about Attar. The Book of Chronicles also mentions Mount Hermon as a place where Epher, Ishi, Eliel, Azrael, Jeremiah, Hodaviah and Jahdiel were the heads of their families. Canaan settled in the area of Mount Hermon and southward into the territory that was to become Abraham’s Promised Land. This is why the Promised Land was called Canaan in the days of Moses. The Lost Tribe of Dan moved to this area during the days of the Judges, and adopted the Canaanite worship of these fallen angels. Baal and Ashtaroth were Canaanite deities, whose origin was from the settlements in Mount Hermon. Mount Hermon, has three peaks, the tallest of which is 9,166 feet above the Mediterranean Sea, the mountain was venerated in connection with the worship of Baal entities. Baal Worship was the leading religion of Canaan. On most of the high peaks of the country were shrines known as high places, the higher the holier. Here groves were planted and shrines were erected for worship. Since Mount Hermon towered above all the other mountains in the region, it was the chief high place, the shrine of shrines. Canaanites looked to Mount Hermon very similarly as the Muslims face Mecca when they pray.[5]