Rainbow Dragon Breath

From Ascension Glossary

Through the Solar Rishi return the Earth has reached the stage during the Ascension Cycle when the Christos Solar Dragons are being awakened through the transmission of Rainbow Dragon Breath carried into their Emerald Crystal Heart. They are being called into planetary service by our Holy God Parent, the Cosmic Founders of the Emerald Order. We have waited eons for the planet to raise her frequency to the level that activated the hidden Emerald Crystal Heart in the Albion Lightbody, which was only made possible in the mass reflection of the Spiritual Love that is being expressed and shared in the collective hearts of humanity.

Anointing Solar Michael

Solar Dragon Ouroboros

As the Rainbow Dragon Breath was breathing the eternal life holy spirit into his Emerald Crystal Heart, his Emerald heart aligned with the planetary Emerald heart, then the planet aligned with the Universal Emerald heart and then into the Cosmic Emerald Heart. These were four Emerald Crystal hearts within a 48 layered Emerald Crystal Heart matrix, generating a krystal spiral of nested holograms with Emerald Crystal Hearts all interconnected as One, transmitting the Emerald Ray.[1]

13th Solar Dragon King and Queen

Through the Solar Anointing carried out in the Grail Cup of Heavenly Jerusalem, Solar Dragon Christ Michael was placed on a golden throne and given the title of 13th Maji Grail King of Kings, to begin his mission of restoring the Holy Grail Cup in the 2D-5D-8D-11D layers and to initiate the awakening of the other authentic Maji Grail Kings. He embodies the Kingship Arc that wears the Emerald Jeweled Crown, Holy Christos Scepter, Emerald Order Rod and Staff while surrounded in the White Wedded Garments forming into the Robes of Glory. Thus, the Emerald Order Elohim awakened the Solar Dragon Michael from stasis sleep within the Earth with Holy Rainbow Dragon Breath, in which he has been commissioned by Cosmic Holy Father to finally begin his Great Work. His divine counterpart Solar Female Christ Mary Sophia, also a Solar Dragon King, will be referred to from now on as the 13th Solar Dragon Queen or 13th Maji Grail Queen. This celebratory moment in time begins the first emanation of the Triple Solar Goddess returning into her female Solar Dragon form in matter to reclaim her rightful place as the Solar Feminine Christ, joining with her sacred husband Christ Michael in hierogamic union.[2]

Christos Solar Dragon Kings

Christos Solar Dragon Kings are also referred to as the Albion Kings or Maji Grail Kings that rule the constellations and star maps that make up the planetary grid system (Albion Lightbody), which have been intentionally designed to protect the 12 Essene Tribes and Stargates on the Earth. The Christos Solar Dragon Kings were placed in stasis sleep in the planetary body during the commencement of the Dark Aeon that began during the Luciferian Rebellion. Through the Solar Rishi return the Earth has reached the stage during the Ascension Cycle when the Christos Solar Dragons are being awakened through the transmission of Rainbow Dragon Breath carried into their Emerald Crystal Heart. They are being called into planetary service by our Holy God Parent, the Cosmic Founders of the Emerald Order. We have waited eons for the planet to raise her frequency to the level that activated the hidden Emerald Crystal Heart in the Albion Lightbody, which was only made possible in the mass reflection of the Spiritual Love that is being expressed and shared in the collective hearts of humanity.

Cosmic Founder Step Down into 18D

To communicate with the Rha God World of Amethyst Order which source from the 36th dimension, and the original Emerald Order God World sourcing from the 48th dimension, the Cosmic Founders have stepped themselves down into the pure Rainbow Diamond Ray transmission from 18D. The Emerald Order God World domains in 48D stepped down into 18D to transmit the Rainbow Dragon Breath through the Diamond Ray current to perform the Solar Anointed Christ-Buddha Initiation on Earth to awaken the Solar Dragon Michael, the 13th Dragon King holder originally from the Emerald Sun God Worlds.

Uluru Dragon Breath

As the result of the Paliadorian Arc activations, the next stage of the Mother Arc 6D gateway in Uluru has commenced as a direct portal access for the Dragon Luminaries of the Ancient Builder Races to become more present upon the earth. Much of the Dragon Breath amplifiers that are specific Andromedan based frequency rays are being transmitted to support Gridworkers and are sourcing from the extensive ancient interdimensional systems found in the Uluru portal network. [3]

Rainbow Plasma Shields

Rainbow Dragons

The Cosmic Christos Solar Rainbow Dragons have unified and are braiding themselves into the crystalline grid which generates a northern position and southern position of massive Solar-Sun Rainbow Plasma Shields. There are two enormous Rainbow Plasma Shields, one located in the middle of the northern hemisphere the other in the middle of the southern hemisphere. These plasma shields are acting similarly to the electrical paddles that are used in a defibrillator and at the exact moment in divine organic alignment, these paddles are directing a massive amount of plasmic current into the Emerald Crystal Heart to reestablish the core heart song of Earth.[4]


See Also

Solar Dragon

Christos Stasis Beings

Emerald Founder Records


