Teach Cormaic

The Forradh ('Ceremonial Seat') and Teach Cormaic ('Cormac's House') consist of two conjoined earthworks. Teach Cormaic, regarded in the medieval period as being the royal residence of the heroic king of Tara, Cormac mac Airt, may be a ringfort consisting of a circular area (about 70m in diameter) defined by two banks and an intervening ditch. The original entrance is in the northeast and is aligned on the eastern entrance to Ráith na Rí. Slightly off-centre is a low mound with a small hollow in the middle which may be the foundations of a house or perhaps the outline of a small barrow. Teach Cormaic is attached to the east side of the Forradh.
The Forradh consists of a prominent, flat-topped mound surrounded by a ditch with two outer banks and an intervening ditch. It is possible to suggest three phases in its development. Before the present monument was built there may have been up to three small barrows here, arranged in the form of an equilateral triangle. When the large central mound and the middle bank were built the three barrows were incorporated into the bank. Two of them are clearly visible, one as a prominent protrusion in the north-eastern quadrant, the second as a small round-topped mound in the south-eastern quadrant. This may be Múr Tea, ‘Tea’s wall’, the reputed burial place of a mythical queen, described in the medieval account as being a little hillock located between the Forradh and Cormac’s royal residence. The third is evidenced as a bulge or widening of the bank in the western quadrant. The outer bank is considerably narrower than the inner bank and appears to have been a later addition. It seems to be an extension of the outer bank of Teach Cormaic, the result, perhaps, of a deliberate attempt to associate this clearly important burial complex with a possible later habitation. EU project Consortium to document [2]
Emerald Crystal Heart of Éire
During the Dark Aeon after the Luciferian Rebellion, the eternal living light sentience of the Emerald Crystal Heart of Éire and its core heart tone resonance was turned off in the Crystal Core when the Alien Machinery was embedded throughout the planetary grid system. The NAA invasion further blocked the organic portal systems connected to the constellations and local star holographic maps, so that the planet could not receive organic star system transmissions that linked the star consciousness intelligence streams into the planetary grid. Recent Guardian Host projects reverse engineering more of the stolen architecture of the Cosmic Clock Aeonic Pairs and Emerald Founder body parts connected to the previous timelines of the Celtic-Druid lineages, revealed the extent of the Thoth-Enki-Enlil plunder with Corvidae black magic crow curses used by the invaders to cause spiritual blindness in the Cosmic Dragon Eye principles in the Albion. Thus, with recent events, the Cosmic Mother’s Dragon Eye in Ireland was returned to her upon discovering that her Emerald Crystal and Dragon parts were located at the Teach Cormaic, Hill of Tara.
Hierogamic Marriage at Hill of Tara
During the events of the 9:9 activation of Lia Fail, Guardians opened the fullness of the Cosmic Amoraea Shield in the location of the Hill of Tara, releasing the inversions of current reversal networks of Corvidae Curse by anchoring six (6) pillared solar shield networks of Cosmic Aton linked into the Cosmic Mother’s Elaysian Living Waters to awaken the Emerald Stone of Destiny. The Cosmic Amoraea Shield encompasses the Divine Holy Spirit of Mother and Christ Child, made up of The Six Emerald Crystal Heart Pillars further sourced from the original twelve Reuche Pillars from the God Worlds that generate the Emerald Order Tree of Life.
And thus, Guardians gathered to witness the holy matrimony of the hierogamic union between the Cosmic Mother’s White Queen and Cosmic Father’s Red King as the sacred marriage coupling was made in the throne room of the Hill of Tara complex, returning in the Emerald Diamond Sun template into the planetary grid. Imagine one white queen and red king couple, standing at the altar in front of the Lia Fail, the white queen is wearing a beautiful white lace filigree ornate gown, holding a bouquet of white roses, the red king is wearing a black tux with neck tie embossed with four leaf clovers, with a single red rose in his breast pocket. The Holy Mother Sophia and the Benevolent Christos Solar King pray together as one Emerald Crystal Heart united with God, as one mind united with God, one sacred hierogamic body united with God throughout eternity. Our White Queen and Red King are embodied as the beloved Christos-Sophia embodying the spiritual reclamation of the Emerald Order, as the clarion call is made to the Cosmic Emerald Suns.[3]