Cosmic Energy Cycle: Difference between revisions

From Ascension Glossary
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Revision as of 02:19, 3 May 2023

The planet entered the Cosmic Energy Cycle during the hierogamic event of the Cosmic Twinned Universal Melchizedek Suns earlier this year, with the center core of the Cosmic Spirit Body layers opening to transmit spirit cell clusters that contain the 1st creation core memory cell of each unique individual’s eternal spirit family. This event further opened the doorway into the Universal Mother Dark Matter Matrix which holds many Solar Reisha Worlds filled with assorted mother lineages of Yanas ascended masters, many of which are connected to the original Blue Flame Melchizedeks, Mu’a and Aquaelle lineages that serve as Keepers of the Crystal Core. Subsequent to this, the building out of the organic repair sequences for the Emerald Guardian Ascension Host mission upgrades are continuing with excessive speed and substantial intensity, to anchor the Sapphire Diamond Shield architecture into the 10D gateways for the return of the Cosmic Mother’s Solar Reisha sophianic lineages throughout the planetary matrix.[1]

Cosmic Twinned Universal Melchizedek Suns

Two Suns (art by Elizabeth)

The Cosmic Twinned Universal Melchizedek Suns are the organic consciousness divine counterparts and the original God parents that created the Threefold Founder Flames of the Solar Rishi that make up this Universal Time Matrix.The planet entered the Cosmic Energy Cycle during the hierogamic event of the Cosmic Twinned Universal Melchizedek Suns earlier this year [2023], with the center core of the Cosmic Spirit Body layers opening to transmit spirit cell clusters that contain the 1st creation core memory cell of each unique individual’s eternal spirit family.

The successful events of the Universal Time Matrix Twinning between Melchizedek Sun and Elaysa Sun was revealed to be the covert sacred mission of the Oraphim that have fulfilled their part of the Emerald Covenant. [2]

Cosmic Spirit Body

Cosmic Spirit Body (art by Elizabeth)

Through the Universal Rose breath spiral, the three halls of record for Earth-Tara-Gaia, and the appearance of the Cosmic Spirit Body layers, humanity is aligning with the Solar Symbiosis star born cycle that has brought on the long-awaited return of Elaysa-Melchizedek and the Triple Solar Reisha or Yanas. This is the representative merge that is made between the eternal spirit body in the seven heavenly worlds that are finally being reunited with the divine counterparts of their physical incarnates located in timelines of the matter worlds. The long-awaited healing of the Christos-Sophia hierogamic template for sacred marriage between the divine masculine and divine feminine principle was required to heal the Wall in Time to reset the particle spin that would be required to reset the Planetary Grid Network. And so, the new stage of Solar Symbiosis planetary ascension initiation into the starborn level of the Diamond Sun template connecting to the Cosmic Spirit Body begins.

This brings forth yet more comprehension of the complexity occurring with the birth of the Triple Suns with the 12 vertical lines of the Hara Krysta Staff that are holding the creation doorway open, which are currently announcing the arrival of the eternal Cosmic Spirit Body that has assembled itself from out of the Rasha dark matter layers. The building out of repair sequences during the planetary Eukatharistic Activation last year has resulted in the next stages of Emerald Guardian Ascension Hosting mission upgrades, with our direct attention being placed upon the Cosmic Spirit Body which is connected to the Elaysa Staff, which is the authentic Cosmic Spirit Sun down stepping into the Universal Melchizedek Solar Mother principle of our time matrix. [3]

Cosminya Hall of Records

What is important to comprehend is that when the ascending individual’s lightbody is directly connected to the Cosmic Spirit Body, this is the ultimate ascension initiation that opens the Cosminya Hall of Records, which holds the divine perfection of the organic creation’s blueprint records in the Natural Laws of God. And when initiated into this Universal Elaysian coded frequency set, all of that which is artificial and inorganic to the unique consciousness body and spirit family begins to purge and dissolve within all of the holographic instruction sets of the core lightbody structure, resetting the Tree of Life to organic living consciousness streams. The accumulated superimposed layers of karmic miasma, shadow, Black Goo, artificial intelligence machinery, implants, suppressor entities, clones and antichrist weaponry – will cease to exist in the blueprint of that ascending individual. Who is then aligned with the organic creator’s perfected blueprint as the Krystal Tree of Life as it was originally created for them by God. They are freed from the burdens of karmic overlays and miasmatic records that had been accumulated from their Stations of Identity in all timelines that were further manipulated into mind control consciousness slavery by the invading species.


See Also

Dragon Awakening

Solar Female Christ

Solar Dragon

Solar Anointing of Michael

Amethyst Dragon Kings