Abraham Lincoln Timeline

Revision as of 04:34, 19 February 2024 by Lisa (talk | contribs)

During last December’s Cathedral Activations [2021], Guardian teams worked to clear the Lincoln Cathedral and Lincoln Monument, as the star plasma domes were further aligned with Sirius star gateways to bring corrections to the 6D Indigo waves and by making further connections with the 13th Solar Dragon King Christ Michael. This began stages of anchoring the true authentic benevolent Holy Father presence onto our planet, and to remove the inverted black architecture used by those whom acted as his imposters. As Michael’s Dragon Line undergoes activation into the Pearl, we have learned that the Lincoln Cathedral has an Aquarian Solar Dragon that is newly awakening as a Guardian protector of those who embody the Natural Laws to defend freedom through the Solar Rod and Kingship Arcs.

The reason why this is important is that it is the amplification of the Natural Laws of God through the solarization of the Magna Carta and Constitutional documents that established the principle that everyone is subjected to the Law, even the king, and it guarantees the divine rights of all individuals. Lincoln is the only place in the world where you can find original copies of both the 1215 Magna Carta and the 1217 Charter of the Forest. The two charters are owned by Lincoln Cathedral.

Abraham Lincoln, a Christos Starseed, continued to work for the freedom of humanity on the ascension timeline by co-creating with the same law of structure in the American Constitution by authoring the Emancipation Proclamation. Following Tsar Alexander II’s Edict of Emancipation of Russian serfs to restore liberty and abolish serfdom, in December 1863, Lincoln issued his Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction. Key provisions required that the states accept the Emancipation Proclamation and thus the freedom of their slaves, and accept the Confiscation Acts, as well as the Act banning of slavery in United States territories. Tsar Alexander the Liberator and President Lincoln the soft-spoken Freedom Fighter shared a similar fate as both were assassinated by the cabal bankers who opposed giving these freedoms to the common people or peasants. Since then, if their bloodlines rose into power, they were hunted down and targeted for Genocide, as the spiteful retaliation of their original goals which set out to liberate their nation’s people. One such example of what became of Lincoln’s bloodline is looking back at the traumatic events in the Kennedy family history, known as the Kennedy curse. Another example is Tsar Alexanders bloodline resulted in the brutal execution of Czar Nicholas and his family, by Marxist trained Bolshevik soldiers. This gives us the clue that Russia’s true hidden heritage and America’s true heritage are deeply intertwined, freedom was proclaimed in their original law of structure that is being guided by divine laws as liberators. Thus, the current events on the world stage are important to revealing the ascension timeline in order to reject slavery and tyranny and ensure global human freedoms for the future.

This action is now being completed under God’s natural laws on Earth as represented in the return of the Kingship Arcs, which are proclamations of the Holy Father stating that his laws are the governing power in this domain and that his principle is an absolute truth for all human beings. This set into motion new events in the planetary field in which specific ruling families in the Power Elite that were acting as Kings, Presidents and Monarchs that had agreements made to ensure political unions in satanic embodiments are being seen very clearly in their actions of global SRA. These power elite groups believed they were supremely protected by their hierarches of Lunar Demons and NAA forces, as their proclaimed God is Satanic or Luciferian. As their satanic architecture of human slavery falls it reveals more details of how they accomplished their deeds and maintained their power bases in politics via practicing satanism, killing off the liberators and organizing Human trafficking to the off-worlders.

Currently there has been extensive Guardian tracking and extractions of cloned identities and imposters that were inserted into the Tsar and Presidential bloodlines, such as the hijack and dark manipulation of Tsar Alexander II’s, Lincoln’s and Kennedy’s legacy, that had been completely controlled by the dark cabal as backed up by the NAA. That is until recently.[1]

Cosmic Dragon Awakening

The unification of these Dragon Lines generates new geomantic expressions as it undergoes the solar heart twinning of rhomboid diamond grid patterns into a global hierogamic union event. This new planetary activation comes with the restoration of the Triple Solar Christ Mary in her Universal Ankh Rose Body which produces sacred marriage with the Triple Solar Masculine Christ united through Michael-Metatron-Melchizedek. The Dragon Awakening is happening in the following areas of the planetary grid.

Each of these primary creator Dragons can reproduce themselves through Dragon Eggs which are anchored on top of Dragon Nodes, which are at the intersection of the dragon lines that they generally embody as an energetic principle in the planet. See Dragon Awakening.


See Also

Chartres Cathedral Ritual of Divine Aether

Rise of Arthur

Albion Lightbody
