Covenant of Paliador

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Alternate Spelling: Palaidorian

Future timelines reveal the fragments of various kinds of bodies, energetic bodies and spiritual bodies that were exploded and became intermixed with the elemental matter substance in the earth body. Timelines from the 5D earth matter, connected to the Souls of the Taran body that exploded, became a type of radioactive decay intermixed into the soup of matter that came into this physical dimension, from the explosion event and the magnetic manipulation of the time and space fields. The World Soul of Tara, became a part of the atomic body of this physical planet, stuck and strewn between the first and the fourth dimensions. We are in a phase of time where the matter composition is changing into something less dense, and while it's in less dense states we are able to move out these artifacts, assorted bodies and consciousness remnants. As a result, some of us may have been helping in the recon and transit of the Souls of Tara. This is the Reclamation of Christos Mission on the earth that goes back to the Covenant of Paliador when higher guardian races devised a plan to recover the lost souls after the planet Tara exploded. [1]

Amenti Mission

Lyran Sirian contact expressed that those responsible to guard and protect humanities genetic records and hidden histories were primarily ambassadors of the Sirian administration councils. The Sirian Lodge is a Hall which oversaw the 6D networks which acted as the portal for Star and Indigo Races to incarnate on the earth plane through the Amenti halls. This Lyran-Sirian administrative body created the Azurite council for the sole purpose of a collective team to support the human embodiment of the Jesus Christ or Yeshua Mission to repair these networks and secure the Amenti field. The Azurites were assigned primary responsibility for the carrying out of the Covenant of Paliador which is to recover the lost souls of Tara.The origination of the Azurites goes back to the races that were formed by the RA Confederacy.

12 Tribes

The original 12 Tribes were created as a part of the plan that became the Covenant of Paliador to rescue the lost Souls of Tara, which would be made easier to recover during the Ascension Cycle when the halls of Amenti were opened.

Emerald Founder Records

Emerald Covenant

The Founder Records are also referred to as the Emerald Covenant CDT Holographic Plates that comprise the egalitarian philosophy of the Law of One, which originally belonged to all of the human 12 Tribes and were the principal spiritual teachings that were commonly understood during the Lemurian and early Atlantian timelines. Each holographic disc was protected and administered to by an assigned Maji Grail King on the Earth, who acted as the main Guardian of the planetary stargate of his tribe.[2]

Luciferian Covenant

The Luciferian Covenant was formed as a result of the earlier war of the Luciferian Rebellion, which was designed to divide and conquer the human tribes through intruder alliances of the NAA. This was to ensure the inner stargates, the Sphere of Amenti, and the Arc Portal Passages would be effectively damaged in order to ensure the failure of the recovery mission known as the Covenant of Paliador.

Keepers of the Crystal Core

The consciousness units of the next Universe, the Rays of the next Universe, and the light beings that live there are in alignment with the Paliadorian Covenant, the Krystal Star and Unity Intelligence, they are called Aurora families. Krystal Star works with the Aurora families to build Aurora Platforms that are safe zones that step over the reversal fields running on the earth from the Frequency Fence and NET. The Aurora Platforms allow access into the passageway that leads to the area of the Ascension Earth in Andromeda, this is the Aquaelle matrix that transmits the Mother's Aqua Ray Daughter Codes into the earth Crystal Caverns.

Therefore the Aquaelle genetic lines that have remained on the earth are the natural Keepers of the Crystal Core. [3]

Cosmic Dragon Starhuman

The extensive range of suns and stars in the Starry Night Dark Firmament each contain there own unique creator's identity of the Aton Solar Disk and are a part of our Cosmic Christos Solar Dragon King families who created our Universal Time Matrix. These are the Threefold Founder Flame Rishi-Reisha families who have held the keys to restore and embody the Aton God Body within the Universal Ankh Body as part of the triple solar diamond shields. These are accessible to the Starborn Cosmic Dragon Starhuman, in which their Cosmic Aton God Body, unifies the Solar Factor to reveal the Hidden Eighth Sun of the K+8 Solar Factors.

When accessing the Cosmic Hall of Records the Cosmic Dragon Starhuman in their Eternal Ankh Solar Body undergoes a series of Silver Seed activations, which then change their access into the Core of Creation passed through The Silver Gate of Man, to The Golden Gate of man in the Galactic Ecliptic. During the Christos Mission, the Ankh gateways have been restored by Emerald Order, in which the Cosmic Rods and Ankhs in the center of the Time Matrix in the Gaian Matrix were restored into the Cosmic Wing principle of the Albion Emerald Founder Aeonic Pair of Cosmic Dragons and Rod and Staff Holders, which embody and govern the movement of the Cosmic Clock of the Aeons.[4]


See Also

Solar Christ Yeshua and Mary Sophia


Paliadorian Seal

Rise of Paliadorians