Solar Ruby Dragons

Revision as of 04:49, 8 February 2024 by Lisa (talk | contribs)

During phases of reconstruction of the Universal Ruby Diamond Pillar, the Ruby Order dragon families began to reveal themselves as returning Solar Ruby Dragons, bringing with them Cosmic Father’s Ruby Templar instruction sets from the God Worlds in which to fully restore the Ruby Spiral, Ruby Pillar and Ruby Sun DNA templates for the authentic Ruby Order families. Cosmic Father’s Solar Ruby Dragon Kings appeared during the beginning of the Cosmic Energy Cycle last year, in which to merge into the Universal Ruby Pillar that was further linked into the parallel Father Arc Universe through the Godhead Capstone of 22D, 23D and 24D.

Return of Cosmic Ruby Order (art by Sequoia)

Corrected Ruby Order Records

More recently, it became apparent that the authentic and ancient Ruby Order Melchizedek lineages are directly connected to the bridging sequences of the Holy Father Arc transmissions from the parallel matrices in which to embody the corrected Cosmic Monad and Ruby Spiral, bringing with them the corrected Ruby Sun records for restoring planetary Ruby Crystals. Along with their mission to correct Ruby Sun DNA distortions for the return of the Cosmic Father's Ruby Templar into this matrix, sourcing directly from the eternal Cosmic Father’s 48D Ruby Sun and administered through Solar Ruby Dragon Kings. The real Cosmic Father 48D Ruby Order has an extensive Cosmic Ruby Sun network in the God Worlds, in which the Cosmic Father has down stepped his Cosmic Ruby Sun network into the Solar Rishic Ruby Templar for the Holy Mountain networks, running Ruby Rainbow Arcs for powering up the Cosmic Ruby Diamond Heart in Ruby Crystals connected to the Temple of Khemalohatea and in the Solar Stargate system.

Purging Fallen Ruby Order and Dark Entities

When these planetary Ruby Crystals were activated by the Cosmic Father’s Ruby Templar, it began rapidly collapsing AI timelines, artificial red wave shields and assorted red cube cloned creations with blackened miasmatic fields flushing out hordes of dark shadow entities. While the resounding and thunderous show of enormous Solar Ruby Dragons protecting the Galactic Solar Gates in the Temple of Khemalohatea and defending the Rama Passage portal system in India were happening simultaneously. The Cosmic Father is directing the Solar Ruby Dragons to exert Triple Ruby Rod power in the restored octagonal architecture for rebuilding Khemalot that is being utilized for seating the 8:8:8 hierogamic realm keepers, Guardian Yeshua and his wife Mary.

Cosmic Father's Ruby Templar

Cosmic Father's Ruby Templar (art by Sequoia)

Cosmic Father's Ruby Templar are corrected instruction sets for the Ruby Order records for re-aligning spiritual architecture governing the quantum fields that are currently reverberating shifts throughout the 1D-4D-7D atomic cores of the Earth-Taran-Gaian matrices. This appears to further activate the planetary Ruby Crystal network in the Solar-Galactic Gates which are extending into the Metagalactic Core through Ruby Spirals that are transmitting from the 22D Ruby Ray capstone. Universal Ruby Pillar activations began building out the Cosmic Father's Ruby Templar clockshield for the returning Cosmic Father Ruby Ankh Body components, such as linking into Ruby Diamond Hearts coming from the Cosmic Ruby Sun. Which are anchoring within his newly appearing spiritual fleet of Solar Ruby Dragons that are defenders protecting the North-South-East-West pillars and horizontal shields that are being built out for the planetary KA Body and the authentic Temple of Khemalohatea.

Solar Ruby Dragons Defend Rama Passage

This further erupted into a chaotic scene of electrical warfare in the Galactic Core, whereby Guardian defenders came into formation on several interdimensional access portals to defend the Rama Passage in India, and the stargate on the Pakistani border. The weaknesses in the Sacred Blue Cow Grid were being exploited for ripping open portals for incoming shadow creatures from 6D, with human Thothian Luciferian illuminati groups in India running towards several of the ancient pre-Atlantian civilization Hindu temple sites in the north and south intersecting dragon nodes, in which they were attempting to rip open the inner gate into the Rama Passage to let in an army of NAA’s dark entities onto the planetary surface. The damage and cleanup of obliterating potentially thousands to millions of shadow entities and AI reptilian hybrids taking a surprise run on the 6D ley lines and interconnected portals throughout India, was a massive Guardian operation which spanned from the Galactic Center to the planetary surface, which caused some casualties. With somber respect acknowledging the Guardian team losses, a victory was achieved when Guardians made it through the fog of warfare and when the dust was settled, Cosmic Father’s Ruby Templar and Ruby Rod was standing tall in its 6D placement protecting the entrance to the Rama Passage, in all of its majestic shining glory. [1]


See Also

Ruby Order

Cosmic Dragon Awakening

Rha God World Creation

Emerald Order

Cosmic Elohei

Pink Diamond Elohei