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...Nephilim (genetic hybrid between [[Oraphim]] and Reptilian) are easy to possess and mind control for their [Reptilian] negative alien agenda.<ref>[ June 2011 Newsletter]</ref>
[[File:Nephilim22.png|thumb|Nephilim in 3rd Seeding]]
Nephilim (genetic hybrid between [[Oraphim]] and Reptilian) are easy to possess and [[Mind Control]] for their [[NAA]] negative alien agenda.<ref>[ June 2011 Newsletter]</ref>
During the end of the 2nd Seeding the [[Annunaki]] started breeding with Humans and a race called [[Nephilim|NEPHILIM]] was created. Many of these [[Nephilim]] creations were from the kidnap, rape and forced breeding with the human women of the earth. This was not agreed upon, to genetically tamper with the human race and the Elohim would not let this race walk on or be on the Earth. This created a Conflict and another War broke out. This created the war with the [[Annunaki]] and other Annunaki sympathizers, such as the [[Orion Group|Dracs]] and [[Negative Aliens| Sirian Annunaki Hybrids]]. The [[Nephilim Wars]] ended this seeding attempt and we reorganized for the next Evolutionary Round, where the [[Luciferian Rebellion]] occurred in the [[Atlantian Cataclysm]] timelines.
Many of the [[Nephilim]] were destroyed on the earth and their fragmented consciousness became enmeshed with the lower demonic spirits of the dense levels of earth matter. Some of these entities bound to the earth became known as the [[Watchers]], and comprise of both [[Nephilim]] and [[Fallen Angelic]] fragments.

==Belial Suns==  
==Belial Suns==  
[[File:6-Belial-Sun-Annunaki-Agenda.jpg|thumb|Belial Sun Agenda]]

[[Annunaki]] Human Hybrids including the [[Nephilim]]. Originally from Sirian, Pleiadian Constellation then became wanderers. Have 9-10-11 DNA strands.  This created planetary [[DNA]] mutations, and wars over genetics. Control hub is in the UK. Agenda - enslave humans. Are [[Luciferian]] forces.
[[Annunaki]] Human Hybrids including the [[Nephilim]]. Originally from Sirian and Pleiadian Constellations, who then became wanderers. Have 9-10-11 DNA strands.  This created planetary [[DNA]] mutations and wars over genetics. Control hub is in the UK. Agenda - to enslave humans. [[Sons of Belial|Belial Sun]]s are [[Luciferian]] forces and are considered a part of the [[Fallen Angelics]] hierarchy.

==Genetic Preferencing==  
==Genetic Preferencing==  

The [[Controller]]s handpicked the hybridized Nephilim bloodlines that they could corrupt through the [[Mind Control]] programs in order to carry out their "enslavement through tyranny" agenda. (This does not mean that all Nephilim bloodlines are corrupted, it means they are hybridized genetic beings that have been perpetrated upon to be recruited as the enforcers of the negative alien agenda [[NAA]].)<ref>[ November 2010 Newsletter]</ref>
The [[Controller]]s handpicked the hybridized Nephilim bloodlines that they could corrupt through the [[Mind Control]] programs in order to carry out their "enslavement through tyranny" agenda. (This does not mean that all Nephilim bloodlines are corrupted, it means they are hybridized genetic beings that have been perpetrated upon, to be recruited as the enforcers of the negative alien agenda [[NAA]].)<ref>[ November 2010 Newsletter]</ref>

==Nephilim Reversal Grid (NRG)==
==Nephilim Reversal Grid (NRG)==
The [[Nephilim]] Reversal Grid ([[NRG]]) has been active in the United Kingdom since the [[Nephilim Wars]]. In order to dismantle the [[NRG]], the various hubs feeding it from all over the planet need to be dismantled systematically, while freeing the [[Soul Matrix|soul enslavement]] used to power these grids. This has been transpiring in the [[Oraphim|Guardian teams]] since my awareness of them in 2008.The [[NRG]] is responsible to break apart hybrid genetics by reversing any synthesis of alchemy that happens organically between the male and female principle (electron-proton balance), as well as repelling any healing for reptilian based genetics. This is desired by the Reptilians because their human representatives that are bred as [[Nephilim]] (genetic hybrid between [[Oraphim]] and [[Reptilians]]) are easy to possess and [[Mind Control]] for their negative alien agenda [[NAA]]. The Reptilians do not want to heal and thereby integrate into human society as an equal, they want to rule it as an absolute authority in the [[Archontic Deception Behavior]] enforced by the [[False King of Tyranny]]).<ref>[ June 2011 Newsletter]</ref>
==Niburian Battlestar==
[[Wormwood]] refers to the Niburian Anunnaki’s artificially created battlestar that exists on the counter orbit to the [[Nibiru]] planet in our solar system. The alien architecture leeches onto the former body parts of exploded [[Tiamat]] which exists as phantom body and is the [[Phantom Matrix]] wormhole of [[Tiamat]]. The Nibiru Battlestar was formed from the exploded parts of [[Maldek]]. See [[Maldek Explosion]].

The [[Nephilim]] Reversal Grid ([[NRG]]) which is active in the United Kingdom since the [[Nephilim Wars]]. In order to dismantle the [[NRG]], the various hubs feeding it from all over the planet need to be dismantled systematically while freeing the [[Soul Matrix|soul enslavement]] used to power these grids. This has been transpiring in the [[Oraphim|Guardian teams]] since my awareness of them in 2008.The [[NRG]] is responsible to break apart hybrid genetics by reversing any synthesis of alchemy that happens organically between the male and female principle (electron-proton balance) as well as repelling any healing for reptilian based genetics. This is desired by the Reptilians because their human representatives that are bred as [[Nephilim]] (genetic hybrid between [[Oraphim]] and [[Reptilians]]) are easy to possess and [[Mind Control]] for their negative alien agenda [[NAA]]. The Reptilians do not want to heal thereby integrate into human society as an equal, they want to rule it as an absolute authority in the [[Archontic Deception Behavior]] enforced by the [[False King of Tyranny]]).<ref>[ June 2011 Newsletter]</ref>
==Self Anointed Gods==
When these [[False Gods|False Alien Gods]] waged their [[Luciferian Rebellion]] and subsequent invasion strategies of conquering planet [[Earth]], these self-anointed Gods got to work on devising the various [[Alien Hybridization]] programs filled with genetic experimentation, [[Social Engineering]] and religious mind control methods to generate consciousness slaves on [[Earth]]. The primary life designer for the [[Belial Sun|Belial Group]], Sa’am-Enki began the first of many genetic experiments for cloning and hybridization breeding programs from the large elongated skulls of his future [[Sirian Annunaki]] progeny of [[Nephilim]] with red hair, to the earlier seeding of [[Neanderthals]], which are remnants of his previous [[Sa’am|Enki]] life designs for seeding [[Anti-Christ]] species. The main purpose to seed [[Anti-Christ]] species on the planet is to design them to be the natural enemies of the already existing indigenous population, namely the [[12 Tribes|Essene Christos]] races, in which they would constantly be manipulated to instigate war and [[Genocide|genocidal hatred]] in order to finally destroy all remnants of [[Diamond Sun]] DNA existing within the [[Earth]] population. See [[Sirian Annunaki]]. <ref>[ Enki DNA]]</ref>
