Mother Arc

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The 13th Pillar or Transharmonic Gates.

Mother's Aqua Ray, 13th Pillar

The Holy Mother is progressively returning to reclaim and restore her creation, advanced Godhead technology included in the Arc Zone Blue Ray architecture is modifying the planetary grid to transmit levels of the Sophianic Female Coding.

The Krystal Guardians have called this aspect of Mother's Aquamarine Ray current, the 13th Pillar gateway, which is also providing a completely new quality of sonoluminescence and magnetic forces that are powering up in the earth crystal core. It is through the Mother's perfect Proton Seed or Cosmic Egg, along with the braided unification of the blue plasma cores that make up the Aqualine Sun that creation can heal itself to its original divine blueprint, which is catalyzed into elemental matter and further through the awakening of the planetary Albion body.

The Mother Arc is a part of the animating spiritual forces of the Aurora Ether or Cosmic Holy Spirit connected to the Godhead; the Zero Point and eternal flame that is merged within the Aquamarine Founder Ray and the Arc Zone. A quantity of the Cosmic Holy Spirit was transmitted into our Universal Time Matrix and formed into the 13th Pillar, which began transmitting the Aquamarine layer of Amoraea waves to ignite the inner holy spirit within the higher heart complex located within the 8th layer of the monadic body in human beings. The 13th Pillar waves of the Mother Arc are the eternal flames that circulate the pulses of the living God consciousness from in and out of the manifestation grid, so that all twelve of the organic dimensional timeline templates are protected and held within the one, 13th Pillar.

The eternal flame of the Cosmic Holy Spirit merges and ignites the internal flame at the center of the Permanent Seed Atom in the higher heart, and this initiates the monadic embodiment process that opens within the Sacred Crystal Heart, the eternal flame of divine love. This opens the two-way communication links within the personal inner sanctum that exists between the divine trinity of the Godhead and the individual from his or her point on the manifestation time grid. From within the sacred heart and held point of the eternal flame of divine love, one is connected with the entire Universe, and this is when communication with the Personal Christ or Krystal Guardians is made possible.

Thus, the Mother Arc is the Staff principle from the Godhead that is encompassed within the advanced architecture of the Arc of the Covenant, a living consciousness portal system that has been gifted to us as a failsafe to protect this planetary creation. Mother Arc is one with the Zero Point and directly merged with Aurora Hosting which gives birth to the Creatrix Field. This specialized void space is purposed for the re-encryption and resurrection of the elementals and raw substances throughout creation that had been subjected to alien dark reversal and 8D metatronic infection in this Universe.

Mother Arc and the Aurora forces in Andromeda align together to accomplish the process of rebirthing the elemental and tetramorphic patterns in the natural kingdoms, to be able to heal within the Krystic divine blueprint. This Aquamarine Ray is the blue diamond chalice frequency of the overflowing golden cup of divine love found within the Sacred Crystal Heart, this represents humanity’s real parent and Cosmic Mother resurrecting herself in the fallen realm to be able to fully protect and reclaim her children from the phantom. She is the Aqualine heart beating to reclaim the vertical spiritual connections that make up the Great White Lion grid, the Feline genetics of the Mother’s tetramorph pattern that represent the Sophianic wisdom of the Sphinx being returned back into wholeness through the knowledge of the divine trinity.

Through our Beloved Mother Arc, we are able to discern between the Alien Dark Mother and its artificial reversal Mother energies reflected in the Lunar Forces, versus the real Mother principle that is held deep within the sacred crystal heart that flows with the Holy Spirit of the Universe. Through Aqua Mother, we access the Aqualine Sun from the earth grid surface, which is the liquid luminal plasma light braided into our earth core that has been reconnected into our home Universe in the Andromeda Core. These circuits of reconnection of the Mother of God principle are also made possible by the Override Pillar Gates, which transmit the original parent frequency which directly heals our inner spirit and our lightbody.[1][2]

Fifth Harmonic Universe

Fifth Harmonic Universe

For human beings, these consciousness bodies exist throughout the densities and are aspects of the higher self and Lightbody.These aspects are called the Stations of Identity.

These collective consciousness bodies exist on the planet earth throughout the densities and are aspects of the future timelines and the Lightbody of the planet earth. The earth consciousness body is directly interconnected in all Harmonic Universes to interface with the human consciousness, which is its life form expression in all densities.

  • In the Fifth Harmonic Universe there is no dimensionalization into matter forms, therefore there is no planetary body or human forms. In the fifth density, as the consciousness does not manifest into matter, this area is called pre-matter. The three primal light and sound fields hold the ray expressions of Mother Arc, Father Arc and Golden Ray Sun of Christos, the trinity of the Godhead, from which all biological forms are created in all of the Harmonic Universes.

What is the Mother Arc?

Mother Arc Portal

● The 13th Pillar, 13th Gateway that functions with the Transharmonic Gates.

● Guardians call this aspect of Mother's Aquamarine Ray energy, which is also a new quality of Magnetic force powering up in our Earth Core.

● This energy is circuited from the earth core from newly reconnected levels of the 9D Merkabic structure) that is flooding the planetary body with Aqua Ray frequency - The Mother Arc.

● It is similar to understand that we have poked a hole in the mind controlled frequency fence NET and reconnected our handshake hub to reconnect with the Mother Arc, the Aqua Ray frequency and the braided plasma fields of the Aqualine Sun.

● These circuits of reconnection of the Mother of God principle is made possible by the Override Pillar Gates, which is the original parent frequency which directly heals our inner spirit and our Lightbody.

Vesica Pisces to Trinity Form

● The 12:12 Pattern is the organic horizontal Clock-wise Male Christ electrical Rod architecture that allows a mathematical merge with the vertical Counter-Clock-wise Female Christ magnetic Staff to actually occur.

● The female vertical Staff is the 13th Bio-circuitry known as the Mother Arc Frequency (i.e, Bali Portal). They explain the "Archangel Michael Matrix" (the dismantling and override of this Iran Gate architecture began earlier this year) was spinning at a base 11:11 architecture and reversal 10:10 which interfered with the chemical translation and merge between the electron and proton at multiple dimensional levels this interferes with male and female principle energy merging on our planet.

● This energetic imbalance between the electron and proton spin rates was being harnessed by controllers through hijacked creation code and inorganic architecture, one such structure known as the Vesica Pisces a bi-polar geometry.

● This hijacked Vesica Pisces code kept the binary code (consciousness polarity split through separation and distortion) locked down in our planet so that the Trinity Wave]] and Unity Field would not be accessible. This are the Bi-Wave Influences.

● It forced reversal and split patterns that continually fragmented our consciousness at multiple dimensions. It also was creating Monadic Reversal patterns which split us up from reuniting with our Monadic or "Twin Consciousness Matrix". This Gender Splitting is related to the NRG and the Sexual Misery programs inserted to genetically alter the human race.

● Since our God source code is a Trinity Wave accessed through the merging of polarity, such as the merging of masculine and feminine energies, our species has been suppressed connecting to God through the sacred union of the male and female.

● Sacred Union is our divine birthright and this organic architecture is now being returned to our species as Hieros Gamos. This pattern is changing now on our planet and we are able to access a new unity code through these "Rod and Staff" embodiment. This embodiment is also referred to as Hieros Gamos, and is the foundation of the HGS system.

● Distorted male is, 11:11 electron.

● We are moving masculine from 11:11 to 12:12 and I'm seeing that this is happening in the architecture of fields and some of us as embodied Starseeds that work with ascension prototyping have that job. We work with these particular prototypes as they happen. I guess those of you listening that feel resonance to that role will know what I mean when I say that.[3]

Mother Arc Stargate Locations

  • ● 1 Adare, Ireland
  • ● 2 Stonehenge, England
  • ● 3 Seattle, Wash, US
  • ● 4 Manhattan Island, US
  • ● 5 Bali, South Pacific
  • ● 6 Uluru (Ayers Rock), Australia
  • ● 7 Phoenix, Arizona US
  • ● 8 Atlantic Ocean, SW of Bermuda (64.9W, 32.1N)
  • ● 9 Antarctica (13W, 88S)
  • ● 10 Baghdad, Iraq
  • ● 11 Newgrange Ireland
  • ● 12 Cornwall, UK

Mother's Portal in Uluru

The Eastern Australian Seaboard from Brisbane to Uluru (Ayer's Rock) is acting as one of the main portal magnetic battery generators that is gaining charge in its main magnetic hub located by the monument of Uluru. Uluru is a power point for a Global Network of dormant or inactive ancient gateways, systems or hubs and was placed there as a marker by the God creators of this system, the Ancient Builder Races. They say Uluru was placed there by the Blue Dragon races located in the next Universe, the Seven Higher Heavens. (Dragon is not to be confused with Orion's Draconis, Dragon Moth or the Reptilian races.) This area is being primarily utilized to begin to power up a new level of the Arc Gate Systems on the planet to run Trinity Wave architecture. This ignition (circa 2010) has specific relevance to the Mother Arc frequency (13th Pillar Mother Magnetic Aqua Flame) which supports the ignition of the the Giza Pyramid, Sphinx underground chambers and its related circulatory systems leading into the inner earth. It appears the timeline for this activation is geared for this June Solstice [2010].

The Magnetic Field correction is one result of the Mother Arc frequency reconnecting into the earth core, and is connecting to magnetically charge up the Uluru Stargate and related Portal systems. Uluru Stargate has access into the beginning and end of creation Timelines leading back into the zero point or Unity Field, and this begins to power up the Giza/Pyramidal dipole activity located in Egypt. This recent activity is similar to switching on a generator that is to POWER UP these dormant vortexes/grid points that were inactive, or damaged by the artificial manipulation of the earth's gravitational field from the lunar operations, and Gravitron, which changed the axis tilt of the inner staff of planet earth. [4]

Mother Arc Hubs

Mother Arc Hubs
Threefold Founder Flame

Abbreviation - MAH is the Mother Arc Hubs Planetary Grid Network.

The Earth Core Chakra is Aquamarine and connects to the Universal Mother Arc into the base of the 12D shield 12" below the feet and into the earth core. This is the real Aqua Ray activation of Mother Arc which returns the Blue Ray to the Mother. To connect with the Threefold Founder Flame under Aqua Blue Ray, and reclaim our Mother of God principle for the planet and humanity, we connect to the Aqua Blue Ray of Mother Arc. It is through uniting with our Mother Principle, the Mother Arc 13th Pillar and 13th Aqua Ray that we are led into the Ascended Master fields of the Rainbow Rays, and into the Aurora time continuum to connect to the liquid light of Pale Aqua Rays shining from the Aqualine Sun.

HGS Mother Arc Amplifier

Mother's Aquamarine Chalice

Mother Arc Amplifier is an Andromedan Amplifier (Talisman) used in HGS session. It is s defined as: Mother Principle, Eternal Holy Spirit, the Staff of Power and Aquamarine Chalice.

Mother Arc is the Aurora Ether, Zero Point merged with Aquamarine Founder Ray. Mother Arc is the Staff frequency and architecture of the Arc of the Covenant, a living consciousness portal system on this planet.[5]

Spiritual Marriage or Hieros Gamos

The Spiritual Marriage mathematical pattern of 13:13 Female Spin and 12:12 Male Spin: On top of all of the exciting developments of God's Consciousness Technology returning back to our planet through our Mother Arc herself, we are getting ready to understand the Unity architecture in its Trinity Wave pattern and its direct relationship to manifesting true spiritual marriage on the planet. As Mother brings back the Krystal Star Frequencies, the Seven Sacred Suns, it is bringing the template of Sacred Spiritual Union between the Rod and Staff functions of our Lightbody's Merkabic Field. It is the spiritual mission of recently assigned Rod and Staff couplings to template the prototype blueprint to achieve spiritual marriage or Hieros Gamos, and work to bring this into a physically manifested accomplishment. This is a wonderful development. [6]

Override Pillar Gates

The Override Pillar Gates connect into the parallel quadrants holding the earth body and all parallels together, anchoring them into the inner worlds, which helps to disconnect the Beast Machine reversal networks so its inoperable on the earth body. Once the Amoraea Flame was connected into our Universal Time Matrix, it manifests into two new Arc Rays, the Mother Arc and Father Arc which act to override the False Parent energy structures used by the NAA as Consciousness Traps by creating religious intermediaries that represent themselves as the Mother and Father principle, but are in fact Alien False Gods.

Mother-Child RNA-DNA Records

The Holy Mother through the Mother Arc Hubs, created within the Arc of the Covenant gateway, intends to reclaim the genetic bonds to heal her offspring incarnated within the lower creation worlds. This is also about correcting the Mother to Child RNA-DNA records within the divine blueprint of humanity, extracting Black Lilith archetypes and aligning the corrected Mitochondria and chromosomal bonds to the Holy Mother’s eternal flame, that is held deep within the Sacred Crystal Heart. The Mother Arc Aquamarine gateway has been initiated into its next stages of dissolving the NAA’s Patriarchal Domination Coding network and its Alien Dark Mother constructs that have infected the planet earth, and this lunar architecture has been tracked from the Wesa Fallen System.[7]

Reaching Cosmic Mother Dragon

Chalice of Cosmic Mother (art by Elizabeth)

We have learned that during the planetary ascension, the Mother of Dragons must take her place as the Cosmic Dragon overseer on the Earth, so the Dragons’ many parts can finally be restored and reanimated by her life giving presence and sacred holy spirit. The Dragons and their spiritual body parts exist everywhere on the planet in physical and energetic expressions, although their consciousness properties have been in stasis during the Dark Aeon when we were spiritually adrift in the seas of chaos, without our Cosmic Holy Mother. See Cosmic Christos Dragon Teachings.

The Mother of Dragons is the original Cosmic Dragon which oversees the four dragon realms in the middle world, inner world, outer world and core of creation domains that make up the entirety of the Universal, Galactic and planetary consciousness. The Cosmic Mother Dragon also oversees the millions of Dragon Eggs that are intended for activating the lightbody of human beings and for the spiritual benefit of the various species existing on the planet. We have noted that the Cosmic Mother Dragon is also overseeing the functions of the gatekeeper Dragon being that was in the middle world domains of the Universal Mother Dark Matter Matrix.

As Solar Christ Mary returns into our world as the Cosmic Dragon, so do these buried histories rise into the awareness of the ancient Essene Celtic Church sacred texts of the Pearl Activation, along with many of the hidden cellular memories of our long-forgotten past.[8]


See Also:

Mother's Language

Mother Arc Hubs

Yod of Father God

Term found in HGS Manual: Page 57/160