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The Qlippoth is the Negative Form shell and/ or Imposter Spirit hierarchy that makes up the darkly negative forces of the Kabbalah's Sephirothic spheres. The gestalt consciousness structure sends off the work to the rest of the Qlippoth, it gives energy to run the Qlippoth current, the source of its power is from the Black Suns, which recycles its animating force through dead energy Miasma, and further acts as the generator of that same dead energy force through [[Closed Source|closed source feedback loops. Simply, these are the Dead Light forces of the Shadow Self and their spiritual-energetic qualities that are built into the Artificial intelligence of Alien Machinery built by the invading entities that Christos Guardians refer to as the Artificial Tree of Life. See Kabbalah, Metatronic Spiral and Blended Earth Reality.

The Adverse Sephiroth or the Qlippoth contains the dimensional location in the Phantom Matrix that the Fallen Angelics hierarchies and the Satanic and Luciferian forces exist. On the path of Ascension and planetary liberation, our goal is to face the Shadow Self within and the demons it associates with, in order to purify our mind, body and spirit, releasing its dark control over us. This is why we must know about these lower dark forces, to not fear them and not give our power away to them, because they are tricksters, deceivers and thieves. These forces are also known as the “Evil Demons of Matter and the Shells of the Dead".

Because the nature of these dark forces are sourcing from the attributes of the Predator Mind and Houses of Ego, when studying the Qlippoth which houses the dark forces of the anti-Christ, it is imperative to study moral code, humanitarian based ethics, and clear the [[Negative Ego]] in order to build a strong inner foundation for initiation with the Spirits of Christ. Communing with the authentic Christos consciousness attributes generates a solid energy aura, which builds the spiritual virtues for housing the Spirits of Christ, which in turn builds the spiritual Lightbody strength to connect with the eternal light of God, thus repelling demonic energy parasites. If a person has not developed positive heart based virtues of loving kindness and is untrained in clearing the Houses of Ego, addressing these anti-life forces can greatly harm rather than help that individual.

Being able to contact or deliver these dark forces is not for the spiritual neophite.

Satanic Possession, Addiction, Attachments and mental fracturing from the weakened mind and weakened body, can result in psychotic break or insanity, which can be the consequence of seeking out or contacting these dark forces. (See Spiritual Deliverance).

Qlippoth Kether

Kabbalah of The Qlippoths; 1- Kether- Thaumiel-(Twins of God) never ending always producing, the unchangeable, cosmic creation and destruction, androgynous nature, two force in one force, force of chaos, to multiply the forces of other Qlippoth (The Qlippoth is the Negative Form shell and/ or Imposter Spirit negative force of the Sephiroth in 11th dimension although Unity intelligence does not occur here, but at the 12th dimension), sends off the work to the rest of the Qlippoth, gives energy to the Qlippoth, the source of power and its force, generator like activity.

“Thamiel represents duality whereas Kether represents unity. Thus Thamiel is the division of that which is perfect only in unity. As a demonic order name, the Thamiel were before their 'revolt'. This signifies 'Perfection of God'. These angels sought to become more powerful by adding an Aleph to their name. They then became the 'Duality of God,' an order of the lesser demons. In the lowest state of their 'fall', they become 'the Polluted of God.' The cortex or outer form of the Thamiel is called Cathariel, 'the Broken' or 'Fearful Light of God'.”

Satan: Adversary

To Thamiel, “there are two demons that are attributed to stress the view that the demonic opposite of Kether is duality instead of unity and are Satan and Moloch or Malech”. [1]

Qlippoth Chochmah

Kabbalah of The Qlippoths; 2-Chochmah- Ghogiel-(The Hinderers) Splitting the creation from Kether to two separate forms, marriage of energies, to conceive what Kether desired, differentiates where the power is sent, the sorter of demons and where they are processed in the hierarchy to work on, mirroring what Kether wants done, to work to bring something to existence, a force working together, preparing for issues to germinate.(The Qlippoth is the Negative Form shell and/ or Imposter Spirit negative force of the Sephiroth, similar to 9th Dimension, Male Principle)

Confusion of the Power of God; “These are the confusion of that great power which, as Chochmah, goes forth at the beginning to give the vital energy of creation to the processes of Binah. The cortex of the Chaigidel is called Ghogiel, 'Those Who Go Forth into the Place Empty of God'.”Beelzebub: Lord of the Flies and Adam Belial: Wicker ManTo Chaigidel, “both Satan and Beelzebub are attributed as well as Adam Belial. The name Belial is often used separately as a demonic name.”[2]

Qlippoth Binah

Kabbalah of The Qlippoths; 3-Binah-Satheriel-(The Concealers) Gives birth to the conceived energy or thing, the Qlippoth of timing the Qlippoth's actions being defined, their plans being executed, the purpose of what the Qlippoth are doing, destiny and the law of its actions.(The Qlippoth is the Negative Form shell and/ or Imposter Spirit negative force of the Sephiroth, similar to 10th dimension, Female principle)

Sathariel: Concealment of God -“Even as Binah is the great revealing one who bestows the structure of the Absolute onto the created, its opposite, the Sathariel, conceal the nature of The Perfect. The cortex or outer form of the Sathariel is called the order of Sheireil, 'The Hairy Ones of God'.”

Lucifuge: One Who Flees Light -To Sathariel, Lucifuge “is attributed and is probably a name made up to replace the name Lucifer, 'Light Bearer'” [3]

Qlippoth Chesed

Kabbalah of The Qlippoths; 4- Chesed- Gasheklah-(The Smiters) Fully manifested, solid foundation of the energy, where its played out, limitations, restrictions, the place where the Qlippoth work, the astral realm, as if poured onto the earth to work, the Qlippoth of Chesed bring changes and alters things, reveals truth, and opens anything.(The Qlippoth is the Negative Form shell and/ or Imposter Spirit negative force of the Sephiroth, similar to 6th dimension) [4]

Devourers; “Chesed is the source of bounty both in idea and in substance to the lower forms. Gamchicoth is the order of 'Devourers' who seek to waste the substance and thought of creation. The outer form is the order of Azariel, 'The Binding Ones of God'.”Astaroth: from the Flood. To Gamchicoth, “Astaroth is attributed. This is the name of the goddess Astarte, the Ishtar of the Babylonians and perhaps also the Isis of the Egyptians”. [5]

Qlippoth Geburah

Kabbalah of The Qlippoths; 5-Geburah- Golachab-(The Arsonists) Qlippoth that sends energies, workings and messages for good or ill, to bring conflict and injury, gives the judgment of the manifested working, gives force to something, brings war to the issue, force of magick, the spark of action, the desire to act, The Qlippoth of lust, power complex.(The Qlippoth is the Negative Form shell and/ or Imposter Spirit negative force of the Sephiroth, 7th dimension)

Burning Bodies, “Geburah is a going forth in power to rule in strength. The order of Golab is composed of those who burn to do destruction --- even on themselves. The outer form is Usiel, 'The Ruins of God'.” Asmodeus: The Destroying God or Samael the Black. To Golachab, Asmodeus is attributed. “This name is half Hebrew and half Latin. Asmodeus is often mentioned in the literature of demonology. The name can also be translated as 'The one adorned with fire'.” Whom they call also Samael the Black. [6]

Qlippoth Tiphereth

Kabbalah of The Qlippoths; 6-Tifereth- Tageriron-(The Hagglers) Qlippoth that brings unrest, animates the first 5 sephiroth's power, brings energies to an end or brings energies to existence, illuminates and fructifies the latent power stored and flowed through 1-5 Qlippoth, can bring death, the evolution of the Qlippoth through the tree.(The Qlippoth is the Negative Form shell and/ or Imposter Spirit negative force of the Sephiroth)Those Who Bellow Grief and Tears; “Tiphereth is the place of great beauty and rejoicing. The Tagirion build ugliness and groan about it. The cortex of the Thagirion is called Zomiel, 'The Revolt of God'.” Belphegor: Lord of the Dead, To Tagirion, “the replacement of Tiphereth, the sphere of the vitalizing Sun, with a place holding Belphegor, the lord of dead”.[7]

Qlippoth Netsach

Kabbalah of The Qlippoths; 7-Netzach- Oreb Zaraq-(The Raven of Dispersion) The force that connects Qlippoth's or anything together, that lets creation be as it is, the blood that sustains, to keep things functioning, forces of nature, organization of forces, brings disorder, Qlippoth that creates and manifests as does Binah, (a lesser form of Binah).(The Qlippoth is the Negative Form shell and/ or Imposter Spirit negative force of the Sephiroth, 4th Dimension to 2nd dimension)

Harab Serapel: Ravens of the Burning of God “Netsach is the openness of natural love. The Harab Serapel are the Ravens of Death who reject even their own. The outer form is Theumiel, 'The Fouled Substance of God'”. Baal: Lord and Tubal Cain: Maker of Sharp Weapons, To Harab Serapel, “Baal is attributed, and is "a word which means Lord, much as Adonai means Lord. The word Baal or 'Bel' has become restricted in its usage to signify a 'Lord of Darkness'.” [8]

Qlippoth Hod

Kabbalah of The Qlippoths; 8-Hod- Samael-(Poison of God) Qlippoth of time and cycles of activity of the Qlippoth's, brings movement to magick sent, divides and sorts where the action goes, (lesser form of Chockma) to bring enfoldment of the actions released, death but evolution to a new form, decay and corruption, the cause and effect of actions from other Qlippoths, balance and imbalanced energies, the ceaseless movement of actions, the flow of good or evil, transmission of forces, the contained force that moves, a tester, the grim reaper like, slayer of forces.(The Qlippoth is the Negative Form shell and/ or Imposter Spirit negative force of the Sephiroth, 3rd dimension, Solar Plexus)

The Desolation of God, or The Left Hand, “Hod is the complex working of the will of the Absolute. Samael represents the barren desolation of a fallen and failed creation. The outer form is Theuniel, 'The filthy Wailing Ones of God'.” Adrammelech: Powerful King

To Samael, Adrammelech is attributed. “This name is found in Fourth Kings: XVII, 29-31: ' And the men of Babylon made Succoth-benoth, and the men of Cuth made Nergal, and the men of Hamath made Ashima, and the Avvites made Nibhaz and Tartak, and the Sepharvites burnt their children in the fire to Adrammelech and Anammelech, the gods of Sepharvaim.”[9]

Qlippoth Yesod

Kabbalah of The Qlippoths; 9-Yesode- Gamaliel-(The Obscene Ones) Qlippoth that initiates and ends cycles of magick, finalizing things that was created by the beginning of the initial work, blooming and getting ready to complete, reflects the Qlippoths work, expresses it, Qlippoth of silence, stillness and foreboding, moving towards a result, astral magic and travel, invisibility and walking unnoticed, protection of working, prepares for manifestation, to bury the old, to bury the dead, temptation.(The Qlippoth is the Negative Form shell and/ or Imposter Spirit negative force of the Sephiroth, 2nd dimension link to 4th dimension, see 2D/4D Split)

Polluted of God, “Yesod is the place of the final forms that become matter in Malkuth. The Gamaliel are the Misshapen and polluted images that produce vile results. The outer form is the order of Ogiel, 'those Who Flee from God'.” Black Lilith: Night Specter. To Gamaliel, Black Lilith is attributed and “is the grand lady of all demons. The demons are sometimes considered to be the children of Lilith and is said to be the woman who comes to men in their dreams.”[10]

Qlippoth Malkuth

Kabbalah of The Qlippoths; 10-Malkuth- Lilith-(The Queen of The Night) Completion of all of the Qlippoths work, completion of forces in action, endings, and full manifestation of desires, endings, to return to Kether, fulfilling the cycle of powers, new things dawning, total evolution, redemption, flaws in the design, perfection, outpouring of light or darkness, unfolding into matter, destroying life, hellish consequences, destructive vs. constructive, the hand of the Qlippoth or force, rebellion, and revolution, fountain of death and life.(The Qlippoth is the Negative Form shell and/ or Imposter Spirit negative force of the Sephiroth) in the 1st dimension unites with 7th dimension) Whisperers (or Night Specter),“These are responsible for frightening sounds in strange places. They excite the mind and cause strange desires.” This corresponds with Malkuth as well.Nehema: Groaning. To Nehemoth, Nehema is attributed, “and is traditionally a demon and the sister of Lilith, possibly a remembrance of the Egyptian Nephthys and Isis. It is conceivable that Nehema is the same as Naamah, the sister of Tubal Cain.”[11]


See Also


Fallen Angelics

Kabbalistic Demonology

First Found in HGS Manual on Page 75