1st God World Creation

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To be on the ascending path that takes us home through the Stairway to Heaven, here in this density, we must be placed on the evolutionary path of the Eukatharista. This pathway reconnects us with the Cosmic Emerald Heart flame of the Cosmic God Matrix or 1st God World Creation that is the ultimate threefold flame God source of our particular manifested world. The Stairway to Heaven is incredibly complex and contains the God source threefold flames of many other parallel worlds in which our Universal Time Matrix is ultimately interconnected.

Return of Emerald Order

Emerald Covenant

The Cosmic Clock from the 1st God World Creation is synchronizing with this Universal Time Matrix in order to begin the next stage of planetary ascension that awakens the Eukachristic spiritual body flame codes within the angelic human DNA. Thus, the Cosmic Clock Reuche Initiation is also considered the full spectrum Planetary Eukatharistic Activation, because it opens and activates a series of density locks and time codes being directed as the result of the Return of the Emerald Order.

Cosmic Clock Initiation

This planetary initiation is essentially the 1st God World Creation announcing to the Universal inhabitants that the cycle for the Return of the Emerald Order Founders is commencing through the embodiment of the authentic Emerald Order identities.

The reunion of some of our Cosmic Christos family members in the hierogamic template of Golden Aeonesis is resetting the event horizons and timelines that were being held in place as the twelve Dark Aeons. This field alteration is returning the planetary consciousness access all the way back through multiple time matrices that reorient our particular location in this time and space, to the coordinates recorded as density 1-2, quadrant 4, corridor 4, and spectra 3. Then finally going all the way back to the 1st God World Creation by witnessing a sequence of opening interdimensional portals that begin to correct the Universal Time Matrix alignment with the original source fields of the Cosmic Clock. [1]

Universal Ascension

As a process of planetary, solar and Universal Ascension, we are returning back through the central cores of multiple creation matrices and solar bodies that are purposed to hold the event horizons made up of multiple timelines, in order to return the ascending consciousness back to the 1st God World Creation that governs all domains which have been down stepped and sourced within our system.

Six Emerald Crystal Heart Pillars

The Six Emerald Crystal Heart Pillars further source from the original twelve Reuche Pillars from the God Worlds that generate the Emerald Order Tree of Life. The Emerald Tree of Life merges into the Cosmic Clock Templar within the newly birthed Emerald Suns, sourced from the core heart spirals of Aquamarine and Emerald Rays flowing from the 1st God World Creation.

Cosmic Amoraea Shield

These blue flame currents flow into the corresponding instruction set templates which further alter and adjust the macrocosmic clock shields that make up the coordinate locations of every angelic human Lightbody, dimension, density, and Harmonic Universe. This event essentially will instigate large scale collapse of Artificial Timelines, artificial coordinate positions held by Fallen Angelic Timekeepers in the clock shield templates, by unwinding the reversal currents or anti-life metatronic currents and resetting them back into natural alignment with the Cosmic Clock in the 1st God World Creation.

Embodying the Cosmic Clock Internal Templar

For those ascension protoypers in the Emerald and Blue Ray Rishic families receiving the Templar Reuche codes, the entire twelve pillar clock shield configuration from the 1st God World Creation will begin to anchor itself within the core manifestation body of the personal 12 Tree Grid. Whereby the entire Cosmic Clock function of the twelve Reuche Pillars is anchored into the internal layers of the lightbody and will begin to embody the entire instruction set within the individual’s DNA. This is the Emerald Sun DNA activation that is ensconced within the Emerald Tree of Life as the Cosmic Clock Internal Templar.

The Universal Mother of Life is Tiamati

The Cosmic Mother’s reclamation of the Tiamat Logos white diamond core revealed the ancient Emerald Founder Records of the original Anuhazi Mu’a language that was spoken and sung as the Universal Mother of Life principle for building and administering to the creation. Specifically, the Blue Solar Reisha Dragon family were created by Cosmic Mother to embody her ancient musical language of the Holy Mother’s Sophia code transmitted from her White Diamond Sun and Emerald Crystal Hearts within a 48 layered Emerald Crystal Heart matrix.

Thus, during the warring conflicts resulting in the destruction of Tara and Tiamat, the Holy Mother Priestesses that embodied the Emerald Order Elohei higher creator knowledge, also used Cellular Telepathy to transmit and speak the genetic language into manifestation which further built out organic architecture for timelines and stargates. They were directing the Kantarian solar dragons on how to repair the energetic integrity of the Mother Arc and Arc Zones with Emerald Order Kristos Azura blue rainbow architecture after the Thousand Years War. This White Diamond Elohei Mother Solar Dragon creator language was transmitted from the Cosminya’s tri-matrix of Elaysian fields running through the Staff of Elaysa, as received by the Emerald Order Melchizedek Yanas in the format of Cosmic Mother’s solar daughters original Anuhazi Emerald Crystal Heart language sourced from the Emerald Order’s 1st Creation Matrix.[2]

EO Hierogamic Quadrata Template

The Emerald Order Hierogamic Quadrata Template of Genetic Equals hold the exponential quad superpower of four 24D Oraphim Double Diamond Sun templates that are multiplied into four sets of the 48D Quadrata Emerald Order Templar Reuche, which is connected into the Cosmic Clock and into the 1st God World Creation through 12 Reuche Pillars. The quad hierogamic structure to build out the universal timeline mechanics of reality are the hidden meaning behind the Four Faces of the Soul of Man, or Four Pillars of Man network which multiply by three into the 12 Guardians of the Rainbow Pillar found in Easter Island. See Ascension Timeline Rebellion and Forced Separation of Gender Twins.[3]


See Also

Cosmic Father's Ruby Templar

Stairway to Heaven

Aeonic Pair

Guardian Host

Solar Rishi