Gender Splitting

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In Ascension context, the synthesizing of the pairs of energetic opposite into unity is also referred to as polarity integration, energetic synthesis or spiritual marriage. This also has the exact same meaning when applied togender unification which is the energetic balance between the masculine principle and feminine principle. To biologically evolve spiritually the energetic balance between the masculine and feminine energies within the individual must be unified.[1]

To prevent the natural biological ascension of human beings, the NAA reversed the life force currents in the planetary logos in order to produce Gender Splitting between the inner masculine principle and inner feminine principle of the angelic human DNA template, which further produced energetic imbalances that resulted in Gender Reversal. During the planetary ascension, the Gender Principle is being reset into the planet through the repair of the Solar Logos matrix and the building of the architecture for the Primary Gender Twin Matrix seated within the Temple of Khemalohatea.

Hijacked Bi Wave Locked Down Grid

The energetic imbalance between the electron and proton spin rates was being harnessed by controllers through hijacked creation code and inorganic architecture, one such structure known as the Vesica Pisces a bi-polar geometry. The hijacked Vesica Pisces code kept the binary code (consciousness polarity split through separation and distortion) locked down in our planet so that the Trinity Wave, or unity code for Zero Point would not be accessible. Effectively, this produced Reversal Networks used to harvest bio-energy from the Planetary Grid Network, which also generated Gender Reversal in the human lightbody. This process of splitting gender and reversing Gender Principle on the planet is referred to as Anti-HG Technology, used to prevent the spiritual ascension of human beings.

This forced reversal and split patterns that continually fragmented our consciousness at multiple dimensions. It also was creating Monadic Reversal patterns which split us up from reuniting with our Monadic or "Twin Consciousness Matrix". This machinery intends Gender Reversal or Gender Splitting in humanity, and this is related to the NRG and the Sexual Misery programs inserted to genetically alter the human race.[2]

Gender Biology Expresses Polarity

The Law of Polarity is also represented within our physical gender bodies, which express as a polarity in matter form, when incarnated in a male or female body. While our physical body may appear to exist in one polarity form in matter, our internal and external energies exist in both male and female principles simultaneously. As an example on the vertical plane, bring to mind a physical human body from top to bottom, the male and female human body is divided into a right side male and a left side female by the central vertical channel. There are many natural characteristics of the male and female principle that we all share in the human species, yet we must identify that which is unnatural and alien to our male and female, and cast it out of our Consciousness.

The right side of our human body is the male gender pattern, which is the active force principle with internal circuitry that works as the electrical transmitter of positive charged electrons. The male spin in this configuration in the 3D architecture tends to spiral current in a clockwise rotation. When moving to another location in the harmonic universe, the male spin may reverse its position to counterclockwise rotation.

The left side of our human body is the female gender pattern, which is the passive force principle with internal circuitry that works as the magnetic receiver of negative charged protons. The female spin in this configuration in the 3D architecture tends to spiral current in a counter-clockwise rotation. When moving to another location in the harmonic universe, the female spin may reverse its position to a clockwise rotation.

In order to be energetically balanced, harmonized and peaceful with ourselves, we must acknowledge the inner and outer polarity. By acknowledging the value and necessity of how the Law of Polarity and the Law of Gender rules our life, we can truly know thyself.[3]

Gender Wounds

Some of the most traumatizing events are those painful memories from distortions existing between men and women being forced to abuse each other, over and over. These Gender Principle distortions have been used to propagate some of the deepest levels of spiritual abuse, Sexual Misery and personal torture that could occur to a race of beings. Many people feel this pain as Soul crushing and there are reasons for that which is warranted from the cellular memories of hidden human history. True spiritual marriage as a part of natural biological spiritual Ascension was stolen from humanity through the NAA alien invasion, and the pain of that theft and emotional abuse has damaged many people’s hearts. The heart damage, both physical and energetic, has blocked the soul’s center of communication with the entire body. For this reason there is a unconscious terror in accessing the heart center because the soul wound is so painful for so many on the earth.[4]

Michael-Mary Reversal

Michael-Mary weighing Soul

Michael-Mary Reversal networks are Alien Machinery planetary grids that split gender apart and are Anti-Hierogamic Union. The result of this grid is to promote the splitting apart of the layers of Soul marriage that occur at the 6th and 7th dimensions, which is the spiritual ascension process of Building Wings.

Sexual Misery Gender Confusion

Most all diseases in the reproductive areas are a result of gender confusion conflicts, alien genetic manipulation, inner energy reversals and Sexual Misery beliefs which disconnect the person from accessing their inner Christos spirit. This was taken advantage of by the negative aliens to splinter and fragment the soul energies, rather than integrate and heal them, by controlling and directing the sexual energies of human beings into Gender Splitting. By promoting distortions around the sexual act, gender roles and corrupting our relationship to our mother and father parent (See False Parent), our race descended into Sexual Misery and related diseases.

Krystal Mathematical Proportion

Krystal Star mathematical proportion for the Diamond Sun Body Merkaba spin ratio for male biology: CW Male 33 1/3 clockwise electrical over CCW Female 11 2/3 counter-clockwise magnetic.

Krystal Star mathematical proportion for the Diamond Sun Body Merkaba spin ratio for female biology: CW Male 11 2/3 clockwise electrical over CCW Female 33 1/3 counter-clockwise magnetic.

Due to the challenges of Gender Reversal and reversal polarity, it is suggested to communicate directly with the Avatar Christ self for assistance in setting the merkaba spin pattern when working with the 12D Shield. The Diamond Sun body instruction set is built upon the transmission of the 12D Ray and holds the correct setting for the personal merkaba alignment for the Gender Fin that is within each light biology.

Gender Reversal and Reversal Networks

The energetic imbalance between the electron and proton spin rates was being harnessed by controllers through hijacked creation code and inorganic architecture, one such structure known as the Vesica Pisces a bi-polar geometry. The hijacked Vesica Pisces code kept the binary code (consciousness polarity split through separation and distortion) locked down in our planet so that the Trinity Wave (unity) code would not be accessible. Effectively, this produced Reversal Networks used to harvest bio-energy which also generated Gender Reversal in the human lightbody. This process of splitting gender and reversing Gender Principle on the planet is referred to as Anti-HG Technology.

This forced reversal and split patterns that continually fragmented our consciousness at multiple dimensions. It also was creating Monadic Reversal patterns which split us up from reuniting with our Monadic or "Gender Twin Consciousness Matrix". This machinery intends Gender Reversal or Gender Splitting in humanity, and this is related to the NRG and the Sexual Misery programs inserted to genetically alter the human race.[5]

Artificial Ruby Sun DNA Signals

These are Cosmic Father 48D Ruby Order instruction sets for the corrected Red King position within the planetary Ruby Templar Master Shield for the planet, which are systematically collapsing and disintegrating assorted red shield networks, artificial red wave rod and staff, and red cube clones used by Fallen Ruby Order branches for hijacking the Ruby Sun DNA template that was running the false Khem-Khemalohatea. The cloned version of Red Shield Temple of Khemalohatea was transmitting Artificial Ruby Sun DNA signals, lunar sound tones and archontic voices throughout the Stonehenge gateways and Grual points (2D-5D-8D-11D) which have been instrumental in enforcing Gender Reversals and transmitting assorted male and female Sexual Misery miasma into the Collective Consciousness of humanity.[6]

Chemicals of Life Run Human DNA

With the invaders agendas for genetic modification to usurp and even eliminate the Mother’s DNA Language from the planet, the human race suffers without properly functioning Mitochondrial DNA that is unable to effectively generate the new proteins for DNA Synthesis for the activating the Krystal Gene.

If the DNA had been functioning naturally, the genetic sequences of the Mother and Father lines would generate their respective Sugar Phosphate Instruction Sets to build the DNA base code and acceleration code into genetic pair bonds of natural Chromosomes, which further forms into the sugar phosphate molecules that further perform as the chemical process of building the DNA ladder. The sugar phosphate inherited from the Mother line provides the blueprint for the twelve DNA Base Codes of the magnetic particle imprints gained from the Mother’s genetics, along with the sugar phosphate instruction sets which form into the twelve DNA Acceleration Codes that are inherited from the Father’s genetics. The Checkerboard Mutation in the 11D Stargate Network was intended to function as a DNA scrambler and Gender Splitter of the 12 strand Diamond Sun DNA template, in which to scrambles the Cellular Alphabet and extract the sugar phosphate instruction sets which prevent the base 12 nucleotide formation, which has caused Genetic Mutations. The genetic mutations are caused from scrambling the electromagnetic pairing between the Mother’s magnetic codes and the Father’s electrical codes, (Gender Reversal of Pair Bonds) further scrambling the sugar phosphate chains interfering with every natural chromosome and genetic component recorded in the DNA.[7]


See Also:

Spiritual Problems that Impact Gender

Gender Confusion Pain

Transhumanism for Transgenderism

Tri-Flame of Khemalohatea

Diamond Sun