Reseating King Arthur and Queen Guinevere

Revision as of 06:10, 12 January 2023 by Lisa (talk | contribs)

Current expansions into the triad of the 22D, 23D and 24D source fields are underway in order to facilitate the Emerald Order's Tree of Life, which includes the Triple Solar Masculine and Triple Solar Feminine hierogamic union within Solomon's Temple and the Krystal Cathedral architecture that functions as the Christos-Sophia dwelling that is required for the final seating of King Arthur and Queen Guinevere in the Albion.

Return of Cosmic Christos Emerald Dragons, King Arthur and Queen Guinevere (art by Sequoia)

Return of Cosmic Emerald Order

Return of Emerald Order (By Sequoia)

The return of the Emerald Order through the Rise of Arthur in Albion brings on the next stage activation during the Electrical Peak cycle for reviving the Emerald Crystal Heart in the Earth, which includes the Solar Anointing of the authentic Christ Michael to restore his rightful kingship and Solar Dragon Line. This holds profound meaning as the return of the Solar Rishi usher in the benevolent and rightful Christos Solar Kings to planet Earth, in which the Rishi awaken them from stasis so they may begin to embody in matter to activate their Solar Dragon Line.[1]

Cosmic Dragon Awakening

The retrieval of female solar dragon parts began with the big event in Macchu Picchu during the electrical peak cycle, which performed the major dimensional shift into 5D timelines as the Astral Reconstruction. Followed by evictions in the underground caverns in the island of Malta and Vatican, then into the land of the Eight White Horses in Wiltshire, England and under the holy lakes in Bam Tso, Tibet and Aral Sea, Central Asia. Guardian groups were sent into the stargate systems of Uluru, Australia and the Lake Titicaca networks leading into Orion’s Belt, and began threading the Cosmic Mother’s Elaysian Staff into Alhambra Palace, all the while intermittent showdowns with Guardian ships were taking place in and around the 11th gate of Stonehenge. For those on this part of the Christos mission, this year has been chocked full of aggressive NAA retaliation with sudden ambushes with flying beast marks and multiple skirmishes around the Emerald Founder Records, and assorted pockets of Red Cube virtual realities with AI clones representing an assortment of fake identities on the planet. All the while the NAA are attempting to run assorted global pysops and plandemic distractions in order to block the full restoration of the Universal Logos mind for King Arthur and Queen Guinevere inhabiting authentic Emerald Order architecture, whom are destined to be seated as the crystal capstone in the Albion to announce the Golden Aeonesis.[2]

Cosmic Elohei White Diamond Mother

Another stage of the Cosmic Mother Elohei awakening her Sophianic daughters of Christos-Sophia to embody the Triple Lion Grids is happening during this magnetic peak cycle. This is a major task underway with Holy Father’s gradual embodiment as King Arthur, the protector of the Cosmic Mother Dragon’s Sophianic Rose Grail bloodlines. We are awaiting the complete embodiment of the 11D staff counterpart of King Arthur, his beloved which is interconnected with the Astrological Age of Pisces, the triple solar emanation of Dragon Queen Merida from the Atlantian golden age, known in folklore as Queen Guinevere-Brigid-Mary Sophia. She is the embodiment of the Cosmic White Diamond Mother Elohei Aton God Body, which gives birth to the triple rose grail Dragon Eggs of the Emerald Rose Rings into the planetary ley lines. Her embodiment as the White Mother Dragon in 11D staff functions as the crystal capstone of the unified Elohei Triple Lion Grid network. As she embodies into her position in the Cosmic Clock and Reuche Pillars as an Emerald Dragon Timekeeper and takes her place as King Arthur’s beloved wife, this initiates the Failsafe for copper rose blood of Christos lineages.[3]

Emerald Order Alhambra Reclamation 11:11

The Alhambra appears to have an adamic body template that functions in compliment to the Albion master control in the United Kingdom, thus this highlights the unification of the universal star coupling of the five-pointed star and six-pointed star uniting in order to configure new portals, which give birth to the coppery dragon eggs throughout the planetary matrix. This was found to be represented in the Twinned Heart representations of Dual Cupolas in the Court of Lions, which are engraved with eleven pointed stars representing the planetary adamic body template of the male five star and female six star unifying as the Universal Starhuman Coupling seated in the Albion network; the Triple Solar Masculine Albion Star code, King Arthur, and the Triple Solar Feminine Cathar Star code, Queen Guinevere, united in sacred marriage or hierogamic union to co-create the crystal capstone of the corrected Universal Melchizedek Rod and Staff.

Alhambra’s recent retrieval from the anti-human vandals inverting its sacred architecture and spiritual properties in base 10 reversals, begins another stage of planetary architecture restoration of the sacred crystal heart of the Triple Solar Masculine and Triple Solar Feminine, which is necessary for the reseating of King Arthur and Queen Meri-Guinevere within the Triple Solar Solomon Temple being built in the Albion. The reclamation of the Christos Mission serving the return of the Emerald Order, continues onward.[4]

Ancient Celtic Language

These are the direct Christos lineages and vernacular of the hierogamic coupling of King Arthur and Queen Guinevere, in which the seed of the Celtic language and its related dialects activate the cellular memory of the Diamond Sun genetics and the archetypal Christos-Sophia forces rising into this area. The Celts and Druids left their knowledge and wisdom in the stone circles they built for this purpose, to retain the original language and codes of the Essenes, for those that would need them to awaken the Albion in the future.[5]

Lily of Valley, Queen Guinevere

The seventh-dimension merges with 17D and recently has been merged into 20D.This appears to be another dimension of Cosmic Sun Mother Matrices, which are referred to as Ankhulasa. Ankhulasa sun star network holds the Lily of the Valley of the second coming of the solar female Christ-Melchizedek, and appears as the spiritual family of the triple suns of peach rose solar fires. These are necessary for the embodiment of Solar Dragon Queen Merida-Guinevere-Brigid in her complete Mahara Reisha triple peachsicle solar suns spirit body that are her specific embodied cosmological principle.[6]

Blue Flame Melchizedeks

For the Essenes, Christos Templars, all of the Christos people, our true heroes are found in the King and Queen archetypes of our past. Yeshua and Mary Magdalene, Michael and Mary, King Arthur and Queen Guinevere. These archetypal forces can be turned against us from within our unhealed inner pain and emotional conflicts. We intend to address these timeline, find the soul wounds, and heal our hearts, minds and body from the spiritual pain of the Essene Divide.[7]

Rise of Arthur in Albion

Rise of King Arthur

When the Albion Lightbody is activated through the Emerald Order Cosmic Heart and fully awakened by the Amethyst Order Holy Father, England, Scotland, Ireland and France will be the first demographic areas to align to the King Arthur Timeline through the Rise of Arthur in Albion. This phase of the ascension timeline awakens the stasis beings that have been buried deep in the lands, and brings on oceanic waves of the God Source and the Christos-Sophia rainbow rays or roundtables to pour into the Earth grids. The Albion Lightbody is the Diamond Sun template of humanity’s world soul from Tara as the Christos incarnate masculine-feminine identity, and it holds the instruction set of the Paliadorian Covenant which is the future record and destiny of all humankind to return back to their original spiritual home. Their inner Sun-Star, which is found deep in the RA Center of the still point in the angelic human lightbody.

We have learned that the Rise of Arthur in Albion, is describing the means by which the Holy Father and Cosmic Christos Consciousness are returning to manifest into the planet. The current events have sounded the trumpet announcing to the world that the ascension timeline is here which leads to global disclosure. Currently, it appears the global disclosure timeline will commence with the topic of child trafficking and SRA practices of Child Sacrifice, made by the satanic entities ruling this world, both human and nonhuman.[8]


See Also

Return of Emerald Order

King Arthur

Galactic Wars

Maji Priest King

Emerald Founder Records

Universal Melchizedek Lineages