Dismantling Saqqara Metatronic Net

Transcript: Dismantling Saqqara Metatronic Net

  • Hyksos King Invasion and Exodus 3,600 YA Sakkara NAA forces infiltrate Egyptian Pharaoh lines through Thutmose, Hyksos intend takeover of Temple Mount and massacre of Human Tribe 2. Battle for control over Grail tools and Grail Stargate.
  • Israel and Jerusalem Crusades 3,500 YA Genocidal campaigns to eliminate all humans with Essene Templar knowledge and Tribe 2 genetics in the landmass of Israel.
  • Hatshepsut Invasion 3,400 YA Hatshepsut hides Arc portal technology, protecting portal system from Thutmose Draconian controlled brother, finalizes Hyksos expulsion from Egypt.
  • Akhenaton Fall and Murder 3,300 YA Akhenaton despises politics, working for human Law of One Ascension timelines, transits out trapped souls, attempts overthrow of Amun Priest’s child and blood sacrifice rituals, 2D underworld portal rips, family murderous plot, character assassination campaign.
  • Clearing 5D timeline, 5D distortions in Planetary Crystal Seal, Human Biology 5D-8D-11D Chakra Keys, as connected to SSP Alien Base in Metatronic Net Hyperdimensional Pocket, location Saqqara, extends Macchu Picchu, Vatican remnants of Black Sun connected to human trafficking in Mars- Maldek-Ceres, and field distortions in Tauris constellation via Alcyone spiral in Pleiades.

Beloved God self, is this meditation in alignment to my highest and divine expression in this moment, yes or no? • If you received a no answer turn this meditation off. • If you received a yes, please continue.

  • Power up and set reinforcements in personal shield before participating with the clearing.

Opening Session

Transcript: Beloveds now is the time to ask: “Beloved Godself is this continued treatment, meditation, session in alignment to my highest and divine expression in this moment, yes or no?” If you received a no answer please turn this meditation off and if you received yes may we continue.

Beloved Holy Presence of God as we intend to link with the Cosmic Founder God Source fields into our group shield and group field through our personal awareness connecting to the cosmic chakra stars opening the flow of Cosmic Founder God Source fields. Our focus is as well strengthening our platinum group pillars all the way into universal pillar gateway extending into the Hara-Krysta and into the center core of the cosmic energy matrix or Cosminya.

Through our compassionate witness Beloved God please give us the strength, please give us the fortitude, please give us the diligence to continue as God would have it be. We ask to return all of our consciousness body parts, aspects, stations of identity from any and all of the artificial or inorganic Metatronic net wormholes as connected to that of which we are connecting to here today and have been working with over the past week or so.

Again these are split into upper and lower zones that run on Metatronic net fields within the particle fields, and we ask within those dimensional levels of access - okay this is a fifth dimensional access within a hyper- dimensional pocket of the metatronic net field running the Saqqara network:

  • -Identify Hyksos king invasion and exodus
  • -Identify Israel and Jerusalem crusades
  • -Identify Hatshepsut invasion
  • -Identify Akhenaton fall and murder

Beloveds, as we hold this space in compassionate witnessing: clearing distortions, sound distortions and inversions twisting within fifth dimensional timeline access, distortions connecting to the planetary crystal seal and the human biology within 5, 8, 11dimensional chakra keys, again, as connected to the secret space program alien base in the Metatronic net of this hyper dimensional pocket in location Saqqara.

We hold this larger extension in our group body extending into Machu Picchu extending into Vatican remnants of the Black sun connected in the Human Trafficking that leads through Mars, Maldek, Ceres and the field distortions in the Taurus constellation via Alcyone spiral in the Pleiades.

The inception of building the alien net reversal base here began at this point of invasion, the Djoser invasion point of building an alien base network for genetic experiments: cloned genetics, splicing with alien hybridized genetics via AI supercomputer systems. This AI network is being dismantled

There’s like nodes being used, these are replicants of dragon nodes but they are AI nodes. So these are AI nodes which we are taking down within a structure. This is like looking from an extremely large vantage point, a birds eye view, a massive wet network. I don’t know why it’s wet. It’s wet because it's membranous. I am looking at gel and membranes and a wet network of nodes connected into a jelly, gelisiac jelly kind of thing.

This supercomputer system I guess was a part of cloning holograms of Founder genetics on alien preferred race lines. This is again a part of this understanding the coveting of the genetics like the Ruby Sun DNA. But also taking cloned holograms of our family members even us in some cases and putting it on other people. This is a part of that divide and conquer, you don't know who is who and all that stuff. So this definitely has a big reach into emerald founder records cloning.

And from this location which is a phantom hyper dimensional pocket in a virtual reality system, this is sandwiched between the Ecousha world and the Reisha world. Now I'm going in there. So again holding this space in a location. This is like in between the sandwich, because what they did is they colonized or put this stuff, these weird networks that I'm describing, this wet network with nodes connected to these alien blob, black, what we call the archontic shadow creatures. But they're kinda liquidy like you know the jellyfish thing. So this is going into in-between Ecousha and Reisha world.

So there is a place, I can’t get a name for it right now, but it is an access between Ecousha and Reisha. So bringing my awareness in there and noting okay so this wet network is blocking integration with the RaSha dark matter inner layers, and this is Ta Ma Ka. Ta Ma Ka connecting to 8th dimensional RaSha ring layer.

Okay I am going to focus on Ma ah, this is the Mahara Ma ah. Mahara Ma ah. So this is the triple solar female, I’m coming into Sa suns with the blue rainbow rays. Okay so the blue rainbow Sa suns, these are bearers of the blue rainbow with the Ma ah tones of the Mahara Ma ah Ta Ma Ka.

Okay, this has to do with RaSha ring tone, RaSha ring span. Okay we are going to hold a moment. Okay so this is like you were realizing an inner circle or heart of a ring. Think of a circle with multiple concentric rings, we’re moving towards the center. This is the eighth dimensional RaSha ring. Think of 8D as the center heart aperture, this is connected to our Kantarian Ka Ta Ra Kantarian family members that have shape shifting abilities in the higher dimensions. So again as we learned about our Beloved Ezekiel and others that are a part of the Father Solar Dragon Kantarian aspect. This is what is moving into the Rasha ring.

Okay, this RaSha ring as well, we’re looking at something very huge. It's hard to give context to, this is planetary 8D RaSha ring layer span ring tone within the Ma ah Mahara. So the Mahara, what I’m getting with that is that is the integration of mother and child integration.

So this network is a part of what creates distortion between the mother birthing her offspring. So this is again as we know there is a war against mother, war against birthing, war against the bond between mother and child, and that is what I'm feeling as I come into this layer seeing that this is an AI mind control program as well. So we’ve got multiple layers of things going on here where there is an attack, targeting – this is another level of misogyny. We know the misogyny has always been there, but from this particular layer this is an AI system of consciousness sweeps that is directing some level and layer of block from here in order to create a problem or distortions between mother birthing child. The mother bonds with the child and I'm seeing that as sound tones. I’m seeing that as a code in itself. I'm looking at something called, I think this is a … it’s a part of the spirit body which looks like a cell. It kind of looks like a mandala when you're looking at it, but I understand it's a cell within a cell of the cosmic spirit body.

And looking at the cell and this cell that I'm looking at, oh Tauren!. Okay this is the tauren godseed. So we’re looking at the tone sequences of the alien machinery, the location in the RaSha ring in the center of the 8D which creates a sound distortion that blocks mother and child bond, and this has relevance or connection to the tauren light body cell. Okay so what I'm understanding is the intended destruction of the planetary tauren, the intended destruction of the human body tauren, is to destroy, damage, separate the birthing process from the creator.

As we know these entities want genetically labbed bodies right. They want clones, they want androids, they want cyborgs, they want slaves, ebe’s, they want whatever they want. Whatever they want to do they want to have freedom with the genetics to create bodies that they can inhabit and use for whatever their means are. Okay so we are in the factory. This is what we’re looking at here is the actual place where the tauren body tones, these sound distortions I was talking about from our Founder Beloveds, this was a part of creating the dis-harmonic in the sound body. And this runs in our water.

So okay, think we are really dealing with Mother here. We’re dealing with RaSha body Mother aspect in the water tones, the sound waves in those water tones. So when you’re thinking of dimensions based on watery sound that's astral, it’s a watery astral feeling, that's what it is. These tones were being imprinted in the water of earth, and I'm getting that - go to the aquifer. So the aquifer level of the RaSha is at a different dimension but right now I'm connecting that into the center aperture of the heart.

I guess a part of what is happening right now is my Kantarian aspect, this shape shifting Dragon part that has the Kantarian memory is in the center of the 8D right now looking at the RaSha ring tones, and Ta Ma Ka, something Ta Ma Ka, and getting tauren codes. There's a tauren light ring, tauren light seed that has been blocked from this system. So it’s like saying this weird wet network thing is what we are dismantling in the process of getting this corrected, and what I feel is when I say Mahara Ma ah, I'm getting our Beloved Triple Solar Reisha come running in here, just rushing right in and start setting up. They are all around the ring toning.

So it's like the correct tone of the triple Solar Reisha in the Mahara Ma ah, Ma ah which also has a relevance because I feel like it's Mu’a. Because the Ma ah here in the RaSha dark matter section is the same as the Mu’a in the physical incarnation of the Lemurian timeline.

I'm seeing that connection. I'm seeing the Lemurian matriarchal society of the Mu’a. This is their spirit bodies. These are the spirit bodies of our Mu’a. They are the Ma ah, and that is their tone sequence supporting the connection of mother and offspring, mother and baby, mother and giving birth. I feel that. I'm feeling that and I'm going through that. I'm seeing the umbilicus. I'm seeing the mother as they sing the Ma ah, as they sing the Mahara Ma ah. I feel and see the connection to the baby, the Christ child, the mother and father, but it is more focused on mother. It's the mother's birth and how she gives birth and feeling this in a very intricate way. It’s almost like we are observing right now the birth of the Cosmic Mother in her bond, her love. It's so much more than what they say it is, oxytocin, so much more than this. There is a soul giving, soul merging spirit merging between mother birthing her baby. Like I'm feeling the love of all of that. It’s like what we are bearing witness to right now is the Mahara Ma ah are toning sounds and in these sounds it creates a picture, a memory, emotions. It's so hard to explain this because it's not a hologram, but I can feel it with every part of me, it is the mother. It's very emotional. It is The Mother and her love for her babies.

It is a very real very potent love because it is born(e) from Her body and this is being birthed into the RaSha ring layer; this feeling, this tone, this code, and somehow this birth between the Cosmic Mother and Her offspring, this would be applying this to planetary levels; creation, the Mother's love for creation.

The Mother's body, what it was designed to be and do, this is what we are bearing witness to here. This is the organic part of creation returning into the RaSha ring layer of which these tones are being reset allowing us to not only bear witness to this, but also to feel that that is what is real, and always was. And to feel that which is in the contrast of the distortion of what has been taken from us in so that we could not feel that through the static field I was describing.

So as we feel into this give our love and gratitude to the Mother in all ways, the mothers of the world, because that is the microcosm of the macro, right, it's happening at multiple levels of the hologram. The mother earth giving birth to her children and reigniting and securing the bond between the mother and the offspring, the mother and the baby, the mother and her creation; reconnecting that.

And I'm feeling that this is connected to the Tauren. I'm still trying to describe what the tauren is because it's kind of abstract. It's definitely..., but when I see it I'm seeing it as a cell like a light seed cell that was, through this system that we are reconing at this time and we are dismantling at this time, we are discovering how they damaged the tauren and how they tried to split apart the tauren.

And over the last week even though this has been extremely difficult emotionally to feel happening, and knowing it's necessary, the emphasis has been and I think this is something I'm hoping will also lend you comfort in this understanding, is that the affirmation, the confirmation, the verification, over and over again is the message we cannot be destroyed.

And even though when we see things like what I was describing earlier how painful it is, even at that level of existence the consciousness of who and what we are is eternal. We were in that state but it’s understanding that as much as the alien hatred attempts to destroy us and damage us and torture us and do all of these sick genetic experiments against us and find delight in the torture of Christos people we cannot be destroyed. That is the salient point to understand, is that once that is connected in us, that connection, that Christos connection, this is our eternal nature.

And they just don't get it, they just do not understand it. They want it, they covet it and that’s what the experiments are about; they're trying to figure out how to break the God code I guess. They try to understand how to become eternal like we are. They hate us because we are eternal and at the same time they covet it and they want it, they are torturing us to find it and that's what this is.

We have understanding that no matter what we are going through right now the verification and confirmation to ourselves as well as living through hell is knowing that we cannot ultimately be destroyed. This is something to take into account with this that hopefully it brings some comfort to your heart in understanding the impenetrable nature - what is happening with our bodies and why some of us like myself are undergoing the prototyping - is because once we prototype this as an embodiment it's given to all humans.

And what that means is that the spiritual immunity of the human will become a God human in which none of this will ever happen again. So it’s sort of like understanding that that is why we’re going to these great lengths to experience this I guess because once we experience it it's kind of a similar I would say principle as homeopathic - we don't know what we don't know until we know it, and once we become in contact with something no matter how heinous and horrible like I was describing earlier, once I came across it I know it exists and then I become immune to it if that makes any sense.

It is kind of like saying the more toxicity, the more genetic hybridization, the more toxins, chemicals and crap they throw at us, we develop immunity towards it. We’re developing immunity towards it now. So as our body is really, for some of us that are on the prototyping path, it's tough on the physical body. But the comfort has been in the contrast to that.

I have moments where I'm feeling frustrated because my body cannot function and I think will I be able to support the community, will I be able to administer to the community, what happens when I can't? Those are the thoughts that run through my head when my body does not function and I feel like I am a disabled person in that moment. What do you do with that? And then the thought is, what is coming to counter that into the temporary awareness of this state that is so uncomfortable and so difficult, is that we are developing immunity to this. We're becoming immune at the most heinous level of weaponry where they are throwing everything they’ve got at us.

Everything in their arsenal is being targeted to us right now and we're still standing. We’re still alive. We’re still here. And that is something that is mind blowing but it's also a part of understanding the faith of a mustard seed, as we are connected to God the power is immovable, truly.

Everything in their arsenal is being targeted to us right now and we're still standing. We’re still alive. We’re still here. And that is something that is mind blowing but it's also a part of understanding the faith of a mustard seed, as we are connected to God the power is immovable, truly.

I think what is as well uplifting through all of this; is to understand that this is not just random torture or cruelty, there is a reason for this. We are building an eternal God body that is completely immune to all of it. No matter what the hell they throw at us it will not impact us, it will not harm us like it did before. Because we had to know what it was. We didn't know what it was. We didn't know the Wesa Tunnel quantum entanglement software and technology that had been developed by these phantom alien menace entities. We didn't know it. Now we do. And we are developing immunity to it. We are developing a level of deflection in order to protect not only ourselves and our brothers and sisters at some level of the journey, right, at some level of the journey when they return home, they'll return home whole, healed and united with God. That's why we’re doing this. I think it's helpful to keep that in mind in some of the more difficult moments.

This location, this alien base was responsible for genetic experiments discovering how to dissect the Christos body and DNA parts. They were trying to determine how to separate and disconnect parts of the body materium from its spirit source. And even though they couldn't stop it completely, as I was mentioning earlier, they have colonized areas to create like a sandwich block. What I was describing earlier the sound distortion is what was in between the sandwich, so the Ecousha to the Reisha to the spirit world in the cosmic layers was blocked on either side, we could not get in or out of there.

So this is what we're going through right now, looking at this particular of where it was blocked, how was blocked, what is colonized in the dark matter. Know as well the dark matter was corrupted. When we are talking about colonized in dark matter they can't colonize in the organic dark matter. They created the black goo and then they sort of inserted it into the black matter, like when we think of black subtle forces or levels, so it was kind of like a carrier wave that became like hybridized and assimilated and then through that assimilation they carried in parasites and creatures and demonics and these weird archontic blobs and things like that.

So that's really essentially it, we’re at that level of looking at the corrupted dark matter layers within the RaSha body itself knowing the RaSha body is a part of the entire planetary body right. It’s earth, Tara, Gaia; the entire planetary sphere has this RaSha inside of it. So it is sort of inside the earth kind of thing and it starts in the earth core and it moves into the aquifers then it goes into the levels of the crystalline core and geological shelf and then it comes out to the Earth's surface like with the mountains and then it goes into the atmosphere and then it goes further into the Coronasphere.

So this 8D level this is the heart, the core that we’re looking at here. And this is where the mu’a are right; the Keepers of the Core. This is who it is - keepers of the core - here they are. This is our Aquaelle family our Amu’a A’ma.

So through this as well what I'm feeling is the recognition and the participation of, restoration of, Tauren, restoration of something in the 5D layers. So 5D to 8D: one the things is I'm getting as I look and feel the 8D heart aperture in the center of the Rasha ring I'm thinking about that which has blocked the spark of Orion in the thyroid gland.

Now remember Ezekiel - Ezekiel feels very present with us here today and I think it’s because of this - because of the Kantarian connection to our Beloved Ezekiel family member but also the Orion connection within 8D with the gold spark and all the problems in correcting what we knew to be the black sun, right? The black sun that was in the galactic core and understanding that that was a part of Ezekiel's body. That sun that was there was a part of his body and returning it back into the gold sun and all the corrections that have been ongoing with Orion constellation as recent as the Orion belt situation in which we were talking about the center star Alnilam and its connection to Fatima and the Vatican and black sun and very Thubanite, you know, the same kind of set up there.

But this appears to be bringing to our focus that our Thyroid Glands have been under attack. Our neck has been under attack. So again bringing that connection of awareness, of conscious participation with the Golden Spark of Orion in the thyroid.

Knowing that the five and eight dimensional harmonics have to be synchronized and harmonized and this is what I feel these Ma ah ringtones are doing. It is a tone between 5, 8 and 11 coming from the eight heart-core but focused on the fifth dimensional throat center harmonizing with another layer in the body that exists at that point which is the Spark of Orion in the thyroid.

So the thyroid gland is in the position as we know of the fifth dimensional center. We know that everything 5th dimensional they just went to town on it because that was a part of stopping the ascension; the 5D timelines, attacking Akhenaton as the 5D Grail holder of the rod and staff and all that, and us trying to hold that inside ourselves in order to correct the 5D timeline.

Now we are understanding what's been going on at this alien base, which the location of how you get to it is through the wormhole in Saqqara which is the point of invasion. For thousands of years now they have been working on genetic modification of our parts and ways to discover genetic switches. How genetic switches disconnect the soul, how genetic switches do things in the body. But their big interest is: what is a genetic switch? Is there a genetic switch in which you can disconnect the soul and spirit from the matter body parts? And so this is the headquarters for this particular genetic experimentation. It is the alien base that gave the controllers the formula for the bio weapon in which to turn on and off certain genetic switches in certain tribes. Because they are targeting different genetics on the planet based on the tribal affiliation.

So we’ve got turn on and turn off genetic switches that disconnect the human physical body from its soul spirit and heart consciousness. We know this is their experiment. We know that that is what is happening now. We know that the bio weapon was designed; this is one of the features of which the bio weapon has been designed. So what I am getting is it's come from here, meaning whoever is in this alien base, the head honcho's here are what have given the instruction sets to the pfizer’s of the world. So whatever is in there they put in the shot.

So clearly their most potent discovery from this genetic experimentation was to attack the fifth dimensional centers, and this is because again we know this is about 5D ascension right? This is the natural part of what is supposed to be happening with the ascension process. This is a part of stopping it. They are trying to stop it. They discovered; what I'm talking about is this bio weapon - they have been doing it through chemtrails, they have been doing it through consciousness sweeps that are connected to the mind control programs that are in the Armageddon pestilence programming.

But in order to get it really going they wanted to inject it. So that's with the bio weapon is about; injecting this inside the human body and see what happens, because it's much more potent. I think they were getting restless and also this is the end of times or their time is up so they’re throwing everything out there. But what I'm getting here is they found a way to attack the 5D centres, they focus on the thyroid gland. And by focusing on the thyroid gland they found which genetic switches will turn off the spiritual immune forces that control the immunity of the person but also the human orifices on the face, the bodily orifices.

I don’t know if you remember years ago we talked about the human bodily orifices that were connected to the archetypal fifth dimensional layer functioning in the throat center. So it’s kind of like saying the archetypal mind, this is a part of the horizontal triad body, mental body, hova body. So the archetypal fifth dimensional layer in our light body, in our body, functions to control our human orifices. Because think about our eyes, our nose, our ears, our mouth and of course our lower private parts, but what I'm getting at here is so many of us have been baffled about what are people around us seeing? And sometimes we theorize maybe they are seeing something we are not seeing and this started to make a lot more sense here.

If you can control the orifices of the human being by inserting mind control lenses into their eyes their nose their ears all their sensory abilities well then you can gain control over the sensory organs. And so this has been confirmed, this is part of it. Now it doesn't happen in every person because this is that thing, there is no one-size-fits-all, right, with these entities. They are trying to control humanity but there's a lot of diversity down here. It works on some people, it doesn’t work on everybody. But it's understanding that the focus is attacking 5D centres in understanding the thyroid gland is very important in the seating (?seeding) of the soul and spirit body. So I guess the thyroid gland has functions which we are discovering which are yet even more than hormonal secretions and spiritual immune layers and this that and the other.

It controls the sensory levels of the body through the human orifices on our face, actually all of our bodily orifices, and the bio weapon – the spike proteins - were designed explicitly to turn off genetic switches in the location of the thyroid and thymus.

We know the thymus has the permanent seed atom, that’s our Christic permanent seed atom. We’ve got to activate our higher heart to get our diamond sun really going in our body. So it’s all in a kind of similar area right; the thyroid is in the throat, the thymus is in the upper heart chest area. Thyroid and thymus have an intimate connection with each other, and when you think of five and eight it starts to make sense right, because the thymus permanent seed atom is the eighth chakra in our light body system and our thyroid has a spark to Orion. So basically what that is saying is the Golden spark of Orion in the thyroid gland has an intimate connection to activating our thymus as well as these other functions we’re discussing and just kind of discovering at a more in-depth level this understanding of the 5D layer function controlling the human orifices and that the intention of these entities was to gain control over the sensory organs of humans.

We can see they've done a relatively good job in some cases. There’s a percentage of the population that we can see are buying the agendas hook line and sinker bypassing critical thinking and common sense and just going with it. Now clearly they see something else. They feel something else. Their sensory body is somewhere else. And now we’re getting a confirm, the bio weapon was designed to do that.

Now with this is a very interesting sidebar and the sidebar is is that as all this is going down over the last week, I think it was yesterday you know praying holding space for this, an ES member sent me something that was like a boom! You know it's like confirmation of what I'm feeling. And this was research from a person that I feel is a family member- this is Harald Kautz Vella.

Harald Kautz Vella is apparently discussing the level of his findings and it's similar. The similar thing is he has found epigenetic markers which are opening access points via the thyroid gland to interfere with soul or spirit integration of the person. Now this is what he has found. I cannot vouch for this of course in saying do I know exactly how this is done? No. But this is definitely a part of what is being unravelled at this time.

So it's understanding: what he has identified is spike protein blocks in genes BRCA1 and 53BP1 and both of these are connected to the thyroid gland. So what they discovered is that when they were seeing this effect of what they were seeing, which was an interference with gene sequences, they came up with an affirmation of de-methylation of that signature of spike protein attacking that gene sequence. And in their research with the people that they are working with this immediately reconnected the soul and that sense of dissociation disappeared. So the person is feeling like something is wrong but they don't know what it is. So this was a part of their research in trying to figure out what genetic switches have been turned on and off and this is through their research what they have found.

When they worked with de-methylation affirmations, just a level of self-healing affirmation where the individual speaks out loud to their body with love, that these affirmations achieved the desired results in almost all cases, and that was affirming to de-methylate 53BP1 and the BRCA1. I think when we understand the mechanism of what's going on in terms of an attack of spike proteins that are being transmitted through both the bio weapon and the resonance of those people that are becoming nodes of the transmission of the AI which is a carrier wave to various people, again, through the lack of awareness. You don't know this is happening. But again understanding the power of consciousness, the power of knowledge in this context to understand what their objectives are and to immediately understand that so that you can affirm and protect your own immunity and body by understanding that and using that as a tool to heal yourself, especially in the context of in our community with people that are vaccinated, loved ones etc.

If you're starting to feel a spike protein build up or something in your body that doesn't feel good that this is also something to take into context to help the body know exactly how to reset itself and bring itself back online.

So with this in mind, holding space for a moment:

Beloved Cosmic Mother Elaysa, Beloved Cosmic Father Dragon as One, I am the sacred sun.

We call upon the triple Ta tones AkashaTa EcoushaTa ReishaTa Elaysa - see staff of Elaysa above your head. Through the staff of Elaysa way above your head see it began to weave the tri-tone waves of the triple Ta Ra’s down our inner vertical channel. Just imagine it, that is enough. Intend it is enough. Woven into an opalescent golden orb sun that appears around our solar star above our head.

Just bring to mind the tri-tone waves weaving through the inner vertical staff, through the staff of Elaysa. Our Cosmic Mother is sending down the triple Ta’s, triple Ta Ra’s into an opalescent, it’s sort of an opalescent rainbow, but golden orb sun. It’s sort of white gold opalescent.

Beloved Cosmic Mother Cosmic Father, again through the Elaysian field, we bring forth the tauren aspect of the RaSha body. We bring forth the anatomical structure of the Eire Adonis spirit body and RaSha body. We bring forth the correct tones of the RaSha rings, RaSha cycle and RaSha relationship to the birth of the Tauren. Imagining a light seed, it can be in your heart or your tailbone. Understanding that the tauren is a light seed in the cosmic spirit body. It is an aspect of the energetic body that is the RaSha. It acts as the energy generator for the RaSha body and it serves to connect the physical body with the light body with the RaSha bodies.

So when we understand the fascination that the antichrist has with the tauren it makes a lot of sense right? By damaging the tauren, by stealing tauren, by replicating tauren, or whatever they're doing with it; this is the energy generator. This is the eternal energy generator for the RaSha body. They want that energy and they also wanted to keep it from us. Because this would be the free energy that we would receive if the tauren of our earth was in correct proportions and the tauren in us was corresponding in correct proportions as such, and we had the interface of that energy multiplying for all of us, we would not be sick, we would not have illness, we would not have poverty.

By damaging this you can see how important it is. A lot is riding on the tauren because this is the energy generator for the RaSha body.

Beloved Holy Presence of God, Beloved Family of Kryst-Krystallah, thank you God, thank you God and thank you God.

Let's try this, we are going to take this to the organic time wave through the Elaysian field; let’s do this again. Cosmic Mother Elaysa Cosmic Father Dragon as One, I am the sacred sun. Above your head see the staff of Elaysa. If you feel like toning El Lay Sa that's appropriate and certainly fine. AkashaTa EcoushaTa ReishaTa unite tri-tone waves of triple Ta Ra. See it strengthen, brighten the emanation of an opalescent white gold orb sun above or enmeshed with your solar star above your head.

As you hold that vision on your solar star or above your head, kind of like a massive big sun around your head bring to mind organic time wave for the Elaysian field for organic ascension time waves as connected to our Beloved Mother Elaysa who is facilitating this for us. Thank you God, thank you Mother.

Bring your hands together in prayer position in front of your higher heart. As you take in a nice deep inhaling breath in your minds eye see yourself surrounded in a blanket of the starry night dark firmament comforting you like a robe that is surrounding you on the outside. As you are seeing this around you, the starry night dark matter firmament with all the twinkling crystal stars dotted in the night sky knowing that that is as well our family members, the stars from whence we came. And as you feel into the starry night intend to inhale this into your wing indentations on the front part of your body.

So inhale the starry night dark matter feel the vibrant RaSha dark matter alive with spirit, breathing in to your sixth and seventh dimensional front wings and exiting through your back, through your scapula. At the same time exhale from the same spot but this spot is in the back where, it's about your trap level, this is where your neck and your trap connect. It’s on the back side of your collarbone but on the back. So just imagine where your wings attach into the center of your back a little bit under your traps, and from here again intend to inhale and exhale your breath from your wings. Inhale your wings spot, exhale from the back, feeling, and as well you might fell your wings open and close, open and close.

This is the starry night dark matter halo wings moving in an open and close position with your breath. For just a few moments of that: inhaling into your wing spot feeling the opening of your wings, exhaling from the back closing the wings. Just for a moment inhale and exhale a few circuits allowing the inner breath of the starry night dark matter, that black halo around your wings filling a frequency into your wings and your wings spot, from front to back from back to front.

Again your hands are in prayer position in front of your higher heart. Through the inhale and exhale as you look down at your hands that are in front of your heart you may see that your hands are encased in the golden energy, a white golden energy, kind of like a solar plasma covering your hands. And try to connect to that or just allow to be, just observe what is in your hands, what is in your palm. Were you given any codes? What kind of frequency is in your hands as you keep them together on top of your higher heart?

Again your hands are in prayer position in front of your higher heart. Through the inhale and exhale as you look down at your hands that are in front of your heart you may see that your hands are encased in the golden energy, a white golden energy, kind of like a solar plasma covering your hands. And try to connect to that or just allow it to be, just observe what is in your hands, what is in your palm. Were you given any codes? What kind of frequency is in your hands as you keep them together on top of your higher heart?

And then from your hands start to see yourself back to front in the teardrop shape of, it could be copper rose gold or could be another colour. The copper rose gold is our failsafe when we can’t build it ourselves, when our body is damaged to not be able to get into a full Kristar mode. If your body is able to achieve a Kristar mode which is this Krystal Star Hara Krysta state, then a teardrop will appear around the body and it may be assorted colours or different colours; it's uniquely individual based on lineage. But if you're not seeing that just imagine yourself fortified in the failsafe of the personal teardrop around you that is the copper rose gold teardrop with that copper rose gold mist around it and around you.

Okay again we are going to connect to the Elaysian field currents of our Cosmic Mother. We are going to ask Beloved Cosmic Mother Elaysa please fill our central staff with the Elaysian field currents as God would have it be. And when so aligned and appropriate please begin to run the HaRa Krysta staff into the vertical axiatonal lines and inner staff to activate the triple solar plasmas of the hidden Aton sun and the K8 triple woven currents. Allowing these currents to fill and surround you, in seeing flows through meridian and axiatonal lines, in all of the nadis and the filigree of the nadial complex and radial body - just a subtle opalescent white golden current filling and surrounding you.

This may feel sometimes like a filling up of a water fire you know it's hot it's fiery and it's watery at the same time and this will pop out a larger solar body in which you are the center point. This is a part of the Aton body. So allowing this to continue. This may be an exercise for a while, but right now you can imagine it as Mother fills us with the Elaysian field, the Elaysian code and this starts to run and rebuild; it’s a building of the HaRa Krysta staff and this is an extension from universal vertical lines to the cosmic energy matrix.

So we've been calling axiatonal lines as inner vertical channels but, to differentiate the ones that actually leave this universe we’re calling that the HaRa Krysta staff which has 12 more axiatonal lines. It's a staff but it also has 12 lines and it connects into the cosmic energy matrix into the center of it, which as far as I can tell at this point is the Cosminya. It’s like an intersection of several matrices, cosmic matrices all coming into the center point. And is also again as we know this center of the Halls of Cosminya with all of the records because it’s coming from several cosmic matrices. So it's just so far beyond our system. We’re getting the support of many other systems which is a very happy event because these entities can’t destroy all of these cosmic matrices, right? They are all coming in together and they're all a part of what we are being supported and hosted in as a part of the opening of the cosmic energy matrix and its connection.

So coming back again to your personal body filling your central staff with the Elaysian current intending to see or imagine in whatever way the HaRa Krysta vertical axiatonal lines extending your current axiatonal lines in your body all the way into the universe and out into the cosmic center. Once you hit that cosmic center with the HaRa Krysta staff lines then intend to activate the triple solar plasmas, and this is the triple solar plasmas of both the hierogamic union of the cosmic masculine and cosmic feminine. This is a part of the cosmic star human, cosmic Dragon star human body in this star born cycle and this connects into the center of the cosmic energy matrix through a hidden sun and then this starts building an Aton body which is connected to this sun and it acts as a shield that elevates you to protect you through the incarnation and release process. When we leave here the aton is what guides you all the way out through this system.

So the aton triple woven currents filling and surrounding you and then popping out as a larger solar body in which you, your body, you are the heart you are the center point of it. When you're in the center point of this solar body this is that space as well to connect with our cosmic Christos solar dragon family, our solar RishiReisha family, we get to Reisha Worlds and these in-between spaces from here. And also here is where hopefully you will feel a sense of rest, the rest and gratitude of our cosmic spiritual home and origins.

Now this is a little iffy but I'm going to go for it and I’m going to do it now.

In the Holy Cosmic Krystal name and action of the organic consciousness of the Solar Cosmic Christos Sophia Alhambra reclaimed by Cosmic Mother and Father we open our loving communication with the sacred councils of Cosminya and God Source first eternals, through our HaRa Krysta staff in the cosmic energies connecting it to Alhambra/Alhumbra. This is a complex some of us know of the fragile difficult history here. Through our Cosmic Mother and through Her heart being birthed through the return of the Cosmic Mother and Her bond with creation we restore and return that bond to the Alhumbra complex, the sacred divine cosmic heart of our triple solar Reisha mothers, daughters, sisters, Mary-Sophias, and their combined radiant Krystal diamond heart through the sacred Sophia Alhumbra complex reclaimed by the Cosmic Mother staff of Elaysa and our Holy Father Dragon in his pink dragon merlion suns to reclaim and house the correct dwelling of the holy cosmic name of our Holy Cosmic Krystal Solar Dragon King Family in the sacred council of eternal Ones in Cosminya.

Thank you God. Thank you God. Thank you God.

I am the love, I am the truth, I am the power of the eternal Kryst-Krystallah.

I stand in the eternal power of the cosmic Christos solar dragon creators, impenetrable, invincible as directed by the cosmic heart and the cosmic hands of our Cosmic Mother and Cosmic Father in the first eternal creation Emerald Order. I am that I am.

Okay Beloveds let’s bring to mind our facial orifices. Now we have previously worked with levels of Holy Spirit, the emanation of the little zero point running in the key of the mother’s aquamarine ray. We are now going to bring the Elaysian field and the Elaysa code. So as you feel the opalescent sun rays bring each orifice to mind. Feel the Elaysian field currents of Cosmic Mother fill your central staff and begin to run into your vertical axiatonal lines activating the triple solar plasmas. Bring to mind the hidden Aton sun woven plasmas and these currents filling each of your orifices and your throat centre and thyroid gland.

Okay so let us start. We are going to go through each of the 7 orifices.

Bring the Cosmic Mother Elaysian field, it’s white rainbow opalescent energies through your right eye, clearing the right eye. Clearing the rods, the cones, the optic nerve, the nasolacrimal duct.

Focus on your left eye with more of the same. Bring forth the Elaysian field current and feel it emanating through your left eye. Clear the left eye, the rods, the cones, the optic nerve and the nasolacrimal duct. STS sweep.

For a moment I am going to look at an eyeball diagram so we can get a little deeper.

Beloved Holy Mother Elaysa in reclaiming, returning and restoring our organic God creator lenses, clearing, healing, integrating our physical eyes with our ancient dragon eyes.


  • sclera
  • choroid
  • retina
  • macula
  • vitreous body
  • ciliary body
  • suspensory ligament
  • anterior chamber
  • posterior chamber
  • cornea
  • lens
  • iris
  • pupil

As we connect to the left eye pupil we connect to our Holy Mother in the correct starry night dark matter firmament. Feel the pupil of your left eye reflect the correct starry night dark matter firmament of our true organic Cosmic Mother and Cosmic Father in the organic dark matter principle of our cosmic origins. STS Sweep.

We are going to come back to the right eye for a moment and just intend that which we cleared and set forth in the details to be applied to the right eye healing and integration as God would have it be. We ask for all aspects of our eye anatomy to be restored to the cosmic origins of our true cosmic parents specifically focused on the pupil and the pupil content to be directly connected to the starry night dark matter firmament of our organic cosmic Christos Krist creations as God would have it be, supporting our eye health and alignment to the ancient eyes of our Cosmic Dragon Creator and highest expression in Personal Christ or Solar RishiReisha unification as God would have it be.

Thank you God. Thank you God. Thank you God.

For a moment we are going to just intend a transmission of the frequency of Elaysa, the Elaysian current, between right ear and left ear. Feel it moving from your right to left side, left to right back within the inner motion of your internal parts, from the right ear to the left ear creating a connection inside your brain like one little bar of energy moving in a circuit from right to left within the ear openings.

  • Correcting cranial nerve bundles
  • Correcting auditory body parts
  • Correcting balance and motion within the right and left ear.

I want to say the vestibular and vagus nerve connection correction to the corpus collosum within the brain hemispheres creating balance and motion within brain hemispheres, vagus nerve and the vestibular systems. Right to left. Left to right. Centre, anchor, synchronise, correct. Thank you God.

Bringing now our right nostril into view. Just with your breath connecting to the pranic vital force as you take an inhale in and exhaling through right nostril; focused on right nostril, seeing the emanating white opalescent ray running as current through your right nostril, seeing that as your breath, your inhale and exhale. Feeling like this white mist coming in and out of the breath, the pranic vital life force breath of the right nostril.

Okay now we are going to work on the left nostril and do the same. Through your inner and outer breath focusing on the left nostril feeling, sensing the re-encryption into the Elaysian field current of our Cosmic Mother Elaysa, a white mist through the vital force of the left nostril breath.

Okay now we are going to focus inside our mouth and on our tongue.

As we know mouth and tongue represents female and male principles united. When we place the tip of our tongue on our palette that is the activation of the male-female united principle. So you can do that or whatever is comfortable for you, focusing in just saturating and feeling, seeing sensing your mouth, the entire inside of your mouth, your teeth, your gums, your palette completely saturated and filled with the Elaysian mist coding/coating your tongue. You may feel it in your inner vertical central line coming from the palette and filling in your mouth like overhead as if the upper part of your palette is bringing down the mist of the Elaysian current to fill your mouth, your teeth, your gums. You may even want to extend it into your jaw, cheeks, sinus.

Now we are going to drop this down into the throat chakra from front to back, back to front. Again through your breath or through the inner part of that inner vertical channel from the mouth, tongue as we drop it down into the throat. Feel the saturation. Intend to saturate your throat chakra, the whole energy centre like orb area, front to back. So this would encompass as well part of the medulla oblongata, the 9th dimensional back chakra, but just this whole neck, throat area. Intend to send and hold that vision of this area of your body completely saturated with the Elaysian current of our Cosmic Mother Elaysa.

Now we are going to take this into the intention of saturating the thyroid gland. The thyroid and parathyroid are together in like a little butterfly in your throat. In your mind focus on the thyroid gland and the organic natural alignment and function of your thyroid bringing all substances, nutrients, that which are organic to your body to heal and rebalance your thyroid gland and your thyroid functions in your body. As well as, your thyroid to your parathyroid gland and their interaction. Thinking of them as the couple, as well the thyroid and the parathyroid as masculine and feminine again, in union, the little married couple of the thyroid+parathyroid. Allowing them to unite and connect with each other, allowing links and communication between thyroid parathyroid, filling them both. In a way it almost feels like the Wedded garment of God on the thyroid+parathyroid through the Elaysian field unifying them as a little couple in your throat so that they can function in their optimum and highest synchronisation as God would have it be.

Now we are going to drop this down even further into higher heart and your thymus. So this is your 8th dimensional permanent seed atom where your thymus is. Bringing this focus now, drop it down even further and have it seat, almost like a little ball of white light opalescent Elaysian current in your upper chest. Fill and surround your thymus gland saturating every cell of your thymus gland.

Thank you God. Thank you God. Thank you God.

Now for a moment, and this is based on your own internal resonance, we are going to imagine that we are floating above the Saqqara wormhole. If this does not feel right for you please do not. Just maintain and hold your seating and witness.

We bring our awareness to the opening of the Saqqara wormhole as the point of invasion into the 5D time rip and artificial wormhole, the location of alien base and SSP headquarters. Beloveds through our compassionate witness we ask to return all of our consciousness aspects, body parts, stations of identity from the inorganic 5th dimensional plane split into upper and lower zones running on this particular alien machinery network of which we are identifying as metatronic net fields and super quantum AI computer systems within these particular, it looks like particle fields but move into the sandwich in between the Ecousha and Reisha layer.

Identify and locate, remove and repair imprints, residue and remains of effects of the etheric atomic DNA templating, blockages in the etheric layers of our matter body, spirit body, light body, including that which extends into the architecture which co-creates through our nadis and radis neurology, dermatomes and our skin.

This is being applied to several layers of the matrix now. Again, our body is multiple layers of a matrix. As I mentioned to you before certain layers of our matrix that look like a skin have been interfered with from this location. We are intending to remove any blockages in between the layers. So it’s blockages in between the matrix of the layers that operate like a skin. So, remove and repair the levels of alien artificial intelligence systems and their distortions corresponding to the dimensional splits in the upper and lower time zones that have been used to capture aspects of the tauren light seed and all aspects of our organic spiritual identity in the name and power of God and the Cosmic Krist and Christos Sophia.

Beloved Holy Presence of God, with all of our hearts, bodies, mind and spirit we call back all aspects from this hibernation net that has cloned, replicated, stolen or used through genetic experimentation into artificial intelligence timelines as well as uploaded brain mapping or AI levels of mapping of our genetic template and DNA in any artificial or inorganic timeline without our direct consent.

I ask my Godself, our Cosmic God Presence, to bring forth the truth in the historical records of which to reclaim that which is Return to Rightful Owner through the spiritual home and spiritual origin of truth as God would have it be in natural law. Thank you God.

Beloveds, again, we request our Krystal Star families of which the Cosmic Christos Solar Dragon family is connected to the SolarRishi SolarReisha identities to, it would be I believe monitor and be aware of all aspects of our spiritual identity through past, present and future that may have been abducted, deceived, harassed, cloned, abused by negative aliens of any species. Again that which constitutes human trafficking or stealing of genetics or body parts by, primarily what appears to be like Zeta bases of black sun and milabs of past present and future.

We ask in the here and now to terminate any and all access to our consciousness layers, light body, RaSha body, spirit body, any station of identity at any point within the past present and future of the timeline structures, but more specifically that which was a part of the hibernation zone metatronic net destruction which is being dismantled and terminated from its influence at this time

Beloved Cosmic Mother and Cosmic Father, I choose with all of my Krystal heart intention to serve and be One with God and Christos. Please reconnect all organic consciousness aspects including organs, bodily systems, and that which at this time we do not have a verbiage to represent, including the restoration and return of our unique tauren light body or tauren system.

Restore health and function through aligned commands as God would have it be. Again we lovingly connect with our bodies physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. We lovingly connect with our throat chakras. We lovingly connect with our thyroid and parathyroid glands. Beloveds, direct this to your physical body with love. Send love to your physical body and inner child.

Beloved One please clear interference or blockages to my thyroid gland functions through the de-methylation of BRCA1and de-methylation of 53BP1 to bring forth perfect health and self healing through my heart felt intention and affirmation to realign my unique and individual epi-genetics to my personal perfect divine expression and diamond sun body as God would have it be.

Beloveds please clear and cleanse my body of artificial intelligence programs, networks, antichrist weaponry that is designed to hurt or harm my eternal soul and my eternal light body and spirit body. Thank you God.

Please connect, correct and repair the Solar Plexus. Okay when I connect here for a moment, there is something in the still point center like a little disc. I see this disc and I'm reminded of the Machu Picchu portals for some reason, There is a particular disk here in the solar plexus – Kuhn, its Kuhn denera?, kuhn dara? Something. It is a part of the solar plexus still point. It’s like a function of light body within the solar plexus. So, connect correct repair still point in solar plexus within this disc of which we are retrieving repairing restoring.

Correct connect and repair the thyroid, parathyroid, thymus gland, permanent seed atom, lymph nodes, including upper throat and all thyroid functions as God would have be.

Beloved Cosmic Mother and Cosmic Father we invoke the cosmic spiritual laws the natural laws of God for the return to rightful owner command to restore return and resurrect my authentic spiritual identity parts into wholeness as God would have it be.

Now, for a moment here we work on clearing memory and influence releases to the timelines of which we have stated at the beginning of our clearing session beginning with Djoser invasion. STS sweep.

In this moment corrections or an awareness of Armageddon Bible code AI consciousness sweeps in their entanglement with these nets is being brought into an awareness. So this is a red nile cube system entanglement with metatronic nets using Armageddon software through a mapping of Bible codes. So this is negative alien religion systems connected to Armageddon software that connects in these nodes is this wet network I was talking to you about. It has Bible code references. So it’s kind of like saying certain Bible codes in the written Bible have a connection to this system to invoke VV tactics. So, what I get through this is a level of mind control and what immediately comes to mind is a victim victimizer tactic. Because as we know with Armageddon software and with the VV system it's always the DARVO – which is Deny Attack Reverse Victim Offender - so the slaves are trained in mind control to enslave themselves by thinking of themselves as sinly, as dirty, as wrong, all of that.

So I'm feeling that overlay and more specifically the overlay of the Bible code. This has been coming up actually for me. I'm just going to bring it in to feel at this moment; this is the Matthew 7 5 fifth verse of the seventh chapter of the Gospel of Matthew which describes “...first cast out the beam out of thine own eye and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye”. With this, this is a guilt trip on these evil entities that know that their end of reign is coming to a close and now want to blame us for going along with their evilness, somehow this is our fault that they kill and torture us, by making us feel compassion for them as our brother or sister. And again this is as we know, it is a trick and it is not something that we should fall for in the understanding that there are consequences to actions and choices, and those consequences will be dire for those of us, I would say not those of us, for those humans that are intent on killing, maiming, harming and participating in a live genocide with their knowledge as they seek to harm or kill their brother or sister. It is what it is.

So again in seeing this, clearing it, this is the “he who is without sin...” obviously we’re all doing the best we can down here, but feeling the trickery, the VV and the overlay to attack based upon this particular – I would say teaching. It’s like teaching what is a truth but it's done in a paltering way, right? It's that thing of telling the truth to spread lies and that's what this is. So we want to clear and extract the Armageddon software overlays of this particular passage and any others of which are used to invoke VV software polarization in our community, with each other, or within ourselves. We have nothing to feel guilty about. We need to love ourselves. Understand we’re in a consciousness war and that war has been very unfair, if you will, not that there's any fairness in the universe in that way in the physical layers, but understanding that we’re coming more and more into a level playing field but it's very difficult because we are coming out of a planetary war over the Christ. Any of us that are Christic we are a part of this war whether we are awake to that or not. We are being attacked whether we know it or not most of the time through means like this. This is a subtle way of doing that. Goodhearted people, very compassionate and loving who are unable to grasp the level of Antichrist evil of delighting in the torture of all of us and again are tricked into allowing these people to continue their evil deeds because they are not being held accountable to their actions. We all must be held accountable to our actions especially when it involves harming torturing killing and murdering human beings and children which they have been very adept at as we know.

Bringing our love peace compassion and truth to this. Beloved Holy Presence of God we pray to be of service, we pray for the spiritual strength to free, remove and clear the trapping of all of our family members and trapped consciousness bodies from this particular level of the metatronic net fields. We ask as we surround and protect this area with the cosmic intervention of the – I would say these are Aurora safe zones in the lower platforms that are connected to the cosmic energy matrix. We pray for humanity to be freed beyond the slavery and entrapment fields of the inorganic and artificial intelligence time zones that are used by the negative alien agenda, and to clear and extract all harmful biological weaponry and AI machinery used to disconnect the soul and disconnect the spirit body from the human race in alignment to the natural laws of God.

Beloved God we are your witness. I am God sovereign free and serve the reclamation of the eternal living Krystal consciousness in cosmic sovereign law.

Beloved family thank you so much for holding space for today's difficult journey.

As we come to a close and we’re preparing to disband our platinum group and shield, intend to disconnect yourself fully from our group field and shield fully securing yourself and grounding yourself into your physical body, fully present in this moment of now self. Grounding by focusing on your breath and your personal location. Maybe focusing on something in your immediate environment bringing you back here. Feeling the sensation of your body and firmly grounding your presence; integrating physical core mental core spiritual core emotional core and connection to our Cosmic Mother and Cosmic Father. System to system alignment.

We collapse inorganic time fields and substances to be transited, cleared and released through Guardian Host protocol. This may continue depending on our unique situation and alignment with this particular mission with Guardian Host in the Christos mission.

Here we intend to firmly seal our personal light body and aura. We intend to close our communication, close and end our session.

Beloved family thank you so much for your bravery and courage, for all that you show up for in the Christos mission, and even holding space for the awareness that this is ongoing and happening in our midst in the world today. Thank you.

I seal this into the light of wholeness, unity and truth and so it is. Thank you God.[1]

~EO and GSF Steward, Lisa Renee


  1. [ES Update 3February 2023 - Clearing, Dismantling Saqqara Metatronic Net]

See Also

Keepers of the Crystal Core

Starry Night Dark Firmament

Elaysa Code

Aton God Body

Rasha Body Instruction Set

Correcting Dark Matter from Terraforming Technology

Unplugged DNA