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Inner Christos (art by Sequoia)

The Krist code is what resets the core Lightbody architecture into the correct mathematical ratios and structural lines of energetic balance, and these precise angles control the spin direction and align the entire consciousness body into setting a neutral still point in the core manifestation body. The neutral still point is a creation point in which the God source generates a feedback loop with the individuated spark of light, and this enables a Zero Point return back into all of the individual’s consciousness layers, and this naturally builds the lightbody to house the Inner Christos. See Personal Christ.

Eternal Kryst, the Cosmic Christos

The 12 Tree Grid is the first level of structural organization in the unmanifest layers that functions as the Architecture that sets consciousness energy into dimensionalization, it is the core holographic template in which Morphogenetic Fields are structured. The 12 Tree Grid is the blueprint that sets the ratios of energetic balance within the core manifestation body, and that is set by the intelligent spirit of the Inner Christos, in what is referred to as Krist Code. The Universal 12 Tree Grid is made in the gender principle of outer male Krist coding and inner female Krystallah coding that merge together to form interwoven nested patterns. These patterns create dimensionalization through which consciousness can come into manifestation as an individuated form. The Krist-Krystallah holographic templates are what began the first cause of light-sound that cycled the consciousness into manifestation throughout the Universal dimensions of time. It holds the perfect balance of inner to outer gender principle, which allows all in creation to have beginnings and endings within the many evolution cycles.

As a result of Paliadorian Activation, the inner female Krystallah holographic template coding has been restored in the human 12 Tree Grid template, making the complete embodiment of Krist-Krystallah inner to outer, male and female krystar plasma coding possible for embodiment. This aligns directly with the Solar Logos Body of Avatar Christos and transmits the corrected intelligence patterns of the Law of Gender into the Planetary Grid Network. In the Dark Aeon, the 12 Tree Grid core manifestation template was distorted from planetary grid damage and alien invasion, which had reversed the gender principle within the collective human race template. Gender Reversal is an alien generated distortion in the planetary template that has contributed to many consciousness issues and spiritual conflicts in regard to gender confusion and Gender Dysphoria.

The first waves to be embodied in correct gender patterns of Krist-Krystallah coding in this ascension timeline are made by ascension prototypers that are serving the Reclamation of Christos Mission, as a result of the stages of the Paliadorian Activation.

The Krist Code governs the spectrum of frequency and dimensional waves that are transmitted from each of the dimensional spheres, or signets in the Universal Grid, each representing a dimension of time and the mental matrices that are arranged as an intent-thoughtform crystal. These thought intent crystallizations are the sources of step-down energetic currents that flow through and interface between multiple dimensional levels that access different time, space and dimensions, therefore holding an array of consciousness experiences.

The Krist code is what resets the core lightbody architecture into the correct mathematical ratios and structural lines of energetic balance, and these precise angles control the spin direction and align the entire consciousness body into setting a neutral still point in the core manifestation body. The neutral still point is a creation point in which the God source generates a feedback loop with the individuated spark of light, and this enables a Zero Point return back into all of the individual’s consciousness layers, and this naturally builds the lightbody to house the Inner Christos. The Krist Code arranges correct mathematical proportions in the 12 Tree Grid, the natural function of which is to generate the light-sound spark of Inner Christos, which generates a perpetual energy supply and eternal life expression. This makes it possible for the eternal source supply held within the body of the carrier of living consciousness to be continually maintained with the God Source, exchanged within the center point, throughout all stations of identity travelling through multiple dimensions simultaneously.

As conscious and awake people on the ascension path, it is our responsibility to know that each of us are a part of the extended body of God, recognizing all things will return back to God, whether retaining knowledge of our cellular memories as an identity in time, as a Cosmic Citizen or as smaller consciousness units of space dust.[1]

Holographic Template and Inner Christos

The structure of our world, the Architecture of creation is in the pattern of our consciousness that is an energy waveform that is having this experience in matter. This happens via a hidden Blueprint that is not visibly seen, yet is being expressed through a holographic template. There are Natural Laws governing the substance of all consciousness structures, and there is intelligent energy, order and organization in the way that the Universe is built as a time matrix for consciousness evolution, as well as a spiritual blueprint for instructing human body’s and all living things. The Holographic Template in which matter comes into manifestation is in standing waves, which hold a fixed point in a grid with specific mathematical and geometric relationships that act as the instruction set for energy waveforms to flash on and off in frequency patterns.

The energy waveforms that make up the Holographic Template upon which matter manifests is intelligent and conscious, this means there are sentient beings existing as the structural blueprint in the hologram, these are not just inanimate things. All exists as a living conscious sentient being that we can communicate with at some level. Our Lightbody, spiritual blueprint and holographic template have a life of their own and seek to evolve, as it is all connected to the consciousness units of God. The sentience in our cells exists within a smaller system of energy, and the intelligence that exists in our holographic template actually waits for us to awaken and communicate, in order to guide them into a larger system of energy. Even our cells are an intelligent energy that want to continue to evolve, progress and grow in consciousness. There is a spiritual responsibility in knowing that consciousness is everywhere, as that implies that everything is a conscious being that can communicate with you, and all conscious beings can be asked what their preferences are in that moment of interaction that best serves the mutual relationship.

The framework of manifested creation in our Universe starts from within the eternal God Source or the center point of all union, by vibrationally down stepping through itself, contracting the consciousness into a singular point of focus which forms a creational intention. All of creation, from the unmanifest to manifest forms emerge from the consciousness energy of the eternal God Source, and ultimately all of these consciousness forms will return back into the center point of all union, reuniting with the All-One. Thus, the eternal consciousness of the God Source resides within and around all of us, each living being is the original manifestation of the intelligent consciousness units that exist in the entire body of the God Source or All-One. The intelligent consciousness units or the Living God Spirit that is alive in all things is called the Inner Christos, which is built upon the Universal Natural Laws. We can come to understand this through the reverence for all of life, and through philosophies that are described in the Law of One.

The Inner Christos is the personal divine blueprint of the eternal God Source consciousness energy from which all things are manifest and made into being. The Law of One is the law governing the eternal divine blueprint and consciousness energy of the Inner Christos, thus they are interchangeable. To develop the Inner Christos eternal blueprint, we must align and follow the principles of the Natural Laws, the Law of One. The Law of One is based in the true knowing of our highest expression, that our direct relationship with God Source is Love and this pure consciousness is expressed through our Inner Christos or Living God Spirit. The ancient knowledge of the Inner Christos that resides within our original divine blueprint belongs to all people, regardless of their religious affiliation or belief system. This ancient spiritual wisdom of the philosophies of the Law of One was common knowledge to all of humanity until the Luciferian Rebellion. This is when the planet was returned back to the dark ages at the end of the Atlantian Cataclysm, when all of the original spiritual teachings of the Inner Christos were eliminated and falsified.

Eternal Merkaba of Christos-Sophia

The base twelve Universal Androgynous Merkaba fields of Christos-Sophia are called the Kryst-Krystallah and they make up the instruction set for all merkaba fields within all the timelines and densities throughout the Universes. The twelfth dimensional merkaba field spiral is the Kryst male principle that is generated on the outer fields by the internal Krystallah female principle spiral that is generated from the Aquamarine Holy Mother Arc principle in the 13th Gateway. The 13th Gateway is the Aqua Portal which opens the Neutron Window that leads into the Seven Higher Heavens through Andromeda. The Kryst-Krystallah merkaba fields have a gender fin alignment that instructs the direction of the starting position for the rotational spin of the top and bottom merkaba spirals, for the male and female that build the Ascension Vehicle.

The twelve dimensional Avatar Christos intelligence sets the gender fin orientation of the Krystallah merkaba spiral and determines the alignment for the gender polarity spirals in every dimension. Think of the Gender Fin as the bottom and top tetrahedron that make up the six pointed merkaba star. There is a male principle Gender Fin (Tetrahedron) and female principle Gender Fin (Tetrahedron) that regulates the starting spin points of our merkaba spirals, and then starts to merge and unify them into sacred union or Hieros Gamos. When we communicate with our Avatar Christos-Sophia intelligence and build our 12D Shield, eventually we rebuild the mini merkaba spirals which start to align how our male and female internal energies will start to spin to help unify and build our merkaba vehicle. By uniting our inner male and female, undergoing the process of Sacred Marriage or hierogamic union and obeying the Law of Gender, the natural process of communication links with Christ Consciousness begin to build the merkaba fields.[2]

Cosmic Dragon Starhuman

The extensive range of suns and stars in the Starry Night Dark Firmament each contain there own unique creator's identity of the Aton Solar Disk and are a part of our Cosmic Christos Solar Dragon King families who created our Universal Time Matrix. These are the Threefold Founder Flame Rishi-Reisha families who have held the keys to restore and embody the Aton God Body within the Universal Ankh Body as part of the triple solar diamond shields. These are accessible to the Starborn Cosmic Dragon Starhuman, in which their Cosmic Aton God Body, unifies the Solar Factor to reveal the Hidden Eighth Sun of the K+8 Solar Factors.

When accessing the Cosmic Hall of Records the Cosmic Dragon Starhuman in their Eternal Ankh Solar Body undergoes a series of Silver Seed activations, which then change their access into the Core of Creation passed through The Silver Gate of Man, to The Golden Gate of man in the Galactic Ecliptic. During the Christos Mission, the Ankh gateways have been restored by Emerald Order, in which the Cosmic Rods and Ankhs in the center of the Time Matrix in the Gaian Matrix were restored into the Cosmic Wing principle of the Albion Emerald Founder Aeonic Pair of Cosmic Dragons and Rod and Staff Holders, which embody and govern the movement of the Cosmic Clock of the Aeons.[3]


See Also

Shifting into Second Harmonic Universe

Timelines Shift

Bifurcation of Time

Dissolving Chakra Membrane
