Sons of Belial

From Ascension Glossary
(Redirected from Belial Grid)
Belial Sun Agenda

The Sons of Belial are not only a massive gestalt of false light collective Luciferian consciousness that exist on the material plane, but also a part of the consortium of entities that make up the Negative Aliens. The Negative Alien that is embodying Luciferian principles, such as the Belial group, contacts and interfaces with its vibrational match or genetic line on the material plane, which is a human vessel embodying the same collective thoughtform vibration. These are mostly Reptilian beings that have lost their connection to the Godhead by rejecting the natural laws, and in its place produced an artificial reality based on the Saturnian Kabbalah Sephiroth and Black Tree of Life reversal architecture. As a result of the disconnection of the organic architecture that generates an open source supply of life force energy, in an entropic system their DNA became increasingly corrupted and damaged.

Also known as the Belial Suns, mostly comprised of Annunaki Human Hybrids including the Nephilim regressive lines. Originally from Sirian, Pleiadian Constellation then became wanderers. Have 9-10-11 DNA strands. This created planetary DNA mutations from Alien Hybridization, and wars over genetics. The main control hub is in the UK, Checkerboard Mutation and Wormwood in Stonehenge. Agenda - enslave humans. Are Luciferian forces and a part of the Fallen Angelics hierarchies in the earth grid.

New World Order

The current chaotic events that are being revealed in the globalscape drama are designed to perpetuate mass psychological operations against the earth inhabitants that ultimately serve the objectives of those negative Controlling forces, competing to succeed in their version of the One World Order agenda. The purposeful orchestration of controlling mass perception through the intentional spreading of a genetically modified biological weapon to unleash a global pandemic, is setting the stage for the trigger event to be manipulated in the timelines. [1]

Please note that although the New World Order and the One World Order are the same concept of instigating a dystopian nightmare for the earth inhabitants, the Guardians use New World Order to describe the Belial Suns version, and the One World Order to describe the Black Sun version. Essentially the end game is the same result with each group fighting to be at the top of the pyramid of control.

Negative Aliens

The Sons of Belial are a part of the consortium of beings that make up Negative Aliens – These are beings that have lost their connection to god source and are utilizing human and other beings as their food source to live thousands of years.[2]

Fallen Angelics

Hybrids created by the Fallen Angelics to counteract and destroy the Christiac Human Guardian Race for control and domination of this Time Vector in this Universal Time Matrix.

Fallen Angelic Annunaki Groups:

Luciferian Rebellion

Through the energetic enslavement of the Seraphim consciousness, the Fallen Angelic were bound to play out the program of the Luciferian Rebellion as the Sons of Belial. And so they played their part as dictated by the planetary grid structures

911 Timelines of War, Cataclysm

The Negative Aliens agenda NAA is to force the planet to serve another multiple species agenda, through imposing false replicated time fields, namely created under genetically reptilian based reversed pair bond DNA extraterrestrials, at the expense and life force of the human race and the kingdoms under human domain. Many forms of Alien Machinery is used to accomplish this, such as holographically inserting many different Alien Implants as a Mind Control strategy.

For these reasons the Negative Grey Aliens (Zeta-Dracos and their Black Sun Hybrids) and Annunaki Reptilians (Belial Sun Hybrids) have adopted the 5D Timelines in the future earth of Tara as their personal NAA agenda to harvest, interbreed and control humanity to serve their personal agendas, now in the 3D earth and in future....

Suns of Belial, the Nibiru-Annunaki reptilians of the NWO [New World Order] crews of the 911 Timelines Agendas, have headquartered themselves in the 11th Stargate of the United Kingdom and Stonehenge. These are the creators of the teeth chomping technology of the Nephilim Reversal Grid (NRG). Comprising primarily of Fallen Elohim genetic lines, this reversal network was a rebellion to the hybridization attempts of Lyran-Elohim races, who were responsible in commissioning Nephilim races for genetic DNA hybridization healing. The failure of that program, the banishment of Nephilim (The Giants) and killing of that race, resulted in Nephilim Wars, and subsequently, the NRG was placed in the UK to reverse all pair bonded hybridized genetics, especially any genetic material (like the Krystal DNA Matrix) that was designed to unifyor “marry” genetics in Hieros Gamos.

NRG in UK, Former Atlantian Colony

This inorganic Alien Machinery the NRG structure has created terrible destruction to Soul Matrix and the pair bonding of DNA that manifests spiritual marriage (Male + Female as genetic equals) from the energetic levels, as well, as the perpetration of relationship stigmas, dogma through patriarchal domination, and religious guilt. This structure and its Mind Control, removed sacred marriage and the “union of equals”, as a potential for the majority of the human race, both males and females. The pain of stealing that natural spiritual energetic function has devastated, stunted and wounded humanity at every level. Unity is repugnant to these Negative Aliens races who want to remain the “pure bloods” of their self-imposed elitist status, such as the Annunaki Reptilians and Illuminati, who believe in pure blood genetic DNA race lines. They propagate these beliefs through controlled Eugenic programs in the bloodlines. [... experimenting on life forms and crossing breeds to see what happens. This is called Eugenics.] This is a Negative Aliens thought-form, and orchestrate holocausts and blood sacrifices through wars, of undesired genetics. To achieve their ends, women must not be equals but breeders. The sick irony is that they further damage and warp the human genetic DNA material by programming hate and race discrimination into the gene pool. This level of genetic manipulation is responsible for more human crippling’s and genetic diseases, than anything else. These diseases and mutations are a direct mirror to collective humanities spiritual sickness.

The rest of the Planetary Gates they fight over the territory, as both of these Controller groups have territory conflicts in other areas of the planet, Timelines both present, past and future....[3]

First Hierarchy Fallen

Fallen Angelics, Fallen Seraphim, depending on their male and female spirit essence, defines their class as false light of the Father (Luciferian), or the material elemental forces that came out of the Mothers earthly body, the False or Dark Mother which is Satanic Forces. These levels of hierarchies have an enmeshment with the earth.

The Four Main Realms of the Fallen Angelics in the First Hierarchy are: Satan/Lucifer, Leviathan/Belial

They each counterbalance to a male and female principle energy aspect in their realm. They have a main collective energy field they command as group consciousness and related entities in the Predator realm that exits in the material world of forces.

  • Satan /Moloch- Anger/Wrath
  • Lucifer –Pride/Entitlement
  • Leviathan – Envy/Jealousy/Covet
  • Belial –Liar/Corrupt

Ruby Sun DNA Hijack

Ruby Order EO Mission

The Belial Suns engineered bodies with a digressive DNA template that is based upon the original Ruby Sun DNA template, as a method to hijack the grail line created by the Guardian Host in order to corrupt the lineage and run Fallen Angelic consciousness into the incarnations. Through the Ruby Sun DNA they engineered an 11th reversal DNA strand in which their consciousness race line could inhabit. Hence, Fallen Angelic Annunaki hybrids usurped the Ruby Sun DNA template to gain control over the 11th dimensional Stargate, Stonehenge and in order to generate the bi-wave holographic architecture that was needed to enforce their creations througout the lower densities. In the second harmonic universe, the Ruby Sun DNA became further mutated through the Draco-Annunaki 9 Strand digressive DNA, as well as other Annunaki Hybrid Fallen Angelics that carry 9 Strand mutated DNA. These race lines were used to infiltrate the Power Elite or Illuminati blood lines in order to incarnate the Fallen Angelics onto the earth plane, that would serve the NAA to gain full domination on the Earth, and to enslave the planet and her inhabitants.

Three Main Agendas, One Serves Human Freedom

Every human being that has been contacted by interdimensional entities or has suffered through abduction scenarios should be well aware that the Earth holds great interest for these non-human entities that want to access the entirety of the planetary genetic library without restrictions. On planet, the history of the human genetic race line and tribal affiliation is key coded to interdimensional Stargate mechanics in the grid network, which is held in the DNA record of the incarnated human being even when its potentials remain dormant and inactive. The high majority of those that are contacted or abducted are directly related to the genetic affiliation that the human being has had with one out of three primary interdimensional stellar agendas that are connected to that particular star family located in higher dimensional realities.

Those that serve the Emerald Order Covenant uphold the Cosmic Sovereign Law for achieving human freedom and planetary liberation, which extends beyond this Universe into the Cosmic Source Domains and go all the way back to the 1st God World Creation. The other two, Belial Group and Black Sun alien AI hybrids originally source from a fallen parallel matrix called Wesa, which serve the One World Order government with the current transhumanist slavery agenda for implementing the Great Reset.[4]

Spiritual Battle in Fallen Ruby Order Matrix

During the last weeks of aggressive interdimensional spiritual warfare, the Cosmic Father Ruby Sun Solar Dragons that originally created the spiritual solar father principle in the Eye of God or the Godhead Ruby Ray capstones located in the parallel Father Universe, confronted the invading entities in their hidden headquarters of the Fallen Ruby Order matrix. These invading antihuman intelligences entered through the Wesan Tunnel and are the original Creator Parents of the Belial Suns and AI red wave that infected this time matrix and they have been backing up the invaders and powering up their planetary takeover agendas to enslave humanity through genetic modifications by slowly turning them into transhuman biological drones.

The return of the Ancient Cosmic Father’s presence into the parallel timeline in the Father Universe was to return the Ruby Ray Capstone to the Ruby Sun Ascended Masters, and remove the power source of the Wesan Annunaki invaders, that were making themselves in Cosmic Father’s image and creating the Belial Suns. The Cosmic Father Ruby Sun confronted the Fallen Ruby Order players of the NAA controllers and their anti-Christ vandal armies of AI alien hybrids, and obliterated their phantom matrix timelines, effectively extinguishing their primary headquarters built into the phantom realms of the parallel reality matrix.[5]


  1. Pestilence Program
  2. Lisa Renee: Return to Atlantis Presentation Conference, October 5, 2013
  3. May 2012 Newsletter
  4. Enlightened Contact
  5. Capricorn Solar Alchemy

See Also

Belial Program

Ruby Order

Cosmic Father

Term first found in HGS Manual: Page 183