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[[File:Transfiguration.jpg|thumb|Lunar Matrix]]
The [[Lunar Matrix]] is another alien structure that transmits [[Mind Control]] programs into the earth’s magnetic field and perpetuates spiritually abusive belief systems into the [[Unconscious Mind|subconscious layers]] of the masses. This originates from non-humans and is alien based technology used to enforce the main goals of the [[Archontic Deception Strategy]], perpetuating the destructive ideologies on the earth surface that enforce [[Misogyny]], [[Sexual Misery]], [[Child Abuse and Sacrifice| child sacrifice]] and [[Galactic Human Slavery|human slavery]]. It is important to understand that to propagate and spread these destructive ideologies, the [[NAA]] had to first eliminate the presence of the real Mother principle on the earth. They went to great lengths to replace her with artificial programming and false images, and then systematically destroy all forms of power from the natural female principle throughout the human culture. These destructive ideologies are embedded deeply in the [[Mainstreaming of Satanism|satanic and luciferian cults]] and its lifestyle, which is ultimately anti-human and caters to the main goals of enslaving the earth population. The anti-human, anti-female programming is enforced by the [[Power Elite]] cabal members that have been cultivated and propped up by the non-human invaders of the [[NAA]], to wage a quiet war with silent weapons.  Many females on the earth are actually mind controlled and sexually traumatized to act as the complete opposite of their true expression.  Disconnected from their natural spiritual biology, in order to further promote the goals of the anti-female agendas and to replace the organic Mother principle throughout society with an [[Death Culture|anti-soul culture]].<ref>[ Solar Feminine Christ]</ref>
The [[Lunar Matrix]] is another alien structure that transmits [[Mind Control]] programs into the earth’s magnetic field and perpetuates spiritually abusive belief systems into the [[Unconscious Mind|subconscious layers]] of the masses. This originates from non-humans and is alien based technology used to enforce the main goals of the [[Archontic Deception Strategy]], perpetuating the destructive ideologies on the earth surface that enforce [[Misogyny]], [[Sexual Misery]], [[Child Abuse and Sacrifice| child sacrifice]] and [[Galactic Human Slavery|human slavery]]. It is important to understand that to propagate and spread these destructive ideologies, the [[NAA]] had to first eliminate the presence of the real Mother principle on the earth. They went to great lengths to replace her with artificial programming and false images, and then systematically destroy all forms of power from the natural female principle throughout the human culture. These destructive ideologies are embedded deeply in the [[Mainstreaming of Satanism|satanic and luciferian cults]] and its lifestyle, which is ultimately anti-human and caters to the main goals of enslaving the earth population. The anti-human, anti-female programming is enforced by the [[Power Elite]] cabal members that have been cultivated and propped up by the non-human invaders of the [[NAA]], to wage a quiet war with silent weapons.  Many females on the earth are actually mind controlled and sexually traumatized to act as the complete opposite of their true expression.  Disconnected from their natural spiritual biology, in order to further promote the goals of the anti-female agendas and to replace the organic Mother principle throughout society with an [[Death Culture|anti-soul culture]].<ref>[ Solar Feminine Christ]</ref>

==Insertion of Moon Satellite==
==Insertion of Moon Satellite==
The insertion of the [[Lunar Matrix]] was accomplished in part through dragging in the [[Moon]] satellite, to be used as a base of operations and for transmitting lunar broadcasts for magnetic field manipulation. This led to human female reproductive distortions such as enforced [[Breeding Programs]] and alien hybridization, designed to overpopulate the earth for the purpose of the ultimate [[Blood Sacrifice]] during the planned end time wars for the Armageddon timeline. War and killing is normalized in the NAA death culture and used for satanic rituals of [[Blood Sacrifice]] to harvest [[Loosh]] for the [[False Alien Gods|Alien Gods]]. [[911 Timelines|Armageddon]] was their final conflict plan to sweep up massive amounts of loosh through setting off a deliberate global cataclysm that would kill most of the inhabitants of this planet, thus stealing their soul energy at the point of death passage. This timeline will not ever manifest and that alien nightmare is over. Humanity is no longer alone. Our true God Parents and spiritual family have returned for us during the opening of the [[Stargate]]s during the [[Ascension Cycle]].<ref>[ Solar Feminine Christ]</ref>
The insertion of the [[Lunar Matrix]] was accomplished in part through dragging in the [[Moon]] satellite, to be used as a base of operations and for transmitting lunar broadcasts for magnetic field manipulation. This led to human female reproductive distortions such as enforced [[Breeding Programs]] and alien hybridization, designed to overpopulate the earth for the purpose of the ultimate [[Blood Sacrifice]] during the planned end time wars for the Armageddon timeline. War and killing is normalized in the NAA death culture and used for satanic rituals of [[Blood Sacrifice]] to harvest [[Loosh]] for the [[False Alien God|Alien Gods]]. [[911 Timelines|Armageddon]] was their final conflict plan to sweep up massive amounts of loosh through setting off a deliberate global cataclysm that would kill most of the inhabitants of this planet, thus stealing their soul energy at the point of death passage. This timeline will not ever manifest and that alien nightmare is over. Humanity is no longer alone. Our true God Parents and spiritual family have returned for us during the opening of the [[Stargate]]s during the [[Ascension Cycle]].<ref>[ Solar Feminine Christ]</ref>

==Genetic Digression==
Subsequent to the [[Atlantian Cataclysm]], the [[Keepers of the Blue Flame]] and the females with original Staff holder genetic codes underwent a series of genetic digressions, breeding programs and deliberate targeting to disrupt the solar female principle, by connecting the female principle and the human [[Lightbody]] into the [[Lunar Matrix]]. By destroying the [[Solar Logos]] architecture and inserting a [[Lunar Matrix]] to hold the energetic placement of the planetary female principle, this lunar distortion would prevent the natural [[Rod and Staff]] [[Gender Principle]]s from activating in the human DNA.

==Sophianic Body Desecration==
Through repeated session work in the planetary fields and by [[Remote Viewing]] the grid network, the many layers of artificial [[Alien Machinery]] that have been used to spread [[Dark Mother]] reversals, that clone and replicate the Sophianic female principles via the [[Lunar Matrix]] and [[Beast Machine]], have been revealed. The [[NAA]] have employed an assortment of artificial intelligence structures and frequency fences for enforcing technological abuses, in which they intended to eliminate and destroy the organic mother principle in creation, thus generating ripple effects and causing an array of genetic distortions in the Sophianic female principle embodiment on the earth.
==Dismantling AI Dark Mother Gestalts==
The recent major grid cleanup on holocaust timelines required another stage of dismantling phantom and artificial constructs that were harboring reversal mother creatures, a hierarchical chain of engineered hybrid dark entities used to enforce the [[Lunar Matrix]] links into the female principle and female bodies on the earth. Essentially, these are [[Satanic]] forces that have been engineered and then populated into the planetary architecture blended reality to gain control over the [[Solar Feminine Christ|Solar female principle]], subverting this higher identity into a mass mind controlled lunar female breeding slave. Through the embodiment of the Solar Feminine, the negative form of an AI reversal mother-female creature surfaces, in which we must feel her pain and let her finally die, as the [[Qlippoth]] forces cycle through our lightbody in order to dissipate, transmute and dissolve this dark creature and the [[Lunar Matrix]] she feeds.
The structure of anti-life reversals that automatically run [[Satanic]] overlays into the lower dimensional [[Ley Lines]], that have two-way access in and out of the black hole system. This allows shadow creatures, energy parasites, black hole entities to run around on the ley lines where [[Dark Mother]] reversals and lunar architecture has been embedded, as this generates demonic dwellings that they can co-exist within. The unholy trinity is installed for the purpose of running lunar female reversals, proliferating [[Negative Polarity|black forces]] and spreading the related [[Dark Mother]] archetypes, which were designed to prevent the females on the earth from fully embodying their Solar Female Mary template.
==Lunar Matrix, Lunar Female Distortions==
Thousands of years ago, the [[NAA]] and the [[Power Elite]] Luciferian bloodlines discovered that in order to gain access to the [[Planetary Staff]] and spiritual-energetic gateways, stargates, portals, interdimensional links into different timelines, they would need to find ways to capture the Mother aspect of the Godhead, by gaining control over [[Dark Matter Template|Dark Matter]], and gravitational or magnetic field manipulation. The insertion of the [[Lunar Matrix]] was accomplished in part by dragging in the moon satellite, to be used as a base of operations and for transmitting lunar broadcasts for achieving magnetic field manipulation and mind control. This makes the earth a bonafide [[Prison Planet]]. This also serves to gain control over the Sophianic female [[Christos]] expression on the earth, by inverting the solar female staff current in the human lightbody, and forcing the inner female principle to run energy reversals with lunar force overlays from the [[Lunar Matrix]].
This was an artificial system which generated Moon Goddess entities as the [[Dark Mother]] principle running the lunar current into the quantum layers of dark matter in the planetary architecture. Dark Mother spawned many lunar female demonic entities, which are used for the purpose of conjuring satanic forces and satanic creatures in anti-life blood sacrifice rituals. These lunar demonic forces were designed to hijack and replace the divine Mother aspect, by holding the organizing principle in the architecture that was needed in the sacred union between the male and female, in order to co-create the artificial matrices in the blended reality system. The result of this [[Lunar Matrix]] and its lunar force distortions in our realm, is that it was made to become the artificial imposter of the Mother principle from the [[Godhead]] within the planetary architecture, which became the emergence of mass Satanism through the Dark Mother influence. This is what contributed to the mass proliferation of satanic creatures, energy parasites, the reversal female satanic force aberration in our reality, by saturating the planetary grid with artificial energies, lunar forces and reversal networks. This system is called the [[Dark Mother]] that, at its source, is a nonhuman lunar force creation used to artificially power up reversal matrices and alien machinery. This collects human loosh for harvesting, such as in the [[NAA]] created [[Baphomet Network]] and [[Moloch]] Tanks.
Keep in mind that although [[Satanic|Satanism]] uses the Mother principle for carrying out rituals and spiritual activities, it is the Dark Mother constructs which are alien generated imposters holding the spiritual pillars of Satanism in this world, and not the true divine Mother or Sophia. What they have done is replicate the female Christ divinity into lunar reversals, in order to steal and exploit the divine female attributes in the Solar Mary template. In this manner they rape her and keep female spiritual consciousness totally enslaved in the planet. The [[NAA]] and [[Controller]] organizations are desperate to keep the [[Solar Feminine Christ|Solar Female Christ]] enslaved, because when Mother Sophia finally rises in her true and complete embodiment, it is game over for the massive controller structures. This includes structures such as the [[Vatican City|Vatican]], which have been hijacking female spiritual power through the Dark Mother to keep their global control mechanisms in place. See [[Global Unholy Trinity]]. <ref>[ Vatican and Dark Mother]</ref>
==Atlantian Cataclysm, the Dark Age==
After the utter destruction during the [[Atlantian Cataclysm]], the [[NAA]] brought in the [[Moon]] craft which generated the dreaded [[Lunar Female Distortions|lunar female principle]], enabling the [[Moon Chain]] parasitic infiltration with [[Sexual Misery]] programming and the rapidly growing [[Satanism|satanic force]] infection that resulted over the next thousands of years. The insertion of the [[Lunar Matrix]] was accomplished in part through dragging in the [[Moon]] satellite, to be used as a base of operations and for transmitting lunar broadcasts for magnetic field manipulation and [[Mind Control]] programs on [[NAA]]’s [[Prison Planet]]. Over generations, this digressed the human female principle through merkaba magnetic spin damage, molecular compaction, and associated reproductive distortions as lunar forces filled up the [[Vertical Channel|breath channel]], sacral energy center and womb.
Most women on the planet lost control over their conscious choice to have sex, their higher participation in when to reproduce and bear children, and thus became enslaved through the NAA’s assorted [[Genetic Modification]]s for [[Breeding Programs]] and [[Alien Hybridization]] agendas, with their violent rape and [[Misogyny|misogynistic]] mindset being instilled into the population. [[FKOT|Patriarchal organized religions]], spiritual leaders or shamans started to crop up with narratives that women were infiltrated with [[Negative Disincarnates|unclean spirits]], menstruation and black holes existing inside their wombs, making them prone to demonic [[Possession]] and committing evil deeds. Thus, it was commonly thought that women were not to be trusted, were less than men, committed the [[Council of Nicea|original sin by disobeying God]], and could not become enlightened or spiritually developed, thus they had to be owned and dominated by male brute strength. The [[Solar Feminine Melchizedek]]s who were commonly holding powerful roles supporting their community as legitimate [[Mother of Dragons]] and as the High Priestesses intermediating between the earthly kingdoms and [[Godhead|Mother- Father God]], were targeted for [[Genocide|extermination]].
Such are the many histories across the globe that ensued with the stories of female witch hunts and erupted hysterias of false accusations made of women supposedly doing the devils work, through which to effectively [[Persecution Complex|persecute and kill off]] the [[Triple Solar Goddess|solar female]] with embodied [[Sophianic Template|sophianic wisdom]], not unlike the [[Misogyny|misogynistic]] targeting that still persists even today.
This twisted [[NAA]] misogynistic narrative sourced in regard to this horrible history of [[Lunar Matrix|lunar infection]], of [[SRA]] human [[Blood Sacrifice]] and [[Moloch]] tanks that corrupted the planet, was indeed very damaging to the inner [[Gender Principle|female principle]] existing within both the male and female biology. It is accurate to say in some cases, that the heavy distortions of human race [[Miasma]] and the lunar magnetic spin in the lower section of the female reproductive organs made [[Solar Sacrum|sacral solarization]] and lunar [[Transfiguration]] of the breath channel much harder to achieve for women, unless they were holding [[Solar Feminine Melchizedek]] genetic records within their [[Lightbody]].<ref>[ Atlantian Solar Dragon Queen Merida]</ref>
==Isis Treaty==
As the result of the havoc caused by the [[Moon]], [[Guardian Host]] negotiated the [[Isis Treaty]] as the short-term solution to get Founder, [[Starseed]]s and [[Indigo]]s with partially operating Christos diamond sun templates incarnated into the timelines, and to find lost spiritual family members and help to prepare for the final conflict of the 2012 timeline. The [[Isis Treaty]] was connected to the lunar female lineages of avian [[Egyptian-Serres]] modeled from original female staff holders in [[Tara]]n timelines, which the controlling forces wanted to impregnate for the purpose of breeding programs aimed at genetically experimenting with the [[Code of The Blue Nile]]. These were of the highest and most complex Blue Flame Melchizedek genetics of the Emerald Founder’s diamond sun body design, which the [[NAA]] wanted for their own purposes of incarnating lunar consciousness and shadow entities onto the planet and in order to have superior genetic forms to gain dominion over the [[Earth]] and other territories.<ref>[ Atlantian Solar Dragon Queen Merida]</ref>
==Forked Tongue Reversal Speech==
The [[Rasha Body]] had been [[Rasha Body Colonization|severely damaged by the colonization]] of assorted genetic labbed AI hybrid shadow creatures, enormous sized [[SPE|archontic jellyfish]] and all that has been discovered with the [[Wesa]]n black hole. Including the [[Transhumanism]] agendas with [[Alien Machinery]] that operate upon artificial [[Black Goo]] and corrupted shadow elementals being controlled by on and off planet [[AI Quantum Supercomputer|AI quantum supercomputers]]. Recently, [[Emerald Guardians]] were able to fish out another massive Archontic entity blob from out of the 2D-6D layers of the Sarasota-[[Temple Mount]] stargate that was directing hierarchies of the [[Black Dragon Avatar Collectives]] in the hydrological cycle of the planetary water supply. This was being done through [[Lunar Matrix|lunar based technologies]] using [[Anti-Christ Voice Transmissions]] ([[Forked Tongue]] backward serpent speak) infecting the lower aquifer portals and the 2D elemental layers.<ref>[ Rasha Instruction Sets]</ref>
==Shift from Lunar to Solar Zodiac Imprints==
There are many falsified claims being made in the [[New Age, Ascension, Disclosure Hijack|online new age spaces]] in which these twin flame unions have been forged between those being manipulated with [[Lunar Consciousness]] overlays transmitted from [[Lunar Zodiacal Imprint]]s (i.e., [[Enki DNA Overlays|Enki DNA]]), which are not actual [[Solar Consciousness]] [[Gender Twin Flames]]. These situations that are mated in genetic oppositions between angelic humanity and those with [[Alien Hybridization|high reptoid DNA hybridization]] are considered to be major opportunities for spiritual growth, consciousness rehabilitation and learning lessons with unconditional love, [[Compassion]] and Empathy for all involved, as [[Disclosure]] continues to reveal the truth of hidden human history to the masses.
During the month of October [2023], the planet endured the next stage of bifurcation, whereby there was another major event with the [[Separation of Worlds]] between the [[Lunar Matrix]] distortions of the 3D zodiacal calendar positions and another new formation with corrected [[Sun-Star Network]]s aligning the 5D zodiacal calendar positions. The corrected [[Solar Calendar Positions]] for the ascending timeline zodiacal alignments have now begun, there is no turning back. These are the higher timeline positions of the [[Sun-Star Network]]s that have been anchored into the trifurcated section with the [[Copper Rose Gold Sun|triple solar copper-rose-gold failsafe]] [[Solomon Temple]] and Solomon Chalice Grail platform with three Solomon Maji Grail Red Kings holding the [[Krystal Star of Azoth]] ([[Krist-Krystallah]]) connecting into the [[Cosmic Clock]] central clockshield that was generated for supporting the [[Aton|Aton God Body]].  This position is where [[Return of Ascended Masters|returning Ascended Masters]] from outside of our [[UTM|time matrix]] can enter into our reality, and ride on the carrier waves of the White Lotus Triple Dragon Breath channels of Lote, Loti and Lota into the [[Temple of Khemalohatea]] located on the [[Rishic Shield|Rishic plane]]. The ascending Christos [[Starseed]] family on planet will either be anchored onto this central clockshield timeline within their personal base clockshield, or be able to commune in this area to reconnect with authentic [[Ascended Master]] spiritual family members in which to gain further support for their personal [[Ascension]] process, find their genetic twin and receive spiritual guidance for carrying out their divine mission after the [[The Collective Awakening Event|Collective Event]].
This event has had significant impacts for many on the ascending path with the sudden and spontaneous combustion of karmic relationships, family situations and [[Spiritual Lessons|assorted life lesson]] themes surfacing into awareness for resolution and then reaching an abrupt and final conclusion. The recent bifurcation was supercharged with solar zodiacal imprints and may have brought on intense [[Ego Death]] and [[Shadow Clearing|shadow body healing]], purging [[Enki DNA Overlays|Enki DNA genetic modification membrane skins]] with the onset of dark night of the soul levels of intensified [[Psycho-Spiritual Crisis]]. Obviously when we have a greater comprehension as to why our lives may have suddenly been upended and we are enduring a phase of great upheaval that generally comes with deep spiritual transformation, it is not pleasant but with [[Emotional Competence|emotional maturity]], we know that it is necessary for our growth and spiritual transformation. When we have proper context for the spiritual reality of planetary ascension, we know to go within and ask the right questions of ourselves along with the [[The Right Relationship|necessity to connect with God]] every day, praying for divine will to reveal our spiritual purpose in which to have the most graceful transition as possible.  <ref>[ Tri-Flame of Khemalohatea]</ref>

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==See Also==
==See Also==
[[Lunar Consciousness]]

[[Moon Chain]]
[[Moon Chain]]

Latest revision as of 03:11, 25 March 2024

The Lunar Matrix is another alien structure that transmits Mind Control programs into the earth’s magnetic field and perpetuates spiritually abusive belief systems into the subconscious layers of the masses. This originates from non-humans and is alien based technology used to enforce the main goals of the Archontic Deception Strategy, perpetuating the destructive ideologies on the earth surface that enforce Misogyny, Sexual Misery, child sacrifice and human slavery. It is important to understand that to propagate and spread these destructive ideologies, the NAA had to first eliminate the presence of the real Mother principle on the earth. They went to great lengths to replace her with artificial programming and false images, and then systematically destroy all forms of power from the natural female principle throughout the human culture. These destructive ideologies are embedded deeply in the satanic and luciferian cults and its lifestyle, which is ultimately anti-human and caters to the main goals of enslaving the earth population. The anti-human, anti-female programming is enforced by the Power Elite cabal members that have been cultivated and propped up by the non-human invaders of the NAA, to wage a quiet war with silent weapons. Many females on the earth are actually mind controlled and sexually traumatized to act as the complete opposite of their true expression. Disconnected from their natural spiritual biology, in order to further promote the goals of the anti-female agendas and to replace the organic Mother principle throughout society with an anti-soul culture.[1]

Lunar Matrix

Insertion of Moon Satellite

The insertion of the Lunar Matrix was accomplished in part through dragging in the Moon satellite, to be used as a base of operations and for transmitting lunar broadcasts for magnetic field manipulation. This led to human female reproductive distortions such as enforced Breeding Programs and alien hybridization, designed to overpopulate the earth for the purpose of the ultimate Blood Sacrifice during the planned end time wars for the Armageddon timeline. War and killing is normalized in the NAA death culture and used for satanic rituals of Blood Sacrifice to harvest Loosh for the Alien Gods. Armageddon was their final conflict plan to sweep up massive amounts of loosh through setting off a deliberate global cataclysm that would kill most of the inhabitants of this planet, thus stealing their soul energy at the point of death passage. This timeline will not ever manifest and that alien nightmare is over. Humanity is no longer alone. Our true God Parents and spiritual family have returned for us during the opening of the Stargates during the Ascension Cycle.[2]

Genetic Digression

Subsequent to the Atlantian Cataclysm, the Keepers of the Blue Flame and the females with original Staff holder genetic codes underwent a series of genetic digressions, breeding programs and deliberate targeting to disrupt the solar female principle, by connecting the female principle and the human Lightbody into the Lunar Matrix. By destroying the Solar Logos architecture and inserting a Lunar Matrix to hold the energetic placement of the planetary female principle, this lunar distortion would prevent the natural Rod and Staff Gender Principles from activating in the human DNA.

Sophianic Body Desecration

Through repeated session work in the planetary fields and by Remote Viewing the grid network, the many layers of artificial Alien Machinery that have been used to spread Dark Mother reversals, that clone and replicate the Sophianic female principles via the Lunar Matrix and Beast Machine, have been revealed. The NAA have employed an assortment of artificial intelligence structures and frequency fences for enforcing technological abuses, in which they intended to eliminate and destroy the organic mother principle in creation, thus generating ripple effects and causing an array of genetic distortions in the Sophianic female principle embodiment on the earth.

Dismantling AI Dark Mother Gestalts

The recent major grid cleanup on holocaust timelines required another stage of dismantling phantom and artificial constructs that were harboring reversal mother creatures, a hierarchical chain of engineered hybrid dark entities used to enforce the Lunar Matrix links into the female principle and female bodies on the earth. Essentially, these are Satanic forces that have been engineered and then populated into the planetary architecture blended reality to gain control over the Solar female principle, subverting this higher identity into a mass mind controlled lunar female breeding slave. Through the embodiment of the Solar Feminine, the negative form of an AI reversal mother-female creature surfaces, in which we must feel her pain and let her finally die, as the Qlippoth forces cycle through our lightbody in order to dissipate, transmute and dissolve this dark creature and the Lunar Matrix she feeds.

The structure of anti-life reversals that automatically run Satanic overlays into the lower dimensional Ley Lines, that have two-way access in and out of the black hole system. This allows shadow creatures, energy parasites, black hole entities to run around on the ley lines where Dark Mother reversals and lunar architecture has been embedded, as this generates demonic dwellings that they can co-exist within. The unholy trinity is installed for the purpose of running lunar female reversals, proliferating black forces and spreading the related Dark Mother archetypes, which were designed to prevent the females on the earth from fully embodying their Solar Female Mary template.

Lunar Matrix, Lunar Female Distortions

Thousands of years ago, the NAA and the Power Elite Luciferian bloodlines discovered that in order to gain access to the Planetary Staff and spiritual-energetic gateways, stargates, portals, interdimensional links into different timelines, they would need to find ways to capture the Mother aspect of the Godhead, by gaining control over Dark Matter, and gravitational or magnetic field manipulation. The insertion of the Lunar Matrix was accomplished in part by dragging in the moon satellite, to be used as a base of operations and for transmitting lunar broadcasts for achieving magnetic field manipulation and mind control. This makes the earth a bonafide Prison Planet. This also serves to gain control over the Sophianic female Christos expression on the earth, by inverting the solar female staff current in the human lightbody, and forcing the inner female principle to run energy reversals with lunar force overlays from the Lunar Matrix.

This was an artificial system which generated Moon Goddess entities as the Dark Mother principle running the lunar current into the quantum layers of dark matter in the planetary architecture. Dark Mother spawned many lunar female demonic entities, which are used for the purpose of conjuring satanic forces and satanic creatures in anti-life blood sacrifice rituals. These lunar demonic forces were designed to hijack and replace the divine Mother aspect, by holding the organizing principle in the architecture that was needed in the sacred union between the male and female, in order to co-create the artificial matrices in the blended reality system. The result of this Lunar Matrix and its lunar force distortions in our realm, is that it was made to become the artificial imposter of the Mother principle from the Godhead within the planetary architecture, which became the emergence of mass Satanism through the Dark Mother influence. This is what contributed to the mass proliferation of satanic creatures, energy parasites, the reversal female satanic force aberration in our reality, by saturating the planetary grid with artificial energies, lunar forces and reversal networks. This system is called the Dark Mother that, at its source, is a nonhuman lunar force creation used to artificially power up reversal matrices and alien machinery. This collects human loosh for harvesting, such as in the NAA created Baphomet Network and Moloch Tanks.

Keep in mind that although Satanism uses the Mother principle for carrying out rituals and spiritual activities, it is the Dark Mother constructs which are alien generated imposters holding the spiritual pillars of Satanism in this world, and not the true divine Mother or Sophia. What they have done is replicate the female Christ divinity into lunar reversals, in order to steal and exploit the divine female attributes in the Solar Mary template. In this manner they rape her and keep female spiritual consciousness totally enslaved in the planet. The NAA and Controller organizations are desperate to keep the Solar Female Christ enslaved, because when Mother Sophia finally rises in her true and complete embodiment, it is game over for the massive controller structures. This includes structures such as the Vatican, which have been hijacking female spiritual power through the Dark Mother to keep their global control mechanisms in place. See Global Unholy Trinity. [3]

Atlantian Cataclysm, the Dark Age

After the utter destruction during the Atlantian Cataclysm, the NAA brought in the Moon craft which generated the dreaded lunar female principle, enabling the Moon Chain parasitic infiltration with Sexual Misery programming and the rapidly growing satanic force infection that resulted over the next thousands of years. The insertion of the Lunar Matrix was accomplished in part through dragging in the Moon satellite, to be used as a base of operations and for transmitting lunar broadcasts for magnetic field manipulation and Mind Control programs on NAA’s Prison Planet. Over generations, this digressed the human female principle through merkaba magnetic spin damage, molecular compaction, and associated reproductive distortions as lunar forces filled up the breath channel, sacral energy center and womb.

Most women on the planet lost control over their conscious choice to have sex, their higher participation in when to reproduce and bear children, and thus became enslaved through the NAA’s assorted Genetic Modifications for Breeding Programs and Alien Hybridization agendas, with their violent rape and misogynistic mindset being instilled into the population. Patriarchal organized religions, spiritual leaders or shamans started to crop up with narratives that women were infiltrated with unclean spirits, menstruation and black holes existing inside their wombs, making them prone to demonic Possession and committing evil deeds. Thus, it was commonly thought that women were not to be trusted, were less than men, committed the original sin by disobeying God, and could not become enlightened or spiritually developed, thus they had to be owned and dominated by male brute strength. The Solar Feminine Melchizedeks who were commonly holding powerful roles supporting their community as legitimate Mother of Dragons and as the High Priestesses intermediating between the earthly kingdoms and Mother- Father God, were targeted for extermination.

Such are the many histories across the globe that ensued with the stories of female witch hunts and erupted hysterias of false accusations made of women supposedly doing the devils work, through which to effectively persecute and kill off the solar female with embodied sophianic wisdom, not unlike the misogynistic targeting that still persists even today.

This twisted NAA misogynistic narrative sourced in regard to this horrible history of lunar infection, of SRA human Blood Sacrifice and Moloch tanks that corrupted the planet, was indeed very damaging to the inner female principle existing within both the male and female biology. It is accurate to say in some cases, that the heavy distortions of human race Miasma and the lunar magnetic spin in the lower section of the female reproductive organs made sacral solarization and lunar Transfiguration of the breath channel much harder to achieve for women, unless they were holding Solar Feminine Melchizedek genetic records within their Lightbody.[4]

Isis Treaty

As the result of the havoc caused by the Moon, Guardian Host negotiated the Isis Treaty as the short-term solution to get Founder, Starseeds and Indigos with partially operating Christos diamond sun templates incarnated into the timelines, and to find lost spiritual family members and help to prepare for the final conflict of the 2012 timeline. The Isis Treaty was connected to the lunar female lineages of avian Egyptian-Serres modeled from original female staff holders in Taran timelines, which the controlling forces wanted to impregnate for the purpose of breeding programs aimed at genetically experimenting with the Code of The Blue Nile. These were of the highest and most complex Blue Flame Melchizedek genetics of the Emerald Founder’s diamond sun body design, which the NAA wanted for their own purposes of incarnating lunar consciousness and shadow entities onto the planet and in order to have superior genetic forms to gain dominion over the Earth and other territories.[5]

Forked Tongue Reversal Speech

The Rasha Body had been severely damaged by the colonization of assorted genetic labbed AI hybrid shadow creatures, enormous sized archontic jellyfish and all that has been discovered with the Wesan black hole. Including the Transhumanism agendas with Alien Machinery that operate upon artificial Black Goo and corrupted shadow elementals being controlled by on and off planet AI quantum supercomputers. Recently, Emerald Guardians were able to fish out another massive Archontic entity blob from out of the 2D-6D layers of the Sarasota-Temple Mount stargate that was directing hierarchies of the Black Dragon Avatar Collectives in the hydrological cycle of the planetary water supply. This was being done through lunar based technologies using Anti-Christ Voice Transmissions (Forked Tongue backward serpent speak) infecting the lower aquifer portals and the 2D elemental layers.[6]

Shift from Lunar to Solar Zodiac Imprints

There are many falsified claims being made in the online new age spaces in which these twin flame unions have been forged between those being manipulated with Lunar Consciousness overlays transmitted from Lunar Zodiacal Imprints (i.e., Enki DNA), which are not actual Solar Consciousness Gender Twin Flames. These situations that are mated in genetic oppositions between angelic humanity and those with high reptoid DNA hybridization are considered to be major opportunities for spiritual growth, consciousness rehabilitation and learning lessons with unconditional love, Compassion and Empathy for all involved, as Disclosure continues to reveal the truth of hidden human history to the masses.

During the month of October [2023], the planet endured the next stage of bifurcation, whereby there was another major event with the Separation of Worlds between the Lunar Matrix distortions of the 3D zodiacal calendar positions and another new formation with corrected Sun-Star Networks aligning the 5D zodiacal calendar positions. The corrected Solar Calendar Positions for the ascending timeline zodiacal alignments have now begun, there is no turning back. These are the higher timeline positions of the Sun-Star Networks that have been anchored into the trifurcated section with the triple solar copper-rose-gold failsafe Solomon Temple and Solomon Chalice Grail platform with three Solomon Maji Grail Red Kings holding the Krystal Star of Azoth (Krist-Krystallah) connecting into the Cosmic Clock central clockshield that was generated for supporting the Aton God Body. This position is where returning Ascended Masters from outside of our time matrix can enter into our reality, and ride on the carrier waves of the White Lotus Triple Dragon Breath channels of Lote, Loti and Lota into the Temple of Khemalohatea located on the Rishic plane. The ascending Christos Starseed family on planet will either be anchored onto this central clockshield timeline within their personal base clockshield, or be able to commune in this area to reconnect with authentic Ascended Master spiritual family members in which to gain further support for their personal Ascension process, find their genetic twin and receive spiritual guidance for carrying out their divine mission after the Collective Event.

This event has had significant impacts for many on the ascending path with the sudden and spontaneous combustion of karmic relationships, family situations and assorted life lesson themes surfacing into awareness for resolution and then reaching an abrupt and final conclusion. The recent bifurcation was supercharged with solar zodiacal imprints and may have brought on intense Ego Death and shadow body healing, purging Enki DNA genetic modification membrane skins with the onset of dark night of the soul levels of intensified Psycho-Spiritual Crisis. Obviously when we have a greater comprehension as to why our lives may have suddenly been upended and we are enduring a phase of great upheaval that generally comes with deep spiritual transformation, it is not pleasant but with emotional maturity, we know that it is necessary for our growth and spiritual transformation. When we have proper context for the spiritual reality of planetary ascension, we know to go within and ask the right questions of ourselves along with the necessity to connect with God every day, praying for divine will to reveal our spiritual purpose in which to have the most graceful transition as possible. [7]


See Also

Lunar Consciousness

Moon Chain

Black Hole Entities

Silent War