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Predecessors to our human angelic race line, the Lyran-Sirian Whites are also called [[Anuhazi]], a feline-hominid seeded by the 12D Elohei (one of the three Christos Founder Races that created the [[Oraphim]]). [[Anuhazi]] is the original first externally spoken language in our Universe, and is the natural language of the [[Christos]] Founders Race. It is the original light language of our ancient ancestors. The Lyran-Sirian Whites or Anuhazi, are human elders, they are pale-skinned hominid Sirian race frequently called the Guardian Founders, whom protect the [[Diamond Sun Body]] and [[Silicate Matrix|12 Strand DNA]].
Predecessors to our human angelic race line, the Lyran-Sirian Whites are also called [[Anuhazi]], a feline-hominid seeded by the 12D Elohei (one of the three Christos Founder Races that created the [[Oraphim]]). [[Anuhazi]] is the original first externally spoken language in our Universe, and is the natural language of the [[Christos]] Founders Race. It is the original light language of our ancient ancestors. The Lyran-Sirian Whites or Anuhazi, are human elders, they are pale-skinned hominid Sirian race frequently called the Guardian Founders, whom protect the [[Diamond Sun Body]] and [[Silicate Matrix|12 Strand DNA]].

The [[Arcturians]] are compassionate and benevolent beings that are assisting humanity during the [[Ascension Cycle]] in accordance to the [[Guardian Host]] [[Law of One]] protocols, they are the closest example of our future humanoid family that has undergone a 5D ascension process, that is similar to the planet earth's current [[Ascension]] process.  Arcturus is the brightest star in the constellation of [[Bootes]].
The 7D Phantom Wormhole has caused problems for the Arcturians because it is used by the [[NAA]], and leads directly into their system. The conflict in this phantom wormhole is primarily with the [[Draconians]], and thus they have helped to thwart many of the [[Zeta Drakonian Agendas]] from impacting the earth surface. As a result, they assist us in protecting and repairing the 7D [[Violet Ray]], magnetosphere and rehabilitation of the planetary gridwork that is directly impacted by the phantom wormhole issues and the 7D [[Crucifixion Implants]]. Hence, they can also be considered the 7D plane gatekeepers, or Guardians of the 7th dimensional plane.
==Aquaferions, Andromedan Council==
[[File:Aquamemory.jpg|thumb|Aqua Memory]]
[[File:Aquamemory.jpg|thumb|Aqua Memory]]
The [[Aquaferion]] races were lines that were a part of the original Krystal Star human race lines that became extinct in this [[Universal Time Matrix]] after the [[Electric Wars]]. They have returned to this troubled [[Universal Time Matrix]] as the Krystal Star [[Ascension]] hosts to help the planet undergo the end cycle and transits. When the [[Mother Arc]] 13th Gateway was ignited in the earth core, the inner gates which connect to Andromeda were opened through the Crystal Core of the earth. The protectors of the crystal core are of these krystic races called [[Aquaferion]]s or Aquari lines. The [[Aquaferion]] councils from Andromeda started to be able to be in contact with the [[Indigo]] race lines approximately early 2008. My first contact with them was in Spring Equinox 2008, and they were a part of the councils helping to hold Mother Arc [[Aqua Ray]] principle in the core and help to activate the [[Crystal Heart]]s or [[Sophianic Body]] for the planet. To help the Mother Earth to ascend, she must access her highest original emanation Star body which is in Andromeda. Mother earth star body is a crystal body which emanates liquid ultraviolet and aqua plasma waves in her core. These are liquid crystalline fields of plasma generated from the rays of the [[Aqualine Sun]]. Many of us are genetically related to the [[Aquaferion]] races which have a direct genetic relationship to [[Christ]] lineages. Some of us will undergo genetic rehabilitation through our Aquaferion [[DNA]] links which connect us to the future planet in [[Andromeda Galaxy]]. The [[Aquaferion]] lines are able to heal and remove the genetic damage created by the [[Fallen Angelics]] and their [[666 Seal]] by returning back into the [[Andromeda Core]] records. For some of us this is our future ascended [[Oraphim]] [[Christos]] body in the next incarnation.
The [[Aquaferion]] races were lines that were a part of the original Krystal Star human race lines that became extinct in this [[Universal Time Matrix]] after the [[Electric Wars]]. They have returned to this troubled [[Universal Time Matrix]] as the Krystal Star [[Ascension]] hosts to help the planet undergo the end cycle and transits. When the [[Mother Arc]] 13th Gateway was ignited in the earth core, the inner gates which connect to Andromeda were opened through the Crystal Core of the earth. The protectors of the crystal core are of these krystic races called [[Aquaferion]]s or Aquari lines. The [[Aquaferion]] councils from Andromeda started to be able to be in contact with the [[Indigo]] race lines approximately early 2008. My first contact with them was in Spring Equinox 2008, and they were a part of the councils helping to hold Mother Arc [[Aqua Ray]] principle in the core and help to activate the [[Crystal Heart]]s or [[Sophianic Body]] for the planet. To help the Mother Earth to ascend, she must access her highest original emanation Star body which is in Andromeda. Mother earth star body is a crystal body which emanates liquid ultraviolet and aqua plasma waves in her core. These are liquid crystalline fields of plasma generated from the rays of the [[Aqualine Sun]]. Many of us are genetically related to the [[Aquaferion]] races which have a direct genetic relationship to [[Christ]] lineages. Some of us will undergo genetic rehabilitation through our Aquaferion [[DNA]] links which connect us to the future planet in [[Andromeda Galaxy]]. The [[Aquaferion]] lines are able to heal and remove the genetic damage created by the [[Fallen Angelics]] and their [[666 Seal]] by returning back into the [[Andromeda Core]] records. For some of us this is our future ascended [[Oraphim]] [[Christos]] body in the next incarnation.
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==Founder Feline Races, Blue Ray==
==Founder Feline Races, Blue Ray==
The Founder Feline Lion [[Planetary Grid Network]] was created by the Elohim Feline and Leonine [[Christos]] races in their image. The APIN grid networks were designed in the consciousness [[Ray]] of the Founder Lineages, The [[Great White Lion]] is the Mother races of the Blue Ray and a part of the [[Threefold Founder Flame]] Aqua Blue Ray of [[Mother Arc]]. See the [[Four Living Creatures]].
[[File:GSF-Triad.png|thumb|Founder Threefold Flame]]
The Founder Feline Lion [[Planetary Grid Network]] was created by the Elohim Feline and Leonine [[Christos]] races in their image. The APIN grid networks were designed in the consciousness [[Ray]] of the Founder Lineages, The [[Great White Lion]] is the Mother races of the Blue Ray and a part of the [[Threefold Founder Flame]] Aqua Blue Ray of [[Mother Arc]].
There are Three Original Primal Order Sound Fields that make up the [[Ray]] Aspects of our entire Universal creation in the [[Universal Time Matrix]]. Collectively these are also referred to as the Founders and the Threefold Flame that make up the [[GSF]] Triad. The Threefold Founder Flame gestalt of Universal consciousness is called the [[Guardian Host]].
==Founder Cetacean-Whale, Pale Magenta Ray==
To connect with the Founder Magenta Ray, and reclaim our Father of God principle [[Father Arc]] for the planet and humanity, we connect to the Magenta Ray of [[Father Arc]]. The Magenta Ray was previously under the control of the the distortions made from the invasion of the [[Planetary Logos]] that had severely distorted its companion 7D [[Violet Ray]] which connects into the 1D Earth core to merge with the [[Mother Arc]] Aqua ray.  The [[Moon Chain]] lineages were sending magnetic field distortions to promote the [[Archon]] [[Controller]] patriarchal domination archetypes to the masculine which manifested genetic damage on our planet.
The [[Mother Arc]] is what has brought forth the Holy Father again, reclaiming his consciousness pieces for planet earth.
==Founder Avian Races, Gold Ray==
To connect with the Founder Gold Ray, and reclaim our Christos Sun and Daughter of God principle [[Christos-Sophia]]  for the planet and humanity, we connect to the Gold Ray of [[Rishic Suns]]. The Gold Ray was previously under the control of the [[Golden Eagle Grid]] distortions and the [[Fallen Angelics]] damage on our planet. Since the [[Luciferian Rebellion]] the [[Golden Eagle Grid]] and the Gold Ray suffered tremendous distortion.To help repair this damage to the [[Seraphim]]-Avian consciousness that make up the Gold Ray and the [[GEG]], the Guardians have been attempting to heal the planet's masculine principle and its [[Rod]] function through the [[Shield of Solomon]].

==Guardian Host==
==Guardian Host==
The [[Guardian Host]] and their families are synonymous with the [[Christos]] elders, the [[Anuhazi|Lyran-Sirian]] Founders, the Ancient Master Builders and Architects that are stemming from the [[Master Christos Collective]] that protect the [[Law of One]], which is the path to [[GSF]], for any being to be able to [[Ascension|Ascend]], evolve their consciousness and exist as God, Sovereign and Free.
[[File:GSF-Triad.png|thumb|Founder Threefold Flame]]There are Three Original Primal Order Sound Fields that make up the [[Ray]] Aspects of our entire Universal creation in the [[Universal Time Matrix]]. Collectively these are also referred to as the Founders and the Threefold Flame that make up the [[GSF]] Triad. The Threefold Founder Flame gestalt of Universal consciousness is called the [[Guardian Host]].
Also, [[Guardian Host]] and their families are synonymous with the [[Christos]] elders, the [[Anuhazi|Lyran-Sirian]] Founders, the Ancient Master Builders and Architects that are stemming from the [[Master Christos Collective]] that protect the [[Law of One]], which is the path to [[GSF]], for any being to be able to [[Ascension|Ascend]], evolve their consciousness and exist as God, Sovereign and Free.

==Interdimensional Free Worlds Council==
==Interdimensional Free Worlds Council==
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The Oraphim is a part of the [[Diamond Sun]] DNA [[Christos]] lineages, the original humans created from the Founder Race lines. The Diamond Sun refers to the original design of the angelic human 12 Strand DNA [[Silicate Matrix]]. This was the potential [[DNA]] and higher consciousness experienced by angelic human beings in previous time cycles on the 5D parallel earth [[Tara]], previous to its cataclysm. The [[Double Diamond Sun Body]] refers to the Original Founder [[Oraphim]] design of a fully embodied [[Diamond Sun Body|12 strand DNA]] and further access to 24 other dimensions of [[Consciousness]] while in a human body. When the [[Oraphim]] DNA potential is activated, it allows for physical body immortality and the ability for the consciousness bodies full transmutation out of dimensional time. This is the true meaning of [[GSF]] of spiritual [[Ascension]].
The Oraphim is a part of the [[Diamond Sun]] DNA [[Christos]] lineages, the original humans created from the Founder Race lines. The Diamond Sun refers to the original design of the angelic human 12 Strand DNA [[Silicate Matrix]]. This was the potential [[DNA]] and higher consciousness experienced by angelic human beings in previous time cycles on the 5D parallel earth [[Tara]], previous to its cataclysm. The [[Double Diamond Sun Body]] refers to the Original Founder [[Oraphim]] design of a fully embodied [[Diamond Sun Body|12 strand DNA]] and further access to 24 other dimensions of [[Consciousness]] while in a human body. When the [[Oraphim]] DNA potential is activated, it allows for physical body immortality and the ability for the consciousness bodies full transmutation out of dimensional time. This is the true meaning of [[GSF]] of spiritual [[Ascension]].
==Pleiadian Groups==
[[Pleiadians]], also known as [[Nordic Aliens]] or Plejaren are humanoid extraterrestrials that come from the stellar systems surrounding the Pleiades stars. There are both benevolent and negative beings form the Pleiadian System, and they are the primary gatekeepers of the 5D timelines.
Most of the benevolent Pleiadian groups have a strict non interference policy with earthlings as the result of the consequences of inadvertently contributing to mass upheavals on the earth surface that were not intended to interfere with forward spiritual progression and consciousness growth of earth humans. Due to these destructive events occurring in the previous timelines, all interactions with earth people are strictly monitored, as the consequences of these previous interactions had generated karmic bonds in which certain groups were not able to evolve any further as a result of these previous events that resulted in destructive timelines. Of the humanoid types of Pleiadians, they appear very similar to earth humans, but have different variations in height, hair and eye color.
There is a collective group of Pleiadians consisting of beings both focused in bodies and manifesting as light beings, which are channeling information through Barbara Marciniak since the late 1980's.

==RA Confederacy==
==RA Confederacy==
The specific RA Guardian group that acts as the active principle in working to fulfill the [[Covenant of Paliador]] on the earth, is a section of the RA Confederacy that exists in the Seven Higher Heavens in the next Universe and contacts us through the Gold Ray or the 14th dimensional Stargate. The [[RA Confederacy]] has segments of root races that are referred to as the Azurites, Aton, Ammonites, Viriagian Masters and the 5D Guardian Pleiadian Groups called Aztaras. The Pleiaidian Groups such as Aztaras and Mayans are taking most of the load in helping to heal the earth soul groups loading out and moving into 5D evolutionary potentials, such as reintegrating the astral body, healing the heart complex, healing the shadow and pain body of deep trauma, and assisting with single soul occupancy embodiment. This lightbody and consciousness rehabilitation support may occur while incarnated in the physical and when actually going through bardo process while dropping the body.
The specific RA Guardian group that acts as the active principle in working to fulfill the [[Covenant of Paliador]] on the earth, is a section of the RA Confederacy that exists in the Seven Higher Heavens in the next Universe and contacts us through the Gold Ray or the 14th dimensional Stargate. The [[RA Confederacy]] has segments of root races that are referred to as the Azurites, Aton, Ammonites, Viriagian Masters and the 5D Guardian [[Pleiadian Groups]] called Aztaras. The Pleiaidian Groups such as [[Aztaras]] and Mayans are taking most of the load in helping to heal the earth soul groups loading out and moving into 5D evolutionary potentials, such as reintegrating the astral body, healing the heart complex, healing the shadow and pain body of deep trauma, and assisting with single soul occupancy embodiment. This lightbody and consciousness rehabilitation support may occur while incarnated in the physical and when actually going through bardo process while dropping the body.

The Guardian previously known as [[Akhenaton]] while incarnated, is from the Aton group and is intimately involved with the reclamation of Christos mission, the [[Paliadorian Activation]]s on the earth. His mission is designed to protect those who are from the original Yeshua bloodlines, which he was involved in bringing to the planet, while working with the Azurite teams over 2,000 years ago. He is the original family patriarch as it is his bloodline that propagates in the Krystic bloodlines still today, although much misinformation is still propagated about him.<ref>[ Embodiment]</ref>
The Guardian previously known as [[Akhenaton]] while incarnated, is from the Aton group and is intimately involved with the reclamation of Christos mission, the [[Paliadorian Activation]]s on the earth. His mission is designed to protect those who are from the original Yeshua bloodlines, which he was involved in bringing to the planet, while working with the Azurite teams over 2,000 years ago. He is the original family patriarch as it is his bloodline that propagates in the Krystic bloodlines still today, although much misinformation is still propagated about him.<ref>[ Embodiment]</ref>

==Sirians, Sirius B==
The [[Sirians]] are the original builders of planetary architecture, and this is why some higher factions of the Sirian races (the Lyran-Sirian Councils) that live in the [[Law of One]] are also called the [[Guardian Host]]. The Sirius Star in the [[Canis Major]] constellation acts as the transmission agent and higher self principle for the planet earth in [[Universal Time Matrix]].  
The [[Sirians]] are the original builders of planetary architecture, and this is why some higher factions of the Sirian races (the Lyran-Sirian Councils) that live in the [[Law of One]] are also called the [[Guardian Host]]. The Sirius Star in the [[Canis Major]] constellation acts as the transmission agent and higher self principle for the planet earth in [[Universal Time Matrix]].  

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==See Also==
==See Also==
[[Emerald Covenant and Oraphim Lineages]]
[[Empowering Enlightened Visitation]]

[[Law of One]]
[[Law of One]]

Latest revision as of 01:16, 31 March 2022

Guardian Benevolent ET and Extradimensional Entities advocate for a open source, free information society that is evolving towards supporting humanitarian goals for the possibility of advancing spiritual Ascension, thus restoring the possibility of granting Cosmic Citizenship to earth inhabitants through the re-education of hidden human Galactic History and practicing the Science of Right Living, the Law of One. The Law of One is the comprehension that all things are made of intelligent energy and are a part of the All-One. The Law of One is a Sacred Science of the mechanics of Christ Consciousness and are the Natural Laws governing our Universal Creation. All-One is the recognition that Eternal Truth is Eternal Love and Eternal Love is the organic consciousness of Infinite Creator or God Source.

In the interpretation of the Law of One in Spiritual Ascension context, it is a egalitarian philosophy for evolving humanity towards humanitarian goals. Ascension study is made as an evolutionary model for our planet and humanity to achieve spiritual freedom. The main focus is upon the inner spiritual study and reflection made upon the personal commitment to expand one's consciousness and benevolence towards life. As we expand our consciousness we shift perspective to feel our interconnection with all Life and become orientated to be of service (Service to Others) thus, reflecting inner truth. When we experience this all encompassing spiritual-energetic connection, we inherently desire to practice human kindness and seek to collaborate with developing higher structures that place value on life, as well as all human beings, a value system of a World Humanism.

Anuhazi, Lyran Sirians

Predecessors to our human angelic race line, the Lyran-Sirian Whites are also called Anuhazi, a feline-hominid seeded by the 12D Elohei (one of the three Christos Founder Races that created the Oraphim). Anuhazi is the original first externally spoken language in our Universe, and is the natural language of the Christos Founders Race. It is the original light language of our ancient ancestors. The Lyran-Sirian Whites or Anuhazi, are human elders, they are pale-skinned hominid Sirian race frequently called the Guardian Founders, whom protect the Diamond Sun Body and 12 Strand DNA.


The Arcturians are compassionate and benevolent beings that are assisting humanity during the Ascension Cycle in accordance to the Guardian Host Law of One protocols, they are the closest example of our future humanoid family that has undergone a 5D ascension process, that is similar to the planet earth's current Ascension process. Arcturus is the brightest star in the constellation of Bootes.

The 7D Phantom Wormhole has caused problems for the Arcturians because it is used by the NAA, and leads directly into their system. The conflict in this phantom wormhole is primarily with the Draconians, and thus they have helped to thwart many of the Zeta Drakonian Agendas from impacting the earth surface. As a result, they assist us in protecting and repairing the 7D Violet Ray, magnetosphere and rehabilitation of the planetary gridwork that is directly impacted by the phantom wormhole issues and the 7D Crucifixion Implants. Hence, they can also be considered the 7D plane gatekeepers, or Guardians of the 7th dimensional plane.

Aquaferions, Andromedan Council

Aqua Memory

The Aquaferion races were lines that were a part of the original Krystal Star human race lines that became extinct in this Universal Time Matrix after the Electric Wars. They have returned to this troubled Universal Time Matrix as the Krystal Star Ascension hosts to help the planet undergo the end cycle and transits. When the Mother Arc 13th Gateway was ignited in the earth core, the inner gates which connect to Andromeda were opened through the Crystal Core of the earth. The protectors of the crystal core are of these krystic races called Aquaferions or Aquari lines. The Aquaferion councils from Andromeda started to be able to be in contact with the Indigo race lines approximately early 2008. My first contact with them was in Spring Equinox 2008, and they were a part of the councils helping to hold Mother Arc Aqua Ray principle in the core and help to activate the Crystal Hearts or Sophianic Body for the planet. To help the Mother Earth to ascend, she must access her highest original emanation Star body which is in Andromeda. Mother earth star body is a crystal body which emanates liquid ultraviolet and aqua plasma waves in her core. These are liquid crystalline fields of plasma generated from the rays of the Aqualine Sun. Many of us are genetically related to the Aquaferion races which have a direct genetic relationship to Christ lineages. Some of us will undergo genetic rehabilitation through our Aquaferion DNA links which connect us to the future planet in Andromeda Galaxy. The Aquaferion lines are able to heal and remove the genetic damage created by the Fallen Angelics and their 666 Seal by returning back into the Andromeda Core records. For some of us this is our future ascended Oraphim Christos body in the next incarnation.

Aurora Krystal Star


The consciousness units of the next Universe, the Rays of the next Universe, the beings that live there in alignment with Krystal Star and Unity Intelligence, are called Aurora. Krystal Star works with the Aurora to build platforms that are safe zones that step over the reversal fields running on the earth from the Frequency Fence and NET.

They are sometimes referred to as the Dragon Luminaries or the Tri-Tone Luminary Grid. They exist as three complete Triwaves merged as One field, with no energetic charge or separation. Aurora answered our call for assistance during the Ascension cycle, and they are the Beloved Guardians that are hosting this Universal Ascension and hosting our planet for ascension. They defend personal sovereignty through the Law of One for all life. This is our Guardian team for AoA Hieros Gamos, and this is one of their many ascension hosting projects. We communicate with them, through the Aurora Portal Networks, and through Mother Arc’s Krystal Aegis breastplate. Auroras many projects also are key in the re-encryption of our DNA, by healing the elementals and the chemical DNA of our 1D and 2D elemental body. Aurora is best amplified when working in the HG system to heal the personality matrix (1D-2D-3D) for re-encryption of dead light miasma or dead light harnesses. Aurora upgrades the core frequency of the elemental body and their consciousness units that chemically arrange into our DNA code. The Aurora re-encryption to organic matrix repels and dissolves the inorganic matrix of alien machinery embedded in the cellular and tissue levels. The Auroras may appear as multicolored orbs or sheets of pastel milky formless liquid light that may shape-shift into forms, and may appear similar to the Aurora Borealis (Inter-Dimensional Resonant Tone).

The Auroras are Opalescent White fields of Beautiful Tapestries of Cellophane like Colored Plasma. Many of us are noticing them as an adjunct or override to our 12D Shield, as they create an additional four main pillars around our Aura. This is being referred to as the Aurora Pillars or Aurora Body. This Aurora Body protects the Gold Monad Body and aligns the entire “organism” energy field to the system within the Aurora Hosted Ascension Networks. The Aurora Network is starting to generate massive fields of Orbs that are visible near our Aurora Aura Body personal field. It seems apparent to understand they are now coming to us in Orb bodies as once we have anchored the Aurora Krystal Star Pattern, we will learn to build our Merkaba structure to move in between dimensions. This is what an Plasma Orb body is, from our dimensional vantage point, it looks like an Orb, however it is an actual living entity or elemental. The Aurora Body seems to be a step taking us to learn how to build our Merkaba pattern and become a traveling Orb. This give us our freedom back, as its clear the controllers are not able to circumvent this from happening. [1]

Breneau, Emerald Order

The Breneau are Founder Consciousness (13D-14D-15D) that direct support to the Guardian Founder Races in the lower Harmonic Universe that are supporting GSF liberation and the continued spiritual evolution of humanity towards the Law of One. They are advanced beings from the highest dimensional worlds that appear as tall, luminescent figures with elongated heads and large eyes, when they physically manifest they reveal the highest refined emerald colors of the Holy Father Arc principle. They will never interfere and must be communicated with either through previous lineage associations or their presence requested with full consent and personal intent of Service to Others as a Guardian. The Guardian Groups include massive numbers with a great variety of different advanced species. The Guardian Alliance is directed by the Elohim Emerald Order Breneau who support the Guardians incarnated on the earth that are connected to the lineages of the Christos Founders Races. These are Starseeds and Indigos that have incarnated specifically to restore the Emerald Covenant, or reclamation of the Christ. The Emerald Breneau Founders specifically incarnate into the Lyran-Sirian lines that originate from Sirius B, as the blue azurites. The Christos Founders Races mission includes supporting the pathway of disclosure that leads into planetary liberation and Ascension, and providing the records for witness testimony on behalf of the earth and humanity to be freed from their alien oppressors and gain access into the Interdimensional Free World Council.

Founder Feline Races, Blue Ray

Founder Threefold Flame

The Founder Feline Lion Planetary Grid Network was created by the Elohim Feline and Leonine Christos races in their image. The APIN grid networks were designed in the consciousness Ray of the Founder Lineages, The Great White Lion is the Mother races of the Blue Ray and a part of the Threefold Founder Flame Aqua Blue Ray of Mother Arc.

There are Three Original Primal Order Sound Fields that make up the Ray Aspects of our entire Universal creation in the Universal Time Matrix. Collectively these are also referred to as the Founders and the Threefold Flame that make up the GSF Triad. The Threefold Founder Flame gestalt of Universal consciousness is called the Guardian Host.

Founder Cetacean-Whale, Pale Magenta Ray

To connect with the Founder Magenta Ray, and reclaim our Father of God principle Father Arc for the planet and humanity, we connect to the Magenta Ray of Father Arc. The Magenta Ray was previously under the control of the the distortions made from the invasion of the Planetary Logos that had severely distorted its companion 7D Violet Ray which connects into the 1D Earth core to merge with the Mother Arc Aqua ray. The Moon Chain lineages were sending magnetic field distortions to promote the Archon Controller patriarchal domination archetypes to the masculine which manifested genetic damage on our planet.

The Mother Arc is what has brought forth the Holy Father again, reclaiming his consciousness pieces for planet earth.

Founder Avian Races, Gold Ray

To connect with the Founder Gold Ray, and reclaim our Christos Sun and Daughter of God principle Christos-Sophia for the planet and humanity, we connect to the Gold Ray of Rishic Suns. The Gold Ray was previously under the control of the Golden Eagle Grid distortions and the Fallen Angelics damage on our planet. Since the Luciferian Rebellion the Golden Eagle Grid and the Gold Ray suffered tremendous distortion.To help repair this damage to the Seraphim-Avian consciousness that make up the Gold Ray and the GEG, the Guardians have been attempting to heal the planet's masculine principle and its Rod function through the Shield of Solomon.

Guardian Host

Founder Threefold Flame

There are Three Original Primal Order Sound Fields that make up the Ray Aspects of our entire Universal creation in the Universal Time Matrix. Collectively these are also referred to as the Founders and the Threefold Flame that make up the GSF Triad. The Threefold Founder Flame gestalt of Universal consciousness is called the Guardian Host.

Also, Guardian Host and their families are synonymous with the Christos elders, the Lyran-Sirian Founders, the Ancient Master Builders and Architects that are stemming from the Master Christos Collective that protect the Law of One, which is the path to GSF, for any being to be able to Ascend, evolve their consciousness and exist as God, Sovereign and Free.

Interdimensional Free Worlds Council

Abbreviation- IFWC. Through recent shifts that have impacted the core morphogenetic blueprints and vertical staff alignment in planet earth, we have direct access through the Neutron Window leading to assorted Guardian Defender-Sentinel Groups from the Interdimensional Free World Councils (IFWC). These Guardian Groups are from the God Worlds and oppose deception, Mind Control and slavery of all life forms, and thus protect spiritual freedom. Recently, the planet has received changes in appointing more Guardian Defenders and Krystic facilitators from the IFWC at every dimensional level of access. They are responsible for the recovery platform, which services the rehabilitation and education towards Service to Others, and teaches basic Ascension mechanics.[2]

Master Christos Collective

The Master Christos Collective are Ascended Masters of Krystal Star that may be communicated with in the Seven Higher Heavens or Trans-time continuum, which is located in the core of the next universes (through Andromeda) and corridors which lead into the higher creation realms of the God Worlds. They are a United Krystal Star Matrix Collective of beings from multiple God Realms that are in alliance with the Krystal Star and Aurora Re-encryptions projects. Their role is to unite all identities of the Personal Christ through all Precession of the Equinoxes Ascension cycles with the God Source and their collective matrix is the architecture of the Krystal Kaleidoscope which became accessible in 2014. Essentially they are the Collective Christ Sun Bodies uniting in the many universal cores simultaneously which phase lock into access into the Omniverses.


Krystal Star Guardians

The Oraphim are the original Guardian Founder Races specialized blueprint forms that were used as a prototype body for the 6D Indigo Family of consciousness. The blueprint bodies were stepped down in frequency as the 3D consciousness human forms were not able to hold the genetic material of a full Oraphim consciousness. The Oraphim blueprint is a Lyran-Sirian shapeshifter consciousness that has the ability to biologically transmute itself in and out of a dimenionalized time matrix. It also holds all Threefold Founder Flames, are the Primal Sound Fields of the Blue Ray, Gold Ray and Magenta/Violet Ray GSF) and direct the Spectrum of Frequency of all of the Founder Races of the Christos Consciousness. It is a full Rainbow Crystal Matrix Being....

The Male Oraphim form carries a stronger electrical field and specializes in electrical field transmission, while the Female Oraphim carries the magnetic field and specializes in magnetic reception. Together they have the greatest ability of any biological race to transmit and receive the Threefold Founder Flame (Founder Frequencies or GSF to structurally repair the Universal Blueprint Bodies all the way down to our density. They are the Keepers of the Universal Time Matrix, and the capacity for them to begin their creational purposes in genetic repair is now being revealed. [3]

The Oraphim is a part of the Diamond Sun DNA Christos lineages, the original humans created from the Founder Race lines. The Diamond Sun refers to the original design of the angelic human 12 Strand DNA Silicate Matrix. This was the potential DNA and higher consciousness experienced by angelic human beings in previous time cycles on the 5D parallel earth Tara, previous to its cataclysm. The Double Diamond Sun Body refers to the Original Founder Oraphim design of a fully embodied 12 strand DNA and further access to 24 other dimensions of Consciousness while in a human body. When the Oraphim DNA potential is activated, it allows for physical body immortality and the ability for the consciousness bodies full transmutation out of dimensional time. This is the true meaning of GSF of spiritual Ascension.

Pleiadian Groups

Pleiadians, also known as Nordic Aliens or Plejaren are humanoid extraterrestrials that come from the stellar systems surrounding the Pleiades stars. There are both benevolent and negative beings form the Pleiadian System, and they are the primary gatekeepers of the 5D timelines.

Most of the benevolent Pleiadian groups have a strict non interference policy with earthlings as the result of the consequences of inadvertently contributing to mass upheavals on the earth surface that were not intended to interfere with forward spiritual progression and consciousness growth of earth humans. Due to these destructive events occurring in the previous timelines, all interactions with earth people are strictly monitored, as the consequences of these previous interactions had generated karmic bonds in which certain groups were not able to evolve any further as a result of these previous events that resulted in destructive timelines. Of the humanoid types of Pleiadians, they appear very similar to earth humans, but have different variations in height, hair and eye color.

There is a collective group of Pleiadians consisting of beings both focused in bodies and manifesting as light beings, which are channeling information through Barbara Marciniak since the late 1980's.

RA Confederacy

The specific RA Guardian group that acts as the active principle in working to fulfill the Covenant of Paliador on the earth, is a section of the RA Confederacy that exists in the Seven Higher Heavens in the next Universe and contacts us through the Gold Ray or the 14th dimensional Stargate. The RA Confederacy has segments of root races that are referred to as the Azurites, Aton, Ammonites, Viriagian Masters and the 5D Guardian Pleiadian Groups called Aztaras. The Pleiaidian Groups such as Aztaras and Mayans are taking most of the load in helping to heal the earth soul groups loading out and moving into 5D evolutionary potentials, such as reintegrating the astral body, healing the heart complex, healing the shadow and pain body of deep trauma, and assisting with single soul occupancy embodiment. This lightbody and consciousness rehabilitation support may occur while incarnated in the physical and when actually going through bardo process while dropping the body.

The Guardian previously known as Akhenaton while incarnated, is from the Aton group and is intimately involved with the reclamation of Christos mission, the Paliadorian Activations on the earth. His mission is designed to protect those who are from the original Yeshua bloodlines, which he was involved in bringing to the planet, while working with the Azurite teams over 2,000 years ago. He is the original family patriarch as it is his bloodline that propagates in the Krystic bloodlines still today, although much misinformation is still propagated about him.[4]

Sirians, Sirius B

The Sirians are the original builders of planetary architecture, and this is why some higher factions of the Sirian races (the Lyran-Sirian Councils) that live in the Law of One are also called the Guardian Host. The Sirius Star in the Canis Major constellation acts as the transmission agent and higher self principle for the planet earth in Universal Time Matrix.

The Sirians have both positive and negative impacts to the earth evolution, as the Star Sirius is a planet in higher dimensions and portions of the timelines of Sirius B planet were corrupted though Orion Group and Reptilian invasion. During the second seeding phase of planet earth, renegades from Sirius that were influenced by the Luciferian Marduk races decided they wanted to create their own host bodies, and get away from the administrative structure of many ambassador bases that exist in the Sirius Star system.

Sirius B in the highest dimension (24th) acts as a Cosmic Outpost for multiple federation bases in the Interdimensional Free Worlds Systems. It is through these corridors that representatives from the Free Worlds, such as the Krystic human races of the Oraphim communicate or return to the humans on planet and those existing on parallel earths. Thus, through the anti-human agenda on earth, these communication links and portals have been attempted to be shut down and terminated from use as entry points into the lower dimensional timelines of earth.

Sirian High Council of 12

The Sirian High Council serves as the administrative body for the Interdimensional Federation's Task Force to maintain freedom based evolutionary agreements and agendas between all Star Nations.


See Also

Emerald Covenant and Oraphim Lineages

Empowering Enlightened Visitation

Law of One

GSF Behavior

Spirits of Christ
