Red King

From Ascension Glossary
Revision as of 01:20, 3 April 2024 by Lisa (talk | contribs)
Cosmic Father's Red King (adapted by Tomás)

These are Cosmic Father 48D Ruby Order instruction sets for the corrected Red King position within the planetary Ruby Templar Master Shield for the planet, which are systematically collapsing and disintegrating assorted red shield networks, artificial red wave rod and staff, and red cube clones used by Fallen Ruby Order branches for hijacking the Ruby Sun DNA template that was running the false Khem-Khemalohatea. The cloned version of Red Shield Temple of Khemalohatea was transmitting Artificial Ruby Sun DNA signals, lunar sound tones and archontic voices throughout the Stonehenge gateways and Grual points (2D-5D-8D-11D) which have been instrumental in enforcing Gender Reversals and transmitting assorted male and female Sexual Misery miasma into the Collective Consciousness of humanity. See Rehabilitation of the Red Kings. [1]

At this stage, we have learned that the Uranus Grual Stargate plays an important part in the return of Cosmic Father and the Cosmic Christos to the planet, and that the Universal Christ triple solar Ruby Rod shield activation in Uranus has begun an explosive destruction phase of assorted AI False Templars run by the Enki factions in artificial red wave machines that have been used to track, execute and clone legitimate Ruby Order-Amethyst Order Solar Dragons that were incarnated as the planet’s Maji Grail Kings. The Maji Grail Kings and Red Kings are the spiritual titles of the authentic divine masculine spiritual warriors from the Godhead, they manifest into Father Elohei Adonis God bodies as the Solar Rishic Dragon King protectors of our world spanning into Earth-Tara-Gaia and were created to defend the original 12 Essene Tribes of angelic humanity in the planetary rounds of the past, present and future timelines.[2]

Ruby Templar Ruby Rod

These Ruby Order Templar body parts are crucial for the Red King Quadrata body parts to be anchored into the ruby diamond heart center of Khemalohatea, generating the 48D Ruby Order Red King body for the seating of Cosmic Father’s King Arthur with Triple Ruby Rods and Ruby Sovereign Orb in Camelot.

Universal Christ Bloodline

Guardian Akhenaton allowed us to view his Ruby Sun and Sapphire Sun lightbody configuration at the time of his incarnation onto the planet, in order to carry out a specific covert mission to rebuild the Ruby Order Clockshield for running Rainbow Rounds for the Solar Dragon Red Kings, in which the Ruby Rainbow Arc System would circulate Rosetta currents to build out Universal Red Rose lines in the planetary ouroboros dragon rings to protect the Ruby Maji grail line and support the ongoing sophianic flowerings of the Universal Christ Bloodline, the Red Rose. These Ruby Order Templar body parts are crucial for the Red King Quadrata body parts to be anchored into the ruby diamond heart center of Khemalohatea, generating the 48D Ruby Order Red King body for the seating of Cosmic Father’s King Arthur with Triple Ruby Rods and Ruby Sovereign Orb in Camelot.[3]

Rich Fisher King as Rehabilitated Red King

Remember that in this context the Maji Grail King is not a tyrant ruler, but an embodied Ascended Master, Solar Dragon King; the Rich Fisher King who flows cosmic consciousness intelligence and an abundance of golden chalice frequencies of the rainbow krystal rivers and Azothian flows which nourish and heal all of life. Bestowing divine blessings held in the benevolent love and compassion in the emerald crystal heart of the Solar Rishic High Priest King who is at one Aton God Body, and serves and protects his angelic human tribe and lands.[4]

Hierogamic Marriage at Hill of Tara

Guardians gathered to witness the holy matrimony of the hierogamic union between the Cosmic Mother’s White Queen and Cosmic Father’s Red King as the sacred marriage coupling was made in the throne room of the Hill of Tara complex, returning in the Emerald Diamond Sun template into the planetary grid. Imagine one white queen and red king couple, standing at the altar in front of the Lia Fail, the white queen is wearing a beautiful white lace filigree ornate gown, holding a bouquet of white roses, the Red King is wearing a black tux with neck tie embossed with four leaf clovers, with a single red rose in his breast pocket. The Holy Mother Sophia and the Benevolent Christos Solar King pray together as one Emerald Crystal Heart united with God, as one mind united with God, one sacred hierogamic body united with God throughout eternity. Our White Queen and Red King are embodied as the beloved Christos-Sophia embodying the spiritual reclamation of the Emerald Order, as the clarion call is made to the Cosmic Emerald Suns.[5]


See Also

Cosmic Father's Ruby Templar

Ruby Rod

Cosmic Dragon Awakening

Rha God World Creation

Emerald Order

Cosmic Elohei

Pink Diamond Elohei