Ecousha Matrix

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Christos Guardian focus have been upon the Fallen Ruby Order Matrix in the Ecousha Matrix connected to siphoning and cloning abuse of the Ruby Sun Ascended Master Capstone Codes, which generated Belial Sun Thoth-Enki-Enlil (TEE) hybrids and their AI red wave clone armies, used to manipulate and attack humanity from the machined dark matter of phantom areas. These pockets are systematically being located, dismantled and outright annihilated, leaving these phantom regions and anti-God AI systems for generating energy parasite attachments in obliterated dust.[1]

Universal Quadrant (Ecka World), Father Arc Parallel is Ecousha Matrix

Founder Rishi Capstone Codes in Ecousha

Recent expansions into the triad of the 22D, 23D and 24D source fields into the Ecousha Matrix completed during Sagittarius Solar Cycle in January 2023, revealed the Godhead Founder Capstone or Threefold Founder Flame of the parallel Universal Twin Matrix as the 22D Ruby Flame, 23D Sapphire Flame and 24D Emerald Flame. Since we have been given access into the Founder Capstone, there has been a flurry of activity with multiple interdimensional gridworking teams weaving these threefold founder frequencies into the planetary Albion Lightbody and the Cathar body control system in the Rasha dark matter ring tone layers located underground. The Oraphim and Sirius B Maharaji were holding the 23D sapphire body template of the Emerald Order's Cosmic Mother to triple sophianic daughter architecture reclamations, which are finally coming to fruition with events transpiring throughout the globe now.

It appears the Cosmic Mother Rainbow Dragon’s relationship to the Mahara Reisha Blue Sun is the generator of the 23D Sapphire Flame, the 10D Sapphire Crystal Body and Solar Star, as well as the sapphire architecture that makes up the planetary shields for the 10th Stargate in the Middle East. [2]

Avala Constellation, Nine Holy Stars

The Avala Constellation is a 9 Sun-Star Constellation, accessed behind the Pegasus constellation in Lyra. From the Great Square of Pegasus, move slightly northeast to locate Vega and the Lyra (Constellation). Avala was connected by the Albion Lightbody during the Cosmic Energy Cycle openings during December of 2022, as the Elaysa-Melchizedek Twinned Suns appeared to highlight the parallel Ecousha Matrix, where the 22D, 23D and 24D three fold Sapphire-Ruby-Emerald Crystal Diamond Eye of God was revealed. As these Solar Reisha-Rishi founders were accessing these layers from the 24D Elaysian and 24D Melchizedek Reconnections to that eye of god, they ventured upon King Arthur's Star Body which appeared as Earth's Body inside the Solar Logos, feeling to be in the Parallels of Ecousha Matrix matters in the Universal Time Matrix parallels. This appeared to reveal guardian host founders to see or feel the Avala Star Constellation and to have that access from the merging and hierogamic union of the Elaysa-Melchizedek Suns happening at that time. See - Elaysa-Melchizedek Cosmic Suns of Creation [3]

Fallen Ruby Order "Eye of Sauron"

The Eye of Sauron is a negative eye system which was being called upon by many Black Magicians, and used to empower false Atlantian timeline histories as directly connected to the dead and Fallen Ruby Order cloned body of King Arthur's Templar in 9D Stargates. The White Horse Westbury 9D Gate held inversions and black grail tools used by AI Dragon bodies in the Albion being powered up by Wesa Alien Mother in parallel time matrix, and by Luciferian False Father mocking Melchizedek Logos inside of corrupted elementals in black-white hole spin points of the in-between space and time layers connected to the corrupted quantum fields operating in the Ecousha Matrix. As the 9th dimensional Ruby Sword and Ruby Rods of Solar Christ Michael were being restored by the Ruby Order (circa December 2022), the first stages of overriding and removing this Black Magician Aleister Crowley Death Magic powering up Thothian electromagnetic weapons from the Atlantian Invasions. [4] See Spiritual Battle in Fallen Ruby Order Matrix.


See Also

Universal Quadrant

Stairway to Heaven

Universal Time Matrix