Gold Order Melchizedek Amuvarians

From Ascension Glossary
Gold Order Shield (art by Sequoia)

With recent Rasha Cycle activations connected to the ring spans manifesting within earth’s crust, this has highlighted the 12th layer of the Rasha Body, the Silver Seed Ring, as being the master dragon clockshield template for the Bride of Christ. This is connected to the authentic silvery dragon ouroboros line of Brigid as the White Elohei Mother of the Stars, in which she has presented as shining her starlight through the Avala Sun-Stars for the purpose of rehabilitating the original seeding of the Melchizedek Orders of the Gold Thistle, Amuvarians. The Bride of Christ is permeating the planetary matrix with her silvery starlight current instruction sets to reshape the earth’s matter into her divine spiritual inspiration through the sacred marriage of her Ruby Order Red King husband, that have birthed their offspring principle through Nine Holy Stars named the Avala Suns.

Thus, White Queen Brigid brings our attention to the Gold Ray Melchizedek Orders of the Amuvarian Root Races that were severely digressed in the future parallel evolutionary rounds due to NAA invasion history that impacts current day humanity with galactic human trafficking schemes. In this timeline, Amuvarians are connected to angelic humanity in the future, yet in another reality during future events in the parallels, they were imprisoned and forced to be slave workers for building the outpost colonies for Zeta-Zephilium races. Somehow this time travel reincarnation trap in the Artificial Christ Consciousness grid was a NAA method that directly impacted the Gold Order lines to prevent the angelic human descendants as Amuvarians from fulfilling their highest creation purpose in the evolutionary rounds for completing their planetary Ascension.

These groups of Gold Order Melchizedeks from the future seemed to be designed as the genetic keys to finalize the planetary ascension, and by essentially capturing them, they were trapped somewhere else and unable to incarnate into this timeline. This also means that they have been trapped in a future time (not on the Earth) and recycling somewhere in the Astral Planes and artificial timelines as slave workers. This seems to be related to many of the nighttime astral plane Zeta visitations and related harassments that many Awakening humans that are connected to future Amuvarians are experiencing during the current timeline shifts of the ascending planet Earth.

These are original seeded angelic humans connected to the Gold Order Melchizedek lineages from the last rounds that are trapped in the future timelines in the parallels. Some are gifted ancient master builders or starship engineers that are related to the Order of the Thistle, and they were subsequently captured in reincarnation traps and then forced to work as slaves for the intruders, in what would be for us currently, somewhere in the future. Those angelic humans of the Gold Order lineage on the planet today are directly connected to the Amuvarians as their future descendants, which means if this is not addressed the future direction is one of consciousness slavery and Biological Drone bodies at the control of Zeta groups.

Guardians are focused in the Albion land mass in order to restore Planetary Rounds of Root Races that were originally seeded into the area many thousands of years ago, tracking those groups that are enslaved in the future timelines, focusing on the Nephilim Wars and invasion period which caused severe digression in the Amuvarian template from Fallen Melchizedek and Secret Space Program future histories. The current emphasis is that many of the awakening humans on the planet are currently sensing that their future self has been trapped into some kind of slave program on and off planet in the future that is being run by non-human entities, primarily Zeta groups, and these future experiences are happening in the astral plane parallels, which Guardians appear to be addressing during this rehabilitation phase.

Thus, Guardian teams have been back tracking into Historical Timeline Trigger Events with the original Amuvarian seeding, returning to Michael Wars in Aldebaran, World War II, and the subsequent histories of invasion which reveal how this group was sought out and trapped in future time for their engineering, architectural and master building skill sets endowed to them by the creator, Cosmic Father. The reclamation of pre-fall rounds of time through which to heal the genetic digression and traumatic history of the Amuvarians is also connected to the Failsafe Mission of the copper sun templars placed in the Temple of Solomon architecture. The subsequent cleanup and evictions of the many demonic entities conjured, evoked and utilized in the 2D gates for serving the dark cabal and the NAA for transmitting the global mind control Sorcery used for carrying out their Human Trafficking schemes is an extensive and ongoing project.

In addition, at this stage it appears that Brigid in her Bride of Christ, has created an entire Sun-Star Network for this very purpose to rescue trapped souls of angelic humans in the astral layers of future timelines that have been utilized as slaves for the Zeta and other intruders. It is a spiritual home specifically built for the Amuvarians, known as Avala, and it is being protected by the Bride of Christ and her Red King.

For those whom have endured the pain and suffering of Alien Abduction and milab related histories of slavery at the control of the NAA invaders in future timelines, may this bring some comfort to know that this issue is being addressed, and that ultimately the Cosmic Parents are restoring Cosmic Justice for angelic humanity in alignment with Universal Law.[1]

Avala Constellation, Nine Holy Stars

The Avala Constellation is a 9 Sun-Star Constellation, accessed behind the Pegasus constellation in Lyra. From the Great Square of Pegasus, move slightly northeast to locate Vega and the Lyra (Constellation). Avala was connected by the Albion Lightbody during the Cosmic Energy Cycle openings during December of 2022, as the Elaysa-Melchizedek Twinned Suns appeared to highlight the parallel Ecousha Matrix, where the 22D, 23D and 24D three fold Sapphire-Ruby-Emerald Crystal Diamond Eye of God revealed the Cosmic Founder's Egg and Cave of Creation to the Oraphim 24D families inside our time matrix, Akasha Matrix. See - Elaysa-Melchizedek Cosmic Suns of Creation [2]


See Also

Avala Constellation

Ecousha Matrix

Gold Order

Gold Body Activation

Rasha Body Instruction Set

Correcting Dark Matter from Terraforming Technology