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[[File:Warrior King Arthur (Protector of the Holy Mother and the Sophianic Grail).jpg|thumb|King Arthur, Protector of the Sophianic Grail (art by Elizabeth)]]
Reference from [[Historical Timeline Trigger Events]]: 1,400 YA, Invasion of UK to take over territory and 11th Stargate, kill Templar Grail King Arthur and his support team, last benevolent Grail King, [[False King of Tyranny]] replaces rulership, [[King Arthur]] is in Stasis in UK. Related to the Awakening [[Albion]] and stasis beings.<ref>[ Historical Timeline Triggers]</ref>
Reference from [[Historical Timeline Trigger Events]]: 1,400 YA, Invasion of UK to take over territory and 11th Stargate, kill Templar Grail King Arthur and his support team, last benevolent Grail King, [[False King of Tyranny]] replaces rulership, [[King Arthur]] is in Stasis in UK. Related to the Awakening [[Albion]] and stasis beings.<ref>[ Historical Timeline Triggers]</ref>

==Christos Paliadorian Covnenant==
This is the divine plan of the [[Holy Father]] in compassionate action, to restore balance and unity within the eternal light of [[Cosmic Christos Consciousness]] in which all of humanity is connected to the [[Solar Logos]] and Star systems within the [[Albion Lightbody]]. We come from the stars, for we are the stars. This holds the profound meaning of the return of the benevolent and rightful Christos Solar King to planet Earth, the restoration of the beloved [[Maji Grail King Arthur]], the resurrected [[Solar Anointing of Michael|Solar Michael Anointed Christ]] is rising to be the protector of the [[Holy Mother]] and [[Sophianic Grail]], which is the [[Cosmic Heart]] principle of Earth.
[[King Arthur]]’s cosmic consciousness body is directly connected to the [[Family of Michael]], who are also protectors of the 11th dimensional gates of [[Aveyon]]-Avalon upon the [[NAA]] invasion, so he can be considered the patriarch of the Michael avian genetics and [[Seraphim]] memories throughout time. See [[Reseating King Arthur and Queen Guinevere]] and [[Ancient Cosmic Father]].
<ref>[ Rise of Arthur]</ref>
==Christos Paliadorian Covenant==
[[File:Arthurrises12.jpg|thumb|Rise of King Arthur]]
During the timeline of [[Guardian Yeshua]] and later on [[King Arthur]], the [[Essenes, Christos Templars|Essene Christos Templar team]] attempted to protect the Giza stargate and travel to Stonehenge, which is the 11th stargate misaligned to [[Nibiru]], in order to release the [[NDC]] control over the earth’s planetary grid network.  Both of these Christos Templar teams were unsuccessful in their efforts in that timeline. Thus, the Guardian mission to protect the [[Stonehenge]] and [[Giza]] gates from [[Nibiruian Agenda|Nibiruian control]] and to avert pole shift, was passed onto many of the current Christos [[Starseed]]s and [[Indigo]]s on the earth during the current timeline of the [[Ascension Cycle]], in which we have finally succeeded. As the Nibiruian control over the planet is released, the [[Guardian Host]] and ground crew can correct the [[Checkerboard Mutation]], and reclaim the [[fire Letters|fire letter]] sequences and genetic time codes that were used to set up reversals in the planetary network.<ref>[ Checkerboard Mutation]</ref>
During the timeline of [[Guardian Yeshua]] and later on [[King Arthur]], the [[Essenes, Christos Templars|Essene Christos Templar team]] attempted to protect the Giza stargate and travel to Stonehenge, which is the 11th stargate misaligned to [[Nibiru]], in order to release the [[NDC]] control over the earth’s planetary grid network.  Both of these Christos Templar teams were unsuccessful in their efforts in that timeline. Thus, the Guardian mission to protect the [[Stonehenge]] and [[Giza]] gates from [[Nibiruian Agenda|Nibiruian control]] and to avert pole shift, was passed onto many of the current Christos [[Starseed]]s and [[Indigo]]s on the earth during the current timeline of the [[Ascension Cycle]], in which we have finally succeeded. As the Nibiruian control over the planet is released, the [[Guardian Host]] and ground crew can correct the [[Checkerboard Mutation]], and reclaim the [[fire Letters|fire letter]] sequences and genetic time codes that were used to set up reversals in the planetary network.<ref>[ Checkerboard Mutation]</ref>
==Paliadorian Activation==
This year’s [[Paliadorian Activation]]s have been especially relevant to the [[Maji Grail King Arthur]] Timeline, as those in his team were the last of the [[Christos Essene Templar]] representatives on earth that had direct knowledge of the Arc technologies to open Stargates. They were entrusted with Arc tools and the Arc Box that was given to the surviving Maji Grail Kings right after the devastation of the [[Atlantian Cataclysm]]. However, with the Pillar of Power activation, which includes the inner [[Rod and Staff]] lightbody configuration of perfect inner male-female balance, comes the living consciousness potentials of the [[Godhead]] that is embodied during Krystic hierogamic union, in which the outer Arc tools are no longer necessary.<ref>[ Arc Zone]</ref>
==Christos Scepter==
There have been recent energetic changes in the planetary field architecture related to the [[Albion]], that are also related to the embodiment and anchoring of the [[Christos Scepter]] or [[Albion Rod of Power]]. This has functions given to the [[Christos]] people in regard to the direction and focus of God forces and [[Zero Point]] Grual forces, in so to energize and bring forth the divine plan of the timeline of ascension-disclosure for the planet earth. The Universal [[Rod and Staff]] structure that is passing the zero point power source into the embodiment of the [[Benevolent Divine Kings]] to rise up again, and that process of embodiment is the Male Christos principle that is connected to the raising of the previously dormant, in stasis, [[King Arthur]] consciousness. This appears to be a new Krystic manifestation template that was anchored in the earth body during the Summer Solstice, which is a reallocation of energy current-power usage, a leveling of the playing field which gives direct [[God]] power and [[Christos]] forces for the purpose of actualizing and embodying higher purpose that serves planetary ascension and global awakening. <ref>Christos Scepter, Albion Rod of Power, King Arthur and Second Coming June 2020</ref>

==Ruby Sun DNA==
==Ruby Sun DNA==
[[File:12b-Emerald-Order-and-Ruby-Order.png|thumb|Ruby Order EO Mission]]
[[King Arthur]] was embodied in a 10 strand [[Ruby Sun DNA]] body which was designed to help restore the female [[Sophianic Sapphire Code]]s in the [[Solar Star]] chakra, which exists about six inches above the crown. This [[Diamond Sun]] lightbody part was damaged on the planet during [[Nephilim]] hybridization and when [[Dragon Moth|Draconian essences]] are incarnated into the human body. The Solar Star is held by the female crystal heart rose [[Staff Codes]] and are responsible for receiving communication directly from our Christos [[Avatar]] self. [[King Arthur]]’s embodiment returned the sapphire Solar Star communication with our Avatar and supported the return of the corrected Universal Hu-man five-star Adam diamond sun template back into the [[Albion Lightbody]] after the [[Sumerian-Egyptian Invasion]].<ref>[ Rise of Arthur]</ref>
The grail line of the [[Ruby Sun DNA]] are also referred to as [[Indigo]] children and hold a hybrid [[Diamond Sun]] DNA template that is the result of hybridization made between the [[Nephilim]] and [[Elohim]] genetics. Representatives of the [[Guardian Host]], such as [[King Arthur]] and his Templar team, as well as Guardian [[Akhenaton]], chose to embody in a [[Ruby Sun DNA]] template when they came to the earth in order to help reclaim and restore the [[Fire Letters]] and [[Time Vector Codes]] that were stolen from the grail line specifically. The DNA template was hijacked in which its coding was used to engineer the [[911 Timelines]], based upon the hijack of 9D and 11D [[Diamond Sun]] DNA coding inherent in the [[Ruby Sun DNA]] template. The remaining pure lineages of the [[Ruby Sun DNA]] imprint, exist on the earth and off planet, to which they are in alignment with the Cosmic Sovereign [[Law of One]], in service to others potential evolution to be able to choose spiritual freedom for themselves, and to be released from reincarnation into the AI timelines in the lower densities. <ref>[ES Gridwork, Ruby Sun DNA Reclamation]</ref>
The grail line of the [[Ruby Sun DNA]] are also referred to as [[Indigo]] children and hold a hybrid [[Diamond Sun]] DNA template that is the result of hybridization made between the [[Nephilim]] and [[Elohim]] genetics. Representatives of the [[Guardian Host]], such as [[King Arthur]] and his Templar team, as well as Guardian [[Akhenaton]], chose to embody in a [[Ruby Sun DNA]] template when they came to the earth in order to help reclaim and restore the [[Fire Letters]] and [[Time Vector Codes]] that were stolen from the grail line specifically. The DNA template was hijacked in which its coding was used to engineer the [[911 Timelines]], based upon the hijack of 9D and 11D [[Diamond Sun]] DNA coding inherent in the [[Ruby Sun DNA]] template. The remaining pure lineages of the [[Ruby Sun DNA]] imprint, exist on the earth and off planet, to which they are in alignment with the Cosmic Sovereign [[Law of One]], in service to others potential evolution to be able to choose spiritual freedom for themselves, and to be released from reincarnation into the AI timelines in the lower densities. <ref>[ES Gridwork, Ruby Sun DNA Reclamation]</ref>

==Anglo-Saxon Warfare==
==Anglo-Saxon Warfare==
The Saxon Wars were the campaigns and insurrections of the more than thirty years from 772, when Charlemagne first entered Saxony with the intent to conquer, to 804, when the last rebellion of disaffected tribesmen was crushed. After a bloody struggle that lasted thirty years (772-804), the Saxons were finally brought under Frankish supremacy by the great Frankish ruler, Charlemagne. The earliest date at which it can be proved that Charlemagne had the conquest of the Saxon districts in view is 776. Charlemagne was also able to win them to Christianity, the Saxons being the last German tribe that still held persistently to belief in the Germanic gods. At different times the Saxon wars of Charlemagne have been called "religious wars."
The Saxon Wars were the campaigns and insurrections of the more than thirty years from 772, when Charlemagne first entered Saxony with the intent to conquer, to 804, when the last rebellion of disaffected tribesmen was crushed. After a bloody struggle that lasted thirty years (772-804), the Saxons were finally brought under Frankish supremacy by the great Frankish ruler, Charlemagne. At different times the Saxon wars of Charlemagne have been called "religious wars." See [[Saxon Invasion]].

In all, eighteen battles were fought in what is now northwestern Germany. They resulted in the incorporation of Saxony into the Frankish realm and their conversion from Germanic paganism to Germanic Christianity.'''The period of Anglo-Saxon warfare spans the 5th Century AD to the 11th in England.''' Its technology and tactics resemble those of other European cultural areas of the Early Middle Ages, although the Anglo-Saxons, unlike the Continental Germanic tribes such as the Franks and the Goths, do not appear to have regularly fought on horseback.<ref>[ Anglo-Saxon_warfare]</ref>
In all, eighteen battles were fought in what is now northwestern Germany. They resulted in the incorporation of Saxony into the Frankish realm and their conversion from Germanic paganism to Germanic Christianity.'''The period of Anglo-Saxon warfare spans the 5th Century AD to the 11th in England.''' Its technology and tactics resemble those of other European cultural areas of the Early Middle Ages, although the Anglo-Saxons, unlike the Continental Germanic tribes such as the Franks and the Goths, do not appear to have regularly fought on horseback.<ref>[ Anglo-Saxon_warfare]</ref>

==Emerald Order Reclamation==
==Emerald Order Reclamation==
Guardian teams have recovered a massive amount of hardware, in terms of the alien machinery used to power up these AI holograms, that were running artificial Emerald Guardian holograms, and [[Emerald Order DNA]] code projections. This was used to attempt overrides on all organic Emerald Order coding, perverting the architecture into [[Emerald Tablet|Thothian controlled]] distortions.
Guardian teams have recovered a massive amount of hardware, in terms of the alien machinery used to power up these AI holograms, that were running artificial Emerald Guardian holograms, and [[Emerald Sun DNA|Emerald Order DNA]] code projections. This was used to attempt overrides on all organic Emerald Order coding, perverting the architecture into [[Emerald Tablet|Thothian controlled]] distortions.

This event has resulted in the reclamation of many important [[Maji Grail King]]s that had been captured and their consciousness trapped in the earth by the NAA that was harvesting sections of their Universal Christos body parts. Cleaning up the [[Essene Massacre]] timelines on [[Nibiru]] that resulted in the counterfeit production of the [[Emerald Tablet]]s and Hermeticism used in Satanic [[Baphomet]] practices, had kept the [[Maji Grail King Arthur]] of Tribe 11 in consciousness stasis. The Maji Grail King of [[Albion]] slept. As a result of recent [[Paliadorian Activation]]s and Emerald Order Halls of Cosmic Records being repaired from the damage incurred from stolen Holographic Disc translations used in AI timelines for erecting the [[Checkerboard Mutation]]s, recovery of the Universal organic consciousness body of [[King Arthur]] has been achieved. This also has mysterious connections that relate directly to the next stage of awakening the Albion land mass and Rose lines. This is a major victory for the [[Cosmic Christos]] family for regaining control over grids in the UK. [[King Arthur]] is a true Magi Grail King, and is now reclaiming his Pillar of Power, the Universal [[Rod and Staff]]. The counterfeit versions and imposters that were using his genetics cannot exist in the same space with his majestic presence now conscious and awake on the earth plane.<ref>[ Emerald Founder Records]</ref>
This event has resulted in the reclamation of many important [[Maji Grail King]]s that had been captured and their consciousness trapped in the earth by the NAA that was harvesting sections of their Universal Christos body parts. Cleaning up the [[Essene Massacre]] timelines on [[Nibiru]] that resulted in the counterfeit production of the [[Emerald Tablet]]s and Hermeticism used in Satanic [[Baphomet]] practices, had kept the [[Maji Grail King Arthur]] of Tribe 11 in consciousness stasis. The Maji Grail King of [[Albion]] slept. As a result of recent [[Paliadorian Activation]]s and Emerald Order Halls of Cosmic Records being repaired from the damage incurred from stolen Holographic Disc translations used in AI timelines for erecting the [[Checkerboard Mutation]]s, recovery of the Universal organic consciousness body of [[King Arthur]] has been achieved. This also has mysterious connections that relate directly to the next stage of awakening the Albion land mass and Rose lines. This is a major victory for the [[Cosmic Christos]] family for regaining control over grids in the UK. [[King Arthur]] is a true Magi Grail King, and is now reclaiming his Pillar of Power, the Universal [[Rod and Staff]]. The counterfeit versions and imposters that were using his genetics cannot exist in the same space with his majestic presence now conscious and awake on the earth plane.<ref>[ Emerald Founder Records]</ref>
==Lyra Ethology==
In Wales, Lyra is known as [[King Arthur]]'s Harp (Talyn Arthur), and King David's harp. See [[Lyra (Constellation)]]
==Essene Divide Construct==
[[File:AI-Timeline-Wars.jpg|thumb|Timeline Wars and Phantom Matrix]]
As the result of the recent escalation of AI Timeline Wars, the Guardian [[Christos Mission]] has reached the stage of dismantling sections of the actual [[Phantom Matrix]] infrastructure, the actual artificial intelligence architecture put into place through the insertion of the [[Artificial Tree of Life]]. The phantom matrix uses [[Anti-Christ Pillars|four main black pillars in reversal architecture]] to power up their artificial creations, based upon holographic inserts made of the four main Grual Point [[Christos Mission]] Guardians and their respective timelines. We have generated a graphic aid to help assist in the visualization of the concept of artificial timelines projecting from the phantom matrix, which describes the [[AI Timeline Wars]]. Please take note that this is not intended to be a literal representation; it is a visualization intended to help the mind grasp the [[Blended Earth Reality|blended reality system]] of organic timelines and artificial timelines that we experience at this time on the earth.
==Maji Grail King Arthur==
Arthur’s mission in spiral time was embodiment of the 11D Grail, protector of Hierogamic Edenic and Avalon Coding, the Universal Rod and Staff ‘Pillar of Power’ codes, and Emerald Order Reclamation. Guardian Christos Mission teams have recovered a massive amount of hardware, in terms of the alien machinery used to power up these AI holograms, that were running artificial Emerald Guardian holograms, and Emerald Order DNA code projections into artificial timelines used by Thothian-Luciferian Imposters. This cloning attempt in the phantom constructs was used to attempt overrides on all organic Emerald Order coding, perverting the Emerald Founder Records and related architecture into Thothian controlled distortions.
As a result of recent Paliadorian Activations and Emerald Order Halls of Cosmic Records being repaired from the damage incurred from stolen Holographic Disc translations used in AI timelines for erecting the Checkerboard Mutations, recovery of the Universal organic consciousness body of King Arthur has been achieved. This also has mysterious connections that relate directly to the next stage of awakening the Albion land mass and Rose heart lines. This is a major victory for the Cosmic Christos family for regaining control over grids in the UK, and now moving on to the dismantling of the fallen systems, the systematic collapse of the phantom matrix.
==Phantom Matrix, Fallen System Collapsing==
Through the current stages of the gradual bifurcation happening within the blended reality system, the fallen system of artificial timelines in the phantom matrix built upon the Artificial Tree of Life, is systematically collapsing. The more that human beings can embody love and bring back organic creator code, Base 12 math, returning the native language of our species DNA back into the earth, the faster the artificial system is being dismantled. This is the primary Paliadorian Guardian project alongside embodiment activations in the current five-year cycle of Morphogenesis that is leading the Christos Mission upgrades into 2022.
Those of us involved in the Christos mission may have received more aggressive attempts to ensnare us into anti-Christ consciousness traps, that are set by these same factions who are attempting to gain control of these areas through the manipulation of artificial timelines, cloned versions and projecting of holographic inserts.
For those of us connected to the reclamation of the Christos mission, the timelines involving Guardians, [[Hatshepsut]], [[Akhenaton]], [[Yeshua]] and [[King Arthur]] are extremely important to the fulfillment of the [[Covenant of Paliador]], which maintains the Aurora timeline continuum that represents full planetary ascension and human freedom. Thus, the psychological and spiritual warfare directed to towards the Christos mission is an all-out divide and conquer strategy to destroy Guardian team members’ timeline projects that are directed through the Anti-Christ underground networks. The ongoing strategy of the NAA is to implant thousands of people on the earth with artificial technology that inserts false identities with false memories through holographic inserts sprays, especially those related to the Akhenaton and Yeshua timelines. Obviously, this is a psychological warfare agenda using assorted artificial technology to gain control over the ascension timelines, going back to the critical events that happened in these historical timeline trigger events connected to the Guardian Christos mission.
When we reclaim the organic architecture in the entire planetary body’s diamond sun template, the NAA lose territorial control as the timelines shift, collapsing artificial timelines and sections of the phantom matrix. This gradually destroys the effectiveness of the artificial machinery and AI version of fallen earth timelines, collapsing the architecture they have been using to remain in control over the earth.<ref>[ Language of Living Knowledge]</ref>
==Rise of Arthur==
[[File:Albionrises2.jpg|thumb|Albion Awakens (Sequoia Art)]]
When the [[Albion Lightbody]] is activated through the [[Emerald Order]] [[Cosmic Heart]] and fully awakened by the Amethyst Order Holy Father, England, Scotland, Ireland and France will be the first demographic areas to align to the [[King Arthur Timeline]] through the [[Rise of Arthur]] in [[Albion]]. This phase of the ascension timeline awakens the stasis beings that have been buried deep in the lands, and brings on oceanic waves of the [[God]] Source and the [[Christos-Sophia]] rainbow rays or roundtables to pour into the Earth grids. The [[Albion Lightbody]] is the [[Diamond Sun]] template of humanity’s world soul from [[Tara]] as the Christos incarnate masculine-feminine identity, and it holds the instruction set of the [[Paliadorian Covenant]] which is the future record and destiny of all humankind to return back to their original spiritual home. Their inner Sun-Star, which is found deep in the [[RA Center]] of the still point in the angelic human lightbody.
We have learned that the [[Rise of Arthur]] in [[Albion]], is describing the means by which the [[Holy Father]] and [[Cosmic Christos Consciousness]] are returning to manifest into the planet. The current events have sounded the trumpet announcing to the world that the ascension timeline is here which leads to global disclosure. Currently, it appears the [[Full Disclosure Event|global disclosure timeline]] will commence with the topic of child trafficking and [[SRA]] practices of [[Child Sacrifice]], made by the satanic entities ruling this world, both human and nonhuman.<ref>[ Rise of Arthur]</ref>
==Reseating King Arthur and Queen Guinevere==
[[File:KingandqueenGL 2022-09-11.jpg|thumb|Return of Cosmic Christos Emerald Dragons, King Arthur and Queen Guinevere (art by Sequoia)]]
Current expansions into the triad of the [[22D, 23D and 24D]] source fields are underway [2022] in order to facilitate the [[Emerald Order]]'s Tree of Life, which includes the [[Triple Solar Masculine]] and [[Triple Solar Feminine]] hierogamic union within Solomon's Temple and the [[Krystal Cathedral]] architecture that functions as the [[Christos-Sophia]] dwelling that is required for the final seating of [[King Arthur and Queen Guinevere]] in the [[Albion]].


Revision as of 05:36, 8 February 2024

King Arthur, Protector of the Sophianic Grail (art by Elizabeth)

Reference from Historical Timeline Trigger Events: 1,400 YA, Invasion of UK to take over territory and 11th Stargate, kill Templar Grail King Arthur and his support team, last benevolent Grail King, False King of Tyranny replaces rulership, King Arthur is in Stasis in UK. Related to the Awakening Albion and stasis beings.[1]

This is the divine plan of the Holy Father in compassionate action, to restore balance and unity within the eternal light of Cosmic Christos Consciousness in which all of humanity is connected to the Solar Logos and Star systems within the Albion Lightbody. We come from the stars, for we are the stars. This holds the profound meaning of the return of the benevolent and rightful Christos Solar King to planet Earth, the restoration of the beloved Maji Grail King Arthur, the resurrected Solar Michael Anointed Christ is rising to be the protector of the Holy Mother and Sophianic Grail, which is the Cosmic Heart principle of Earth.

King Arthur’s cosmic consciousness body is directly connected to the Family of Michael, who are also protectors of the 11th dimensional gates of Aveyon-Avalon upon the NAA invasion, so he can be considered the patriarch of the Michael avian genetics and Seraphim memories throughout time. See Reseating King Arthur and Queen Guinevere and Ancient Cosmic Father. [2]

Christos Paliadorian Covenant

Rise of King Arthur

During the timeline of Guardian Yeshua and later on King Arthur, the Essene Christos Templar team attempted to protect the Giza stargate and travel to Stonehenge, which is the 11th stargate misaligned to Nibiru, in order to release the NDC control over the earth’s planetary grid network. Both of these Christos Templar teams were unsuccessful in their efforts in that timeline. Thus, the Guardian mission to protect the Stonehenge and Giza gates from Nibiruian control and to avert pole shift, was passed onto many of the current Christos Starseeds and Indigos on the earth during the current timeline of the Ascension Cycle, in which we have finally succeeded. As the Nibiruian control over the planet is released, the Guardian Host and ground crew can correct the Checkerboard Mutation, and reclaim the fire letter sequences and genetic time codes that were used to set up reversals in the planetary network.[3]

Paliadorian Activation

This year’s Paliadorian Activations have been especially relevant to the Maji Grail King Arthur Timeline, as those in his team were the last of the Christos Essene Templar representatives on earth that had direct knowledge of the Arc technologies to open Stargates. They were entrusted with Arc tools and the Arc Box that was given to the surviving Maji Grail Kings right after the devastation of the Atlantian Cataclysm. However, with the Pillar of Power activation, which includes the inner Rod and Staff lightbody configuration of perfect inner male-female balance, comes the living consciousness potentials of the Godhead that is embodied during Krystic hierogamic union, in which the outer Arc tools are no longer necessary.[4]

Christos Scepter

There have been recent energetic changes in the planetary field architecture related to the Albion, that are also related to the embodiment and anchoring of the Christos Scepter or Albion Rod of Power. This has functions given to the Christos people in regard to the direction and focus of God forces and Zero Point Grual forces, in so to energize and bring forth the divine plan of the timeline of ascension-disclosure for the planet earth. The Universal Rod and Staff structure that is passing the zero point power source into the embodiment of the Benevolent Divine Kings to rise up again, and that process of embodiment is the Male Christos principle that is connected to the raising of the previously dormant, in stasis, King Arthur consciousness. This appears to be a new Krystic manifestation template that was anchored in the earth body during the Summer Solstice, which is a reallocation of energy current-power usage, a leveling of the playing field which gives direct God power and Christos forces for the purpose of actualizing and embodying higher purpose that serves planetary ascension and global awakening. [5]

Ruby Sun DNA

Ruby Order EO Mission

King Arthur was embodied in a 10 strand Ruby Sun DNA body which was designed to help restore the female Sophianic Sapphire Codes in the Solar Star chakra, which exists about six inches above the crown. This Diamond Sun lightbody part was damaged on the planet during Nephilim hybridization and when Draconian essences are incarnated into the human body. The Solar Star is held by the female crystal heart rose Staff Codes and are responsible for receiving communication directly from our Christos Avatar self. King Arthur’s embodiment returned the sapphire Solar Star communication with our Avatar and supported the return of the corrected Universal Hu-man five-star Adam diamond sun template back into the Albion Lightbody after the Sumerian-Egyptian Invasion.[6]

The grail line of the Ruby Sun DNA are also referred to as Indigo children and hold a hybrid Diamond Sun DNA template that is the result of hybridization made between the Nephilim and Elohim genetics. Representatives of the Guardian Host, such as King Arthur and his Templar team, as well as Guardian Akhenaton, chose to embody in a Ruby Sun DNA template when they came to the earth in order to help reclaim and restore the Fire Letters and Time Vector Codes that were stolen from the grail line specifically. The DNA template was hijacked in which its coding was used to engineer the 911 Timelines, based upon the hijack of 9D and 11D Diamond Sun DNA coding inherent in the Ruby Sun DNA template. The remaining pure lineages of the Ruby Sun DNA imprint, exist on the earth and off planet, to which they are in alignment with the Cosmic Sovereign Law of One, in service to others potential evolution to be able to choose spiritual freedom for themselves, and to be released from reincarnation into the AI timelines in the lower densities. [7]

Anglo-Saxon Warfare

The Saxon Wars were the campaigns and insurrections of the more than thirty years from 772, when Charlemagne first entered Saxony with the intent to conquer, to 804, when the last rebellion of disaffected tribesmen was crushed. After a bloody struggle that lasted thirty years (772-804), the Saxons were finally brought under Frankish supremacy by the great Frankish ruler, Charlemagne. At different times the Saxon wars of Charlemagne have been called "religious wars." See Saxon Invasion.

In all, eighteen battles were fought in what is now northwestern Germany. They resulted in the incorporation of Saxony into the Frankish realm and their conversion from Germanic paganism to Germanic Christianity.The period of Anglo-Saxon warfare spans the 5th Century AD to the 11th in England. Its technology and tactics resemble those of other European cultural areas of the Early Middle Ages, although the Anglo-Saxons, unlike the Continental Germanic tribes such as the Franks and the Goths, do not appear to have regularly fought on horseback.[8]

Emerald Order Reclamation

Guardian teams have recovered a massive amount of hardware, in terms of the alien machinery used to power up these AI holograms, that were running artificial Emerald Guardian holograms, and Emerald Order DNA code projections. This was used to attempt overrides on all organic Emerald Order coding, perverting the architecture into Thothian controlled distortions.

This event has resulted in the reclamation of many important Maji Grail Kings that had been captured and their consciousness trapped in the earth by the NAA that was harvesting sections of their Universal Christos body parts. Cleaning up the Essene Massacre timelines on Nibiru that resulted in the counterfeit production of the Emerald Tablets and Hermeticism used in Satanic Baphomet practices, had kept the Maji Grail King Arthur of Tribe 11 in consciousness stasis. The Maji Grail King of Albion slept. As a result of recent Paliadorian Activations and Emerald Order Halls of Cosmic Records being repaired from the damage incurred from stolen Holographic Disc translations used in AI timelines for erecting the Checkerboard Mutations, recovery of the Universal organic consciousness body of King Arthur has been achieved. This also has mysterious connections that relate directly to the next stage of awakening the Albion land mass and Rose lines. This is a major victory for the Cosmic Christos family for regaining control over grids in the UK. King Arthur is a true Magi Grail King, and is now reclaiming his Pillar of Power, the Universal Rod and Staff. The counterfeit versions and imposters that were using his genetics cannot exist in the same space with his majestic presence now conscious and awake on the earth plane.[9]

Lyra Ethology

In Wales, Lyra is known as King Arthur's Harp (Talyn Arthur), and King David's harp. See Lyra (Constellation)

Essene Divide Construct

Timeline Wars and Phantom Matrix

As the result of the recent escalation of AI Timeline Wars, the Guardian Christos Mission has reached the stage of dismantling sections of the actual Phantom Matrix infrastructure, the actual artificial intelligence architecture put into place through the insertion of the Artificial Tree of Life. The phantom matrix uses four main black pillars in reversal architecture to power up their artificial creations, based upon holographic inserts made of the four main Grual Point Christos Mission Guardians and their respective timelines. We have generated a graphic aid to help assist in the visualization of the concept of artificial timelines projecting from the phantom matrix, which describes the AI Timeline Wars. Please take note that this is not intended to be a literal representation; it is a visualization intended to help the mind grasp the blended reality system of organic timelines and artificial timelines that we experience at this time on the earth.

Maji Grail King Arthur

Arthur’s mission in spiral time was embodiment of the 11D Grail, protector of Hierogamic Edenic and Avalon Coding, the Universal Rod and Staff ‘Pillar of Power’ codes, and Emerald Order Reclamation. Guardian Christos Mission teams have recovered a massive amount of hardware, in terms of the alien machinery used to power up these AI holograms, that were running artificial Emerald Guardian holograms, and Emerald Order DNA code projections into artificial timelines used by Thothian-Luciferian Imposters. This cloning attempt in the phantom constructs was used to attempt overrides on all organic Emerald Order coding, perverting the Emerald Founder Records and related architecture into Thothian controlled distortions.

As a result of recent Paliadorian Activations and Emerald Order Halls of Cosmic Records being repaired from the damage incurred from stolen Holographic Disc translations used in AI timelines for erecting the Checkerboard Mutations, recovery of the Universal organic consciousness body of King Arthur has been achieved. This also has mysterious connections that relate directly to the next stage of awakening the Albion land mass and Rose heart lines. This is a major victory for the Cosmic Christos family for regaining control over grids in the UK, and now moving on to the dismantling of the fallen systems, the systematic collapse of the phantom matrix.

Phantom Matrix, Fallen System Collapsing

Through the current stages of the gradual bifurcation happening within the blended reality system, the fallen system of artificial timelines in the phantom matrix built upon the Artificial Tree of Life, is systematically collapsing. The more that human beings can embody love and bring back organic creator code, Base 12 math, returning the native language of our species DNA back into the earth, the faster the artificial system is being dismantled. This is the primary Paliadorian Guardian project alongside embodiment activations in the current five-year cycle of Morphogenesis that is leading the Christos Mission upgrades into 2022.

Those of us involved in the Christos mission may have received more aggressive attempts to ensnare us into anti-Christ consciousness traps, that are set by these same factions who are attempting to gain control of these areas through the manipulation of artificial timelines, cloned versions and projecting of holographic inserts.

For those of us connected to the reclamation of the Christos mission, the timelines involving Guardians, Hatshepsut, Akhenaton, Yeshua and King Arthur are extremely important to the fulfillment of the Covenant of Paliador, which maintains the Aurora timeline continuum that represents full planetary ascension and human freedom. Thus, the psychological and spiritual warfare directed to towards the Christos mission is an all-out divide and conquer strategy to destroy Guardian team members’ timeline projects that are directed through the Anti-Christ underground networks. The ongoing strategy of the NAA is to implant thousands of people on the earth with artificial technology that inserts false identities with false memories through holographic inserts sprays, especially those related to the Akhenaton and Yeshua timelines. Obviously, this is a psychological warfare agenda using assorted artificial technology to gain control over the ascension timelines, going back to the critical events that happened in these historical timeline trigger events connected to the Guardian Christos mission.

When we reclaim the organic architecture in the entire planetary body’s diamond sun template, the NAA lose territorial control as the timelines shift, collapsing artificial timelines and sections of the phantom matrix. This gradually destroys the effectiveness of the artificial machinery and AI version of fallen earth timelines, collapsing the architecture they have been using to remain in control over the earth.[10]

Rise of Arthur

Albion Awakens (Sequoia Art)

When the Albion Lightbody is activated through the Emerald Order Cosmic Heart and fully awakened by the Amethyst Order Holy Father, England, Scotland, Ireland and France will be the first demographic areas to align to the King Arthur Timeline through the Rise of Arthur in Albion. This phase of the ascension timeline awakens the stasis beings that have been buried deep in the lands, and brings on oceanic waves of the God Source and the Christos-Sophia rainbow rays or roundtables to pour into the Earth grids. The Albion Lightbody is the Diamond Sun template of humanity’s world soul from Tara as the Christos incarnate masculine-feminine identity, and it holds the instruction set of the Paliadorian Covenant which is the future record and destiny of all humankind to return back to their original spiritual home. Their inner Sun-Star, which is found deep in the RA Center of the still point in the angelic human lightbody.

We have learned that the Rise of Arthur in Albion, is describing the means by which the Holy Father and Cosmic Christos Consciousness are returning to manifest into the planet. The current events have sounded the trumpet announcing to the world that the ascension timeline is here which leads to global disclosure. Currently, it appears the global disclosure timeline will commence with the topic of child trafficking and SRA practices of Child Sacrifice, made by the satanic entities ruling this world, both human and nonhuman.[11]

Reseating King Arthur and Queen Guinevere

Return of Cosmic Christos Emerald Dragons, King Arthur and Queen Guinevere (art by Sequoia)

Current expansions into the triad of the 22D, 23D and 24D source fields are underway [2022] in order to facilitate the Emerald Order's Tree of Life, which includes the Triple Solar Masculine and Triple Solar Feminine hierogamic union within Solomon's Temple and the Krystal Cathedral architecture that functions as the Christos-Sophia dwelling that is required for the final seating of King Arthur and Queen Guinevere in the Albion.


  1. Historical Timeline Triggers
  2. Rise of Arthur
  3. Checkerboard Mutation
  4. Arc Zone
  5. Christos Scepter, Albion Rod of Power, King Arthur and Second Coming June 2020
  6. Rise of Arthur
  7. [ES Gridwork, Ruby Sun DNA Reclamation]
  8. Anglo-Saxon_warfare
  9. Emerald Founder Records
  10. Language of Living Knowledge
  11. Rise of Arthur

See Also

Galactic Wars

Maji Priest King

Emerald Founder Records

Universal Melchizedek Lineages