Solar Feminine Melchizedek

From Ascension Glossary
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Sophianic Grail Coding (art by Sequoia)

The first Staff Holders were originally embodied as Solar Feminine Melchizedeks, and each had a genetic equal male partner that embodied the reciprocal Rod masculine principle, thus were genetically key coded to be the Rod holders. Over the course of many incarnations, the original Solar Feminine Melchizedek and the Sophianic principle on the earth rapidly digressed into the lunar distortions and Dark Mother reversals, which fragmented and captured the solar aspects of her original identity, pulling them into the black hole to become trapped within phantom systems.

This Paliadorian soul would have to incarnate as a female and work to activate the 12 strand DNA template within her lightbody, by reconnecting with her original Melchizedek or Paliadorian identity before being able to fully embody the Blue flame again. Until she embodied the Blue Flame and activated the Staff codes of her original Solar Feminine Christ, she would be unable to find and attract her genetic equal partner. Her genetic equal held her matching Rod and Staff genetic coding from the first seeding, and she would need to remember her mission to act as the main spiritual catalyst, for help in activating and building the Rod in herself and her partner. Also, she would have to wait several lifetimes during the dark ages for the end of the ascension cycle, when the planetary frequency would be high enough for the Staff codes to be reclaimed and activated safely. These specialized groups of genetic equals would carry the original Paliadorian seeding genetic coding packages, and would need to incarnate on the earth within the aligned timeline cycles and within specific family of origin lineages that would give them the necessary genetic imprints, in order to fulfill the Christos Mission of gradually embodying the entire hierogamic package of Rod and Staff codes. The Rod and Staff coding would ignite in the genetic equals who would be reunited once again into sacred marriage couplings during the Ascension Cycle, and whom had retained the genetic code of their original Christos blueprint.

Blue Flame Staff Codes

The lengthy process of repairing the earth grids to ignite the Blue Flame Staff codes of the Solar Feminine Melchizedeks and then activate the Arc of the Covenant networks and Arc Zone into the earth body has required an incredible amount of intricate planning and orchestration. This has required a massive team effort on behalf of many Christos Mission team representatives that has spanned multiple dimensions of time and into multiple incarnations that include the parallel reality. After millions of years travelling in the evolution cycles of this fallen time matrix, this great work of retrieving the Solar Feminine Melchizedeks from the black hole system has been achieved. The next stage of the great work is to fully embody the Staff codes and send out the call to our genetic equal that holds the Rod codes, thus embody the true destiny of the divine feminine on the earth, as a fully realized Solar Feminine Christ.

This reclamation of the earth grids has begun the next stage of embodiment of the cosmic origins of the Solar Feminine Melchizedek Staff codes, which resurrect the Mother principle into the Sophianic Template, which further transfigures the Lunar woman into her true identity as the risen Solar Female Christ.

Lemurian Holocaust

The Lemurian Holocaust was a direct planned assault on the matriarchal society and Solar feminine, in which many of the inhabitants were direct descendants of the original seeding of the Paliadorian races, and were tasked with the important job as Keepers of the Blue Flame. These main groups were Solar Feminine Melchizedeks, and they were protectors of the crystalline network of Mother’s Sophianic Template and Guardians of the North and South Ley Lines.

Through the correction of the Lemurian timeline, many fragments in the 2D layers which represent the split body parts of the Mother known as the Achamoth, were reintegrated back into the Arc Zone. Starseeds with this lineage as the Keepers of the Blue Flame may have undergone deep emotional processing with the sensations of being tracked and hunted down, feeling the hatred directed to the divine mother principle, and the waves of grief and sadness from this particular event. Through this event, the earth came to know Misogyny and extreme levels of hatred directed towards the divine feminine, as carried out by the NAA invaders.[1]

Sapphire Azothian Crown

Sapphire Crown Sophianic Coding

The Sapphire Azothian Crown comprises the krystic architecture brought forth through the hidden identities of the Solar Feminine Christ family, we recognize the Triple Solar Goddess formation through Hatshepsut's Christos Mission to protect the 10th Stargate and reclaim what was hidden in the Pluto matrix by the invaders.

Mu'a and Lemurian Holocaust

Lemurian Holocaust

The Lemurian Holocaust and the Eieyani Massacre in Kauai, and the persecution events near the 12D Stargate of Montsegur, were direct planned assaults upon the matriarchal society and solar feminine Christos-Sophia. Many of the inhabitants were direct descendants of the original seeding of Melchizedek’s, these were female staff holders that were tasked with the important job as Keepers of the Blue Flame and were called Mu’a. These main groups were Solar Feminine Melchizedeks, and they were protectors of the crystalline network of Mother’s Sophianic template and Guardians of the North and South ley lines. Upon the onset of the Lemurian Holocaust, this event opened our Planetary Grid Network to the extremely destructive anti-human agendas of the Draco entity invasion. The Keepers of the Blue Flame and the Mu’a females with original Staff Holder genetic codes underwent a series of genetic digressions, breeding programs and deliberate targeting to destroy the solar female principle, by connecting the female principle and the human Lightbody into the Lunar Matrix. By destroying the Solar Logos architecture and inserting a Lunar Matrix to hold the energetic placement of the planetary female principle, the lunar distortion would prevent the Mother of Dragons and her sophianic template of the Triple Solar Goddess principles from activating in the human DNA.

Universal Solar Female Melchizedek, Mu'a

Chalice of Cosmic Mother (art by Elizabeth)

Cosmic Mother as the sacred sound of the eternal God Seed held within her womb of creation or void state of dark matter, is the sacred seed of sophianic sound that spoke the mother’s language and ignited the eternal light that gave birth to the creation of this Universe. Where was our Universal Mother’s eternal solar body, what had happened to the aspect embodied in our time matrix creation as the sacred sound language of the divine Holy Mother Sophia principle? What happened to her triple solar daughters, the Solar Reisha, which embody the creation principles of the eternal musical tones of Cathar? To find out we had to awaken and remember that they exist as embodied principles of the sacred musical sound woven throughout this creation. Thus, we had to take the deep dive into the painful histories of the anti-Christ force invasion, the NAA entities who are also anti-God and anti-female in their belief system.[2]

Seating Planetary Christ in Albion

The seating of the Planetary Christ in the Albion via King Arthur and Queen Guinevere required vast amounts of planetary grid repairs to be made to the rod and staff architecture in order to host the Triple Solar Masculine and the Triple Solar Feminine Christ. This required the rebuilding of the Solomon Temple triple sun architecture to house the entire Maharata Christos Tribal Shield, for holding the complete Personal Christos Solar Logos records in the Albion. To build the organic rod architecture into the planetary matrix for the triple solar masculine through which to embody corrected timelines, it turns out it is the Holy Mother Sophia, Solar Feminine Melchizedek or Triple Solar Reisha that actually embodies and holds the triple solar rod instruction set within their right-side masculine embodiment. [3]

Stolen Egyptian History with Clones

The Solar Female Melchizedek family has had the perilous job of waking up to transfigure inner lunar satanic forces of Sexual Misery programming, while identifying inorganic female principles and alien implants that block sophianic triple solar embodiment. Further, to make these lightbody corrections within in order to find and retrieve the planet’s original Triple Solar Masculine rod holders, and as well to locate their own hierogamic partners. These are the Cosmic Christos Solar Dragon Kings (Rishi-Reisha) that have been trapped, plunged into stasis or had their massive consciousness body parts split apart and strewn across the planet by the invaders. They remain in states of amnesia until their body parts are reassembled and integrated, and thus the stolen history of the red nile cube Egyptian pantheon that tells of Isis returning her husband Osiris’s body parts in order to reanimate his consciousness and give birth to the offspring Horus, was hijacked by the NAA and designed to be a mockery of the Christ. However, the Egyptian storyline has many truthful nuggets describing the search to identify and retrieve spiritual body parts for Christos Solar Dragon Rishi-Reisha family, as the Solar Feminine Melchizedeks, not the lunar form Isis, have been searching for their beloved lost husbands and their Christos Diamond Sun body parts for multiple millennia. [4]


See Also

Build the Rod

Solar Dragon Queen Merida

Triple Solar Reisha

Krystal Star

Guardian Host

Natural Laws