Emerald Krystal Cathedral Network
As Emerald Guardian projects have been focused upon the sacred heart of Éire, there has been the opening of the Avalon key coded portal systems, as sacred mathematical sound tones of the ancient Hyperborean Emerald Cathedral entrances, that were recently opened and can be accessed from the Hill of Tara.
Pendragon Castle
The castle has a four pillar Emerald Krystal Cathedral hub for running rainbow rounds which contains the communication portal to a hidden Solar Golden Dragon monadic stasis being now awakening, beloved King Arthur. Within this hub was placed a Rainbow Watchtower, serving as guardianship of this region for the King Arthur 5D timelines, gently lighting the grid while humanity was existing in a very stormy time period filled with energetic and spiritual darkness, during the dark age.[1]
Emerald Crystal Activation at the Hill of Tara
There is a massive Emerald Krystal Cathedral Network with Avalon Portals found on several dimensional layers under and above the Hill of Tara, surrounded by about 300 huge posts made from an entire oak forest, the sacred oak of Celt-Druid Aryans. White Dragon Mother Ériú was the original protector of the Emerald Crystal built by the Tu’Atha at Lia Fail for serving the Celtic-Druid lineages in the region, and there was situated an enormous dormant Solar Dragon body with its underbelly at the center of the land mass in the Hill of Uisneach.
When the Emerald Crystal hidden in Lia Fail was activated on 9:9, the Emerald Cathedral opened into the Emerald Tree of Life and this was activated in the grid system in the Hill of Tara, opening up into a sprawling complex of many dimensional floors of an Avalon-esque paradisian world, extending its grounding cord into the Hill of Uisneach acting as the local Axis Mundi. The Emerald Awakening of the Emerald Crystal began to grow into extensive Sophianic plasma flowering chakras that are interwoven into the diamond heart crystalline grids which awaken the Solar Dragons that direct their consciousness into the Collective Egregores for the landmass.
The Emerald Crystal network is designed to function as the Cosmic Founder God Source interdimensional communication network of the Elaysian fields of the Cosmic Spirit Body within the planetary grid system. As the Emerald Heart of Earth is revived and linked up with the Cosmic Emerald Heart, it restores the Emerald Sun DNA 48 strand template, which all Indigo Maji Grail lines and Emerald Order representatives can gain access to from within their personal Diamond Sun template.[2]
Hierogamic Marriage at Hill of Tara

During the events of the 9:9 activation of Lia Fail, Guardians opened the fullness of the Cosmic Amoraea Shield in the location of the Hill of Tara, releasing the inversions of current reversal networks of Corvidae Curse by anchoring six (6) pillared solar shield networks of Cosmic Aton linked into the Cosmic Mother’s Elaysian Living Waters to awaken the Emerald Stone of Destiny. The Cosmic Amoraea Shield encompasses the Divine Holy Spirit of Mother and Christ Child, made up of The Six Emerald Crystal Heart Pillars further sourced from the original twelve Reuche Pillars from the God Worlds that generate the Emerald Order Tree of Life.
And thus, Guardians gathered to witness the holy matrimony of the hierogamic union between the Cosmic Mother’s White Queen and Cosmic Father’s Red King as the sacred marriage coupling was made in the throne room of the Hill of Tara complex, returning in the Emerald Diamond Sun template into the planetary grid. Imagine one white queen and red king couple, standing at the altar in front of the Lia Fail, the white queen is wearing a beautiful white lace filigree ornate gown, holding a bouquet of white roses, the red king is wearing a black tux with neck tie embossed with four leaf clovers, with a single red rose in his breast pocket. The Holy Mother Sophia and the Benevolent Christos Solar King pray together as one Emerald Crystal Heart united with God, as one mind united with God, one sacred hierogamic body united with God throughout eternity. Our White Queen and Red King are embodied as the beloved Christos-Sophia embodying the spiritual reclamation of the Emerald Order, as the clarion call is made to the Cosmic Emerald Suns.[4]
Guinevere's Arayanas Plasmas
The Triple Solar Goddess emanation of Merida-Guinevere-Brigid are preparing for the seating of King Arthur's divine counterpart Queen Guinevere onto the earth, in which the building of her Krystal Cathedral networks to anchor the Eireayanas or Arayanas flowering sophianic plasma fields, are designed to restore the Cosmic Amoraea Shield in the Emerald Krystal Cathedral Network which hold the Edenic Blueprints, transmitting through the Cosmic Spirit Suns of Eireayanas which are being reunited with the Ascended Master's Yanas Aton God Body.
Avalon Portals
Avalon connects with the sovereign Christos gematria of triple eight (888), and has Avalon key coded portal systems that are located in the intersection points of the diagonal lines of functioning crystal hearts, the sophianic diamond grid found throughout the planetary grid system. Avalon, often referred to as the Land of Apples, is a sacred mathematical sound tone mantrum connected to the paradisian reality of Golden Cities which can be meditated upon or repeatedly chanted when one is consciously focusing upon paradisian diamond sun blueprints. One of the central Avalon key coded portals is located in the number eight infinity ring ditch configuration of Teach Cormaic, the position of an ancient Hyperborean Emerald Cathedral entrance to the Emerald Tree of Life which opens its branches to span the cosmos, that can be accessed in the Hill of Tara in Ireland.[5]
See Also
Reseating King Arthur and Queen Guinevere