
From Ascension Glossary
Pisces (artwork by Sequoia)

During the move into Pisces Solar Alchemy, it is positive to review the Natural Laws and alchemical properties for this current stage in order to reflect upon the most potent and effective ways we can participate with and meditate upon the natural elements of the solar zodiacal influences to catalyze our highest spiritual potentials.

  • Stage 13 Pisces, March 12 to April 18[1]
  • Alchemical Theme: Ascension, Perfection, Christos-Sophia, Krystallah
  • Element: Water, Aether, Azoth, KSOA Divine Fire Water, Mutable
  • Geometric Form: Vesica Piscis
  • Planetary Correlation: Neptune
  • Alchemical Metal: Copper Rose Gold
  • Stargates: Reuche Pillar Gates act as the 12 layers of divine blueprints for each harmonic layer that feed all the way back to the Mother Arc’s 13th Pillar.
  • Embodied Correlation: Emerald Awakening and Eukatharista Activation ascension stages. Embodying the Emerald Templar Reuche. A quantity of the Cosmic Holy Spirit was transmitted into our Universal Time Matrix and formed into the 13th Pillar, which began transmitting the Aquamarine layer of Amoraea waves to ignite the inner holy spirit within the higher heart complex located within the 8th layer of the monadic body in human beings. The Cosmic Clock of the Emerald Templar Reuche in the Holy Father 12 o’clock position will anchor in the 8D center Azura point signifying corrected northern coordinate alignment through the holy spirit aqua-emerald flames that are merged within the Sacred Crystal Heart. The Holy Mother 6 o’clock position will anchor into the 5D center generating the corrected navel position and appropriate southern alignment for building a strong base 6 grounding shield or full Zero Point shield.
  • Pisces Rules: feet, toes, lymphatic system, adipose tissue, fibrin in blood, pancreas.

Spiritual Alchemy

Ancient alchemists have written that the goal of the Great Work is to perfect any substance, creation or situation through its transformation back into its essential divinity, or Art, within the matter realm. Embodying divinity and creating true Art are considered one and the same in Alchemy. See Magnum Opus.

Pisces Solar Alchemy represents the process of perfection achieved through the embodiment of the Inner Christ, the solar consciousness of Christos-Sophia which is only achieved through the inner sacred marriage of the Holy Mother and Holy Father, ultimately uniting them into a third state of stellar or Starborn consciousness. The incorruptible wisdom is symbolized by the solar Christ Child that results from the marriage of the true Cosmic Father and Mother, and the Stars themselves. This is the attainment of the complete preservation of the multidimensional body through the inner spirit, nourished in liquid plasmas, solar light rays and musical sound waves. One who has obtained the power of spiritualizing the multidimensional body and knows how to transmute the corruptible physical into the incorruptible eternal spirit, is also referred to as a Krystal being, who attains an eternal spiritual body and is able to break out of the karmic cycle to attain consciousness freedom from reincarnation in this time and space. This is the ultimate process of planetary ascension, spiritual freedom from the Prison Planet and the fallen matrices. This Great Work is the ultimate goal of spiritual ascension; the inner Christos-Sophia is initiated within the Krystal Spiral of the Sacred Crystal Heart to make perfect the complete divine human being, an eternal Diamond Sun.

The Krystal Spiral perpetually retains a living, breathing connection through the preservation of what came before it, as it expands into corrections of the Vesica Pisces through the Aquarian laws of Multiplication. Out of the one comes the many. Inner Sustainability is the result of integrated Spiritual Ascension and is the ultimate energetic sustainability when angelic humans self-source from within their own Soul and Monadic connections, the inner soul and spiritual source field are connected directly with God. Pisces Solar Alchemy represents the final Ascension Stage of spiritual freedom, this is angelic humanity’s annual opportunity for achieving their personal spiritual Magnum Opus.

Harmonization and Healing Themes

Merging Gender Principles; Holding your opposite image in neutral igniting Omnilove. Clearing anti-HGS broadcast reception, sexual trauma repair, resurrection of the integrated divine human blueprint, life review and depolarization of narratives, Mother Father Son Daughter harmonization of right relationship in all arcs of connection, opening tri-wave perceptions; seeing unity, double diamond sun heart purification, merging horizontal and vertical- becoming pure space of the still point, the no-thing void awareness, remembrance, culmination, transformation, the re-birth of the Christos-Sophia, reunion with the Primal Divine Mother, The Eternal Spirit Body.


The Fish lies between Aquarius to the west and Aries to the east. The ecliptic and the celestial equator intersect within this constellation and in Virgo.It has many clusters of young stars and the associated nebulae, showing extensive regions of star formation.

Physiology Correlated to the Galactic Zodiac

Physiology Correlated to Galactic Zodiac
  • Pisces– feet, toes, lymphatic system, adipose tissue, fibrin in blood, pancreas.

Law of Gender

All things exist within the Gender Principle of Creation, everything has its masculine and feminine principle, which produce metaphysical forces that play a role in creation and regeneration, nothing can manifest into being without this law. These forces arrange within the spiritual blueprints that translate into the gender principle that manifests itself upon all dimensional planes. There is not one aspect of life, consciousness and creation where the masculine and feminine principles remain non-existent or absent, it is an absolute truth that the Law of Gender is manifested within everything. It is impossible for creation to take place without this Universal Law in action at some level, even when the gender principles have been replicated, reversed, or manipulated through artificial technology. Whether organic or inorganic the Law of Gender will always apply to what has been manifested. Gender principle is intrinsic to every form in existence including the human body, which is designed in a gender principle biology.

Although the Law of Gender and the Law of Polarity are intimately intertwined, it is important to realize that either gender contains both polarities simultaneously, with the circuitry flowing in magnetic north to magnetic south, which moves in different or opposing directions in a male and female body. The male and female body on the physical plane mirror each other through vibrational correspondence that occurs during interaction between the positive and negative polarity that runs through what could be referred to as magnetic north to magnetic south pole positions. Every male has feminine energy, and every female has masculine energy, and during intercourse we perceive the interplay of these energies.

Once we unify the horizontal and vertical planes of polarity within the gender principle of our lightbody, we develop the neutral point in all energy centers, merging gender principles, which manifests as the eternal life body or diamond sun Krist-Krystallah orb body.

As we bring energetic synthesis between the gender principles, we also synthesize the forces of polarity present into neutral or zero point, and this is the evolutionary journey of the ascension process that merges our physical self with our spiritual bodies and ultimately, God source. When we live in harmony with the Law of Gender, it catalyzes profound spiritual healing that neutralizes karmic burdens and miasmatic patterns, allowing us to be unified and live in increasing harmony with the forces in the external world. Esoterically, to truly comprehend the Universal Law of Gender is to perceive it far beyond the physical classifications and biological limitations, to know that the highest nature of the gender principle is achieving Unity consciousness. Unity consciousness is intrinsically integrated with the Cosmic Sovereign Law of God or the Law of One, and Unity consciousness is the first practice of the Law. This informs us that in order to be in harmony with the Law of One and experience Unity consciousness, we must seek to understand the principles of gender in our personal consciousness, and intend to unify all of its aspects and the archetypal forces that operate in our gender-based identity.

The Trinity Source of the Godhead is a Unity that expresses itself in different aspects, but it creates life in the same way a human being creates life, through hierogamic union of the gender principles. The core light which emanates from the Zero Point, is the Solar light that created all things. This is what gives life and is known in different names, however, we choose to refer to it as the Unity Logos of the Cosmic Christos-Sophia eternal light.[2]

Azura Point

Christ Seed Atom

The eternal living consciousness field of the Cosmic Trinity forms into the Cosmic Krist Seed Atom which exists in the center point of every core manifestation grid template body and functions as the center point of the eternal creation. The Cosmic Krist Seed Atom flows the eternal Amoraea Flame of God's Holy Spirit which perpetually multiplies itself into living light seeds that holds the divine blueprint and instruction sets which time fields and matter systems are continually renewed and birthed into creation.

The Azura Point is also the inner sanctum of the higher heart complex, this is the area to focus upon to open and flower the heart in which one may then connect with the entire Universe, and communicate with the Krystal Star Guardian Founder Races.

Sidereal System-IAU

IAU (International Astronomical Union) uses the uneven size of the constellations. It adjusts the sign boundaries to match their actual sizes in the sky. The majority of sidereal systems use thirty-degree zodiac signs. But, the zodiac signs are different sizes in the sky. The IAU takes this into account.[3]

See Also

Galactic Zodiac


  1. Sidereal System: IAU (International Astronomical Union)
  2. Alignment to Natural Law
  3. Masteringthezodiac