
Revision as of 23:25, 13 February 2024 by Lisa (talk | contribs) (→‎See also)

Through the Universal Rose breath spiral, the three halls of record for Earth-Tara-Gaia, and the appearance of the Cosmic Spirit Body layers, humanity is aligning with the Solar Symbiosis star born cycle that has brought on the long-awaited return of Elaysa-Melchizedek and the Triple Solar Reisha or Yanas. This is the representative merge that is made between the eternal spirit body in the seven heavenly worlds that are finally being reunited with the divine counterparts of their physical incarnates located in timelines of the matter worlds. See Arayanas.

Solar Dragon Reisha - Yanas (art by Elizabeth)

Reclaiming Alhambra Complex

Cosmic Mother announced her mission to reclaim Alhambra on 11:11, to observe the energetic structure of the Alhambra complex on her behalf, which revealed the Red Cube network that was artificially put in place to mimic and control the red planetary earth principle in the elemental structures which respond to the Galactic tone 10 within the planetary manifestation. The artificial AI red wave transmissions were replicating the Yana families of the Solar Reisha into Black Dragon Queens in order to run lunar consciousness and metatronic code. The Yana would be a female principle ascended master type of Triple Solar Feminine cosmic consciousness that makes up the eternal Cosmic Spirit Body, the Yanas’ spiritual body layers were severely damaged from Beast Machinery and from being reversed in inversion spirals running through the metatronic tone. See Reisha Worlds.

Yana Sophia Code

Yana Sophia codes are activation sequence codes for the Diamond Sun Body that release dimensional locks located at each level of the spiritual-energetic bodies. When Yana Sophia codes are called for release, they open sound tones of current of that dimensional spectrum into the spiritual bodies and into the radial cord which links into all of the spiritual body layers and into the higher spirals of light fields that directly merge into the God Source. They reset the correct pattern of modulating the current of energy throughout the energetic bodies, purging miasmatic distortions in the previous current and are responsible in resetting the merkabic spin points. Yana Sophia codes are vertical and the feminine principle of the sound fields of current. (see CCW Female)

Triple Taras

Thus, the Sisters of Tara ongoing search for White Tara began, as the final sister was felt to be related to the Tiamat Logos, which was later revealed and confirmed to be the White Diamond Mother of Dragons, Beloved Christ Mary Sophia. She is the 13th Solar Dragon Queen of the Solar Mary’s and the wife to Solar Christ Michael that was anointed in sacred hierogamic union during the Pearl Activation last Easter, which began the Cosmic Dragon Awakening. The battle for White Tara through the identity of beloved Solar Christ Mary Sophia took us into the hell spawn landscape that is the horrible war history of the Fall of Seraphim in the 10th gate in Lyra, that later became the ISIS treaty for breeding lunar female hybrids that were intended to be mates for assorted invading species. With many sessions bearing witness to the gradual process over lengths of time to direct evolution towards the total lunarization and fall of the Solar Feminine Melchizedek and Solar Reisha, in which aggressive electrical weaponry confrontations took place in the Pluto matrix with assorted NAA forces parked in the Kuiper Belt defending their territory.[1]

Resequencing of Cosmic Mother's Elaysa Sun

This year’s newsletters [2022] have been revealing the major planetary grid events unfolding the gradual stages of the Cosmic Dragon Awakening and reunification of the Triple Solar Masculine and Triple Solar Feminine Rishi-Reisha in their hierogamic Emerald Sun template. These stages progressed through the ongoing retrievals which encompass many moving parts, that when reunited form into the eternal spiritual body for the Cosmic Christos Solar Dragons. These are the Cosmic Christos Emerald Founders, the Ancient Builder Races who originally built the creator source code and instructions sets for the entire Universal Time Matrix. This Cosmic Christos Sun family announces the end of the Cosmic Day evolution journey through the Universal Ascension Cycle, in which consciousness expansion into lower dimensions comes to a full stop. As the mass consciousness expansion comes to an end, we have completed the rounds of the twelve Astrological Ages, when all consciousness begins its return via a new spiritual journey back home through the Center of the Creation doorway. See Cosmic Dragon Awakening.

Thus, it was discovered that in order to bring Universal Elaysa-Melchizedek, the Solar Feminine Melchizedek template and the correct configuration for the Staff of Elaysa into the direct control of authentic Cosmic Mother Dragon, we needed to open dimensional locks in order to bridge 6D with 16D and then merge with 19D. From the first levels of recon available at the Vale of Pewsey near Avebury, Stonehenge and the Eight White Horses, it appeared that the 19th dimension is where Elaysa-Melchizedek and many other Emerald Order Azurite Ascended Masters were trapped and frozen in place, as their body parts were strewn across the Universe and hijacked by assorted AI networks and NAA entities. In order to get to this section of the parallel time matrix, Christos Guardians have been building out Triple Solar Goddess sound pillars to anchor the tri matrix Rashala and Hara Reisha domains, along with the divine solar fire-ice code infrastructure for the many Triple Solar Reisha forms traveling in the upper Rashala layers, which are connected to the Starry Night Dark Firmament. In order to host their triple solar female rishic consciousness (Solar Reisha) and Elaysa-Melchizedek Mother on the planet it required the opening of 19D-20D-21D. This expansion also functions as the triple hosting shield of Rishi-Reisha anchored inside of the Gaian Matrix, and lays the correct foundation for the Universal Emerald Rod and restoration of the related 48D Azurite architecture. It appears much of the organic Emerald Order 48D Azurite-Ascended Master architecture is available from the Elaysa Mother matrix through the 19D access to the Elaysa Sun.[2]

Blue Tara, Blue Solar Reisha

Additionally, the next stage of repairing the Mahara Reisha body of Blue Tara’s eternal spiritual body that is connected to the Taran planetary body has been underway during assorted Sirius B 6D access line corrections recently made available through the improved access with Sirian Crystal Temples. Along with corrections being made with the Sirius B timeline records related to reseating King Arthur’s triple logos Universal mind.

Blue Tara is a Blue Solar Reisha Dragon that embodied the Mahara Reisha central azure heart that connects directly to the Reisha Worlds and the Cosmic Spirit Body, and is one of the Triple Solar Goddess Tara principles embodied within Elaysa-Melchizedek’s Universal Logos body.

Mahara Reisha Sapphire Sun

The Mahara Reisha Blue Dragons are the holders of Hara Krysta staff into the Cosmic Hall of Records through their embodied Azura Dragon Hearts of the Cosmic Mother Dragon. The Mahara Reisha Sun, a Blue Sapphire Sun of Cosmic Spirit Body is also stepping down into the Mother Arc principle, that further down steps into the lower harmonic universe as the main Amoraea blue flame holy spirit body.

They are the Sapphire Diamond Body sophianic heart principle of the 10th gateway that makes up the crystalline matrix of the planets Tiamat and Tara in 5D. Thus, they are the higher diamond rose crystal heart principle embodied in the Solar Reisha that is the sacred crystal heart network of the Universal Time Matrix. [3]

Blue Dragon Tara

The female logos of Blue Tara was sourced from the Mahara Reisha blue spirit sun in her sapphire flame body, so when Tara exploded the 10D sapphire body connected to Tiamat in our time matrix exploded as well. The Blue Dragon Tara and Blue Dragon Tiamat are twin sister sophianic planets, and their spiritual connection was revealed as the planetary logos of Twin Sister Female Blue spirit suns held in the Universal Elaysa Sun body that had originally emerged from the Sapphire Diamond flame body of Mahara Reisha.

They are the Sapphire Diamond Body sophianic heart principle of the 10th gateway that makes up the crystalline matrix of the planets Tiamat and Tara in 5D. Thus, they are the higher diamond rose crystal heart principle embodied in the Solar Reisha that is the Sacred Crystal Heart network of the Universal Time Matrix.[4]

Cosmic Energy Cycle

The planet entered the Cosmic Energy Cycle during the hierogamic event of the Cosmic Twinned Universal Melchizedek Suns earlier this year, with the center core of the Cosmic Spirit Body layers opening to transmit spirit cell clusters that contain the 1st creation core memory cell of each unique individual’s eternal spirit family. This event further opened the doorway into the Universal Mother Dark Matter Matrix which holds many Solar Reisha Worlds filled with assorted mother lineages of Yanas ascended masters, many of which are connected to the original Blue Flame Melchizedeks, Mu’a and Aquaelle lineages that serve as Keepers of the Crystal Core. Subsequent to this, the building out of the organic repair sequences for the Emerald Guardian Ascension Host mission upgrades are continuing with excessive speed and substantial intensity, to anchor the Sapphire Diamond Shield architecture into the 10D gateways for the return of the Cosmic Mother’s Solar Reisha sophianic lineages throughout the planetary matrix.[5]


See also


Solar Anointing of Maji Grail Queens

Triple Solar Marys

Mary Magdalene Sophia

Mother of Dragons

Solar Dragon Queen Merida

Unus Mundus

Yana Codes

Releasing Feminine Wound of Eieyani Massacre